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1._ ggr _ ss _ v _ Someone who likes to fight.

2.c _ t _ s Someone who doesn’t take risks.

3.c _ ns _ rv _ t _ v _ Someone who doesn’t like change.

4.cr _ t _ v _ Someone who has new ideas.

5.c _ r _ s Someone who wants to know about everything.

6.d _ t _ rm _ n _ d Someone who won’t be stopped.

7.dyn _ m _ c Someone with a lot of energy.

8._sy _ g _ng Someone who is relaxed and tolerant.

9._nd _ v _ d _ l _ st _ c Someone who likes to do things his/her own way.

10._ pt _ m _ st _ c Someone who thinks everything will be O’K.

11.p _ t _ nt Someone who doesn’t get angry when they have to wait.

12.r _ l _ bl Someone who does what he/she says he/she will do.

13.s _ c _ nf _ d _ nt Someone who believes in him or herself.

14.s _ nc _ t _ v _ Someone who is aware of other people’s feelings.

15.s _ nc _ r _ Someone who means what he/she says.

16.s _ c _ bl Someone who likes talking and meeting people.

17.t _ ctf _ l Someone who finds effective ways of communicating bad news.

18._ n _ m _ t _ n _ I Someone with no feelings.

7. Deal with the following questionnaire.

Are you a natural leader?


1. When you know a subordinate is having difficulties with a task, can you resist the temptation to take over immediately?

2.Can you stay calm at times of crisis?

3.Are you comfortable with change?

4.Can you create an atmosphere of enthusiasm in a group of people?



5. In the middle of day-to-day problems can you concentrate on future needs?

6.Can you discard your ideas and accept other people’s in their place?

7.Do you give credit to people for their contributions?

8.Can you put yourself in someone else’s shoes’: understand their motivations when they are different from your own?

9.Do you have a consistent approach to problems?

10.Do you praise other people whenever you can?

11.Can you keep a secret?

12.Do you set high standards and clear objectives?

13.Do you take an interest people’s lives?

14.Can you accept a subordinate may understand the technical aspects of the matter better than you?

15.Сan you decisively act when time is short?

8.Tell the partners your job title. List the qualities given above taking into consideration the following categories.

а) An essential quality for your job (The CEO must be ………… ). adjective.

b) Not essential, but desirable (should).


c)Irrelevant (may)

d)Undesirable, a bad quality for the job (mustn’t)

9.The perfect manager should know now to make people follow him/her. Complete the questionnaire. Discuss the questions with your partners, recollect some situations related to the questions and retell them to your class.

10.People say nobody’s perfect. Think over your idea about the perfect boss. Range these adjectives from the point of view of their priority. Share your opinion with your partners.

Positive qualities

Negative qualities









































11. To the psychologists’ opinion, the four shapes above represent different personality types. In pairs, match these phrases with what you think is the appropriate shape.


High achiever

enjoys a challenge


methodical clear

goals a warm personality

skilled negotiator







Now choose the shape you like the best and read the description. Did you match the expressions to the shapes correctly? How accurately does the description reflect your personality? Do you think tests like this are valid? y or why not?

The Aspirer This is the only symbol with a clear sense of direction and if is the first choice of high achievers. You set yourself clear goals in life and work single-mindedly towards them.

The Admirer The circle’s perfect harmony attracts those with a warm personality whose skill lies in dealing with people. An intuitive understanding of others makes you a skilled negotiator. You are a good listener.

The Inspirer This eccentric symbol is favoured by those who thrive on variety and like being involved in great many activities at the same time. You are enthusiastic and bursting with energy and are attracted by new tasks and unfamiliar challenges.

The Enquirer



The logic of this symbol appeals to

objective thinkers who


problems carefully and methodically before

reaching any conclusions. You base your decisions on fact and figures.


12. Are certain types of people attracted to certain jobs? Read the description of personality types below and match these jobs with one or more of the personality types below. Give reasons for your choices.

a counselor

a dancer an accountant

a scientist

a racing car driver

a gambler

a civil servant

a librarian

an inventor

a mathematician


an author

a social worker







*Troubleshooters must be free. They cannot be confined for too long. They do what they want and when they want. In fact, they are compulsive “doers”. A Troubleshooter is only defeated temporarily. They have high tolerances for discomfort, fatigue and pain. And they are courageous. They need jobs that involve action. Troubleshooters see the world as it is. They don’t rely on other people’s policies and guidelines to solve problems. Instead, they make up their own.

*Stabilizers give a good day’s work for a good day’s pay. They can be counted on to do the right thing at the right time. They want to be useful to society. Stabilizers are not dependent on others. They are givers not receivers. They accept responsibility easily and will finish a job even if they are over-loaded with work. Stabilizers look on change with caution and suspicion and believe it is better when change happens slowly rather than suddenly.

*Analysts strive to do things well and are the most self-analytical of all the personalities. They are always trying to improve, monitoring their progress and checking their skills. They are perfectionists who become tense when they are under too much stress. Analysts listen closely to new ideas and can change easily as long as it makes sense. The Analyst is never willing to repeat an error, and once they master a skill, they move on to something else. *Seekers hunger to have an identity that is uniquely their own. They want to make a difference, and their contributions must be recognized and appreciated. They are attracted to work where they can help others. They are also drawn to anything that involves verbal or written communication. Although they like to finish what they have started, they also tend to move from idea to idea. Seekers are more interested in people than in things. They seek relationships because they must interact.


13. Will your future job be the right job for you? Find out by doing this quiz. Work in pairs. Tick the statements your partner agrees with.


1.I’d love to do a parachute jump.

2.I don’t like telling other people what to do.

3.I prefer spending time on my own rather than in a crowd.

4.I find it easy to set myself objectives.

5.I have difficulty making decisions.

6.I find it difficult meeting new people.

7.I’d love to travel abroad.

8.Friends sometimes complain that I order them around.

9.I like to have the advice and support of people more experienced than myself.

10.I don’t like volunteering opinions in case they are unpopular.

11.I like to try to find new solutions to old problems.

12.I would prefer to be team captain than team member.

13.I get embarrassed easily.

14.I don’t mind where I go with my friends as long as they are happy.

15.I like the latest fashions.

16.I like to be fully responsible for anything that I do.

14. Now add up your ticks and check your scores. Three or four ticks in any category indicate personality characteristics you should take into account of when choosing a job.





































Personality types



The entrepreneur

You are the adventurous type. You enjoy new challenges and taking risks. You could find success in stock market dealing rooms or anywhere you can put your flashes of genius to good use.

B Characteristics: The team worker

You work well with others but dislike having responsibility for other people, preferring to implement other people’s plans rather than your own. You would probably do well in the armed forces or the Civil Service.

C Characteristics: The backroom worker

You are a little shy, and find it difficult to mix with new people. You would do well in any behind-the-scenes job where you don’t have to come face-to-face with strangers every day, such as a researcher or a librarian.

D Characteristics: The leader

You are confident in your abilities and you prefer to be in charge rather than to take orders. You enjoy having lots of people around you and would do well in a managerial post or any job, which involves selling.


1. What star sign are you?

Capricorn (22 Dec – 19 Jan)

Aquarius (20 Jan – 18 Feb)

Pisces (19 Feb – 20 Mar)

Aries (21 Mar – 19 Apr)

Taurus (20 Apr – 20 May)

Gemini (21 May – 20 Jun)

Cancer (21 Jun – 22 Jul)

Leo (23 Jul – 22 Aug)

Virgo (23 Aug – 22 Sep)

Libra (23 Sep – 22 Oct)

Scorpio (23 Oct – 21 Nov)

Sagittarius (21 Nov – 21 Dec)

2.Can you guess what signs are described?

A)They are happiest when they are at home. They are domesticated, cheerful, and affectionate. They are also sympathetic and sensitive. Kind, loyal friends.


B)They have hot tempers and biting tongues. They like giving orders. Furthermore, they are very strong-willed. They are good at emergences. They make very bad enemies.

C)They are charming, intelligent, and friendly, although I wouldn’t trust them very much. They are creative and easy going. They get fed up very quickly, and also find it hard to concentrate for long.

D)Bold and daring, they are very ambitious. However, they are not only careless of other’s feelings but they are also poor listeners.

E)They are athletic and love outdoor life. In addition, they are very good with their hands. They don’t mind hard work, but find it difficult to relax. They don’t obey orders very well.

F)They are calm and hate quarreling, perhaps they are unambitious. They make excellent parents and neighbours. On the negative side, they can be cool and mean with money

G)They go from one extreme to the other. Life is a series of ups and downs. They care a lot for the problems of the world and major issues. They always stand out from the crowd. Not always very practical, though.

H)They are hard to understand. They are very easily influenced by others, and can be passive. They have strong family ties, but can be a little sad and unhappy.

I)They are fearless, although never foolishly so. They are trustworthy and honest. They make friends and enemies easily, although they may not pay enough attention to others.

J)They are very just and believe in fairness. They always want good relations with every one. They have excellent taste, and can also be artistic. They can be dreamers, and money slips through their fingers.

K)They are deep thinkers, often they are too serious. They make good students. Their temper can be sudden, and they like telling people what to do. They can also be intolerant and sometimes moody.

L)Although jolly and cheerful, they can be impolite as well. They often make their way to the top. They think a lot of themselves, and though generous hosts, they are not one hundred percent trustworthy


3.Now read the qualities of certain star signs and compare them with your answers.


*strong, enthusiastic, positive, optimistic, ambitious, energetic, warm, sensitive

*tactless, stubborn, irritable, unreasonable, bossy, bad-tempered


*honest, reliable, thorough, calm, friendly, hard-working *unforgiving, stubborn, materialistic


*bright, creative, charming, adaptable, intellectual *shallow, unreliable, changeable


*home-loving, sympathetic, kind, loyal, patient, humorous, shy *timid, unambitious, lazy, conservative, anxious


*leading, organizing, popular, generous, hospitable, proud, independent, passionate

*arrogant, rude, materialistic, bossy, untidy


*hard-working, responsible, trustworthy, open, punctual, practical *critical, cold, miserly


*fair-minded, considerate, artistic, friendly, energetic *insincere, vain, jealous, argumentative


*brave, strong-willed, determined, passionate *boastful, ruthless, vengeful, violent, possessive
