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BRICS Long-Term Strategy




responsibilities are appropriately shared. BRICS will make efforts to create a 

situation where developed and developing countries can work towards a common 

understanding and build consensus for a peaceful world.

Interdependence is a reality of the global system. Through shared concerns 

and aspirations BRICS can help the UN to overcome the challenges to peace and 

security. The BRICS countries share a common view that multilateralism and a 

rules-based global governance architecture are the best guarantor for global and 

regional stability, and also provide a better framework for asserting common values 

and interests while upholding the principle of the sovereignty of nations. 


2.1 Rule of law and a multipolar world

The current world order, a quarter of a century since the collapse of the bipolar 

system, remains unstable, unpredictable and at times chaotic. As acknowledged 

by the BRICS leaders in the Fortaleza Declaration, our world is “confronted 

with persistent political instability and conflict in various global hotspots and 

non-conventional emerging threats” (BRICS, 2014). A further cause for concern 

is the fact that not only international governance structures “show increasingly 

evident signs of losing legitimacy and effectiveness” (ibid.), but the situation when 

international law is ignored and replaced with ad hoc solutions and arrangements, 

and precedent law undermines multilateralism and a consensus-based model of 

cooperation between States.

BRICS fully supports the strengthening of a democratic, inclusive international 

system and the existing institutions and espouses international law to be observed in 

accordance with the principles of the UN Charter, which is based on the sovereign 

equality of States and mutual respect of all countries irrespective of their political, 

economic, social and ideological positions. Thus it is important to reiterate once 

again the BRICS countries’ firm commitment to “reform of current institutions 

towards more representative and equitable governance, capable of generating more 

inclusive global growth and fostering a stable, peaceful and prosperous world” (ibid.).

The primary role of the UN Security Council is to maintain peace and 

security through peaceful dispute settlement or, in some cases, the imposition of 

sanctions and authorising the use of force. Discussions on reform of the Security 

Council have been multifaceted, including areas such as increasing overall membership, 

improving efficiency and streamlining processes. Chapter 2 discusses this 

matter. To be effective, it is important that BRICS articulates a collective voice on 

issues of global importance. BRICS must play an active role in matters of global 

political and economic governance and consistently keep close coordination on 

reforms. At the Fortaleza Summit, the BRICS countries highlighted “the need 

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for a comprehensive reform of the UN, including its Security Council” (ibid.), 

and China and Russia reiterated


“the importance they attach to Brazil, India and 

South Africa’s status and role in international affairs and support their aspiration 

to play a greater role in the UN”

BRICS countries should consistently take a clear 

position on substantive reforms.

The interests of long-term stability require respect for international law as 

opposed to the use of force, as well as a consideration of the objective aspects 

of civilisational development: religion, culture and national legal tradition. 

In accordance with article 27 of the Fortaleza Declaration, BRICS leaders have 

already come up with a joint statement on their “commitment to the sustainable 

and peaceful settlement of disputes, according to the principles and purposes of 

the UN Charter” and condemned “unilateral military interventions and economic 

sanctions in violation of international law and universally recognized norms of 

international relations” (BRICS, 2014). They also emphasise that the five countries 

should promote “the unique importance of the indivisible nature of security, and that 

no State should strengthen its security at the expense of the security of others” (ibid.).

Because of this, BRICS countries are ready to work on establishing the 

regulations to offer long-term legal solutions, so as to avoid the short-term interest 

of re-interpretation of legal norms that enhance instability. Strict positivism, 

intrinsic to international legal doctrines of some BRICS countries, is well illustrated 

by their practical steps on the international arena throughout the 20


 and the 

beginning of the 21


 century. Thus one can conclude that BRICS nations have to 

actively join the process of strengthening the practical foundations of international 

relations. Primarily this concerns the elimination of contradictions between the 

legal framework of international law (article 38 of the Statute of the International 

Court of Justice) and States’ decision to comply with them according to their 

national foreign policy. It is paramount to provide the international system with 

legal certainty. To counter a process of further violation of international law, 

BRICS, in the spirit of network diplomacy, could also rely on regular unions with 

the use of their economic, political, civilisational and cultural partnerships, the 

Eurasian Economic Union, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Mercosur, 

the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the South Asian Association 

for Regional Cooperation, the African Union, the Asia–Europe Meeting etc. 

2.2 Crisis management and risk prevention

Analysis of the main trends in the field of military conflicts shows that since the 

1990s, after the bipolar world order ceased to exist, the number of conflicts in the 

world has been steadily increasing (considering disputes – which involve States –  

and conflicts – which also comprise non-state agents). As a result the zone of 

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BRICS Long-Term Strategy




instability has been widening. It is possible that armed conflicts can escalate both 

horizontally (involving new States and regions) and vertically (increasing the 

scale and intensity of violence in the unstable areas). Any conflict under certain 

circumstances could lead to a local war, and then to a large-scale war.

Most acute disputes are, as a rule, those concerning vital national interests of 

the warring parties. These interests include state sovereignty, territorial integrity, 

social, political and strategic stability in the system of world community, access to 

the vital economic and strategic zones and communications etc. 

There are currently two basic trends in the world: i) globalisation of the world 

economy, which increases the influence of transnational corporations, increases 

the interdependence of countries and thus makes conflicts more costly; and 

ii) a multipolar world, with the rise of new global players with their own interests 

and visions of the world.

It is, therefore, very important that Ministers of Foreign Affairs build 

up common principles of cooperation with regard to uniform ways of dealing 

with conflicts elsewhere, and create a consultation mechanism where they can 

coordinate their views.

It is worrying, in particular, that extremist forces try to achieve power and 

wealth by using national and religious factors and inflaming ethnic violence, 

aggressive nationalism and separatism, propagating various ideas of confrontation. 

2.3 Military threats to BRICS countries

Military threats to BRICS countries may be divided into three categories: external, 

internal and trans-border. Trans-border conflicts risk escalating into more 

significant threats. Furthermore, trans-border terrorist movements in Africa also 

threaten the stability of a number of States and some key economic interests of 

BRICS countries. Trans-border threats also emanate from political instability 

in BRICS nations’ neighbouring countries.

The current military-political situation near some of the BRICS nations’ borders 

is fraught with large-scale armed conflicts that directly endanger their security. 

The regions of instability include Afghanistan, the Middle East and Ukraine. 

At the same time the level of external military threats for BRICS countries is 

assessed as relatively low. We should strive to protect the security of BRICS nations 

predominantly by using political and diplomatic measures, as provided by the UN 

Charter. Despite all the efforts made by the international community, it has not 

succeeded in developing an adequate strategy to oppose local and regional threats. 

External interventions in general appear to have been rather ineffective in solving 

ethnic and political conflicts, especially those of a trans-border nature. Moreover, it 

seems that interventions may aggravate the situation and delay a possible solution.

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2.4 New types of weapons

New and emerging offensive weapon systems and defensive deployments 

pose dangers to global stability. These are largely not covered by existing 

treaties, they disrupt established balance of power and in specific cases, 

their operationalization could lead to conflict. Since the side, which first 

deploys these innovative systems, gets a first-mover advantage, we could 

witness a new arms race among the major powers.

Two specific categories of weapon systems are of particular concern. First, 

the Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 
(UAVs) used for military purposes are now being rapidly deployed by various states. 
Their use and deployment needs to be brought under a legitimate interna-
tional order and their export and proliferation needs to be managed through 
an international arrangement. 

Second, new developments in Ballistic Missile and Ballistic Missile 

Defense systems and postures may disrupt the balance of power and the 
threat of unassailability of any nation could lead to fresh rounds of coun-
ter development and counter postures leading to new tensions. Such new 
developments in this space must also be brought under a suitable inter-
national regime and confidence-building measures must also be initiated.

Besides these, new and futuristic weapon systems based advancement 

in science may also pose a great threat to security and stability in the 
world. BRICS countries should develop a coordinated approach in creating 
an international framework that governs these new weapon systems and 
strengthens the regimes from the last century which are unable to manage 
these new developments.

Weapons on new physical principles may also pose a great threat to 

security and stability in the world. They include geophysical, acoustic, 
laser, genetic and physiological (“rays of pain”) types of weapons. BRICS 
countries should take a consolidated stand in demanding to bring all these 
new weapons under international control.

2.5 Non-proliferation and disarmament

The BRICS members are committed to strengthening the global non-proliferation 

regime and to achieve the desired objectives of universal disarmament. 

BRICS expresses support to the general principles of the current international 

non-proliferation and export control. To this end, it undertakes to engage in 

exchanges and cooperation in the field of non-proliferation. 

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BRICS Long-Term Strategy




Peaceful use of nuclear energy is granted under Article IV of the Treaty on 

the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and no limitation should be 

put on it, except for voluntary measures or in cases of violation of the treaty.

At the same time, the use of peaceful nuclear energy should be fully consistent 

with the provisions of the Treaty, and the right of States to have access to goods 

and technologies for peaceful use should be guaranteed. Significant exporters and 

users across the globe should be encouraged to join relevant export control regimes. 

2.6 BRICS and the prevention of an arms race in outer space

Weaponisation of outer space is a serious issue for BRICS members that are among 

the top space powers (Russia, China and India accounted for 65 per cent of the 

world’s space launches in 2013 and for a large proportion of the satellites in orbit). 

All of the countries of the group agree on the notion that outer space should remain 

non-weaponised and protected from attacks from Earth. 

The BRICS countries should be ready to engage all of the key parties to 

promote these approaches. They should continue to support relevant discussions 

on the prevention of arms races in outer space, such as the Russian-Chinese Draft 

Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and the 

Use or Threat of Use of Weapons Against Outer Space Objects (PPWT), and 

welcome a wide discussion of the topic. BRICS members should develop a 

commom approach to governance of outer space and initiate formal and informal 

consultation with all other parties.

2.7 Countering international terrorism

At least three out of the five BRICS countries face a grave terrorist threat, with 

India and Russia among the top 10 countries affected by terrorism according to 

the Global Terrorism Index (4


 and 9


 places, respectively). China occupies 23



place, while South Africa (111


) and Brazil (116


) are relatively safe from terrorism, 

the latter with zero occurrence (Institute for Economics and Peace, 2012).

The BRICS leaders have jointly condemned terrorism and have reiterated that 

there could be no justification whatsoever for any act of terror, be it based 

on ideological, religious, political, racial, ethnic or any other justification. 

BRICS must work to strengthen the role and centrality of the UN as the coordinator 

for international action. BRICS must work towards early implementation of the 

UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. 

In 2014 the Russian Federal Financial Monitoring Service initiated the 

establishment of the informal BRICS Council consisting of the heads of the five 

countries’ delegations to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Further efforts by