Файл: Н.Н. Курпешко Английский язык Методические указания для обучения студентов II курса (III семестр) специальности 180400.pdf

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II. Which of the listed below statements are true/false. Specify your answer using the text:

1)Computer programs only instruct hardware how to handle data


2)System software controls internal computer activities.

3)System software is very dependable on the type of application software being used.

4)The information about memory capacity, the model of the processor and disk drives are unavailable for system software.

5)The driver is a special device usually used by car drivers for Floppydisk driving.

6)It is very reasonable to ask for a driver when you buy a new piece of hardware.

7)Software developers tend to make their products very small and with poor interface to save computer resources.

8)Communication software is in great demand now because of the new advances in communication technologies.

9)Application software is merely a general-purpose instrument.

10)Web-browsers is the class of software for electronic communication through the network.

III. Find English equivalents in the text:

1)Программное обеспечение определяет порядок выполнения операций.

2)Прикладные программы выполняют поставленную вами конкретную задачу (удовлетворяют вашу потребность).

3)Этот класс программ самый многочисленный и перспективный с точки зрения маркетинга.

4)Системные программы предназначены для конкретных устройств компьютерной системы.

5)Устанавливая драйвер, вы «учите» систему «понимать» вновь присоединенное устройство.

6)Когда компьютер впервые включается, одна из системных программ должна быть загружена в его память.


7) Развитие систем электронной коммуникации за последние пять лет стимулировало производство соответствующих программных продуктов возрастающим числом компании-разработчиков.

IV. Give definitions to the following, using the vocabulary:



3)Application software

4)Operating system

5)Communication software


7)Peripheral device

8)Operating system

Questions for group discussion:

1)What do you think is more expensive — hardware or software?

2)Has anyone in your group ever purchased software? Why do you think piracy (audio, video, computer software) still exists?


Babbage, Charles (1792-1871), British mathematician and inventor, who designed and built mechanical computing machines on principles that anticipated the modern electronic computer. Babbage was born in Teignmouth, Devon, and educated at the University of Cambridge. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1816 and was active in the founding of the Analytical, the Royal Astronomical, and the Statistical Societies. In the 1820s Babbage began developing his Difference Engine a mechanical device that could perform simple mathematical calculations. Although Babbage started to build his machine, he was unable to complete it because of a lack of funding. In the 1830s Babbage began developing his Analytical Engine, which was designed to carry out more complicated calculations, but this device was never built too. Babbage's book, «Economy of Machines and Manufactures» (1832), initiated the field of study known today as operational research.



1.Introduction. The purpose of this text is to introduce the student to the fundamental principles of coding and programming. These principles are connected with the stages of programming, the now-charting, using the

subroutines and the computer manual, etc. In order to leave students free to concentrate on these principles,1 the four-address format, with a minimum of instruction types, is utilized. However, it should be pointed out that the fouraddress format is used in this chapter for pedagogical reasons only. In practice commercially available computers use only three-, two-, or oneaddress formats, the latter perhaps being the most common.

2.The Terms 'Coding' and 'Programming' are often used as synonyms. However, 'a code' is more specifically a short list of instructions that direct the computer to perform only a part of the entire calculations, whereas the term 'program' refers to the complete list of instructions used for the problem. Hence the term 'programming' usually includes the over-all planning of the use of the computer for a particular problem as well as the writing of the instruction lists, or codes, whereas 'coding' is usually limited in meaning to the writing of the instruction lists. Sometimes a code is culled a routine.

3.Stages in Programming. There ara five stages in programming. First, the computations to be performed must be clearly and precisely defined. The over-all plan of the computations is diagramed by means of a so-called flow chart. The second stage is the actual coding. It is often best to write a code in terms of a symbolic language first, for then changes are easily made. Numbers are assigned to the symbols, and the final code is prepared. In the third stage some procedure is used to get the code into the memory of the computer. The fourth stage consists of debugging the code, i. e., detecting and correcting any errors. The fifth and final stage involves running the code on the computer and tabulating the results. In fact, it is well known that a single error in one instruction invalidates the entire code. Hence,

programming is a technique requiring attention to details without loosing sight of2 the over-all plan.

4.Instruction Format. Some bits of the instruction are set aside for the operation code designation3 - i. e., they tell the instruction is 'add', 'multiply', 'divide', etc. The rest of the bits usually defines the four addresses. For the

more usual operations that involve two operands, such as addition, multiplication, etc., two of the addresses are the addresses of operands. The


third address tells where the result is to be put; the fourth address tells where to obtain the next instruction. So, the instruction format is the way in which the different digits ara allocated to represent specific functions.

5 Octal Shorthand. The first important detail of coding is the fact that the actual bits in an instruction are not written out in the binary code; rather, some shorthand is written instead, i. e., the octal equivalent would be written out. In other words, two octal numbers represent the instruction, and each address would be represented by three octal numbers. Thus, if 101 Oil is the binary code for the command 'add' then the instruction that says, "Add the contents of address 011 010 110 to the contents of address 011 100 101, put the result into address 011 110 100, and take the next instruction from address 100 000 001, " is written in octal notation as: operation - 53, the first operand address - 326, the second operand address - 345, the third address - 364, and the fifth address - 401. In such cases it evidently facilitates matters4 to call addresses in the memory by their octal numbers. Also, numerical quantities will be written on the code sheet in octal (i. e., they will have to be converted from decimal in octal before being written on the code sheet).

6. The Computer Manual. For the computer we must have a computer manual that gives the operation codes of different instructions and also defines precisely the meaning of the addresses for each instruction type. The coding manual must always be at the coder's side.5 Two further observations must be reemphasized: first, when a word is called into the arithmetic/logic unit from the memory, it is not erased from its memory address, but remains there also; second, when a word is put into a memory address, it replaces the previous contents of this address, i. e., it erases what had been there.


1.In order to leave students free to concentrate on these principles -

Чтобы дать возможность студентам сосредоточиться на этих принципах

2.without loosing sight оf - не теряя из виду

3.are set aside for the operation code designation - откладываются для обозначения кода операции

4.it evidently facilitates matters – это, очевидно, облегчает дело, (ситуацию)

5.must always be at the coder's side - должен всегда быть у программиста под рукой


V. Find the Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations:

1. then; 2. thus; 3. hence; 4. however; 5. whereas; 6. perhaps; 7. also; 8. sometimes; 9. there; 10. in other words; 11. moreover; 12. instead of; 13. the current chapter; 14. in fact; 15. specifically; 16. often; 17. in addition to; 18. easily; 19. clearly; 20. precisely

1. точно; 2. легко; 3. ясно; 4. вместо чего-либо; 5. кроме того; 6. вероятно; 7. также; 8. следовательно; 9. однако; 10. затем; 11. таким образом; 12. иногда; 13. там; 14. более того; 15. другими словами; 16. в действительности; 17. часто; 18. данная (текущая) глава; 19. тогда как;

20.специфично, специально, конкретно. VI. Answer the following questions:

1.What spectrum of languages does the user have at his disposal?

2.Which languages do you call "low level"? 3. Which languages are the best for machine? 4. Which languages are the best for programmer? 5. What language do you call a machine language? 6. How is an instruction usually written in a machine language? 7. When is the mnemonic form of the machine language used and why? 8. Docs the assembly language use symbolic addresses? 9. What advantages to using the assembly language do you know? 10. What is a disadvantage of the assembly language? 11. Which program can the computer directly understand? 12. What is an assembler?

13.What docs a USING instruction indicate? 14. What does the BALR instruction mean? 15. What is the distinction between BALR and USING?

16.What is a source program? 17. What is an object program?

VII. Read Text В without a dictionary. Try to get the main idea of each paragraph. Render the text in Russian:


How ara directions to be expressed to the computer? The computer is not another human being with whom one can speak easily and clearly in common English. For expressing directions to a computer the programmer in practice uses special programming languages.

Because computers can accept letters and numbers, nearly (почти) all the programming languages express the directions in some combination of letters and numbers.


The programming languages in use1 fall into three general categories in terms of their similarity (подобие) to ordinary English:

machine languages, symbolic languages, and automatic coding languages. In terms of their importance for computer utilization, the machine languages are the most basic, for the computers can use them directly. But symbolic and automatic coding languages are more convenient for the programmer use because they ara more similar to English.

Some programming languages are used only with a particular model2 of computer; some ara used with more than one model of computer. For the convenience of the programmer, a language that can be used with several different models of computers is the more useful.

Instructions in a machine language are almost always presented by particular combinations3 of letters and numbers acceptable to a given computer. Programs written in an appropriate (соответствующий) machine language can be directly accepted and used by a computer.

Symbolic languages use symbolic addresses in the operands and usually also as the addresses for the instructions. This is in contrast to machine languages, which use absolute addresses. An absolute address is one expressed in a machine language. It identifies (определять) a specific and physical location of data in storage. An indirect (косвенный) address is an absolute or symbolic address which has as its contents the absolute address (usually) of the operand needed by the instruction. Indirect addresses allow greater flexibility in programming because the programmer by changing the contents of indirect addresses can, in effect (в действительности), modify a program.

For data description in the symbolic languages, the programmer uses special commands. Being able to use these commands simplifies (упрощать) the process of data description, because often these commands can be used with symbolic addresses as their operands. Thus in many programming languages the programmer can assign addresses in symbolic, relative, or absolute form, depending upon the character of the language and what is most convenient for the programmer at the time.


1.in use - используемые (в настоящее время)

2.a particular model - определенная модель

3.a particular combination - определенная комбинация


VIII. Listen to Text C from the tape recorder. Give the contents in short (in Russian).


1.interconnection - взаимосвязь

2.wire - провод

3 exchange - обмениваться

4.specific message - конкретное сообщение

5.to establish - устанавливать

6.application program - прикладная программа

7.Data Base Management System - система управления базами данных

8.screen - экран


The interface is interconnection1 between hardware, software, and people. Hardware interfaces are physical channels, cables, or wires2 that must connect and exchange3 electronic signals between a CPU and peripherals, and between any two units. Software interfaces are specific messages4 established5 between programs. Examples of the software interfaces are application programs,6 the operating system, Data Base Management Systems7 and communication programs. Interfaces between people and computers arc terminal screen8 and keyboards.

I. Read the international words and guess their meaning:

oriented; to orient; combination; algebraic; formulae; standard; segment; constant; master; position; individual; option; representative; range; to combine; compiler; to construct; commercial; application; modular; structure; interpretation; effect; document; notation; accurate

II. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning of the words given below:

a)structure - структура; конструкция; строение

b)to structure - строить; конструировать; создавать

1. The structure of this device is very complex. 2. The block structure of ALGOL is of great value because it permits the parts of a program to be


written by different programmers. 3. The words of a language are structured directly from the characters which are usually the smallest units that have meaning by themselves. 4. The program of FORTRAN is structured in segments.

b) master - главный; основной

to master - управлять, руководить; совершенствовать

1. A master card is a punched card holding any fixed information about a group of cards. 2. Master data are data elements of a record which seldom change. 3. We have to master our knowledge in mathematics and English. 4. The CPU masters the actual calculations inside the computer.

c) to state - устанавливать

state - государство; штат; состояние

1. Programming languages offer various ways for a programmer to state precisely the order of instructions which is often known as the "sequence of control". 2. Scientists of our country take an important part in international conferences and symposiums. 3. Lights and signals on the control panel show the electrical state of the computer.

d) aim - цель; намерение to aim - иметь целью

1. The aim of this paper is to show the organization of a memory made on the films. 2. PL/1 aims at mathematical and economical use. 3. This equipment aims at printing results on cards and displaying them on screens.

f) only - только

the only - единственный

1. In computers only two electrical states are used, 1 for one state, and 0 for the other. 2. The idea of an automatic computer that would not only add, multiply, subtract, and divide but perform a sequence of reasonable operations automatically was given by the English scientist Charles Babbage. 3. It was the only way to solve this problem. 4. Petrov is the only student in our group who had worked at the computing centre before entering the Institute. 5. The access time is only a few millionth of a second for magnetic cores. 6. The printers are used only for output unit.

III. Pronounce the following words correctly:

1. correspond


2. several


3. notation

исчисление, запись