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Present Simple

I, you, we, they + walk (вспомогательныйглаголDO)

He, she, it + walks (вспомогательныйглагол DOES)

We walk our dogs every morning. – Мы каждое утро выгуливаем наших собак.

Do you read news? – Вы читаете новости?

He sometimes walks in the park with his friend. – Он иногда гуляет в парке с другом.

Does she often go swimming? – Она часто ходит плавать?

Past Simple

watched (правильный глагол)

took (неправильный глагол)

(вспомогательный глагол DID)

He watched TV last night. – Он смотрел телевизор вчера вечером.

He took a train to London. – Он сел на поезд до Лондона.

Did they arrive on time? – Они прибыли вовремя?

Simple'>Future Simple

will+ read 

will read the poem tomorrow. – Я прочитаю стих завтра.

Will you call me tomorrow? – Вы позвоните мне завтра?

В этой таблице приведены основные правила образования и примеры времен Simple:

  1. Раскройтескобки, поставивглаголвPresent Simple, Past SimpleилиFuture Simple

  1. I (visit)   my grandma tomorrow.

  2. She (buy)   a new dress yesterday.

  3. Tom (call)   his friend every day.

  4. They (not play)   football yesterday.

  5. We (not go)   there tomorrow.

  6. I (not watch)   TV every day.

  7. Danny (be)   in Dublin tomorrow.

  8. Mr. Brown (be)   busy every day.

  9. It (be)   very cold yesterday. 

  1. Раскройтескобки, поставивглаголвформуPresent Simple, Past SimpleилиFuture Simple

  1. We (go)   to Spain next summer.

  2. He (have)   many lessons on Tuesdays.

  3. I (see)   you soon.

  4. Mary (make)   a cake two hours ago.

  5. I (see)   Mike in the office yesterday.

  6. We (have)   a test in History last week.

  7. She (take)   a shower every day.

  8. I (send)   you the letter tomorrow.

  9. Nick usually (get up)   at 8 am.

  10. They always (talk)   quietly. 

Правила употребления глагола TO BE во временах группы Simple:




Present Simple


you, we, they + are 

He, she, it + is 

am a student. – Я студент.

They are British. – Они британцы.

She is 25 years old. – Ей 25 лет.

Past Simple

I, he, she, it + was 

they, you, we + were

He was a writer. – Он был писателем.

We were tired. – Мы были уставшими.

Future Simple

will be 

It will be cold tomorrow. – Завтра будет холодно.

Поставьтеглаголto beвформуPresent Simple, Past SimpleилиFuture Simple

    1. I (be)   sick yesterday.

    2. They (be)   always at home on Fridays.

    3. We (be)   in America next month.

    4. Wendy and Tom (be)   in the classroom one hour ago.

    5. He (be)   in the kitchen when I came home yesterday.

    6. Harry! I (be)   happy to see you!

    7. It (be)   5:45 pm now.

    8. They (be)   home tomorrow.

    9. The classes start at 9:00. Now it's 8:50. We (be)   late!

Заполните пропуски в вопросах недостающими словами (do, did, was, were, will)

1. What   you study at University?

2. When   you start working? 

3. What   your favourite subject at school?

4. Who   your best friend at school?

5. How   you spend your free time now?

6.   you have many friends now?

7.   you often see them?

8. When   you see them next time?

9. Where   you go in summer 2021?

10. What   you do tomorrow?
Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple?

Задание 1. Завершите предложения, используя глагол в скобках в правильном времени - Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple. Все предложения являются утвердительными.

  1. Next Thursday Charlie ... to London. (go)

  2. My brother usually ... early. (get up)

  3. They ... very tired yesterday. (be)

  4. I ... coffee every morning. (drink)

  5. I ... to him a week ago. (speak)

Задание 2. Вставьте вспомогательный глагол в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях.

  1. Lily ... go to the cinema last week. She stayed at home.

  2. What time ... you usually go to bed?

  3. My mother ... go to work next Saturday. Saturday is her day off.

  4. ... you watch the news last night?

  5. Nick ... know Jack. They haven't met before.

Задание 3. Переделайте предложения в соответствии с информацией, данной в скобках.

Пример: Our friends come to see us every Friday. (last Friday) - Our friends came to see us last Friday.

  1. Every day the shop closes at 7 p.m. (yesterday)

  2. I will help you tomorrow. (yesterday)

  3. Scientists published their report last month. (every month)

  4. My sister went on holiday a week ago. (next month)

  5. We will have a meeting in two weeks. (two weeks ago)

Задание 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. He drink/drinks milk every day.

  2. I read/readed that article a week ago.

  3. We will be see/will see him in 5 minutes.

  4. I doesn't trust/don't trust this kind of people.

  5. My son didn't go/didn't went swimming yesterday.

Задание 5. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях.

  1. The earth go round the sun.

  2. Did you went out last night?

  3. I spended too much money last week.

  4. Who will calls him?

  5. They don't leave until very late last night.