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diffraction problems, 5–31

EEW, grazing singularity removal and, 199–203

waves, 169–210

axially symmetric scattering and, 115–166


nonuniform component j(1), 273–277 PO approximation, 269–272

total field of, 277–279 hard fringe, 278 soft fringe, 278

Bessel functions, 128

bodies of revolution, 115–166 caustic asymptotics and, 221–225 finite length cylinder

backscattering, 269–279 bistatic scattering and, 287–304

grazing diffraction and, 230–234 ray asymptotics and, 213–217 slope diffraction and, 236–238,

240–243 Acoustically

hard surface, diffraction interaction and, 248–250

soft surface, diffraction interaction and, 250–252

Asymptotic approximations, cones focal field and, 134–138

Asymptotic expression, steepest descent method, 44

Asymptotics, 33–56 EEW and, 183–187

electromagnetic waves and, 308–310 first order, 145

nonuniform component radiation and, 71–76

paraboloids backscattering and, 145–147

Pauli, 47–51

ray, 67–68, 156–159 Sommerfeld ray, 44–47 specular beam and, 300–304 uniform, 51–55

Axially symmetric

bistatic scattering, 155–156

bodies and revolution and, 155–156 PO field, 156–159

PTD field, 160–161

ray asymptotics, 156–159 scattering

acoustic waves, 115–166 backscattered focal fields, 141–155 bodies of revolution, 155–166 cones, focal field, 134–141 diffraction, canonical conic surface,


Backscattered focal fields, bodies of revolution, 141–155

Backscattering acoustic waves

nonuniform component j(1), 273–277 PO approximation, 269–272

total field of, 277–279

cones focal fields, numerical analysis, 134–141

cross section, 9

finite length cylinder, 269–284 acoustic waves, 269–279 electromagnetic waves, 279–284

E-polarization, 279–283

H-polarization, 283–284

first order PTD approximation, 107–109 PO approximation and, 102–104


bistatic scattering and, 297–300 specular, 300–304

Fundamentals of the Physical Theory of Diffraction. By Pyotr Ya. Ufimtsev

Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



324 Index


function, 35, 40, 128

interpolations, PO field and, 159–160 interpolations, PTD field and, 160–161


cross section, 9 backscattering, 9 geometrical acoustics, 9–10 monostatic, 9

smooth convex, 9 scattering

axially symmetric, 155–156 beams, 297–300

finite length cylinder and, 287–310 acoustic waves, 287–304 acoustic waves

PO approximation, 287–288 finite length cylinder and

electromagnetic waves, 304–310 physical optics field, shadow radiation,

289–290 PTD, 290–296 rays, 297–300

specular beam, 300–304 Bodies of revolution

axially symmetric bistatic scattering, 155–156

backscattered focal fields and, 141–155 first-order PTD asymptotics, 145 nonzero Gaussian curvature, 141–156 paraboloids backscattering, 145–151 PO approximation, 143–144

spherical segment backscattering, 151–155

Branched wave functions, 33

Canonical conic surface

diffraction and, 115–126 disk scattering, 126–127

field us,h(1) Bessel interpolations, 125–126

focal fields, 124–125

ray asymptotics, 118–124 scattered field integrals and,

117–118 form conversion

Cauchy residue theorem, 63

physical optics integrals to, 61–67 wedge, elementary strips and, 170–171


residue theorem, 63 theorem, 41

Caustic asymptotics, 220–226 acoustic waves, 221–225 electromagnetic waves, 225–226 edge diffracted waves and, 213–226


axially symmetric scattering and, focal field, 134–141

focal field

asymptotic approximations, 134–138 backscattering, numerical analysis,

138–141 Convex body of revolution

diffraction, 255–260

multiple acoustic edge waves diffraction, 255–260

Cylinders, polygonal, 83–112


field, physical optics, 67–68 ray, origin of, 46


axially symmetric scattering and, 115–126

canonical conic surface, 115–126 scattered field integrals, 117–118

cone, EEW and, 190–191

convex body of revolution, 255–260 first order, 83–112

formulation of, 5–7 interaction


hard surface, 248–250 soft surface, 250–252

electromagnetic waves, 252–254 neighboring edges, 247–254


hard, 256–258 soft, 258–260

part, 26 problems, 5–31

electromagnetic waves, 27–31 induced surface field, 25–27 physical optics, 11–25

slope, 229–245