Файл: Ersoy O.K. Diffraction, Fourier optics, and imaging (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471238163)(427s) PEo .pdf

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refraction, 115 refractive index, 25, 113

refractive index inhomogeneity, 191 refractive lens, 1

regular sampling, 347

removal of spherical aberration, 245 resist, 187

resolution, 185

restoration from magnitude, 213, 235 restoration from phase, 213, 231 RIE, 185

rigorous coupled-wave analysis (RCWA), 374

ringing, 213 rotation, 332 rotation of axis, 14

Rowland geometry, 344

sampled wavefront, 258 sampling (sifting) property, 377 sampling interval, 213, 391 SAR image processing, 306 SAR imaging, 318

satellite system, 307

scalar diffraction theory, 41, 361 scalar wave equation, 189 scaled Fourier transform, 149 scaled pupil function, 141 scaling, 148, 332

scanning confocal microscopy, 134, 144

scanning electron beam microscopy, 346 scanning electron beam writer, 244 scanning electron microscope, 2, 258,

260, 270

scanning electron microscope system, 258 Schrodinger’s wave equation, 29 Schwarz’ inequality, 168, 220, 312, 387 second focal plane, 129

security devices, 244 Seidel aberrations, 174

seismic image reconstruction, 86 self-images, 80

semi-irregular sampling, 91, 245 separable function, 13, 122 separable transform, 10

shift, 332

shift invariant, 8 shift-invariance, 6


shift-variant, 224

short-time Fourier transform, 120 Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR) system, 307 sidelobes, 214

sifting property, 8

signal recovery, 218, 225

signal recovery by contractions and projections, 218

signal restoration, 227 signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 308, 306 silica glass, 185

silver grains, 178

silver halide particles, 177 silver speck, 178

simple harmonic solution, 27 Simpson quadrature algorithm, 99 sinc function, 88, 300, 325

sinc oscillations, 248 sine part, 20

single sideband modulation, 153, 154 single sideband signal, 161

singular value decomposition, 213, 239 sinusodial phase grating, 81

sinusoidal amplitude grating, 63, 79 sinusoidal phase grating, 63

Snell’s law, 115

SNR optimization, 314 sombrero function, 24, 47

Sommerfeld radiation condition, 56 source deconvolution, 319

South Greenland, 308 space charge, 32 space invariant, 8 space shift, 13

space-bandwidth product, 282 spaceborne SAR, 307

span, 385

spatial coherence, 4, 6, 153, 162 spatial filtering, 1

spatial frequencies, 137 spatial frequency, 27, 30 spatial frequency interpolation

algorithm, 321

spatial light modulator, 177 spectral norm, 219 spectral width, 315 spectroscopic imaging, 76 spectroscopy, 76, 244 spherical aberration, 210


spherical boundary, 125 spherical mirror, 125

spherical reference wave, 245, 266, 270 spherical wave, 25, 43, 57, 60, 138, 139 spot size, 185

spotlight mode, 318 square aperture, 69, 75, 78 squint mode, 318 standard basis, 386

stationary, 2-D random field, 169 stationary phase, 67

stationary random field, 169 steepest descent, 240

steepest descent algorithm, 213 strictly nonexpansive contraction, 220 strictly nonexpansive mapping, 219 subholograms, 275, 289, 296 subspace, 219, 383

subwavelength optical elements (SOEs), 3 sufficient conditions, 11

superposition integral, 8, 139 superposition principle, 7 superresolution, 212

super relief, 183

surface relief hologram, 205 symmetry, 331

synchronous communications, 2 Synchronous Waveguides, 195 synthesis equation, 10, 20

synthetic aperture radar (SAR), 1, 306

Talbot images, 80 Talbot subimages, 81 tanning bleach, 183

Taylor series, 96, 143, 261 Taylor series expansion, 207, 367 Taylor’s series, 92

telescopic system, 278, 283 temporal coherence, 162

temporal frequency spread, 153, 162 temporally coherent, 162

the Fresnel diffraction formula, 137 thick lens, 130

thickness, 134 thickness function, 136 thin lens, 126, 135 time coherence, 153

time domain correlation algorithm, 321 time frequency, 27, 30


time-bandwidth product, 316 time-varying electric field, 25 time-varying imagery, 29, 30 time-varying magnetic field, 25 TM polarized light, 376 tomography, 2, 326

topographic and thematic mapping, 307 transfer function, 9, 46, 51, 58, 65, 70, 79 transformation operator, 218 transmission amplitude grating, 76 transmission function, 78

Transmission holograms, 202 transmittance, 180

transparent boundary condition, 364 transparent objects, 142

transverse electric field, 350 transverse magnification, 209 trap, 237

triangular inequality, 387, 389 triangular pulse, 378 tridiagonal matrix equation, 364 tunnel, 237

twin images, 199, 200, 251, 257, 265 two-fold symmetry, 12

Two-point resolution, 212, 217

ultrasonic image reconstruction, 86 unguided media, 25

uniform plane wave, 36 upper sideband, 159 urban planning, 307

vector, 382 vector norm, 219 vector space, 382 vignetting, 138

virtual hologram, 276 virtual holography, 275 virtual image, 199, 200 virtual lens effect, 192 virtual lenses, 191 virtual object, 281 VLSI, 177

volume diffraction gratings, 188 volume hologram, 203

wave equation, 41 wave modulation, 177 wave number, 27, 36



wave vector, 35

windowing, 213

wavefront, 31, 119

windowing techniques, 212

wavefront reconstruction, 198

wireless systems, 2

waveguide, 193


wavelength, 27

XFDTD, 371

wavelength demultiplexer, 3, 338

x-ray lithography, 185

wavelength dispersion, 339


wavelength multiplexer, 3, 338

Yee cell, 369

wavelength ratio, 208

Yee’s algorithm, 368

waves, 26, 84


waveshaping, 244

Zernike polynomials, 154, 174

Weak convergence, 228

zero crossings, 261

wide angle BPM, 361, 365

zero-crossings, 261, 344

wide angle propagation, 188

zeroth order or linear interpolation, 334

wide-sense stationary (WSS)

zone plates, 2

process, 311

z-transform, 236


Founded by Stanley S. Ballard, University of Florida

EDITOR: Bahaa E. A. Saleh, Boston University

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