Файл: Task Read and retell the text. The United Kingdom is a.docx

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Добавлен: 09.11.2023

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Task 1. Read and retell the text.

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy in which the reigning monarch (that is, the King or Queen who is the Head of State at any given time) does not make any open political decisions. All political decisions are taken by the government and Parliament. This constitutional state of affairs is the result of a long history of constraining and reducing the political power of the monarch, beginning with the Magna Carta in 1215.

Parliament is split into two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Commons is the lower house and is the more powerful. The House of Lords is the upper house and although it can vote to amend proposed laws, the House of Commons can usually vote to overrule its amendments. Although the House of Lords can introduce bills, most important laws are introduced in the House of Commons – and most of those are introduced by the government, which schedules the vast majority of parliamentary time in the Commons. Parliamentary time is essential for bills to be passed into law, because they must pass through a number of readings before becoming law. Prior to introducing a bill, the government may run a public consultation to solicit feedback from the public and businesses, and often may have already introduced and discussed the policy in the Queen's Speech, or in an election manifesto or party platform.

Ministers of the Crown are responsible to the House in which they sit; they make statements in that House and take questions from members of that House. For most senior ministers this is usually the elected House of Commons rather than the House of Lords. There have been some recent exceptions to this: for example, cabinet ministers Lord Mandelson (First Secretary of State) and Lord Adonis (Secretary of State for Transport) sat in the Lords and were responsible to that House during the government of Gordon Brown.

Соединенное Королевство является конституционной монархией, в которой правящий монарх (то есть король или королева, которые являются главой государства в любой момент времени) не принимает никаких открытых политических решений. Все политические решения принимаются правительством и парламентом. Такое конституционное положение дел является результатом долгой истории ограничения и сокращения политической власти монарха, начиная с Великой хартии вольностей в 1215 году.

Парламент разделен на две палаты: Палату лордов и Палату общин. Палата общин является нижней палатой и является более могущественной. Палата лордов является верхней палатой, и хотя она может голосовать за внесение поправок в предлагаемые законы, Палата общин обычно может голосовать за отмену своих поправок. Хотя Палата лордов может вносить законопроекты, большинство важных законов вносятся в Палату общин – и большинство из них вносятся правительством, которое планирует подавляющее большинство парламентского времени в Палате общин
. Парламентское время необходимо для того, чтобы законопроекты были приняты в закон, потому что они должны пройти ряд чтений, прежде чем стать законом. Перед внесением законопроекта правительство может провести публичные консультации, чтобы получить обратную связь от общественности и бизнеса, и часто может уже представить и обсудить политику в речи королевы или в предвыборном манифесте или партийной платформе.

Министры Короны несут ответственность перед Палатой, в которой они заседают; они делают заявления в этой Палате и отвечают на вопросы членов этой Палаты. Для большинства старших министров это обычно избираемая Палата общин, а не Палата лордов. В последнее время были некоторые исключения из этого правила: например, министры кабинета Лорд Мандельсон (первый государственный секретарь) и лорд Адонис (государственный секретарь по транспорту) заседали в Палате лордов и были ответственны перед этой палатой во время правления Гордона Брауна.
This text describes the state structure of the United Kingdom. So the United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. In this type of government, the reigning monarch does not make any open political decisions.All political decisions are taken by the government and Parliament. Parliament is split into two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Commons is the lower house and is the more powerful. Most important legislation is introduced in the House of Commons by the government, which plans the vast majority of parliamentary time in the House of Commons. Parliamentary time is essential for bills to be passed into law, because they must pass through a number of readings before becoming law. P

Ministers of the Crown are responsible to the House in which they sit; they make statements in that House and take questions from members of that House.

Usually senior ministers are responsible to the House of Commons, but there are exceptions to this rule. For example, the Cabinet ministers Lord Mandelson and Lord Adonis sat in the House of Lords and were responsible to this House during the reign of Gordon Brown.


Task 2. You are going to give a talk about any tradition that you know in your country. You will have to speak for two minutes.

Remember to say:

-          what tradition seems to you more interesting than other and why 

-          whether you know anything about where, when and ho9w this tradition began 

-          how the tradition of your choice is observed these days 

You have to talk continuously. 
One of the most famous traditions associated with England is the "five o'clock" tea party. Tea in this country is traditionally a popular and refined drink, and the culture of tea drinking is very original and unique.For the first time this popular drink came to England in the middle of the 17th century, more precisely in 1664. According to one version, several pounds of its dried leaves were presented as a gift to King Charles II, at that time it was a very expensive gift, since huge duties were paid for the import of tea.The taste and aroma of the drink was first appreciated by the king's wife Catherine of Braganza, who made tea an official drink in the palace, and made it a custom to drink it every day from porcelain cups. Her servants, fearing that these cups, which were very thin and fragile, might burst, began to pour milk into the bottom first,and then hot tea. Since then, this English tradition has appeared-to drink tea with milk.The most significant event in the history of English tea drinking was the well-known tradition of "five o'clock", which originated in the 1840s. And it appeared thanks to Anna Russell, the Duchess .Bedford.At that time, it was customary to serve dinner in the evening, between 8 and 9 o'clock. One day, while walking in the garden and very hungry, Anna asked for tea, bread and butter, cookies and cupcakes, and thus had a light snack. The next time Anna invited her friends to a similar tea party, and they had a very good time. This is how this ritual – the "five o'clock" tea party-emerged, which quickly took root among the aristocrats and the middle class.