ВУЗ: Не указан

Категория: Не указан

Дисциплина: Не указана

Добавлен: 15.08.2020

Просмотров: 432

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VI. Do a mini-research and explain the difference between:

1. end-user – power user

Power user is an experienced, skilled user. End user is a user for whom smth. is worked out.

2. to verify – to validate

to verify is to check or confirm; to validate is to show that something is reasonable or logistic.

3. WWW – the Internet

WWW is global hyperlink system using Internet as a transport facility.

4. workstation – supercomputer

Workstation is a one-person computer that is more powerful and faster than most personal computers, and is typically used for graphics, scientific computing, but its capacity is less than supercomputers capacity, which is used for computing a big number of information.

VII. Give the definitions suiting the given terms:

1. power user

A. an experienced, skilled user

2. volatility

B. dependency from power supply

3. wait mode

C. the Condition, in which computer at idle time consumes electric powers less, but keeps open for immediate using.

4. workstation

D. A one-person computer that is more powerful and faster than most personal computers, and is typically used for graphics, scientific computing, CAD, CAE, and other applications requiring high performance and memory

5. validation

E. checking data

IX. Say what can be:

1. valid

password, data, login

2. verified

data, password

3. zoomed

document, image

4. volatile

memory, object

5. wrapped

word, text

X. Say what the following is used for:

1. virtual mall

to order goods via Internet

2. virus detection system

to prevent harm from virus

3. voice mail – answering machine

to answer voice mailbox without addressee

4. user-friendly interface

to make the means of communication easy to use

5. user manual

to solve problems with the help of program