Файл: Маратик блеать распечатай.docx

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Добавлен: 11.08.2020

Просмотров: 217

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Among first-year students of the institute survey was conducted. They were presented two lists of values, each of which consisted of 18 points. The subjects assigned to each value of rank numbers (most significant value - 18, the least important - 1). The terminal values were: security of person, life and health and beauty of nature and art, love, confidence, legal guarantees for realization of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and. etc. Also among the students of experimental group parallel events were held on security: debates, contests, were written essay.

Of the primary stage, the experiment showed that the students in both groups included the following values of life: the life and health, love, financially secure life, availability of good and loyal friends, the legal safeguards of the constitutional rights and freedoms. At the check point values of the students of experimental group entered by the safety of the individual, with the students of the control group - values have not changed.

Thus, the position of Russia in terms of energy attraction has brought her to the situation of extremity. There is a need to update the problem of security, not only of energy resources, but also the consciousness of the present owners of these resources, who is the youth today. Consequently, environmental issues, public safety must begin by permission first and foremost with national and personal security. But the Security Technology, with its focus on maintaining safe working conditions in order to avoid emergency situations, should include ways of behaviour in unstructured situations in which we live today.