Файл: Ersoy O.K. Diffraction, Fourier optics, and imaging (Wiley, 2006)(ISBN 0471238163)(427s) PEo .pdf

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geophysical signal processing, 328 Gerchberg-Papoulis algorithm, 213 Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm, 236

Gibbs phenomenon, 213 GP algorithm, 229

graded-index (GRIN) material, 117 gradient method, 240

grating, 2, 78

Green’s function, 54, 55, 58, 59 Green’s theorem, 41

grid of zero-crossings, 261 grid spacing, 363

guided media, 25

Hamming window, 215, 325 Hankel transform, 7, 21, 146 Hanning window, 215 hard-clipping, 245, 255 heat, 29

Helmholtz equation, 41, 42, 55, 74, 90, 112, 119, 189, 362

He-Ne laser, 260, 270, 292 Heron’s expression, 261 high resolution printer, 244 high-contrast film, 179

higher order harmonic images, 347 higher order images, 270

Hilbert spaces, 382, 389

Hilbert transform, 153, 154, 161, 331

hologram, 198

hologram magnification, 208 Holographic imaging, 198 holographic microscopy, 284 holography, 4, 198

homogeneous medium, 11, 25, 118 homogeneous wave equation, 34, 36 homogeneous waves, 45 Hurter-Diffield (H & D) Curve, 179 Huygens-Fresnel principle, 58, 258

ideal target function, 320 IIT, 275

IIT technique, 289

image formation, 154, 279 image hologram, 203 image intensity, 212 image processing, 144 image reconstruction, 311


image reconstruction from projections, 306, 326

imaging, 1

imaging equation, 127 implementational issues, 359 improper integral, 155

impulse (delta or Dirac delta) function, 377 impulse function, 377

impulse response (function), 8

impulse response, 46, 65, 139, 141, 313, 336 impulse response function, 51, 144, 146 impulse response, 58

incoherent imaging systems, 166, 167 incoherent impulse response function, 169 index of refraction, 134 infinite-dimensional vector space, 385 inhomogenenous medium, 25 inhomogeneous index of refraction, 362 inhomogeneous media, 188, 189, 362 initial value problem, 190

inner-product, 386 inner-product vector spaces, 386 input pulse duration, 315

integrated optics, 2, 3, 25, 177, 193 intensity, 40, 140, 145

Intensity Transmittance, 178 interferometric control, 187 interpolation, 323, 336 inverse diffraction, 96 inverse DFT, 232

Inverse diffraction, 84 inverse DTFT, 391 inverse filter, 223

inverse Fourier transform, 10, 51 inverse Hilbert transform, 155 inverse NFFA, 205

inverse problem, 218

Inverse Radon Transform (IRT), 326, 331, 335

inverse real Fourier transform, 18 irradiance, 40

irregular sampling, 344, 347

iterative interlacing technique, 275, 290 iterative optimization, 97, 237, 245, 252

Jacobian, 23, 324

Kaiser window, 216

Kelley model, 182


kernel, 10 kinoform, 1

Kirchhoff approximation, 56, 59 Kirchoff boundary conditions, 56 Kirchoff theory, 41

Kirchoff Theory of Diffraction, 55 Kramers-Kro¨nig relations, 157

Lanczos’ s factors, 215 Laplacian, 14, 31

large number of channels, 353 laser, 198

laser film writer, 244 laser machining, 244 least-squares, 176, 237 lens, 1, 134, 136

lens law, 132

lensless Fourier arrangement, 278 lensless Fourier transform hologram, 203 light scattering, 182

line integral, 327 linear convolution, 58

linear frequency modulated (linear fm) signal, 310

linear operator, 219, 231 linear polarization, 39

linear shift invariant (LSI) system, 9 linear system, 7

linear system theory, 2, 6 linear systems, 6

linear vector spaces, 219, 382 linearity, 12, 331

linearly independent vectors, 385 liquid gate, 180

lithography, 185

LM-ODIFIIT hologram, 301, 304 LM-ODIFIIT method, 300

local direction cosines, 121 local spatial frequencies, 121 Lohmann cell, 246, 300 Lohmann method, 245, Lohmann’s method, 246

Lohmann-ODIFIIT method, 245, 300 low-contrast film, 179

lower sideband, 159 low-pass filter, 218 lowpass filtering, 88, 214 lowpass signal, 323

LTI system, 311


magnetic (vector) field, 31 magnetic density (vector) field, 31

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 2, 306 magnification, 128, 198

magnification factor, 129 main lobe, 214

mass conservation, 331 master hologram, 205 matched filter, 311

matched filtering, 306, 309, 311 matrix norm, 219

maximum eigenvalue, 241 maximum SNR, 311

Maxwell’s equations, 4, 31, 33, 361, 368 mechanical waves, 28

medical imaging, 326 meridional rays, 112, 123 metallic grating, 376 metallic silver, 178, 183

method of constrained iterative signal restoration, 212, 221

method of irregularly sampled zero-crossings (MISZC), 338

method of least-squares, 213 method of POCS, 227

method of projections on to convex sets (POCS), 212

method of stationary phase, 92 method of steepest descent, 241 metric spaces, 387

micro/nano technology, 2 microelectromechanical systems (MEMs), 4 microelectronics, 2

micromachining, 185 micromirrors, 4 microscope, 143 microwave DWDM, 3 microwaves, 275 minimum eigenvalue, 241 minimum norm, 239 mirror, 114

missing information, 212, 218 mode m, 372

modulation, 13, 244 modulation property, 157

modulation transfer function (MTF), 167, 177, 183

monochromatic wave, 42, 153 MTF, 174


multidimensional Fourier transform, 10 multidimensional signal processing, 328 multiple constraints, 235

multiple focal points, 244 mutual intensity, 164

nanodiffractive devices, 4 narrow bandwidth, 321 narrowband waveform, 158 near field, 63

near field approximation (NFA), 94 negative film, 180

negative lens, 130

NFFA, 94, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 111, 205 N-level quantization, 249

noise power, 311 nonconvex constraints, 234 nonconvex set, 225, 234

nondestructive materials testing, 326 nondipersive wave equation, 27, 34 nonexpansive mapping, 219 nonlinear encoding, 347

nonlinear optical element, 6 nonmonochromatic wave field, 153, 161 nonmonochromatic waves, 41, 61, 86 nonperiodic grating-assisted directional

coupler, 197 nonstationary signal, 120

nonsynchronous waveguides, 197 nontanning bleach, 183

norm of a matrix, 219 numerical integration, 99

objective and collector lenses, 146 oceanography, 307

odd (antisymmetric) signal, 12 ODIFIIT, 275

one-image only holography, 245, 258, 265, 285

one-step gradient algorithm, 241 operator algebra, 134, 147

optical communications, 2, 76, 193

optical communications and networking, 338 optical communications/networking, 244 optical fiber, 25, 188

optical Fourier techniques, 338 optical imaging, 6, 212 optical imaging system, 1 optical interconnects, 2, 244


optical lithography, 185 optical matched filter, 6 optical networking, 2, 76 optical path length, 113 optical pattern recognition, 244 optical phased array, 245, 258 optical pulses, 2

optical recording devices, 199 optical spatial filtering, 139

optical transfer function (OTF), 153, 167, 173

optimal decimation-in-frequency iterative interlacing technique (ODIFIIT), 293

orthogonal basis, 386 orthogonality, 389 OTF, 169, 174

Pade approximation, 361, 365 parallel projection, 328

paraxial approximation, 124, 135, 139, 147, 279, 349

paraxial BPM method, 361 paraxial Helmholtz equation, 362 paraxial optics, 113

paraxial ray equations, 118 paraxial rays, 113

paraxial wave equation, 74, 188, 189, 193 paraxiality, 190

Parseval’s theorem, 13, 154, 156, 233 perfect image, 141

perfect lens, 135 periodic grating, 376 periodic sequence, 394 periodicity, 50 permeability, 32 permittivity, 32 phasar, 245

phase contrast microscopy, 134, 142 phase error tolerance, 356

phase factor, 137

Phase modulation, 177, 180, 245 phase plate, 143, 284

phase quadrature, 143 phase quantization, 358 phase relief, 184

phase retrieval, 213, 235 phase spectrum, 20

phase transformation, 134, 135 phase velocity, 28, 34, 35, 61


phased arrays (PHASAR), 3 phased arrays, 2 phased-array (PHASAR), 338 phasefront, 35

phase-only filter, 314 phasor, 33, 42

phasor amplitude, 158, 165 photographic density, 178 photographic emulsion, 182 photographic film, 177, 199 photography, 164 photoreduction, 244 photorefractive media, 188 photoresist, 205 photothermoplastic, 205 planar geometry, 341

plane boundary, 125 plane wave, 25, 37

plane wave spectrum, 191 PMMA, 187

PMMA positive photoresist, 260 POCS algorithm, 213, 290 POCS method, 275, 288

point spread function (PSF), 239 point-source apertures, 351 point-spread function, 8

polar coordinates, 21, 330 polarization, 38 polynomials, 236

positive and negative phase contrast, 143 positive lens, 129

positivity, 218

power exchange, 193, 195 Poynting vector, 38, 40

prediction and evaluation of natural disasters, 307

pre-Hilbert spaces, 389 principal planes, 131 projection operator, 225, 230

projection slice theorem, 326, 328 projections, 213, 225, 231, 328 projections onto convex sets (POCS), 225 projector, 225

pseudo inverse, 238

pulse compression, 309, 311, 314 pulse duration, 314

pulse shape, 309 pulse spectrum, 314 pupil function, 172


quadratic phase factor, 148 quadrature filter, 154 quantization, 184

quantized Lohmann method, 249 quasi-monochromatic, 153, 154, 162 quasi-monochromatic wave field, 153, 158

radar, 306

radar bandwidth, 321 radar range swath, 323 radix, 395

Radon transform, 326, 327 raidian spatial frequency, 27, 30 random phase factor, 245 Range (or slant range), 307 range resolution, 308, 313 range stacking algorithm, 321 rank, 238

ray equation, 117 ray integral, 328 ray optics, 112

Rayleigh criterion, 248, 282 Rayleigh distance, 218 Rayleigh-Sommerfeld diffraction

integral, 91

Rayleigh-Sommerfeld integral, 59, 61, 63 Rayleigh-Sommerfeld region, 63 Rayleigh-Sommerfeld theory, 41, 57, 59, 61 rays, 112

ray-sum, 328

ray-transfer matrix, 123, 126 reactive ion etching, 2, 177, 185, 346 real Fourier hologram, 203

real Fourier transform, 7, 18 real hologram, 276

real representation, 161 real space, 219

rear focal plane, 129 rear focal point, 129 reciprocity principle, 339

recovery of signals, 212, 217 rectangular aperture, 70 rectangular lattice, 334 rectangular sequence, 213 reflecting diffraction gratings, 77 reflection, 115

reflection function, 78 reflection hologram, 202, 205 reflection phase gratings, 77