Файл: High Court of Justice includes the Queens Bench Division,the Family Division.docx

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  1. High Court of Justice includes the Queen’s Bench Division,the Family Division

  • The Civil Division

  • The Administrative Division

  • The Criminal Division

  • The Chancery Division +

  1. The legislative function …………  by the Parliament. 

  • Is exercising

  • Have exercised

  • Is exercised +

  • Exercises

  1. The people who decide in Crown Courts if the accused is innocent or guilty are…

  • Jurors +

  • Justices if the Peace

  • Judges

  • Witnesses

  1. The police ……………….a statement two days ago.

  • Was made

  • Have made

  • Made +

  • Had made

  1. Judges at the Commercial courts ……….. disputes between legal persons.

  • Are settle

  • Settle +

  • Are settled

  • Have been settled

  1. The trial at magistrates’ courts by 5 o’clock

  • Will be finished

  • Will finish

  • Will have finished +

  • Will be finish

  1. His lawyer …………………..against the conviction yet.

  • Wasn’t appealed

  • Hasn’t been appealed

  • Didn’t appeal

  • Hasn’t appealed +

  1. Найдите предложение со сказуемым во времени FUTURE PROGRESSIVE:

- The students will take the exam tomorrow

- The students will have passed the exam by June.

- The exam will be passed tomorrow.

- The students will be studing hard for the exam.+++++++++++.

9. The witnesses ……………….at the moment.

- Правильный ответ: are being interviewed

10. The Chancery Division of the High Court may deal with ….

- Правильный ответ: bankruptcy

11. The Crown court deals with ……………… cases than the magistrates’ court. (serious)

- Правильный ответ: more serious

12. system …………….. of the Constitutional Court, the courts of the general jurisdiction, and the state commercial courts.

- Правильный ответ: consists

13. A court in which legal proceedings are begun or first heard may be called …

- trial court

14.  ................ serious criminal cases.

- Правильный ответ: try

15. The type of legal system in Great Britain is ..................

- Правильный ответ: common law

16. The employees ……….. use the company phones for private conversations.

- Правильный ответ: are not allowed to

17. Laws ……………….. in Parliament every year. (pass)

- Правильный ответ: are passed

18. Many civil disputes are dealt with through mediation. But when a case goes through the courts, the aim is to make it as simple as possible. For smaller claims there is a speedy and cheap way of resolving disputes – through the small claims court. Judges in the civil jurisdiction award financial damages to the successful party.

- the small claims court.

19. His lawyer said he ……………….such cases before.

- Правильный ответ: had represented

20. The Constitutional Court ………….. the constitution.

- Правильный ответ: interprets

21. The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 ……...........some major changes to the British Constitution.

- Правильный ответ: introduced

22. The largest law libraries in the world

- Правильный ответ: are found

23. Appeals can be taken to a ……………….court.

- Правильный ответ: higher

24. has reached a ..................................

- Правильный ответ: verdict

25. The police will …………… the witnesses as soon as possible.

- Правильный ответ: interview

26. The US court system is actually many court systems: a federal system and 50 state systems. Every US state has a court of last resort, generally called the "supreme court." Supreme courts review the decisions and the procedures of lower courts; they don't hold trials. Although their decisions are final within a state court system, sometimes they can be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

- Правильный ответ: supreme court

27. Serious cases ……….. be referred to the Crown Court.

- Правильный ответ: must

28. in the United Kingdom.

- Правильный ответ: four

29. He ..................... work as a judge: he is too young.

- Правильный ответ: cannot

30. The legal system of England and Wales ……………. on statute law and common law.

- Правильный ответ: is based

31. Common law, statute law, equity

- Правильный ответ: sources of law

32. Most appeals ……………with by way of rehearing.

- Правильный ответ: are dealt

33. Most civil disputes do not end up in court. Many are dealt with through mediation. For smaller claims there is a speedy and cheap way of resolving disputes – through the small claims court. Judges in the civil jurisdiction award financial damages to the successful party.

Правильный ответ: to give some basic information about civil justice in the UK.

34. A court ……. afford damages to a non-guilty party.

Правильный ответ: can

35. The accused ....................... the right to defense.

Правильный ответ: is guaranteed

36. High Court of Justice

Queen’s Bench Division

37. The court still .............................. the details of the case.

Правильный ответ: is examining

38. The jurors ................................ the verdict since 2 o’clock.

Правильный ответ: have been discussing

39. Appeals from the

Court of Appeal

40. The US court system is actually many court systems: a federal system and 50 state systems. Every US state has a court of last resort, generally called the "supreme court." Supreme courts review the decisions and the procedures of lower courts; they don't hold trials. Although their decisions are final within a state court system, sometimes they can be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Правильный ответ: No

41. The penalty for some traffic offences ……….. be a fine.

Правильный ответ: may

42. Найдите предложение со сказуемым во времени PRESENT PERFECT PASSIVE:

Правильный ответ: The verdict has been reached by the jury.

43. Magistrates …………….. from local community.

Правильный ответ: are chosen

44. He …………….. in the police force for 10 years.

Правильный ответ: has worked

45. All citizens ....................... observe laws.

Правильный ответ: must

46. In Russia, Justices of the Peace ……..

Правильный ответ: resolve small claims at the local level

47. . Before 2005 the highest court in the United Kingdom was ….

Правильный ответ: the House of Lords

48. He notified his lawyer that he ………………… his address.

Правильный ответ: had changed

49. The rate of juvenile delinquency …………………. in recent years.

Правильный ответ: has increased

50. The court ………..this case for two weeks.

Правильный ответ: was considering

51. Правильный ответ: conducts

52. When domestic law is in conflict with European law …

Правильный ответ: European law prevails

53. Jurors listen to the


54. Penalties ……………by the state.

Правильный ответ: are imposed

55. The courts in Great Britain are divided into two large groups 

Правильный ответ: criminal and civil courts

56. In Russia, the courts that make initial decisions in the majority of criminal and civil cases are called……

Правильный ответ: district courts

57. Cases involving young people under 17 ………. in special juvenile courts.

Правильный ответ: are heard

58. Legal means …………… to regulate relations between people. (use)

Правильный ответ: are used

59. This court consists of three divisions: the Queen’s Bench Division,

Правильный ответ: High Court of Justice

60. Robbery is …………………than shoplifting.

Правильный ответ: more dangerous

61. Police are ……………a bank robbery in Wilmington.

Правильный ответ: investigating

62. The act or process of making laws is called

Правильный ответ: legislation

63. A court of summary jurisdiction held before two or more Justices of the Peace is called…

Magistrates’ Courtfo

64. The RF Constitutional Court rules …………

Правильный ответ: on the constitutionality of

65. and deals with all criminal cases referred to it from the Magistrates’ courts

Правильный ответ: Crown court

66. Judges conduct  ..................................

Правильный ответ: trials

67. Disputes regarding business activity are …………… before state commercial courts.

Правильный ответ: heard

68. County court judges ………. hear such matters as contracts and tort disputes.

Правильный ответ: may

69. The Constitutional Reform Act 2005 ……...........some major changes to the British Constitution.

Правильный ответ: introduced

70. Cases involving family matters start in ….

Правильный ответ: Magistrates’ courts

71. Определите, какой из модальных глаголов выражает РЕКОМЕНДАЦИЮ

Правильный ответ: should

72. The Russian Federation Constitutional Court …………… of 19 judges. (consist)

Правильный ответ: consists

73. The people who decide in

Правильный ответ: jurors

74, The more he studied the evidence, the …………. he understood the case.

Правильный ответ: better

75. The jury ............................. a verdict for three days.

Правильный ответ: was deliberating

76. The trial …………….before we came to the court.

Правильный ответ: had been closed

77. The public agreed that the jury …………..the right verdict.

Правильный ответ: had given

78. Police officers ....................

Правильный ответ: serve

79. He  …………….. for breaching the speed limit last week.

Правильный ответ: was fined

80. As a rule, magistrates ………….. impose a sentence of less than 12 months imprisonment.

Правильный ответ: may

81. Equity law

Правильный ответ: the English Court of Chancery

82. I ……………the exam already.

Правильный ответ: have passed

83. Magistrate courts …………….. over by Justices of the Peace.

Правильный ответ: are presided

84. A Magistrates’ court usually consists of ….

Правильный ответ: three Justices of the Peace

85. The witness said he ……………..that this document before.

Правильный ответ: hadn’t seen

86. A specialized

Правильный ответ: tribunal

87. Appeals can be taken to a ………   court. (high)

Правильный ответ: higher

88. ……..you …….. ...a course in Criminal Law yet?

Правильный ответ: Have.....taken

89. found the ………..guilty.


90. The US Supreme Court consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and a number of Associate Justices fixed by the Congress. The number of Associate Justices is currently fixed at eight. The power to nominate the Justices is vested in the President of the United States, and appointments are made with the advice and consent of the Senate.


91. In Britain, poor people ………… get legal aid.

Правильный ответ: can

92. The United Kingdom copyright law ........……..   in 2003.

Правильный ответ: was revised

93. Any law in the Russian Federation cannot contradict ....

Правильный ответ: the Constitution

94. If the jury find the defendant guilty the judge will pronounce a sentence only after taking into account such factors as the circumstances of the case, the impact that the crime has had on the victim, relevant law, mitigation and any reports and references on the defendant.

Правильный ответ: to explain the sentencing process.

95. After the jury .......................... the verdict, the judge passed the sentence.

Правильный ответ: had given

96. A serious case ……….. be referred to the Crown court.


97. Appeals from the are made to


98. Most civil disputes do not end up in court. Many are dealt with through mediation. But when a case goes through the courts, the aim is to make it as simple as possible. Smaller claims are resolved  through the small claims court. Judges in the civil jurisdiction do not imprison a losing party, but award financial damages to the successful party.

impose jail sentences.

99. The problem of abolishing capital punishment ………...........for a long time.

Правильный ответ: has been discussed

100. Statute law includes Acts of Parliament and .............

Правильный ответ: acts of delegated legislation.

101. A Crown court always a jury.


102. we will be passed our exams by January

Will have passed

103. most appeals are making on matters of law

Are made

104. the judge always


105. judges in england can not retire until they are 75


106. our students teach by distinguished professors

Are taught

107. the supreme court is the


108. all lawyers must pass the bar exam before they start practice


109. the judge conducts the trial


110. the jury is a group of 12 lay citizens who are collected for one case only


111. the case was discussed by the court


112. the work will be completed by the end of the week

Will have been completed

113. the chancery division of the high court may deal with


114. in britain a civil court of first instance is called

Country court

115. the judgment will be appeal as soon as possible

Will be appealed

116. this week I have prepared a report on civil law

Have prepared