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America: What Could It Be Like?», Journal of Primary Prevention 12: 317—22 (1992); 

Brown J.H.

 «Drug Education

and Democracy in Action», Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies 7, 1: 28—34 (1997); 



 «Stop Kidding About Drug%Free Kids», Los Angeles Times (3 January 1997).

43. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Doing Drug Education: The Role of the School Teacher, Rockville, MD (1975).

44. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Let's Talk About Drug Abuse: Some Questions and Answers, Rockville,

MD: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1979); National Institute on Drug Abuse, This Side Up:
Making Decisions About Drugs, Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1977).


Swisher J.D.

 «Prevention Issues», pp. 423—35 in DuPont, R.L. et al. (eds) Handbook on Drug Abuse,

Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse (1979); 

Abrams A. et al.

 (eds) Accountability in Drug Education:

A Model for Evaluation, Washington, DC: Drug Abuse Council (1973); 

Bushy J.

 Drug Education: Goals, Approaches,

Evaluation, Arlington, VA: Educational Research Service (1975); 

Girdana D., Girdana D.

 Drug Education: Content

and Methods, Reading, MA: Addison%Wesley (1972); 

Edwards G.

 Reaching Out, New York: Holt, Rhinehard and

Winston (1971); 

Cornacchio H.

 Drugs in the Classroom: A Conceptual Model for School Programs, St. Louis: C.V.

Mosby (1973); 

Dohner V.A.

 «Alternatives to Drugs», Journal of Drug Education 2: 3—22 (1972).

46. Drug Policy Office, Federal Strategy for Prevention of Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking, Washington, DC:

The White House (1982).

47. U.S. Department of Education, What Works: Schools Without Drugs, Washington, DC (1986).


Lindblad R.A.

 «A Review of the Concerned Parent Movement in the United States of America», Bulletin on

Narcotics 35, 3: 41—52 (1983); 

Booth W.

 «War Breaks Out Over an Agency», Science 211: 648—50 (1988);

Jaffe J.H. 

«Footnotes in the Evolution of the American National Response: Some Little Known Aspects of the First

American Strategy for Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking Prevention», British Journal of Addiction 82: 587—600


 Cohen J.

 «Achieving a Reduction in Drug%Related Harm Through Education», pp. 65—76 in Heather N. et

al. Psychoactive Drugs an dHarm Reduction: From Faith to Science, London: Whurr (1993); 

Staples P. 


of Alcohol% and Drug%Related Harm in Australia: A Government Minister's Perspective», pp. 49—54 in Heather N. et
al. Psychoactive Drugs and Harm Reduction: From Faith to Science, London: Whurr (1993); 

Marshall I.H., Marshall


 «Drug Prevention in the Netherlands%A Low Key Approach», pp. 205—32 in Leuw E, Marshall I.H. (eds)

Between Prohibition and Legalization: The Dutch Experiment in Drug Policy, Amsterdam: Kugler Publications (1994).

50. Lifeline, 101 —103 Oldham Street, Manchester, England M4 1 LW.


McDermott P. et al.

 «Ecstasy in the United Kingdom: Recreational Drug Use and Subcultural Change», pp.

230—44 in Heather N. et al. (eds) Psychoactive Drugs and Harm Reduction: From Faith to Science, London: Whurr

Fromberg E.

 «A Harm Reduction Educational Strategy Toward Ecstasy», pp. 146—153 in O'Hare P.A. et

al. (eds) The Reduction of Drug%Related Harm, New York: Routledge (1992).

52. Netherlands Institute on Alcohol and Drugs, «Cannabis Policy Fact Sheet», Netherlands Alcohol and Drug

Report 1 (1995) .


Jacobs J.B.

 Drunk Driving: An American Dilemma, Chicago: University of Chicago Press (1989).


Cohen J., Kay J.

 Taking Drugs Seriously: A Parent's Guide to Young People's Drug Use, Great Britain:

Thorsons (1994); 

Miller M., Burbank S.

 Teach Your Children Well: A Rational Guide to Family Drug Education,

Mosier, OR: Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (1995); 

De Miranda J. 

«Do Our Drug Prevention Messages

Underestimate Kids?», Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly (17 February 1997); Anonymous, «The Rite of Passage:
A Family's Perspective on the Use of MDMA», Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies 7, 1: 40—45
(1997); Anonymous, «Stumbling on His Stash», Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies 7, 1: 37—39

Beam A.

 «Getting Real About Drugs», Boston Globe (25 November 1991).

55. Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse,

New York (1995); Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance
Abuse II: Teens and Their Parents, New York (1996).


1. Advisory Committee on Drug Dependence, Cannabis, London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office (1969).

2. Canadian Government Commission of Inquiry, The Non%Medical Use of Drugs, Ottawa, Canada: Information

Canada (1970).

3. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding, Washington,

DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (1972).

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Марихуана: мифы и факты

4. Werkgroep Verdovende Middelen, Background and Risks of Drug Use, The Hague: Staatsuigeverij (1972).

5. Senate Standing Committee on Social Welfare, Drug Problems in Australia%An Intoxicated Society, Canberra:

Australian Government Publishing Service (1977).

6. National Research Council, An Analysis of Marijuana Policy, Washington, DC: National Academy Press



McDonald D. et al. 

Legislative Options for Cannabis in Australia, Report on the National Task Force on

Cannabis, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service (1994).

8. Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Drugs Policy in the Netherlands: Continuity and Change, The

Netherlands (1995).

9. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, «Marihuana Use in American Society», pp. 249—339

in Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding, Appendix I, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (1972).

10. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, «Enforcement Behavior at the State Level», pp. 612—

728 in Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding, Apendix 11, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office

11. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, «A Nationwide Study of Beliefs, Information and

Experiences», pp. 855—968 in Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding, Apendix 11, Washington, DC; U.S.
Government Printing Office (1972).

12. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse, «Opinion Within the Criminal Justice System», pp.

782—852 in Marihuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding, Apendix 11, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
Office (1972)

13. Subcommittee Hearings to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency, Senate Judiciary Committee, Marijuana

Decriminalization, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (1975).

14. New York Academy of Medicine, Committee on Public Health, «Marihuana and Drug Abuse», Bulletin of the

New York Academy of Medicine 49: 77—80 (1973).

15. Quoted in 

Baum D. 

Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure, Boston: Little, Brown

and Company (1996), p. 92.

16. Subcommittee Hearings to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency, Senate Judiciary Committee (1975), см. № 13,

p. 6.

17. Quoted in 

DiChiara A., Galliher J.I.

 «Dissonance and Contradictions in the Origins of Marihuana

Decriminalization», Law and Society Review 28: 41—77 (1994), p. 58.

18. Quoted in Marihuana and Health in Perspective, Summary and Comments and Fischer, B. «Canadian Cannabis

Policy: The Impact of Criminalization, the Current Reality and Future Policy Options», pp. 227—42 in Bollinger L. (ed)
Cannabis Science: From Prohibition to Human Right, New York: Peter Lang (1997).

19. DiChiara A., Galliher I.I. (1994), см. № 17, p. 55.

20. DiChiara A., Galliher I.I.  (1994), см. № 17, p. 53.

21. DiChiara A., Galliher I.I.  (1994), см. № 17, p. 52.

22. DiChiara A., Galliher I.I.  (1994), см. № 17, p. 51.

23. President's Advisory Commission on Narcotics and Drug Abuse, Final Report, Washington, DC: U.S.

Government Printing Office (1963).

24. President's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice, Task Force Report on

Narcotics and Drug Abuse, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office (1967).

25. National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, Marijuana: A Study of State Policies and Penalties,

Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice (1977).

26. DiChiara A., Galliher I.I. (1994), см. № 17.

27. Subcommittee Hearings to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal

Security Laws, Marihuana%Hashish Epidemic and Its Impact on United States Security, Washington, DC: U.S.
Government Printing Office (1974).


Slaughter J.B. 

«Marijuana Prohibition in the United States: History and Analysis of a Failed Policy», Columbia

Journal of Law and Social Problems 21: 417—74(1988).

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Johnston L.D. et al.

 National Survey Results on Drug Use from the Monitoring the Future Study, 1975—

1995, Vol. I, Secondary School Students, Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1996).


Cook M.H., Newman C.

 This Side Up, Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse (1977); Drug

Abuse Prevention for Your Family, Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse (1977).


Manatt M.

 Parents, Peers and Pot, Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse (1979); 

Manatt M.

Parents, Peers and Pot II, Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse (1983); 

Mann P.

 Marijuana Alert, New

York: McGraw%Hill Book Company (1985); National Institute on Drug Abuse, «Celebrating Parent Power in Georgia»,
Prevention Resources 3, 3—4 (1978).

32. National Institute on Drug Abuse, «Prevention at the Grassroots», Prevention Resources 6, 1 (1982).

33. National Institute on Drug Abuse, State of the Art Report on the Parent Movement Rockville,MD (1981).


Lindblad R.A.

 «A Review of the Concerned Parent Movement in the United States of America», Bulletin on

Narcotics 35, 3: 41—52 (1983); 

Jaffe J.H.

 «Footnotes in the Evolution of the American National Response: Some

Little Known Aspects of the First American Strategy for Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking Prevention», British Journal
of Addiction 82: 587—600 (1987).


DuPont R.L.

 Getting Tough on Gateway Drugs, Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press (1984).


Manatt M. 

(1979), см. № 32.


Baum D.

 (1996), см. № 15.


Mann P.

 Marijuana Update, Pleasantvillle, NY: Reader's Digest (1982), pp. 3, 11, 17.


Mann P.

 (1985), см. № 32.

40. The American Council on Marijuana was later renamed the American Council on Marijuana and Other

Psychoactive Drugs, and then the American Council for Drug Education.

41. For example,

 Heath R.G.

 Marijuana and the Brain, Rockville, MD: American Council on Marijuana and Other

Psychoactive Drugs (1981); 

Tashkin D.P., Cohen S.

 Marijuana Smoking and Its Effects on the Lungs, Rockville,

MD: American Council on Marijuana and Other Psychoactive Drugs (1981); 

Turner C.E.

 The Marijuana Controversy,

Rockville, MD: American Council on Marijuana and Other Psychoactive Drugs (1981); 

Moskowitz H., Petersen R.

Marijuana and Driving, Rockville, MD: American Council on Marijuana and Other Psychoactive Drugs (1982);

Smith C.G., Asch R.H. 

Marijuana and Reproduction, Rockville, MD: American Council on Marijuana and Other

Psychoactive Drugs (1982).


Russell G.K. 

Marihuana Today: A Compilation of Medical Findings for the Layman, New York: The Myrin

Institute (1978).


Nahas G.G.

 Marihuana%Deceptive Weed, New York: Raven Press (1973); 

Nahas G.G.

 Keep Off the Grass,

New York: Reader's Digest Press (1976).


Nahas G.G.

 (1976), см. № 44, pp. 152, 163.

45. «Reagan Warns Against Easier 'Pot' Penalties», Los Angeles Times (5 December 1974), p. 32.

46. Drug Policy Office, Federal Strategy for Prevention of Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking, Washington, DC:

The White House (1982).

47. «Discussion Highlights», pp. 100—108 in National Institute on Drug Abuse, Marijuana and Youth: Clinical

Observations on Motivation and Learning, Rockville, MD (1982), p. 101.

48. «Highlights of Final Discussion», pp. 109—120 in National Institute on Drug Abuse, Marijuana and Youth:

Clinical Observations on Motivation and Learning, Rockville, MD (1982), pp. 114—15.

49. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Marijuana and Health, Ninth Report to the U.S. Congress from the

Secretary of Health and Human Services (1982).

50. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Marijuana and Health, Eighth Annual Report to the U.S. Congress from

the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (1980).


Kleiman M.A.R.

 Marijuana: Costs of Abuse, Costs of Control, New York: Greenwood Press (1989); 

Reuter P.

«On the Consequences of Toughness», pp. 138—164 in Kraus M.B., Lazear E.P. Searching for Alternatives: Drug
Control Policy in the United States, Stanford: Hoover Institution Press (1991); 

Baum D.

 (1996), см. № 15.


 Gordon D.R.

 The Return of the Dangerous Classes: Drug Prohibition and Policy Politics, New York: W.W.

Norton & Company (1994); 

Trebach A.S.

 The Great Drug War, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company (1987).

53. Federal Bureau of Investigation, Uniform Crime Reports, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice


54. Marijuana Policy Project, «Smoke a Joint, Lose Your License«: July 1995 Status Report, Washington, DC


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Марихуана: мифы и факты

55. Marijuana Policy Project, «MPP Analyzes States' Medicinal Marijuana Laws», Marijuana Policy Report 2, 3:

1—6 (1996); 

Wren C.S.

 «Votes on Marijuana are Stirring Debate», New York Times (17 November 1996), p. 16.

56. Drug Enforcement Administration, Drug Legalization: Myths and Misconceptions, Washington, DC: U.S.

Department of Justice (1994); 

McCaffrey B., 

Director of National Drug Control Policy, Senate Judiciary Committee

Hearings, Teenage Drug Use (4 September 1996); Office of National Drug Control Policy, The Administration's
Response to the Passage of California Proposition 215 and Arizona Proposition 200, Washington, DC: The White
House (30 December 1996); «Doctors Given Federal Threat on Marijuana: U.S. Acts to Overcome States' Easing of
Law», New York Times (31 December 1996), p. 1.

57. Office of National Drug Control Policy, National Drug Control Strategy, Washington, DC (1989), p. 47.

58. U.S. Department of Education, What Works: Schools Without Drugs, Washington, DC (1992); Office of

National Drug Control Policy (1989), см. № 58.

59. American Management Association, 1994 Survey on Workplace Drug Testing and Drug Abuse Policies,

New York (1994).


Booth W.

 «Florida County Sets Drug Tests for Welfare Clients», Washington Post (17 September 1996), p. A3.


 Boodman S.G.

 «Testing Your Children for Drugs», Washington Post Health (25 February 1997), p. 12.


Glass S. 

«Don't You D.A.R.E.« New Republic (3 March 1997), pp. 18—28.

63.  Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, National Household Survey on Drug Abuse:

Main Findings 1994, Rockville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (1996); 

Johnson L.D. et al.

(1996), см. № 30.

64. For example, Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, Cigarettes, Alcohol, Marijuana: Gateways to Illicit

Drug Use, New York (1994); Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, National Survey of American Attitudes on
Substance Abuse, New York (1995); Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, National Survey of American
Attitudes on Substance Abuse II: Teens and Their Parents, New York (1996).


Leshner A.I.

 «Marijuana Initiative Features Scientifically Accurate Messages», NIDA Notes 10, 4: 3 (1995).

66. Partnership for a Drug%Free America Press Release, «With Potential Marijuana Crisis Re%Emerging, Partnership

Launches Massive Advertising Blitz on Marijuana», New York (23 January 1995).


Hadi N.

 «The Reality Check Campaign», Prevention Pipeline 9, 4: 5—6 (1996).

68. Quoted in «NIDA Conference Advances HHS Secretary's Marijuana Initiative», NIDA Notes 10, 6: 5 (1995).

69. Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (1995), см. № 8.


Bollinger L. 

«German Drug Law in Action», pp. 153—68 in Bollinger L. (ed) Cannabis Science: From

Prohibition to Human Right, Frankfurt: Peter Lang (1997); 

Arnao G.

 «Anti%Prohibitionism: Prospects For the Future»,

pp. 107—203 in Questioning Prohibition: 1994 International Report on Drugs, Brussels: International
Antiprohibitionist League (1994); Radical Anti%Prohibitionist Coоrdination, «The Cora and the Italian Referendum on
Drugs», pp. 151—52 in Questioning Prohibition: 1994 International Report on Drugs, Brussels: International
Antiprohibitionist League (1994); 

McDonald D. et al.

 (1994), см. № 7.


McDonald D. et al.

 (1994), см. № 7.


Bonnie R.J.

 «America's Drug Policy: Time for Another Commission?», Contemporary Drug Problems 20:

395—408 (1993).

73. National Commission on Drug%Free Schools, Towards a Drug%Free Generation: A Nation's Responsibility,

Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education (1990); Office of National Drug Control Policy, National Drug
Control Strategy, Washington, DC: The White House (1995); U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Press
Release, «Marijuana and Tobacco Use Still Rising Among 8th and 10th Graders», Rockville, MD (19 December 1996).

74. Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, Legalization: Panacea or Pandora's Box, New York (1995);

Gorman T.J.

 The Myths of Drug Legalization, Santa Clarita, CA: California Narcotics Officers' Association (1994);

Drug Enforcement Administration (1994), см. № 57.


Adlaf E. et al.

 The Ontario Student Drug Use Survey: 1975—1995, Toronto: Addiction Research Foundation


Donnelly N., Hall W.

 Patterns of Cannabis Use in Australia, Canberra: Australian Government Publishing

Service (1994); 

Harrison L.D.

 «More Cannabis in Europe? Perspectives from the USA», paper presented at the

Conference on Drug Use and Drug Policy, European Research Group on Drug Issues and Drug Policy, Amsterdam
(September 1996).


Single E.

 «The Impact of Marijuana Decriminalization: An Update», Journal of Public Health Policy 10:

456—66 (1989); 

Johnston L.D. et al.

 Marijuana Decriminalization: The Impact on Youth, 1975—1980, Monitoring

the Future, Occasional Paper 13, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan (1981); 

Saveland W., Bray D.F.

 «Trends in

Cannabis Use Among American States with Different and Changing Legal Regimes, 1972—1977», Contemporary
Drug Problems 10: 335—61 (1981).

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77. Belden, Russonello «American Voters' Opinions on the Use and Legalization of Marijuana», national random

poll conducted for the American Civil Liberties Union, New York (1995).

78. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1994, Washington, DC: U.S.

Department of Justice (1994), p. 197; Partnership for a Drug%Free America, 1995 Partnership Attitude Tacking
Study, New York (1996); Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (1995), см. № 65; Center on Addiction and
Substance Abuse (1996), см. № 65; Belden, Russonello (1995), см. № 78.


Johnston L.D. et al.

 (1996), см. № 30.

80. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics 1995, Washington, DC: U.S.

Department of Justice (1995), p. 219.

81. The Field Institute, poll of California voters' support for Proposition 215 (1996); Center on Addiction and

Substance Abuse Press Release, «Majority of Californians Support Marijuana for Terminally Ill But Reject Other
Provisions« (28 October 1996); Lake Research, Inc. national random poll conducted for the Lindesmith Center, New
York (1997); Belden, Russonello (1995), см. № 78.

82. Center on Substance Abuse Prevention, «Marijuana Issues: Meeting Summary», Rockville, MD: U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services (April 1995); Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (1995), см. № 65;
Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (1996), см. № 65; Partnership for a Drug%Free America (1996), см. № 79.

83. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (1996), см. № 64.