Файл: I a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei.doc

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 were building 
 had built 

12. We still ______ life on other planets.

 didn't discover 
 hadn't discovered 
 won't discover 
 haven't discovered 

13. I ______ when my friend ______ .

 slept, called 
 was sleeping, was calling 
 was sleeping, called 
 slept, was calling 

14. Those potatoes ______ for an hour.

 have been boiling 
 were boiling 
 are boiling 
 had been boiling 

15. You ______ always ______ money!

 —, borrow 
 has been borrowing 
 will borrow 
 are borrowing 

16. They ______ for four hours before they ______ the top of the mountain.

 climbed, reached 
had been climbing, reached 
 was climbing, reached 
 climbed, has been reaching 

17. I think it ______ a difficult game.

 is going to be 
 will be 
 have been 
 had been 

18. I ______ to you ever again.

 don't speak 
 am not going to speak 
 hasn't spoken 
 will have been spoken 

19. I ______ him tomorrow, he is expecting my call.

 am phoning 
 am going to phone 
 will have phoned 

20. The boat ______ the island on Friday.

 is leaving 
 is going to leave 

1. She ______ her exam by two o'clock.

 have passed 

 has passed 
 had passed 

2. A plate slipped out of my hands when I ______ the washing up.

 was doing 
 had done 
 was done 

3. It's nine o'clock. The pupils ______ a lesson.

 will be having 
 are having 
 have had 

4. He ______ ill twice so far this year.

 has been 
 is being 

5. By summer you ______ English for two years.

 'll study 
 have studied 
 'll have been studying 
 are studying 

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6. What ______ you ______ at this time yesterday?

 was doing 
 have done 

 did do 
 were doing 

7. We're late. The film ______ finished by the time we ______ to the centre.

 is finished, get 
 will be finished, 'll get 
 will have finished, get 
 finished, 'll get 
все ниверны

8. The documents ______ by the time I come.

 'll have been typed 
 'll have typed 
 'll be typed 
 will be typing 

9. Last year I ______ ill only twice.

 have been 
 has been 

10. By the 8th of April my mother ______ at school for twenty years.

 'll work 
 'll be working 
 has worked 
 'll have been working 

11. I ______ these sentences for one hour.

 am writing 
 've been writing 
 have written 
 was writing 

12. We ______ it for half an hour when the teacher entered.

 have discussed 
 were discussing 
 had been discussing 

13. It ______ for three hours.

 was snowing 
 is snowing 
 has been snowing 

14. My sister learns French and she ______ very well.
