multidimensional Fourier transform, 10 multidimensional signal processing, 328 multiple constraints, 235
multiple focal points, 244 mutual intensity, 164
nanodiffractive devices, 4 narrow bandwidth, 321 narrowband waveform, 158 near field, 63
near field approximation (NFA), 94 negative film, 180
negative lens, 130
NFFA, 94, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 111, 205 N-level quantization, 249
noise power, 311 nonconvex constraints, 234 nonconvex set, 225, 234
nondestructive materials testing, 326 nondipersive wave equation, 27, 34 nonexpansive mapping, 219 nonlinear encoding, 347
nonlinear optical element, 6 nonmonochromatic wave field, 153, 161 nonmonochromatic waves, 41, 61, 86 nonperiodic grating-assisted directional
coupler, 197 nonstationary signal, 120
nonsynchronous waveguides, 197 nontanning bleach, 183
norm of a matrix, 219 numerical integration, 99
objective and collector lenses, 146 oceanography, 307
odd (antisymmetric) signal, 12 ODIFIIT, 275
one-image only holography, 245, 258, 265, 285
one-step gradient algorithm, 241 operator algebra, 134, 147
optical communications, 2, 76, 193
optical communications and networking, 338 optical communications/networking, 244 optical fiber, 25, 188
optical Fourier techniques, 338 optical imaging, 6, 212 optical imaging system, 1 optical interconnects, 2, 244
optical lithography, 185 optical matched filter, 6 optical networking, 2, 76 optical path length, 113 optical pattern recognition, 244 optical phased array, 245, 258 optical pulses, 2
optical recording devices, 199 optical spatial filtering, 139
optical transfer function (OTF), 153, 167, 173
optimal decimation-in-frequency iterative interlacing technique (ODIFIIT), 293
orthogonal basis, 386 orthogonality, 389 OTF, 169, 174
Pade approximation, 361, 365 parallel projection, 328
paraxial approximation, 124, 135, 139, 147, 279, 349
paraxial BPM method, 361 paraxial Helmholtz equation, 362 paraxial optics, 113
paraxial ray equations, 118 paraxial rays, 113
paraxial wave equation, 74, 188, 189, 193 paraxiality, 190
Parseval’s theorem, 13, 154, 156, 233 perfect image, 141
perfect lens, 135 periodic grating, 376 periodic sequence, 394 periodicity, 50 permeability, 32 permittivity, 32 phasar, 245
phase contrast microscopy, 134, 142 phase error tolerance, 356
phase factor, 137
Phase modulation, 177, 180, 245 phase plate, 143, 284
phase quadrature, 143 phase quantization, 358 phase relief, 184
phase retrieval, 213, 235 phase spectrum, 20
phase transformation, 134, 135 phase velocity, 28, 34, 35, 61