Файл: A. education in the united states of america exercise Connect with the topic.docx

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Exercise 11.  a) Match the verbs with prepositions

1. cooperate

a. into

2. work

b. for

3. transform

c. in

4. train

d. through

5. research

e. with

6. succeed

f. in

7. get

g. for

8. require

h. on

b) Translate the sentences using verbs with prepositions from a).

1. Наш университет готовит специалистов для всех отраслей промышленности.

2. В настоящее время наш отдел работает над новым проектом.

3. Студенты проводят исследования во многих отраслях.

4. Сотрудники нашего отдела превращают научные разработки в коммерческие проекты.

5. Она с легкостью сдала свой последний экзамен.

6. Инженеры должны взаимодействовать с командой для решения сложных задач.

7. Хорошее образование поможет вам добиться успеха в жизни.

8. Степень бакалавра требуется для многих инженерных должностей.
Exercise 12.  Read an extract from a job description for an electronic engineer and write requirements for your future profession.

Electronic engineers are highly sought after, well rewarded and can be found in practically every branch of industry and commerce.

Scope and responsibilities

The Senior Electronics Design Engineer will be responsible for enhancing and supporting the entire electronic design process, including, but not limited to:

  • electronic product development from design to production release

  • electronic design, analysis and testing of new products from product specification, producing electronic prototypes and preparation of all necessary design documentation

  • firmware design for electronic devices

  • electronic circuit design and board layout for very small devices and instruments

  • accurate project and design documentation

  • interfacing closely with marketing to create and develop products according to customer needs

  • interacting with contract engineers that support product development

  • developing and maintaining vendor selection and involvement to ensure the highest quality products

  • obtaining necessary product approvals and communicating progress throughout the design process

  • providing technical support for new and existing products in manufacturing and in the field

  • producing design schedules

  • staffing and operating an electronics lab

Exercise 13. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. I have too much work to do so I can't go out with you tonight.


If _____so much work, I could go out with you tonight.

2. They ought to tell us what the new timetable is.


It _____us what the new timetable is.

3. Please don't copy my answers!


I _____copy my answers!

4. She needs to get a scholarship in order to go to that college.


She could go to that college _____a scholarship.

5. I don't like living so far from the university.


I wish _____ college.

6. I regret not buying that book you recommended.


If _____that book you recommended.

7. You don't pay enough attention in class.


I _____ attention in class.

8. You'd better start revising for the exam!


It's _____revising for the exam.

9. Maybe my dream will come true and I'll go to Cambridge!


What _____ true and I went to Cambridge!

10. I think you should do your homework on your own from now on.


It _____your homework on your own.
Exercise 14. Use the correct tense of the verb.

1. If you _____ (want) to do research in any of areas, or make new findings, you will need a Master's and a PhD because ongoing training is crucial for engineers.

2. You _____ (live) close to campus with your family, if the college system utilized credit units.

3. If students live and pay taxes in the particular US state, they _____ (pay) lower tuition than out-of-state residents do.

4. The UK universities _____ (offer) bursaries, if students are eligible for financial help.

5. If the exchange program _____ (be) in an overseas institution, students would get the benefit of experiencing life in a different country, living in a different culture or among several cultures, learning a foreign language.

6. Engineers would have obtained graduate degrees, if they _____ (want) to learn new technology and broaden their education.

7. You _____ (get) a place at the UK University, if you had good A-level results in at least two subjects.

Exercise 15. Watch a video “Raise the Bar for Engineering” - Extended Version

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JukurryDh74 and match the speaker and his/her words.

1. Wayne Clough, PhD, PE

a. We need to change licensing requirements and raise the bar because the challenges that engineers face today are so much more complex than they have been in the past.

2. Norman Augustine, PE

b. More and more engineers are looking for additional class work looking for the master’s degree.

3. Christine Andersen, PE

c. You really have to redesign the entire process.

4. Jennifer Epp, PE

d. It’s at the public’s interest that we make the master’s degree the basic theory of the engineering profession.

5. Ken Fridley, PhD, PE

e. The public expectation as well as employer expectations are much broader and deeper for the engineering graduates today.

Exercise 16. Refer to the sites www.careerprofiles.info, www.prospects.ac.uk, find three or four possible professions in your field and summarize education requirements to get the position.
Exercise 1. Connect with the topic.

  • What do you know about Alfred Nobel?

  • What do you know about the Nobel Prize?

  • How often are the prizes awarded?

  • Which nominations are there?

  • When did the award start?

  • Who was the first Russian Nobel prizewinner?

  • What is the most often awarded prize for Russians?

Exercise 2. Match the words with their meaning

1. recognized

a. the physics of atomic nuclei and their interactions

2. to train

b. to cause something to happen or exist, to produce as an effect

3. discovery

c. to complete a course at a university

4. contribution

d. finding something

5. to result in

e. a solid substance that has a conductivity between that of an insulator and that of most metals

6. nuclear physics

f. notable, distinguished, honored

7. to influence

g. to have an effect on behaviour or situation

8. violence

h. to teach a person to do something which is difficult or needs practice

9. graduate from

i. something that you give or do together with others

10. semiconductor

j. behavior which is intended to hurt, injure, or kill people

Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps using the words from Exercise 2.

1. The 20
th century is known for world-shaking _____.

2. _____ are widely used in electrical engineering.

3. Who _____ the choice of your career?

4. It is better to buy goods from a _____ dealer.

5. This scientist is known for his _____ research.

6. The university _____ qualified specialists.

7. Global warming _____ disastrous ecological changes.

8. The government used _____ to break up the demonstration.

9. Andrei Sakharov was awarded a prize for his _____ to world peace.

10. Bill Gates _____ Harvard University.
Exercise 4. On the basis of the text complete the table. Use the Internet sources and add three more Nobel Prize winners.





Russian Nobel Prize Winners in Physics and Chemistry

Because of its long history of supporting scientific research and education, Russia has produced a number of internationally recognized leaders in physics and chemistry.

The Russian Academy of Sciences (or the USSR Academy of Sciences, as it was called before 1991), played a major part in all their careers. With one exception, all were members of the Academy, carrying out their research and publishing their finding with the Academy’s support.

Semyonov N.N.

In 1956, Nikolay N. Semyonov was 1st Russian to receive a Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his research into the mechanism of chemical reactions. He was trained as a physicist and chemist. During his career, working alone or with other distinguished scientists like Pyotr L. Kapitsa, he made many important discoveries and contributions to chemistry and physics. In 1931, Semyonov became the first director of the Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy and was also one of the founders of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT).

Cherenkov P.A. Tamm I.Y. Frank I.M.

The collaboration of Pavel A. Cherenkov, Igor Y. Tamm and Ilya M. Frank resulted in the discovery and description of the Cherenkov – Vavilov effect, a phenomenon which is very important in nuclear physics. For their work they received the Nobel Prize in 1958. All three of the scientists were professors at universities and the Academy’s institutes and greatly influenced future generations of scientists.

Landau L.D.

After receiving his doctoral degree from Leningrad University at the exceptionally young age of 19, Lev D. Landau went on to study abroad. When he returned to Russia, he became head of two of the Academy’s institutes. Like Semyonov, he was also involved in founding the MIPT. He received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1962, for his phenomenological theory of superfluidity in helium.

Basov N.G. Prokhorov A.M.

Nikolay G. Basov and Aleksandr M. Prokhorov worked together on a project which led to the development of the laser and their receiving the 1964 Nobel Prize. Both worked at the Lebedev Institute of Physics (Basov was the Director from 1973-1988) and also taught at universities. Even though Prokhorov never became a member of the Academy, the Academy’s General Physics Institute was renamed after the A. M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute in his honour.

Kapitsa P.L.

Pyotr L. Kapitsa went to England after he had completed his studies at Petrograd Polytechnic Institute. He studied at Cambridge and also worked on various projects there. He returned to Russia in 1934 and continued his career there. He was also one of the founders of the MIPT. In addition, Kapitsa was a member of the Soviet National Committee of the Pugwash movement, a group of international scientists who wanted to use science for the good of humankind and not for violence and war. Kapitsa won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1978, for his work on low-temperature physics.

Alferov Z.I.

Zhores I. Alferov has been active in physics since graduating from the Electrotechnical Institute in Leningrad. He received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2000, for the development of the semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed electronics and optoelectronics.

Ginsburg V.L. Abrikosov A.A.

More recently, Russian Nobel Prize winners in 2003 were Vitaly L. Ginsburg and Alexei A. Abrikosov. Ginsburg, who holds a doctoral degree from Moscow State University, became the director of the Academy’s Physics Institute after Igor Tamm. Ginsburg was influenced by Landau, with whom he had worked, and by Tamm, who had been his teacher. Alexei Abrikosov was educated at Moscow State University. He worked at the Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics for over 20 years (1965-1988) and also taught at Moscow State University during that time. They received the Nobel Prize for Physics for pioneering contributions to the theory of superconductors and superfluids.
Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Исключение; вести исследования; публиковать новости об открытиях; получить нобелевский приз; делать важные открытия; основатели университета; описывать что-либо; докторская степень; закончить обучение; развитие чего-либо; теория о;