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Unwilling to accept or understand new


ideas or different customs;




B. Willing to respect the opinions and



behaviour of other people, with a




and liberal mind;




C. Quick to get angry, having a readiness to


become angry easily;





Having too high a opinion of one’s own



importance, the opposite of modest;




E. Intent on the purpose, having one clear



aim, almost fanatical;




F. Using too many words, liable to talk



too much, not concisely;




G. Selfish, only caring about oneself,




interested only in oneself;




H. Stupid, silly or foolish, either generally



or in particular;




I . Quick to take offence, over-sensitive,



susceptible to offence, easily offended,





10. Thin-skinned

J. So deep or so far away in thought that



one is unaware of what is going on




around one;


11. Absent-minded


Stubborn, stupidly obstinate, refusing to



change one’s opinion or behaviour




in spite of persuasion;


12. Self-centered

L. Very ungenerous, showing unwillingness



to give money or share what one has.


6.Surely, you know about positive and negative qualities of different people. Meanness is one of human nature’s less attractive traits. But few people are completely, totally mean. KEITH WATERHOUSE, a journalist, explains why he’s thrifty. Read the text below. What category of people do you refer to yourself?



I am thrifty, you are careful, he is mean. I am generous, you are extravagant, and he seems to have money to burn. More probably we are each a bit of all these categories. I know I am. I am a very generous presentgiver. I love buying presents – but I hate buying wrapping paper. I hoard scraps from one year to the next. I even recycle the wrappings my own presents came in.

The same applies to stationery. I have never written on both sides of a sheet of paper in my life. I squander writing papers as if it grew on trees, and I cannot go into a stationer’s without buying up most of their envelopes in five different sizes. On the other hand, I will not buy paperclips, rubber bands or ballpoint pens. I presume that sufficient numbers of these will appear of their own accord.

Some of my best friends are mean about string. They carefully unravel and save every scrap that comes into their possession. I don’t know why, since hardly anyone uses string these days and certainly no one has a need for 150 metres of it, which is what one lady I know has accumulated.

There are also people who are obsessively careful with money. They are the sorts who get off the bus a stop early to avoid paying a higher fare, or roam supermarkets looking for special offers and coupon discounts. This is fine, as long as these economies are not inflicted upon others. There is nothing quite so tiresome as someone with an obsession about switching off lights, or saving the scrap of food.

It is when thrift affects one’s social life that it becomes meanness. The famous American multimillionaire J. Paul Getty gave away billions but is remembered for the pay phone he installed for the use of his guests. A psychiatrist friend of mine maintains that mean people are insecure. But then he says that about overgenerous people too. Mean people fear that their money will run out on them; overgenerous one’s that their friends will.

7.Your jeans and your personality.

Believe it or not, your jeans can indicate some of your personality traits! Pick out favourable style of jeans and read the analysis.

Baggy jeans

Tight jeans

Faded and worn-out jeans

Decorated jeans


Designer jeans

Standard jeans

All styles of jeans

Baggy jeans

People who wear baggy or oversized jeans are often shy and indecisive. They lack self-confidence and tend to worry about their appearance.

Tight jeans

People who wear tight jeans are self-confident and like to be the center of attention. They know how to attract attention from the opposite sex.

Faded and worn-out jeans

People who like old worn-out jeans are usually independent and sincere. They aren’t interested in money or status symbols.

Decorated jeans

Those who like jeans that are decorated with patches, ornaments, etc want to show that they are unique and creative. They love thinking up new ideas and like change.

Designer jeans

Those who wear designer jeans, particularly from a well-known designer, and love to show off that label to the world aren’t really satisfied with what they currently are, and are looking for that extra recognition from people around them.

Standard jeans

Those who like to wear standard blue jeans (not tight, baggy, decorated, etc) are content with their current status and life style. They normally wear Jeans not only when it’s appropriate to do so. Sounds like a real gentleman or lady, doesn’t it?

All styles of jeans

Some people do collect all types of jeans as listed above. This definitely shows that they also have a collection of personalities as well! One thing is for sure; these people are very adaptable, changing with the times, and probably get bored very quickly.


8.We suppose, that many of you have pets. And you’ve probably noticed that not only people are different, but animals are too.

* * *

Cats are solitary egoists and appeal to people who are self-contained. Dogs like to please and be loved. They tend to attract outgoing people.

Do you agree with this statement? Can you think of examples from your own experience to support or contradict it?

Look at the pictures of the five most popular breeds of cats and dogs in Britain and read the comments on them made by Mark Evans.



The epitome of feline indolence. Vet Mark Evans says: “It needs lots of grooming and attention. It doesn’t suit everyone.


Incredibly intelligent. “Very, very nice cat that talks to you the whole time,” says Mark. The perfect one for the lonely, but a pain in the neck if all you want is a quite life.


Excellent hunting skills. “It takes no prisoners out of doors,” warns Mark. People who like wildlife shouldn’t keep this breed. People with a mouse problem should.

Domestic Short Hair

The most common type of cat. It’s a good sensible sort, well adjusted. “A good all-rounder, suitable for anyone.”


Sophisticated and decadent. Bred for its unusual colouring. An art form among cats.


York Terrier

If it were scaled up to the size of the Labrador our streets would not be safe. It would suit an older, tolerant owner, but could be a disastrous choice for families.



This breed is as loyal as they come. It would die for its master, or just another titbit. “This is a dog that just can’t say no when it comes to food,” says Mark.

German Shepherd (or Alsatian)

“It can be nicest, or the most vicious of dogs,” Mark warns. “It’s important to know what the mother is like. It also tends to suffer from every disease known to dogs.”

West Highland White Terrier

Utterly fearless, alert and very vocal. It will send the neighbours barking mad; best for those who live a long way from civilization.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Whoever designed the Cavalier forgot about brains. Rather dim, but very amusing. “A bit smelly,” cautions Mark, “although it makes an ideal, quiet companion.

Which of the dogs and cats is best described by the adjectives given below? Write the correct number in the space, as in the example

Very lazy … 1

very aggressive

Very intelligent

a born killer

Very brave


Subject to illness

reliably normal

Not very intelligent

bred mainly for its appearance

9. Fill the gaps with a word below. Only use each word once.






sensitive sensible strict






stubborn silly nice














1 Janet is incredibly…… . She always arrives on time and does her job well. 2 It’s impossible to say anything to his grandmother. One word and she starts crying. She’s so …… .

3 I wonder why he is so …… . He has got lots of money but he hates spending it.

4 When she was a child, her parents were incredibly …… . Whenever she did the smallest thing wrong, they would send her to bed.


5 Ann is such a …… girl. She is always laughing and smiling.

6 Come on, Maria! You can’t go on a country walk wearing high heels. Do be …… for once.

7 I’ll give you a lift home if you’re …… to me.

8 She was so …… and understanding. When I told her my problems, I immediately felt better afterwards.

9 In westerns, the hero is always …… . He always beats his enemies and can put up with any hardship.

10 That’s the second plate you’ve broken this week. Why do you have to be so …… ?

11 I think he is an extremely …… boy. He laughs at stupid things and never concentrates in class.

12 Children are often really …… . They hide behind their mothers when guests come.

13 Don’t be …… , Cathy. You’ve got to learn to share things with other children.

14 She is 100% …… . I’d leave my money, car, anything for her to look after.

15 When I broke my leg, the nurse was so ……that she hardly hurt me at all. 16 Why do you get angry all the time? You are so …… .

17 Bob is my best friend. He remained …… through all my problems.

18 He is such a …… person with his boring little job and his boring little wife.

19 He is terribly …… . Once he has made up his mind, it is impossible to get him to change it even if it is obvious that he is wrong.

20 The general was really …… . Just when the enemy thought it had won the battle, he played his best card.


1. How do you think your personal qualities will influence your future business activity?

Assess your character: What sort of person are you?

Put Y

for “Yes”,


for “No”, and S

for “Sometimes”








Are you generally aware of other people’s feeling?



Do you find it difficult to meet new people?



Do you frequently make people laugh?



Does your mood change often and suddenly?



When decisions have to be made, do you think first of yourself?



Can your friends trust you and depend on you?



Do you generally like other people’s company?



Are there lots of things you want to do in your professional life?



Can you usually understand other people and their point of view?



Do you worry and think too much about detail?



Are you usually quite a happy, smiling person?



Are you interested in other people and their business?



Do you sometimes not tell the truth because you don’t want to hurt



someone’s feelings?

2. Match these adjectives with the questions above.

























3.Which of these do you think are positive, and which negative qualities?

4.Describe your personality using as many adverbs of degree as possible: rather, a bit, fairly, very, terribly, incredibly, so, awfully, not at all, really.

5.How do your qualities influence your business activity? Share your opinions with partners.

6.Fill in the chart using definitions.