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The PTD developed in this book clarifies the scattering physics. Via the shadow radiation, it elucidates the nature of the Fresnel diffraction and forward scattering, as well as the optical theorem. It also establishes the diffraction limit for the reduction of the total power scattered by large (compared to the wavelength) objects covered by absorbing materials. This theory shows that, even with the application of perfectly absorbing coatings on perfectly reflecting objects, their total scattered power can be reduced solely by a factor of two. This means that, against bistatic sonar and radar, it is impossible to completely mask the scattering object with any absorbing materials (Ufimtsev, 1996).

As a source-based theory, PTD allows the calculation of contributions to the scattered field, which are generated by individual elements of the scattering surface. Such data are valuable in the design of antennas and objects with given characteristics of radiation and scattering.

PTD is a flexible theory amenable to further development and generalization. In combination with other analytic and numeric approaches, it can be used to create efficient hybrid techniques for the solution of complex diffraction problems. Some examples are presented in the papers listed in the section “Additional References Related to the PTD Concept: Applications, Modifications and Developments”.

Fundamentals of the Physical Theory of Diffraction. By Pyotr Ya. Ufimtsev

Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.





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Fundamentals of the Physical Theory of Diffraction. By Pyotr Ya. Ufimtsev

Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.



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