Файл: Контрольная работа по предмету Иностранный язык делового и профессионального общения (английский язык).docx

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Министерство высшего образования и науки Российской Федерации

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Кафедра Иностранных языков

Контрольная работа
по предмету:
«Иностранный язык делового и профессионального общения (английский язык)»


студент группы


Малиновкина А.В.


Чертыкова Д.Р.

Уфа 2023


1. Discuss these questions:

1. Are you ambitious? Why or why not?

2. Do you have a career plan? Where do you want to be in 10 years’ time?

3. Which of the following would you prefer to do and why?

a) work for one company during your career

b) work for several different companies

c) work for yourself


  1. Ambitiousness is the need for success, to achieve more, based on higher aspirations for life. If we rely on the definition of ambition, we can say that I am ambitious. Starting just my career, I knew that just working would not be interesting for me, I always wanted more. After 4 years my hard work and my persistence led me to a good position - director.

  2. Certainly there is career growth, but not in the company where I work now. Now I have reached my maximum in this organization. I plan to open my own line of business or go to a higher-paying job. In 10 years I want to succeed in business, have a family and not need anything.

  3. Undoubtedly, I would like to work for myself. Build and develop a business yourself. Now at this stage there is a barrier to the discovery of something new. I am gaining experience, learning and not standing still so that it will help me in the future.

Translate the following into English using the active vocabulary from ex.2.

Part A

  1. We are looking for a specialist for a permanent well-paid job.

  2. Are you ready to work shifts and overtime?

  3. I need a part-time job in my specialty.

  4. Our company does not pay bonuses or provide benefits We do not pay bonuses or provide benefits to employees who work on a flexible schedule or on a temporary basis.

  5. This candidate has a lot of experience in his specialty. He is reliable and experienced. I think he can move up the career ladder.

  6. What will my responsibilities be, and what will I be responsible for during the probationary period?

  7. I worked well under pressure and I ask for a pay raise.

  8. He was promoted to the position of senior manager.

  9. What do you do for a living? - I have a senior position at a refining company and a good monthly salary with bonus.

  10. He has piecework pay and no health insurance deductions.

Part B

  1. She was on maternity leave, so she had a break in her employment.

  2. The company was having financial difficulties, and the senior partner had to fire the junior partner and cut employees with less than 5 years of experience.

  3. He graduated last year with a master's degree in economics and is now looking for a full-time job.

  4. He was downsized and unemployed for a long time.

  5. Under the labor code, human resources can interview, demote, and terminate employees.

  6. You made a good impression on the committee at the interview.

  7. Your potential employer thinks you are the right person for the job.

  8. All last year the graduate was preparing himself for a career as an oil refinery engineer.

  9. During his internship, he received all the skills and experience necessary for his future profession.

  10. The Human Resources Department offers positions for university graduates who have a master's degree or a "red" diploma.

  11. An influential client was on sick leave and then retired.

  12. Does your company offer opportunities for career advancement?

  13. Under the employment contract, we may fire or lay off inexperienced part-time employees.

  14. This inexperienced employee performed poorly under pressure during his probationary period, so he was demoted and had his pay cut.

  15. His record and resume made a bad impression on the Human Resources Manager.


Первое впечатление

Первое впечатление, которое вы произведете на интервьюера, может решить всю дальнейшую судьбу собеседования. Важно, чтобы вы представились, пожали руку, были дружелюбны и вежливы. Первый вопрос часто является вопросом типа «растопить лед». Не удивляйтесь, если

интервьюер спросит вас что-то вроде:

Как вы сегодня?

Вам было трудно нас найти?

Разве у нас не прекрасная погода?

Такие вопросы задаются часто, потому что интервьюер хочет вас успокоить.

Лучше всего ответить коротко и дружелюбно, не вдаваясь в излишние подробности. подробности. Вот несколько примеров правильных ответов:

Интервьюер: Как вы сегодня?

Вы: Нормально, спасибо. А вы?


Интервьюер: Вам было трудно нас найти?

Вы: Нет, офис найти несложно.


Интервьюер: Разве у нас не прекрасная погода?

Вы: Да, замечательная. Я люблю это время года.

Вот несколько примеров неправильных ответов:

Интервьюер: Как вы сегодня?

Вы: Так себе. На самом деле я немного нервничаю.


Интервьюер: Вам было трудно нас найти?

Вы: На самом деле, это было очень трудно. Я пропустила выезд и была вынуждена возвращаться по шоссе. Я боялась, что опоздаю на интервью.


Интервьюер: Разве у нас не прекрасная погода?

Вы: Да, замечательная. Я могу вспомнить это время в прошлом году. Это было ужасно! I Я думала, что дождь никогда не прекратится!


На собеседовании для того чтобы расположить человека, интервьюер спрашивает легкие и ненавязчивые вопросы, где можно сразу с легкостью ответить. Данное действие действует показывает, что человек позитивно настроен на прохождение интервью.

At a job interview, in order to get the person in the mood, the interviewer asks easy and unobtrusive questions where you can answer immediately with ease. This action shows that the person is in a positive mood for the interview.

5. Imagine you have been invited for an interview. Here are some typical questions you can be asked. Think them over beforehand and prepare your answers.

1. Say a few words about yourself.

2. Why did you apply for this job?

3. What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are?

4. We have a lot of applicants for this job, why should we employ you?

5. What has been your most valuable work experience?

6. How would you describe your personality?

7. When did you last lose your temper? Describe what happened?

8. What is more important to you: status or money?

9. What do you consider a fair salary?

10. How long do you think you’d stay with us if you were employed?

11. What don’t you like about your current position?

12. Why do you want to leave your present job?

13. What makes you think you’d enjoy working for us?

14. Are you an ambitious person?

15. What are you most proud of having done in your present job?

16. What was the worst problem you have had in your present job and you solved it?

17. What is your worst fault and what is your best quality?

18. Don’t you think you’re a bit young/old for this job?

19. What are your long-term goals?

20. Describe your ideal boss.

21. How would you rate your present boss?

22. How do you feel about business trips?

23. How good are your computer skills?

24. What are your language skills like?

25. Do you have any questions?


  1. I was born in Ufa. My parents moved when I was three years old to Sterlitamak. I went to school in that city. At the age of 15 I decided to move to Ufa and enroll as an economist in the College of Technology and Design (UGKTID). I graduated with honors and became a scholarship holder of the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan. After college I immediately started working and immediately went to USPTU to major in economics. This year I graduated with a bachelor's degree and entered the same university for a master's degree.

  2. I am interested in this position. I always strive for knowledge and your vacant position interested me. I am eager to learn something new, something unknown or completely undisclosed direction.

  3. My greatest strength is that I make everything as clear as possible. If I have to make a report, it will be very easy to read and filled with the information that is expected of me. If we talk about qualities, then I am very ambitious, hardworking and open to everything. If I notice failures in my work, I try to work on them.

  4. I am result-oriented. I'm always competing whether it's my work or my personal life. For me it is important to be better, to be better in everything. To become the best specialist, to organize my work in the best way, to make my organization the best.

  5. I really appreciate every stage of my life. And each stage has given me knowledge, I am now with my failures, ups and mistakes.

  6. I am a good person, always ready to help. I am always open to this world.

  7. It's unacceptable in a job when you're working as a director.

  8. Of course, status is important, but money should not be forgotten.

  9. Every labor must be paid. It all depends on the position held. There is a market for supply and demand. In the labor market there are equal wages almost everywhere, so hoping for a wage much higher than the market is pointless.

  10. I'm all for stability. I don't like to go from one corner to another. That's why I hope that your job will suit me to the fullest extent and I will stay for a long time.

  11. I like everything. But it is necessary to get out of my comfort zone. This is the moment when you have to move on and develop.

  12. I like everything. But it is necessary to get out of my comfort zone. This is the moment when you have to move on and develop.

  13. Ambitiousness is the need for success, to achieve more, based on higher aspirations for life. If we rely on the definition of ambition, we can say that I am ambitious. Starting just my career, I knew that just working would not be interesting for me, I always wanted more.

  14. I am familiar with your position, I am satisfied with the duties. I also studied the history of your company, it is close to my heart.

  15. The big breakthrough in my position was the bottom line of performance.

  16. Recently there was an unpleasant situation at work, the container did not go to sea because of the agents' lack of coordination. My fault was that I did not follow up and missed the deadline. But I analyzed my work and promptly found a new ship with a difference of 2 days, which did not lead to a loss of container delivery time.

  17. I know how to get along with people. I can find a common language with almost anyone, and it doesn't matter how old he is or what position he holds. I also like it when with the help of a conversation you can achieve a certain result: avoid a conflict or persuade the person you are talking to to buy something.

  18. Everyone always told me that I was young and many people were surprised that at 23 I became a director. I'll give you an example, when one of the people who came expressed surprise. Recently an investigator visited us, a criminal case was opened against an organization with which we had a relationship. When he was invited into the office, he walked in surprised and asked if he could see the director. Never judge people by their appearance, by the date on their passport. What's important is what's in your head, not what's on the sheet.

  19. It's important to me when you put your best foot forward. To become the best specialist in your specialty.

  20. Clearly sets tasks and supervises execution. Creates conditions for a sense of teamwork. Gives feedback on the results.

  21. I am good at my job, and for two years I had a supervisor who gave me a lot of latitude. I thrived by meeting all my goals and occasionally surpassing them.

  22. In 2022 I was on business trips six times. Business trips for me are a trip to get knowledge, I go to get information, to meet and talk with people, to share experiences.

  23. Experienced user. Good knowledge of MS Office package (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word, WordPad), graphic editors (3D KOMPAS), work with e-mail. Proficiency with different browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Amigo, Internet Explorer).

  24. I am not fluent in languages.

  25. Will I work independently or in a team? How many employees work for the organization? Please tell me a little bit about the people with whom I’ll be working most closely. Before you’re able to reach a hiring decision, how many more interviews should I expect to go through and with whom?

6. Role-play. Fill in the forms below with information about a fictitious person or fictitious job. Act either an employer or an employee. Mingle with other students and interview or be interviewed for the job. Job applicants should try to find jobs and employers should find appropriate employees. The employers must hire someone, even if no candidate is ideal.

Job Description

Name of company


Position offered

Office Manager


from 40 000

Job responsibilities

- Handling incoming/outgoing calls

- Receiving and launching orders

- Constructing ceilings by measurements

- Order cost calculation

- Support of orders from client visit to the receipt of order

Working with EasyCeiling, 1C, KOMPAS-3D

Qualifications required

It is possible without any experience

Experience required

It is possible without any experience

Further comments


- Mathematical mindset

- Powerful PC user

- Attentive to work and details, punctuality, ability to build a conversation and disposition, desire to learn

- Communicability

Sample questions for employers:

- What is your qualification? / What qualification have you got?

- Have you got any work experience (in this field)?

- How long have you worked for your previous employer?

- What were your responsibilities in your previous job?

- Do you have any references from your previous employers?

Curriculum Vitae


Olga Ivanova

Date of birth



Ufa, Lesotechnikuma Street 21



Marital status

Not married

Education and qualifications

Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa

Department of Economics, Economics

Work Experience

From: November 2015

To: June 2018

From: December 2019

To:September 2022

Employer: OOO Bytskservis

Employer: MS Auto


Office Manager

Consultation of customers and receiving applications for the order of spare parts, advice on repairs. Closing receipts, field applications, the calculation of the masters. Issuing invoices for organizations.


Office Manager

Daily reporting, accounting for incoming traffic, processing applications in the portal, work with the mail, meeting clients, receiving incoming calls and their distribution to employees, receiving calls and complaints. Work in 1C and Excel.


References: Citizenship: Russia. Work Permit: Russia. Desirable travel time to work: does not matter

Sample questions for applicants:

- What are the responsibilities in this job?

- What qualifications are required for this job?

- What positions are vacant in your company?

- What is the salary? / How much will I get in this job/position?

- Do I need to have any experience?

7. Discuss the following questions.

1. If you could choose any job in the world, what would you choose? Why?

2. Can you think of any jobs that you would particularly hate to do? Why?

3. Which of the following statements do you agree with? - Men and women are both equally capable of doing any job. - There are a number of jobs that women are naturally better suited to than men. - There are a number of jobs that men are naturally better suited to than women.

4. Look at these factors to do with the quality of a job. Which do you think are very important, quite important, not very important or not important at all? Put the factors in order of priority for you starting with the most important one. Compare with other students.

- level of stress

- hours/ flexible working hours

- how much responsibility you have

- your colleagues

- how much holiday you get

- physical conditions of the work place

- salary - how much variety there is

- opportunity to be creative and innovative

- good relation with boss - job security

- travelling distance (from home to work)


  1. I can choose any profession and go up the ladder. There are no barriers. The main thing is to go to a new position with the basic package of knowledge that the university gives.

  2. At this point I find it difficult to answer. At the moment I am interested in the economic direction, I live by it. I don't know what will happen tomorrow.

  3. -There are a number of professions that women are naturally better suited for than men. - There are a number of professions that men are naturally better suited for than women. - I agree with these statements.

  4. - physical conditions of the work place

- how much responsibility you have

- salary - how much variety there is

- good relation with boss - job security

- your colleagues

- level of stress

- opportunity to be creative and innovative

- hours/ flexible working hours

- how much holiday you get

- travelling distance (from home to work)


Opening Generally, the terms vacancy, post, or appointment are used instead of the word job in applications. When replying to a job advertisement, as with most correspondence, it is best simply to state what you are doing, and give a date or reference.

- I would like to apply for the post of Programmer advertised in this month's edition of Computers.

- I am writing concerning your advertisement in the Guardian of 12 May for a bilingual secretary to work in your Export Department.

- I am answering your advertisement for the post of bank trainee, which appeared in yesterday’s Times.

If the advertisement is not clear about how you should apply for the job, it is better to phone the Personnel Department of the company to find out. Remember to quote any reference numbers or job titles that are mentioned in the advertisement.

For unsolicited applications, i.e. applying for a job which has not been advertised, you can open like this:

- I am writing to ask if you might have a vacancy in your ______department for a(n) administrative assistant /salesperson / accounts clerk. If someone associated with the company suggested that you write to them, mention this in your opening. – I am writing to see if your department has an opening for an executive.

It was recommended to me by Andrei, who currently works for your company / who has a long association with your company / who is one of your suppliers, to contact you about a possible position in your economic department.

Request for an application form

If you are writing to ask for an application form, give some very brief details about yourself then ask for the form.

These examples can also be used for unsolicited applications.

- I am 23 years old and recently graduated from USTU with a bachelor's degree. (Give the subject, and mention any special topics you studied that are relevant to the post. You can also mention the class of a degree, and any special honours such as a distinction.)