Файл: О.А. Ставцева Английский язык. Методические указания и устные материалы для выполнения контрольных работ №1, 2, 3 для студентов заочного обучения горно-строительного профиля.pdf

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heating systems and cars. Smoke from factories and cars in combination with natural fog forms smog which is recognised as a potential cause of death.

2.It is known that factories and transportation have to burn huge amounts of fuel: billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year. When burning these fuels throw off smoke and other byproducts into the atmosphere. The accumulation of pollution is a serious threat to humans and the environment. To protect the air it is necessary to switch industry to more clean fuels than coal or oil.

3.Some scientists are of the opinion that at present the world’s number one polluter is the car. The production of one car results in 1,500 kilos of waste and 75 million cubic metres of polluted air. Taking into account that there are now about 500 million cars on Earth it is impossible to estimate a quantity of pollution. Even when you throw the car away it is still polluting the earth with dangerous metals (like cadmium) and other chemicals. Moreover, to drive a car you need roads, motorways and car parks the construction of which also produces a large quantity of pollution.

4.A wide understanding of the pollution threat dates from 1950s but still little has been done by man in the area of environmental protection.

VII. Просмотрите 1-й абзац и ответьте на вопрос: Is the protection of air as important for man as that of water and why? Запишите и переве-

дите вопрос и ответ.

Вариант 3

I. Запишите предложения. Выпишите из них сказуемые, определите их видо-временные формы и залог. Переведите.

1.They will start the construction of a 3,000 km long gas pipeline in a month.

2.The chief engineer was informed of the changes made in the production cycle.

3.Scientists of different countries were working hard to discover the secret of thermonuclear reaction.

4.The results of the experiment could not be relied upon because of some fault in the engine.


II.Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения слов that (those) и one (ones).

1.One of the most serious pollution problems is associated with the oceans.

2.The inventor described all features of the new method that were different from those of similar methods.

3.One cannot predict all the results of the investigation that is being carried out now.

4.Chemists say that the strength of some plastics is higher than that of iron or steel.

III.Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do.

1.Every citizen of the country has the right to any type of education.

2.Air is polluted mainly be heating systems and cars.

3.Thomas Edison and his working group had to create a safe electric system.

4.People do not know more terrible mysteries than that of the Bermuda Triangle.

IV. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на бессоюзные дополнительные и определительные придаточные предложения.

1.We were told the experiments with these alloys had been completed successfully.

2.Cars and industrial enterprises pollute the air and water we cannot live without.

V.Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива (Infinitive).

1.Our intention was to expand the production and to increase the output of products by 20 per cent.

2.The formula to be used for this synthetic material was being developed for several years.

3.To explain the problem the professor mentioned some facts from his


4.People use discoveries to satisfy their needs and to improve the environment they live in.


VI. Прочитайте весь текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 1, 4 и 5.


1. City growth has always concentrated in the areas near some water supply – rivers, canals, lakes, seas and oceans – because man cannot live without water. The greater is the number of population, the more water it needs. The increase in water consumption on the planet may result in a water shortage in the near future.

2.Since the beginning of civilization, water has been used to carry away different kinds of wastes and garbage. Water has the capacity to dissolve many substances. When dissolved these substances are less dangerous to the environment than metals or plastics. Nevertheless, remaining in the water they can make it poisonous for many forms of life.

3.Huge consumers and polluters of water are industry and agriculture. It has been estimated that about 85 per cent of the water is consumed by industry. To manufacture a ton of paper it needs 100, and a ton of synthetic fibers – from 2,500 to 5,000 cubic meters of water.

4.Industrial and agricultural development is accompanied with the increasing amount of waste materials. It should be mentioned that rivers and lakes are also used as transportation routes, fishing and recreation areas. As a result, more and more waterways are becoming polluted. Lakes are especially affected by pollution because they cannot cleanse themselves as rapidly as rivers or oceans. The wastes are the “food” for water plants which, when growing, reduce the amount of open water and result in drying up of a lake.

5.People have long recognized that we all depend upon the earth environment. But to understand the problem is not to solve it. So, some decisive measures have to be taken to protect the earth’s wonderful and complex environment system which is so easily damaged by man’s activity.

VII. Просмотрите 2-й и 3-й абзацы и ответьте на вопрос: How many sources of water pollution are mentioned there and what are they?

Запишите и переведите вопрос и ответ.


Вариант 4

I.Запишите предложения. Выпишите из них сказуемые, определите их видо-временные формы и залог. Переведите.

1.Experts in construction technologies have been shown some types of new building materials.

2.The water will pass through steam generators producing saturated steam with a pressure of 29 atmospheres.

3.The results of calculation are influenced by the calculation method.

4.The operator had to replace only one part in that device.

II. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения слов that (those) и one (ones).

1.The price of tin is higher than that of copper.

2.There are many factors that destroy the environment but the main one is water and air pollution.

3.We know that many of the Kuznetsk coals are easier to mine than the Donetsk ones.

4.One could use two types of the reactor to obtain the desired results.

III. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do.

1.The exploitation of water resources is growing due to the development of industry and expansion of agricultural lands.

2.Thomas Edison was a true genius but he had never attended any college or university.

3.In what way does science help keep peace in the world?

4.The staff of the laboratory had to test the equipment within a week.

IV. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на бессоюзные дополнительные и определительные придаточные предложения.

1.Many problems we are solving today have been caused by man’s economic activity.

2.Scientists believe this protective coating will withstand solar radiation without changing its properties.

V.Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива (Infinitive).


1.The temperature to be measured with this thermometer cannot be lower than 50 degrees by Centigrade.

2.The principle of radar is to send out an impulse of energy and then listen to the echo.

3.To make accurate measurements several parameters must be known.

4.To see extremely small objects is impossible without modern microscopes.

VI. Прочитайте весь текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 1, 2 и 4.


1.There are natural and artificial sources of atmospheric pollution. The former include active volcanoes, dust storms, forest fires and some other factors. Artificial sources appeared due to the development of cities and industry. Because of its heating system every industrial enterprise as well as automobile pollutes the atmosphere and influences the local climate. Scientists have established that the larger is the population of an urban area, the greater is the level of air pollution.

2.Any industrial process is accompanied with emission of dangerous gases and industrial dust. Daily emission of an electric power plant, for

example, burning 2,000 tons of coal a day, is about 400 tons of SO2 gas. One can name such great air polluters as thermal power stations, metallurgical, chemical, cement and many other plants.

3.A very serious source of atmospheric pollution is the automobile. Being a very convenient means of transportation, the automobile at the same time emits huge amounts of fumes. To make them less toxic special measures have to be taken. We know engineers are working at such problems as development of more efficient carburetors and less toxic fuels, neutralization of fumes, development of electric automobiles and others.

4.The problem of atmospheric pollution by radioactive elements dates back to the atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities (1945). Although released into the atmosphere, the radioactive products fall on the earth, spreading over many kilometers. That is why we face a global “Man and the Biosphere” problem which cannot be solved by the efforts of any one country.


VII. Просмотрите 3-й абзац и ответьте на вопрос: What are the main advantage and disadvantage of the automobile? Запишите и переведите вопрос и ответ.

Вариант 5

I.Запишите предложения. Выпишите из них сказуемые, определите их видо-временные формы и залог. Переведите.

1.The scientist was speaking of new ultrasonic instruments used for welding metallic tubes.

2.The situation in the area of environment protection is regularly reported in the regional paper.

3.Chemists and physicists make a wide use of radiation for changing the molecular structure of substances.

4.The participants of the conference were told about the latest achievements in power generation.

II.Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения слов that (those) и one (ones).

1.It is impossible to increase productivity without improving the existing devices and developing the new ones.

2.Plastic materials that are widely used for different purposes are reinforced with various fibers.

3.We heard that this method of water purification is not as effective as that one.

4.In those days one could not even dream of transmitting electricity over long distances.

III.Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения глаголов to be, to have, to do.

1.A lot of man’s diseases are directly linked with the level of air pollution.

2.Did the investigators have any difficulties in solving this problem?

3.Electronic equipment of special design has been manufactured.

4.The production of rubber with higher resistance to friction is to be increased considerably.


IV. Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на бессоюзные дополнительные и определительные придаточные предложения.

1.It is well-known electronics has made great progress over the last decades.

2.The amount of the pollutants the enterprises throw into water streams depend on the quality of purifying installations.

V.Запишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива (Infinitive).

1.The only way to study cosmic ray particles is to send instruments into space.

2.One can use different means to measure high temperatures.

3.The machine to be inspected by the operator is located in a mechanical shop of our plant.

4.To design and develop automatic control systems is the responsibility of an engineer.

VI. Прочитайте весь текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание. Перепишите и письменно переведите абзацы 1, 2 и 3.


1.The problem of rational use of natural resources is closely connected with environmental protection. Today industrially developed countries extract about 30 tons of minerals a year for each person, but only 1.0-1.5 per cent of them are consumed in different products. So, man’s economic activity results in huge amounts of wastes polluting the atmosphere, water resources, soil.

2.Further increase in world population needs the development of industry which is impossible without development of new deposits of natural resources. As we deplete the existing deposits, we begin to exploit the deeper ones, those lying at greater depths of the earth. Scientists are working at the technical aspects of their development. But one should remember that the exploitation of one resource must not affect and damage the others.

3.To meet our needs new materials are created by industry every year. According to the statistics 40,000 chemical substances produced are dangerous for the human organism. New chemicals and types of energy as well as


physical radiations give rise to new diseases. Moreover, the production of each new substance is accompanied by new wastes.

4.To decrease these wastes is, first of all, to improve the efficiency of using natural resources. Everyone knows that coal, oil and gas are not only energy sources but raw materials for valuable chemicals. Oil is used to produce petrol, kerosene, masut, paraffin and other substances. Natural gas is a raw material for plastics and fertilizers. Thus, we are to produce as many different substances from each mineral as possible.

5.Rational use of natural resources providing their conservation is an integral part of the society’s development. A huge work has been done in this direction but still more is to be done.

VII. Просмотрите 4-й и 5-й абзацы и ответьте на вопрос: What should be done to achieve ‘rational use’ of natural resources? Запишите и переведите вопрос и ответ.


Тексты для самостоятельного чтения


Siberia, the western part of Russia, is very rich in natural resources: it has fifty to ninety percent of the country’s minerals, fuel and energy resources, fresh water and forests. That’s why Siberia plays a great role in the national economy of Russia.

Siberia’s territory is greater than that of the USA. But before the Revolution of 1917 it produced less than two per cent of the Russian Empire’s industrial output. At present the area is divided administratively into several territories and regions, with various natural and climatic conditions, as well as economic structures. One of the administrative units is Kuzbass.

In the level of industrial development, population density, and ecological problems the Kemerovo region may be compared with Western Europe or the USA. The Kuzbass extracts more tons of coal a year than Great Britain, produces more electricity than Denmark and as much steel as