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temporal displacement

    A type of displacement resulting from an offender

shifting his or her criminal activity to a different time period in response to
perceived changes in risk or opportunity environments. Activity shifts to a
period (e.g., time of day, day of week, etc.) with acceptable levels of risk and
target availability; this may involve an extended period of offender inactivity.




territorial displacement


spatial displacement


Thiessen polygon

    A catchment area around a central position; the area

within that polygon is closer to its centre than to any other “competing”
centre. Also known as a Voronoi or Dirichlet polygon.

trap line

    A linear fishing hole, typically stretched along a street or com-

mercial strip. See 

hunting ground



    Trappers have occupations or positions where potential victims

come to them (e.g., nursing), or by means of some subterfuge, victims are
enticed into their homes or other locations they control (e.g., by placing want


    An offender who, while involved in other, nonpredatory activities,

opportunistically encounters a victim.


    Violent Criminal Apprehension Program, the U.S. national com-

puterized linkage analysis system for murders.


    Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System, the Canadian national

computerized linkage analysis system for murders and sexual offences.

victim release site

    The location where an offender releases the victim, often

used in the context of a rape or sexual assault case.

victim trail

    The path taken by a victim (e.g., going home from work), at

some unknown point along which they were encountered by the offender.


    In the context of profiling, the type (e.g., physical appearance,

occupation, actions, etc.) of victim selected by an offender and that person’s
behaviour during the crime.

Voronoi polygon


Thiessen polygon


watering hole


fishing hole


wheel distance

    The distance along a street network. Also known as cur-

vimetre distance or path route.



    The CGT likelihood value associated with a given location.

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