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Омск, 2021
“The role of teacher in an educational process”

In fact, over the past 100 years, it's not technology that has changed the most, but children — and they continue to change every decade. The reason for this is the speed of life, the peculiarities of the social environment, the actively ongoing process of globalization. The modern student does not value knowledge so highly — after all, they are accessible and open, one has only to go online. And knowledge is now important only if it can be applied somehow, to benefit. It is very difficult for modern schoolchildren to sit for a long time at a book or think about one task: they are carriers of clip thinking, perceive information in short fragments, prefer to receive information in the form of a live picture or an understandable scheme. Sociological studies show that, on average, Russian schoolchildren are now focused on themselves, on getting benefits and pleasure from studying — hence the great freedom of behavior, critical attitude to the knowledge that the school offers. Most modern graduates express confidence that the knowledge gained at school will not be useful to them in life. In addition, the moral ideals of today's schoolchildren are not at all what their parents had twenty or thirty years ago: now their hero is an independent, successful, independent person who is able to ensure their well-being. They remember heroism, honor and family comfort less often. In this regard, the authority of the school and the teacher in the eyes of the student is rapidly falling, and he will not rise if measures are not taken to strengthen it. "Old" and new pedagogy. We, today's teachers, have known the properties of the traditional education system since our school days: the teacher's monologue in the educational process and, as a result, the student's objectification; the requirement from students to accurately assimilate and absorb knowledge, most often within the strict framework of a specific discipline; strictly vertical relations between teacher and student, which are built around the idea of control.

Fortunately, not only students, but also many teachers are fed up with this system and are ready to reach a new level of interaction. First of all, it is to conduct a full—fledged dialogue with both students and their parents, involving them in the educational process. Then — to look at the educational process more broadly, to go beyond the boundaries of subject knowledge, to appreciate not the accuracy of information reproduction, but the ability to apply knowledge in practice, to see various algorithms for solving problem situations. These are the main properties of the new pedagogy. Along with them, the following features can be distinguished: the mandatory use of modern digital tools and resources inside and outside of school; emphasis on knowledge that is applicable in the real world; the formation of teaching skills and competencies in students (we teach them to learn), the development of the ability to manage their knowledge; less hierarchical relationships between student and teacher, aimed at joint research, discovery, search for solutions. New teacher roles. According to the Skolkovo Atlas of New Professions, there will soon be no teachers in our understanding. But there will be an "igropedagogue" — that is, the teacher will have to not so much stand at the blackboard and check notebooks, as develop educational routes, gamify the educational process, making it more exciting. There are other roles that a teacher should already master now in order to be "on the horse" in a few years:

A teacher is a navigator in the world of information, able to help in choosing the most reliable source, isolate the most valuable information from the raging flow of information and turn it into a student's personal knowledge. The teacher is a moderator of educational activities. Choose the form of work, help find project partners, keep in touch between students, parents, and maybe experts, if the educational process requires it. The teacher is an organizer of training, a specialist in designing classes, an effective manager of the educational process.
A teacher is a leader who uses time rationally, really evaluates tasks, solves them and is responsible. Such a teacher infects with his charisma and teaches by personal example, without forcing the student to imitate himself, but helping him to reveal his own inner potential and character.

Who, if not a teacher, will teach a child to read, count, write and correctly express their feelings and thoughts? It is he who will contribute to obtaining new knowledge, without which life on Earth is not possible. We study and live all our lives, accumulating everyday experience. Each person, receiving new knowledge, passes it on to the next generation of people. Thanks to this, new inventions, discoveries and opportunities are available to the world.
Who is the teacher? A teacher is a specialist in the field of education, namely one who teaches new things, helps to expand his worldview and determine his place in life. The main professional features of the teacher are: responsibility, humanity, understanding and, of course, the ability to correctly and easily explain new material.
Is it easy to be a teacher? Absolutely not! A teacher should be a kind of "reference book", "encyclopedia", that is, be developed in all areas of his professional activity. In his specialization, he uses creativity, ingenuity, invests his soul. Childhood is a carefree, wonderful time, new discoveries, victories and the first disappointments. But it is in this age period that the foundations of the attitude to the child's life are laid, his interests are determined. And this is all thanks to the teacher. It is the teacher who establishes these initial skills. Therefore, it depends on the teacher who the child will grow up to be. And children are our future and the future of our country!
Some professions cease to be in demand, some even disappear, but the teaching profession will always be needed. After all, everyone needs teachers throughout their lives, because everyone needs knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Teachers help children to find them, and adults become teachers for themselves.
The teacher is a model of education and culture. And this is an important detail for all times. It is the teacher who today and always meets students on the threshold of the school, it is the teacher who is an example of behavior, unity of word and deed, the embodiment of the kindest and most beautiful. These are his words repeated at home by parents and friends in the yard. It is he who has no right to make a mistake, because growing people look at him – seriously, demanding, probingly. From time immemorial, this word has been used to refer to people who transmit knowledge, views and beliefs to students, showing them the way in life. Teacher – it sounds PROUD!

New tasks.

Naturally, with the change of the role, the teacher will have a number of new professional functions. However, the most basic of them are familiar to many teachers for a long time — for example, to help a student find their advantages and weaknesses, to talk about the unknown, to create an educational environment that will allow students to reveal their potential. The content of the teacher's activity is also changing: the planning process begins to play an important role in it. Even now, teachers are well aware of the concept of planned educational results — for a lesson, for a week, for a semester or an academic year. The main thing is to make sure that the planned results are measurable and transparent. Another relevant activity for a teacher is design. For example, in order to design any educational activity, it is necessary to go through three stages: to determine the planned educational results, to think over educational tasks, problem situations in which you will immerse yourself together with schoolchildren, and finally — to choose the means of teaching. Any resources can act in their role — chalk and a blackboard, or a digital laboratory, or a feeder outside the window, or the website of a scientific organization, etc. Finally, all teachers have one more task "for growth": to find an opportunity to actively engage in the activities of professional training communities — just do not confuse them with methodological associations! The task of professional communities is to organize the exchange of experience in an interdisciplinary environment. In China, one of the leading countries in the development of education, the level of involvement in such communities is very high. We have a lot to learn from them: according to an OECD study, Russia was in last place in this indicator. Perhaps now is the time to establish contacts and cooperate in order to solve together the task of mastering the new role of a teacher in a changing world.

Today, some people say that teaching is an unspent art, but respect for teaching is a lost tradition. Is it so? Let's reflect together with the students of our lyceum.

In the changing world of professions (the total number of them is several tens of thousands), the teacher's profession remains unchanged, although its content, working conditions, quantitative and qualitative composition change. The teaching profession is one of the oldest, it's not even a profession, but a vocation, because in order to become a teacher, you need to want it very much. We need to learn to find an approach to children, to be ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of others.
The role of the teacher in modern society is especially significant. After all, a teacher is a link between generations, a carrier of socio-historical experience. He is an innovator, wisely transforming life, researcher, organizer and project manager. This is an educator, loving, understanding, giving his heart to children! It forms the spiritual world of youth in accordance with the principles and values of modern society. This is what the teacher is constantly working on, giving the younger generation knowledge, forming concepts and beliefs about the rules of human community, about the principles and norms of morality, law, aesthetics. We all understand that it is the teacher who plays the role of an "engine" in society, a catalyst (accelerator) of social progress. By educating the younger generation, he greatly contributes to the formation of people who own new and progressive production technology, specialists who are able to see all the best in a diverse life and use it for the benefit of their country.
The importance of the teacher's role in the progressive development of society was determined by the Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky: "An educator who stands in line with the modern course of education feels like a living, active member of a great organism struggling with ignorance and the vices of humanity, an intermediary between everything that was noble and high in the past history of people and the new generation, the keeper of the holy covenants of people who fought for the truth and for the good. He feels like a living link between the past and the future, a mighty champion of truth and goodness, and realizes that his work, modest in appearance, is one of the greatest deeds of history, that kingdoms are based on it and whole generations live by it."
Pedagogical activity is a special kind of socially useful activity of adults, consciously aimed at preparing the younger generation for life in accordance with economic, political, moral, aesthetic goals.
A professional teacher, like no one else, knows the characteristic physiological and psychological characteristics of children, adolescents, boys and girls, the possibilities of their versatile development at different age levels. Therefore, he can, is able and has the moral right to knowingly, competently express his opinions to society about the education of young people, to create public opinion on topical issues of practice and theory of education.
In order to effectively influence children, engage in educational interaction with them, stimulate their independence, initiative, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the laws according to which the process of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of relationships to people and phenomena of the world takes place. It is important to be able to discover and realize the educational possibilities of various types of child's activities (educational, play, work, sports, artistic). You need to be able to see how children change and grow up before your eyes, becoming not only older, but also smarter, kinder, more merciful. This is very important for the teacher.
The end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century will go down in history as the time of mankind's entry into the era of the information society. The information society is a society whose level is crucially determined by the quantity and quality of accumulated and used information, its freedom and accessibility.
Every new time sets new tasks for the teacher, whose main slogan is "To be on an equal footing with the century". The most important task of a teacher of the XXI century is to teach the younger generation to live in the information world, to be able to independently find and use the necessary knowledge.
With the transition to a new information society, the requirements for the professional level of a teacher grow. Today, we really need specialists who are able to master innovations, bring creative spirit and energy to the school classroom. A modern teacher should react sensitively to all changes in the strategy of education and upbringing, make reasonable use of the information and communication capabilities of the new century.

In our time of rapid development of high technologies, a teacher, undoubtedly, must have a number of knowledge and skills, the need for which is dictated by time itself: to own a computer, to use an interactive whiteboard mobile. The main task of the school and the teacher is to contribute to the creation of an atmosphere in the classroom in which every student feels the need to learn.
An important component of pedagogical activity is the highest political, moral, aesthetic culture of its bearer – a highly professional specialist, a teacher with a capital letter. Outside of such a culture, all other components in pedagogical practice turn out to be paralyzed, ineffective. The transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to children, the formation of universal educational competencies, the organization of various educational research and project activities naturally entails the development of the essential forces of the student's personality, his high needs, abilities and talents.
Since pedagogy studies the trends and prospects of the development of education and training, it performs a predictive function. That is, pedagogy can make predictions in the field of education, plan the development of schools and other educational institutions for the future. For example, currently, as a result of a pedagogical forecast, it has been established that by the end of this millennium and at the beginning of the next, the role of pedagogy in the life of society will increase. It is pedagogy that should become a science that will be studied by all specialists working with people, especially with children. These are primarily employees of mass media (television, radio, press), art, cinema, etc. the prosperity of society directly depends on the success of pedagogy, education and training. This idea was well expressed by the science fiction writer Ivan Efremov in the book "The Hour of the Bull". The ruler asks her: "How could people on Earth create a society of harmony, beauty, kindness and love?" He was answered: "This became possible because the professions of teacher and doctor were made leading in relation to others."
Usually, the forecast is based on real, objective facts of life and scientifically based ideas, on the study of trends in the development of society. Since the child is brought up not only by the family, kindergarten, school, but also by television, radio, cinema, theater and the entire children's, youth, adult environment surrounding him, it is necessary to think about how to strengthen the positive educated influence of the environment on the child and reduce the negative. Or, as it is customary to say in science, it is necessary to pedagogize the environment, i.e. to strengthen the influence of educators, teachers and other specialists in pedagogy on the media, parents, organizers of children's leisure, etc. moreover, this influence should be carried out both in the microdistrict of a school or kindergarten, at the place of residence of children, and be part of state policy in the field of education and training.
Therefore, teachers and educators who have received pedagogical education should be able and know how to organize their work with children, parents and other groups of the population on education and training.
Of course, this work is not easy, because there is no corresponding state policy in modern society. Nowadays it is difficult for the educator and even the educational team to resist the flow of negative information that television, radio, and the press bring down on the child. This is the cult of money, and low-grade films, and other radio and TV programs, contests that do not require any intellectual development of children and adolescents.
Of course, the teacher — educator is not able to resist this flow even in alliance with the family, the public. State control over spiritual products intended for children is necessary. It must be remembered that the child is being formed, he has not yet created value systems, evaluation systems that allow him to select and correctly analyze all the information he receives from different sources.
Here again, I would like to emphasize the importance of the activities of teachers and educators: they are responsible for the formation of a system of values from an early age — from preschool, to help parents and other people interested in education, to organize this process correctly. After all, only a specialist teacher can responsibly, from the standpoint of pedagogical science, give this or that advice, recommendation, consultation.

Many people believe that young people who are less prepared than their peers entering universities and technical universities go to pedagogical institutes. Many of those entering pedagogical institutes nowadays do not consider the teaching profession attractive, the prestige of this profession is not high enough. Here are the main reasons for admission to pedagogical universities: 1. motives that indicate a real orientation (the desire to teach and educate children, love for children); 2. partial pedagogical orientation (awareness of pedagogical abilities, an idea of the social importance and prestige of pedagogical activity); 3. opportunistic motives that do not contain a pedagogical orientation (interest in the science being studied, the desire to have higher education, the desire for material security, accidental circumstances).
The dominance of opportunistic motives leads to the fact that about 40% of those entering pedagogical institutes are random people who do not want to work as a teacher in the future. These facts indicate that the propensity for pedagogical work, the prestige of the teaching profession from the point of view of the choice of young people's life path is low. The profession of a teacher is very popular mainly among girls.
It is necessary to increase the necessary importance of the teacher's work, since the low public assessment of this work by such factors as heavy workload of educational and educational work, insufficient free time, low wages reduce his social prestige. Increasing the social value of the teacher's work would ensure the influx of the most prepared part of applicants to pedagogical universities, after which it is possible to select pedagogical educational institutions according to the recommendations given by the school management on the basis of scientifically based developed requirements for determining professional and pedagogical suitability for the teaching profession.
The problem of training a modern teacher is one of the most important socio—pedagogical problems. Developing pedagogy as a science, many researchers paid special attention to the problem of the teacher and the system of his training.
The most significant drawback in the Russian enlightenment is the lack of mentors specially trained to perform their duties.
The high social importance of a teacher determines serious requirements for him. One of the most important qualities that a teacher should possess is the belief: "A teacher is obliged to educate his pupils with certain views, and this is possible only if he has his own worldview. The main road of human education is persuasion, and persuasion can only be acted on by persuasion" (Ushinsky K. D.). The teacher's beliefs cannot be replaced by instructions, control, or program —methodical instructions. A teacher devoid of firm convictions turns into a blind executor of someone else's instructions.
One of the most important knowledge of a teacher is knowledge, and not only of the subject being taught, but also specifically pedagogical. Natural educated talents that make their own way are rare, "the knowledge and ability to teach and act by teaching on the mental and moral development of children can be communicated to young people who do not have special abilities." The teacher should prevail with diverse, clear, precise and definite knowledge of the sciences that he will teach. A comprehensive, broad education is necessary for a teacher.
The teacher should receive such special pedagogical knowledge that would help him to clearly and clearly define the purpose of education and clearly guide the process of education at all its stages. Special pedagogical knowledge is also needed by the teacher to develop the mental abilities of children and attract their active attention.
However, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough for a teacher, it is still necessary to master the practical art of teaching, to gain skills in pedagogical work. These skills are based on scientific foundations, but there is still something special that is acquired in practical work.
In addition, the future teacher should be informed of a number of pedagogical skills needed in the work. So, the teacher must learn to write beautifully and correctly, draw, draw, read clearly and expressively and, if possible, even sing.
From all this, we can conclude that pedagogical universities now face three main tasks: 1. development of sciences that comprehensively study a person "with a special application to the art of education" (Ushinsky K. D.); 2. training of widely educated teachers; 3. dissemination of pedagogical knowledge and beliefs among teachers and the public.