Файл: Экзаменационные тестовые задания по дисциплине Профессиональный иностранный язык.docx

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Экзаменационные тестовые задания по дисциплине

«Профессиональный иностранный язык»


Choose the right form of the verb to be

Our college … one of the oldest educational establishments of the Karaganda region with its own traditions.

A will be

B is+

C are

D was

E were

Choose the right form of the verb to be

There … 4 departments in our college.

A will be

B is

C are+

D was

E were

Choose the right form of the verb to be

The graduates of our department … doctor assistants.

A will be

B is

C are

D was

E were+

Choose the right form of the verb to be

Robert Koch ... a prominent German bacteriologist.

A will be

B is

C are

D was +

E were

Choose the right form of the verb to be

We … at the college yesterday.

A will be

B is

C are

D was

E were+

Choose the right form of the verb to have

We … a lecture in chemistryyesterday.

A has

B have

C will have

D had +

E have had

Choose the right form of the verb to have

I … many books on medicine.

A has

B have +

C will have

D had

E have had

Define described part of the human body.

The movable part of the body at the end of the leg on which a person stands.

A nose

B chest

C forehead

D foot+

E face

Define described part of the human body.

The part of the face above the mouth which is the organ of smell and through which air is breathed.

A nose+

B chest

C forehead

D foot

E face

Define described part of the human body.

The front part of the head from the chin to the forehead and hair.

A nose

B chest

C forehead

D foot

E face+

Define described part of the human body.

The part of the face above the eyes and below the hair.

A nose

B chest

C forehead+

D foot

E face

Define described part of the human body.

The upper part of the body between the neck and the stomach, enclosing the heart and lungs.

A nose

B chest+

C forehead

D foot

E face

Choose the right translation of the given words and word combinations


A Фармация

B сестринское дело+

C лечебное дело

D акушерское дело

E стоматология

Choose the right translation of the given words and word combinations


A Фармация

B сестринское дело

C лечебное дело+

D акушерское дело

E стоматология

Choose the right answer

In the first term medical students are taught… .

A basic theoretical subjects+

B clinical subjects

C surgery

D special subjects

E all answers are right

Choose the right translation of the given words and word combinations


A Фармация+

B сестринское дело

C лечебное дело

D акушерское дело

E стоматология

Choose the right answer

In practical anatomy students study …

A treatment

B drugs

C the human body+

D flowers

E illnesses

Choose the right translation of the given words and word combinations


A Фармация

B сестринское дело

C лечебное дело

D акушерское дело

E стоматология+

Choose the right translation of the given word


A связка

B бедро+

C туловище

D грудная клетка

E сустав

Choose the right translation of the given word


A связка

B бедро

C туловище

D грудная клетка

E сустав+

Choose the right translation of the given word


A связка+

B бедро

C туловище

D грудная клетка

E сустав

Choose the right translation of the given word


A связка

B бедро

C туловище+

D грудная клетка

E сустав

Choose the right translation of the given word


A связка

B бедро

C туловище

D грудная клетка+

E сустав

Choose the right answer

The skeleton is composed of…

A muscles

B bones+

C nerves and blood vessels

D inner organs

E vertebras

Choose the right answer

In the adult the skeleton has over…

A 50 bones

B 350 bones

C 200 bones+

D 70 bones

E 100 bones

Choose the right answer

The bones consist of…

A organic substance

B organic and inorganic substance+

C inorganic substance

D watery substance

E hard substance

Choose the right variant.

The spine consists of … parts.

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

E 5+

Choose the right variant.

The skull is composed of cranial and … parts.

A lumber

B sacral

C coccyx

D facial+

E cervical

Choose the right answer

The weight of the human brain is…:

A from one to two kg+

B less than 1 kg

C more than 2 kg

D more than 3 kg

E all answers are right

Choose terms according to the given definition

It is the centre of a wide system of communication.

A brain+

B heart

C lungs

D the right ventricle

E veins

Choose the right answer

The brain is the centre…

A of a wide system of communication+

B of the human body

C of the skull

D of digestive system

E of the respiratory system

Choose terms according to the given definition

It is inner hollow muscular organ placed within the chest and included in the pericardium.

A brain

B heart+

C lungs

D the right ventricle

E veins

Choose the right variant

Each of the chambers has two connected parts: … and … .

A atrium, septum

B septum, vessel

C vessel, atrium

D atrium, ventricle+

E ventricle, septum

Choose terms according to the given definition

They are the main organs of the respiratory system.

A brain

B heart

C lungs+

D the right ventricle

E veins

Choose terms according to the given definition

The vessels carrying blood to the heart are called ….

A brain

B heart

C lungs

D the right ventricle

E veins+

Choose terms according to the given definition

It is triangular in form and has thick walls.

A brain

B heart

C lungs

D the right ventricle+

E veins

Choose the right answer

Human heart makes

A from 90-100 beats per minute

B from 60 to 72 beats per minute+

C from 50 to 90 beats per minute

D from 10 to 20 beats per minute

E from 150 to 190 beats per minute

Give Russian equivalent of the given word


A дыхательный

B средостение

C плевра

D доля

E боковой+

Give Russian equivalent of the given word


A емкость

B основание

C паренхима+

D вещество

E поверхность

Choose the right translation of the given word


A дыхательный+

B средостение

C плевра

D доля

E боковой

Choose the right translation of the given word


A дыхательный

B средостение+

C плевра

D доля

E боковой

Choose the right translation of the given word


A дыхательный

B средостение

C плевра+

D доля

E боковой

Choose the right translation of the given word


A дыхательный

B средостение

C плевра

D доля+

E боковой

Choose the right translation of the given word


A пищеварительный+

B кишечник

C жёлчный пузырь

D твёрдое нёбо

E мягкое нёбо

Choose the right translation of the given word


A пищеварительный

B кишечник

C жёлчный пузырь+

D твёрдое нёбо

E мягкое нёбо

Choose the right translation of the given word

soft palate

A пищеварительный

B кишечник

C жёлчный пузырь

D твёрдое нёбо

E мягкое нёбо+

Choose the right translation of the given word


A пищеварительный

B кишечник+

C жёлчный пузырь

D твёрдое нёбо

E мягкое нёбо

Choose the right answer

Perforating ulcers are characterized by …

A dull constant pains

B acute pain in the stomach+

C sharp pain in the substernal area

D profuse external bleeding

E a headache

Give the right answer

WBC means

A белые кровяные тельца+

B гемоглобин

C красные кровяные тельца

D желтые кровяные тельца

E бесцветные кровяные тельца

Find the synonym to the abbreviation


A leucocytes+

B erythrocytes

C hemoglobin

D blood

E plasma

Find the synonym to the abbreviation


A leucocytes

B erythrocytes+

C hemoglobin

D blood

E plasma

Answer the question

Who was Robert Koch?

A bacteriologist

B patient

C physician+

D cardiologist

E surgeon

Give English equivalent

Два предсердия

A two atria

B two atrium+

C two ventricle

D two ventricles

E two septums

Give the right answer

The incidence of attacks was frequently associated with physical and mental … .

A overstrain+

B exercises

C development

D pain

E disease

Give Russian equivalent

Various intensity

A различный кишечник

B различная напряженность+

C различная периодичность

D различные случаи

E различные заболевания

Give Russian equivalent

Physiology of the lungs

A строение легких

B анатомия легких

C физиология легких+

D легкие дышат

E врач слушает легкие

Give English equivalent


A physical movement

B physical examination

C auscultation +

D percussion

E palpation

Give English equivalent


A physical movement

B physical examination

C auscultation

D percussion+

E palpation

Give English equivalent


A physical movement

B physical examination

C auscultation

D percussion

E palpation+

Give English equivalent

Диагноз заболевания

A diagnosis of a disease+

B to be ill

C to suffer from a disease

D respiratory disease

E heart disease

Give Russian equivalent

Rate of heartbeat

A частота сердечных сокращений

B частота сердечных ударов+

C диастола

D частота пульса

E скорость пульса

Give Russian equivalent

For internal use

A для приема внутрь+

B для наружного применения

C для инъекций

D для повязок

E для компрессов

Give Russian equivalent


A заболеть

B выздоравливать

C выздоравление+

D заболевание

E рецидив

Give Russian equivalent

to catch a cold

A простудиться+

B заболеть

C кашлять

D выздоравливать

E лечить

Give Russian equivalent

to fill in a case history

A анамнез больного

B заполнять историю болезни+

C история болезни пациента

D форма для истории болезни

E случай заболевания

Give English equivalent

Соединительная ткань

A connective tissue+

B fluid tissue

C hard tissue

D adipose tissue

E compact tissue

Give Russian equivalent

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate



C рентген



Give Russian equivalent

Pulse rate

A частота сердечных сокращений

B частота дыхания

C частота пульса+

D считать пульс

E пальпировать пульс

Экзаменационные вопросы по учебной дисциплине

«Профессиональный английский язык»
1. Read and translate the text (The text is unknown)
2. Make up a dialogue and dramatize it

  1. Our medical college

  2. The skeleton

  3. The heart and the vascular system

  4. The lungs

  5. The alimentary tract

  6. The brain

  7. Lobular pneumonia

  8. Treatment of lobular pneumonia

  9. Pulmonary tuberculosis

  10. Rheumatic endocarditis

  11. Treatment of rheumatic endocarditis

  12. Appendicitis

  13. Hepatitis

  14. German measles

  15. Mumps

  16. Chickenpox

  17. Examination of the patient

  18. Taking a past history and a family history

  19. Medical institutions

  20. How are you feeling