Файл: Деловое письмо, личное письмо.docx

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Задание 1. Business-to-Business Letter.
Business letters can be divided into two broad categories, based on the intended recipient: business-to-business letters and business-to-customer letters. The standard structure of a business letter is the following.

    1. Определите структуру текста.

1. Date:

November 18, 20xx
2. Address:

2905 Peel St.

Suite 1508

Montreal, QC

H2C 2M3
3. Salutation:

To Whom It May Concern:

RE: Customer Reference - Fairmont Litho Arts Inc.
4. Introduction:

I have been asked to write this letter of reference because our company will no longer be operating its printing plant that has served Fairmont Litho Arts Inc. for more than a decade.

5. Body:

Fairmont Litho Arts has been one of our top customers for the past 12 years. Accordingly, I have no hesitation in recommending them as a company with which to do business.
In addition to doing business with his company for many years, I have known the president and founder of Litho Arts, Glenn Ralston, for over 25 years. We were classmates and teammates at McGill University in the late 1970s. Knowing him for so long I am quite comfortable in vouching for him as a great individual as well as a concerned and active citizen in this community.
As far as a company to do business with, Fairmont Litho Arts Inc. is one of the best that we have ever dealt with. Its practice has always been to pay our printing invoices within the 30-day time limit. We did significant amounts of business, especially during the past 5 years, and I cannot recall a late-payment situation involving that company. Billing disputes were rare, and those only required some minor additional documentation for clarification and resolution.
Fairmont was one of the best companies that I have ever dealt with from a change-order and work scheduling perspective. We maintained close communication with the company's production people and they always kept us apprised of their upcoming workload. Thus, scheduling jobs on our presses was never a problem. In addition, Fairmont's graphics people always provided us with high quality finished artwork, and it was unusual for additional changes to be made after the plates had been produced.
6. Closing:

Based on our experience, any printing company should be very pleased to be the one that Fairmont Litho Arts selects to do business with once we have closed our doors.
7. Signature:


Gordon Manning

Gordon Manning

President and CEO

    1. Переводческий анализ текста.

1. Тип текста: деловое (официальное) письмо

2. Вид доминирующей информации: когнитивная и эмоциональная (формализованная)

3. Плотность информации: средняя (высокая)

4. Источник: групповой

5. Реципиент: коллективный (групповой)

6. Коммуникативное задание: наладить и поддержать контакт и сообщить актуальную информацию

7. Языковые средства:

1. Официально-деловой вариант письменной литературной нормы.

2. Формулы вежливости в рамках официально-делового стиля;

лексика с оценочной семантикой в рамках письменной литературной нормы;

цифра, сокращения;

имена собственные;

титулы, звания, должности;

обращения от 1-го л.мн.ч.;

3. Застывшие (клишированные) обороты речи.

8. Дополнительные средства организации текста: шрифтовое выделение (подпись), визуальное закрепление жесткой структуры текста.

9. Мера переводимости: 1 группа.

    1. В чем состоит особенность рекомендательного делового письма?

Целью любого рекомендательного письма является предоставление объективной всесторонней информации о конкретном человеке (физическом лице) или организации, предприятии, учреждении (юридическом лице). Чаще всего рекомендательное письмо представляет собой личный отзыв работодателя о работнике, обычно с ручательством за него, который тот может предъявить конкретному или любому потенциальному работодателю.

Рекомендация может исходить, в свою очередь, как от частного лица, так и от лица юридического.

Рекомендательное письмо представляет собой одну из разновидностей деловых писем, поэтому все правила оформления деловых писем полностью распространяются и на рекомендательные письма.

Формально рекомендательное письмо пишется в произвольной форме, без обращения к конкретному адресату. Однако если адресат известен, то желательно указать его реквизиты.

Если рекомендация исходит не от частного лица, а от организации (юридического лица), предпочтительнее, чтобы оно было написано на бланке организации.

Рекомендуемый объем письма – одна страница машинописного текста.
November 18, 20xx
2905 Peel St.

Suite 1508

Montreal, QC

H2C 2M3
To Whom It May Concern:
RE: Customer Reference - Fairmont Litho Arts Inc.
I have been asked to write this letter of reference because our company will no longer be operating its printing plant that has served Fairmont Litho Arts Inc. for more than a decade.
Fairmont Litho Arts has been one of our top customers for the past 12 years. Accordingly, I have no hesitation in recommending them as a company with which to do business.
In addition to doing business with his company for many years, I have known the president and founder of Litho Arts, Glenn Ralston, for over 25 years. We were classmates and teammates at McGill University in the late 1970s. Knowing him for so long I am quite comfortable in vouching for him as a great individual as well as a concerned and active citizen in this community.
As far as a company to do business with, Fairmont Litho Arts Inc. is one of the best that we have ever dealt with. Its practice has always been to pay our printing invoices within the 30-day time limit. We did significant amounts of business, especially during the past 5 years, and I cannot recall a late-payment situation involving that company. Billing disputes were rare, and those only required some minor additional documentation for clarification and resolution.

Fairmont was one of the best companies that I have ever dealt with from a change-order and work scheduling perspective. We maintained close communication with the company's production people and they always kept us apprised of their upcoming workload. Thus, scheduling jobs on our presses was never a problem. In addition, Fairmont's graphics people always provided us with high quality finished artwork, and it was unusual for additional changes to be made after the plates had been produced.
Based on our experience, any printing company should be very pleased to be the one that Fairmont Litho Arts selects to do business with once we have closed our doors.
Gordon Manning
Gordon Manning

President and CEO
Задание 2. Business-to-Customer Letter.
2.1. Определите особенности писем, отправленных официальными инстанциями частным лицам.

1. Структура:

Письма имеют четкую (клишированную) структуру – дата, адрес, приветствие, введение, тело письма, заключение, подпись.

2. Языковые средства:

1) Официально-деловой вариант письменной литературной нормы.

2) Формулы вежливости в рамках официально-делового стиля; лексика с оценочной семантикой в рамках письменной литературной нормы.

3) Застывшие (клишированные) обороты речи.

4) Эмоционально окрашенная лексика и эмоциональный синтаксис отсутствуют

5) Повторы во втором письме: «onlyone»

3. Средства организации текста:

1) шрифтовое выделение (оформление);

2) визуальное закрепление жесткой структуры текста.
A rejection letter sent to Madonna’s team a year before she released her first, self-titled album (which has sold more than ten million copies worldwide).

Arthur C. Fifield turned down Gertrude Stein’s manuscript for “The Making of Americans” without reading all of it, then mocked her. The celebrated novelist and poet later mentored the likes of Ernest Hemingway. СравнитестильписьмасавторскимстилемГ. Стайн: “there’s no there there,” “rose is a rose is a rose is a rose”, “We knew. / Anne to come. / Anne to come. / Be new. / Be new too. / Anne to come / Anne to come / Be new / Be new too. / And anew.”

Задание 3.
Personal letter.

Сравните личные письма, определите их особенности.

1. Структура:

Письма имеют четкую (клишированную) структуру – дата, адрес, приветствие, введение, тело письма, заключение, подпись.

2. Языковые средства:

1) Официально-деловой вариант письменной литературной нормы.

2) Формулы вежливости в рамках официально-делового стиля; лексика с оценочной семантикой в рамках письменной литературной нормы.

3) Застывшие (клишированные) обороты речи.

3. Средства организации текста:

1) шрифтовое выделение (оформление);

2) визуальное закрепление жесткой структуры текста.
Личные письма содержат более эмоциональный рассказ за счет языковых средств. В 1 письме автор вкладывает свои мысли, чувства, переживания, обращаясь к Гитлеру. Во 2 же письме идет рассказ о рецепте приготовления блюда. Оба автора обращаются к получателям своих писем как к другу, знакомому человеку. Оба автора ведут оживленный рассказ по своей теме. В письмах такого типа практически нет единой структуры, но в данных письмах она прослеживается.
3.1. M. Gandhi to A. Hitler.
As Adolf Hitler pulled the world ever closer to conflict in 1939, Mohandas Gandhi wrote him a personal letter, urging him to pull back from the brink 'for the sake of humanity'. The German dictator never received the letter because it was intercepted by the British government - but it's been published in a book called Letters Of Note, along with many other remarkable missives.

3.2. Queen Elizabeth II to President Eisenhower.
The Queen entertained President Eisenhower and his wife, Mamie, at Balmoral Castle in Scotland in August of 1959 and it seems that the U.S leader took a distinct liking to the monarch's drop scones.

For five months later the recipe for them was sent across the Atlantic to the White House, with a note apologising for the delay:
24th January, 1960
Dear Mr. President,
Seeing a picture of you in today’s newspaper standing in front of a barbecue grilling quail, reminded me that I had never sent you the recipe of the drop scones which I promised you at Balmoral. I now hasten to do so, and I do hope you will find them successful. Though the quantities are for 16 people, when there are fewer, I generally put in less flour and milk, but use the other ingredients as stated.
I have also tried using golden syrup or Treacle instead of only sugar and that can be very good, too. I think the mixture needs a great deal of beating while making, and shouldn’t stand about too long before cooking.
We have followed with intense interest and much admiration your tremendous journey to so many countries, but feel we shall never again be able to claim that we are being made to do too much on our future tours! We remember with such pleasure your visit to Balmoral, and I hope the photograph will be a reminder of the very happy day you spent with us. With all good wishes to you and Mrs. Eisenhower. Yours sincerely
