Файл: Ufimtsev P. Fundamentals of the physical theory of diffraction (Wiley 2007)(348s) PEo .pdf

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14.2 Electromagnetic Waves 309

( j(1)fr ), which concentrate in the vicinity of the edges. Besides, one should also include into the scattered field the contributions Ex(1)sm and Hx(1)sm generated by that part of the nonuniform component j(1)sm that is caused by the smooth bending of the cylindrical surface. As shown in Section 14.1.5, these contributions (in the vicinity of the specular direction) are the quantities of the same order of magnitude as those radiated by the fringe currents. To calculate them is a main objective of the present section.


First it necessary to determine the nonuniform currents j . We use the results of the paper by Franz and Galle (1955), which are also reproduced in the work of Bowman et al. (1987). This paper contains the high-frequency asymptotics for the surface field induced on an infinite circular cylinder by the incident plane wave. It is assumed there that the incident wave propagates in the direction perpendicular to the cylinder axis. A quite subtle procedure is to extend the results of this paper to the


oblique incidence and to obtain correct formulas for the currents j . Eventually one obtains








jx(1)sm = −Y0E0x



eik(z cos γ +a sin γ sin ψ ),


ka sin2 ψ



i cos ψ



jy(1)sm = Y0E0x



eik(z cos γ +a sin γ sin ψ ),


ka sin3 ψ



i cos γ cos ψ



jz(1)sm = Y0E0x



eik(z cos γ +a sin γ sin ψ )


ka sin γ sin3 ψ

in the case of E-polarization, and







jz(1)sm = H0x


eik(z cos γ +a sin γ sin ψ ),

jx(1,y)sm = 0


ka sin γ sin2 ψ

in the case of H-polarization. Then one applies Equations (1.92) and (1.93) and calculates the retarded vector-potential. The integrals over the variable ζ are calculated in closed form. Integrals over the variable ψ are evaluated asymptotically by the stationary-phase technique. As a result one finds


Ex(1)sm = E0x ex(1)sm( , γ )


























Hx(1)sm = H0x hx(1)sm ( , γ )































( , γ ) = l

sin q eip+iπ/4






























2π p



























( , γ ) = −l

sin sin q eip+iπ/4











sin γ








2π p






310 Chapter 14 Bistatic Scattering at a Finite-Length Cylinder

with p = ka(sin γ − sin ) and q = kl(cos − cos γ ). The comparison of these quantities with their acoustic counterparts (14.51), (14.52) shows that they differ only in sign.

Now one can calculate the total scattered field,

Extot = E0x extot (, γ )







Hxtot = H0x hxtot (, γ )














extot = ex(0) + ex(1)fr + ex(1)sm







hxtot = hx(0) + hx(1)fr + hx(1)sm.

According to Equations (14.85) and (14.86),





ex(0) = s(0),

ex(1)fr = s(1)fr ,

hx(0) = h(0),

hx(1)fr = h(1)fr ,







where (s,h0), (s,h1)fr are the acoustic functions defined in Section 14.1.5. Exactly in the specular direction = 2π γ , the scattered field is determined as

totex = √ a

π ka sin γ

tothx = √ a

π ka sin γ








16 a − √3

2 +






ikl sin γ



3 l






2− 2γ )








ei2ka sin γ +iπ/4,



































16 a

− √3









ikl sin γ



3 l








− 2γ )










ei2ka sin γ +iπ/4.


































The origination and meaning of each term here is clear. The first and second terms in the braces relate respectively to the first and second terms in the asymptotic expansion for the PO field. The third and fourth terms represent the contribution by the fringe sources js,h(1)fr , and the last term shows the contribution by the sources js,h(1)sm caused by the smooth bending of the cylindrical surface.

Thus, the calculation of the specular reflected beam of electromagnetic waves has been completed.


Problems 311


14.1 Start with expressions (1.33) and (1.34) and derive the directivity pattern (14.4) of acoustic waves scattered at a soft cylinder. See details in Sections 6.2 and 13.1.1.

14.2 Start with expressions (1.33) and (1.34) and derive the directivity pattern (14.5) of acoustic waves scattered at a hard cylinder. See details in Sections 6.2 and 13.1.1.

14.3 Use Equations (1.53) and (14.4) and derive the total cross-section (14.7) of a soft cylinder.

14.4 Use Equations (1.53) and (14.5) and derive the total cross-section (14.7) of a hard cylinder.

14.5 Use expression (14.4) and compute the normalized scattering cross-sections (14.9) for the individual parts of a soft cylinder with diameter d = 2a = λ and length L = 2l = 3λ. Set γ = 45. Represent the results in the form of a diagram as in Figure 14.2. Write the expression for the electromagnetic wave incident on a perfectly conducting cylinder, whose PO scattering cross-section is identical to that plotted by you.

14.6 Use expression (14.5) and compute the normalized scattering cross-sections (14.9) for the individual parts of a hard cylinder with diameter d = 2a = λ and length L = 2l = 3λ. Set γ = 45. Represent the results in the form of a diagram as in Figure 14.4. Write the expression for the electromagnetic wave incident on a perfectly conducting cylinder, whose PO scattering cross-section is identical to that plotted by you.

14.7 Use Equations (14.4) and (14.5) and compute the directivity pattern (14.9) of the shadow radiation (14.10) for the cylinder with diameter d = 2a = λ and length L = 2l = 3λ. Set γ = 45. Represent the results in the form of a diagram as in Figure 14.6. Write the expression for the electromagnetic wave incident on a perfectly conducting cylinder and generating the same shadow radiation as that plotted by you.

14.8 The incident wave (14.1) hits a hard cylinder (Fig. 14.1). Use the asymptotic expression (7.90) and derive the function (14.12), which describes the field radiated by the scattering sources jh(1) induced near the left edge. Write the explicit expressions for the function Fh(1) in terms of functions Vt 1, ϕ0), V01, ϕ0), Vt 2, α ϕ0), V02, α ϕ0) and define the parameters σ1,2, β1,2.

14.9 Elementary edge waves are the functions of the local angles γ0, θ . Derive Equations

ˆ ˆ

(14.14), which define these angles. Use the dot products between the unit vectors R, t

ˆ ˆi ˆ ˆ

and t, k where R shows the scattering direction in the plane y0z, t is the tangent to the

ˆi shows the direction of the incident wave. edge, and k

14.10Elementary edge waves are the functions of the local angles φ, φ0. Derive Equations (14.15) and (14.16), which define these angles. Hint: project the unit vectors


= ˆ

+ ˆ

= −


= −ˆ

− ˆ



y sin

z cos and Qˆ


y sin γ

z cos γ on the plane normal to the

tangent ˆt. Recall the note box following Equation (7.131).

14.11Apply the stationary-phase technique to the second terms in Equations (14.4) and (14.5), and derive asymptotics (14.22), (14.23) for the beam scattered from the lateral/cylindrical surface.

14.12Use Equation (14.12), apply the stationary-phase technique, and derive the asymptotic expression (similar to Equation (14.31)) for the edge-diffracted ray diverging from the stationary point 1 (Fig. 14.1).

14.13Verify that the incident wave (13.42) generates the surface current (13.43) on the left base (disk) of a perfectly conducting cylinder (Fig. 13.1). Use Equations (1.91), (1.92),


312 Chapter 14 Bistatic Scattering at a Finite-Length Cylinder

and (1.93) and derive the explicit expression for the electromagnetic field in the plane y0z. Compare the Ex -component with the acoustic field (14.3), (14.4) scattered from a soft disk. Confirm the statement (14.62).

14.14Verify that the incident wave (13.42) generates the surface current (13.44) on the lateral/cylindrical surface of a perfectly conducting cylinder (Fig. 13.1). Use Equations (1.91), (1.92), and (1.93) and derive the explicit expression for the electromagnetic field in the plane y0z. Compare the Ex -component with the acoustic field (14.3), (14.4) scattered from a soft cylindrical surface. Confirm the statement (14.62).

14.15Use Equations (13.50) and verify the expressions (13.51) and (13.52) for the unit vectors ˆ, ˆ .


14.16Use Equations (7.130), (7.131), recall the note box following Equation (7.131), apply

the local coordinates φ, φ0, θ (introduced in Section 13.2.1), and derive the function (14.64) for the field scattered by the left edge of a perfectly conducting cylinder.

14.17Use Equation (14.64) and verify expression (14.66) for the diffracted beam in the forward direction.

14.18Verify that the incident wave (13.67) generates the surface current (13.68) on the left base (disk) of a perfectly conducting cylinder (Fig. 13.1). Use Equations (1.91), (1.92), and (1.93) and derive the explicit expression for the electromagnetic field in the plane y0z. Compare the Hx -component with the acoustic field (14.3), (14.5) scattered from a hard disk. Confirm the statement (14.75).

14.19Verify that the incident wave (13.67) generates the surface current (13.69) on the lateral/cylindrical surface of a perfectly conducting cylinder (Fig. 13.1). Use Equations (1.91) to (1.93) and derive the explicit expression for the electromagnetic field in the plane y0z. Compare the Hx -component with the acoustic field (14.3), (14.5) scattered from a hard cylindrical surface. Confirm the statement (14.75).

14.20Use Equations (7.130) and (7.131), recall the note box following Equation (7.131),

apply the local coordinates φ, φ0, θ (introduced in Section 13.2.1), and derive the function (14.76) for the field scattered by the left edge of a perfectly conducting cylinder.

14.21Use Equation (14.76) and verify the expression (14.78) for the diffracted beam in the forward direction.