Файл: I a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei.doc

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Добавлен: 12.12.2023

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 will be already started 
 will already start 
 will already have started 
 already will start 

11. Don't worry ______ late tonight.

 if I'll be 
 if I am 
 when I'll be 
 if I be 

12. At first I thought I ______ the right thing, but I soon realized that I ______ a serious mistake.

 did, made 
 had done, had made 
 have done, have made 
 did, had made 

13. I hope Kate is coming soon. I ______ for two hours.

 am waiting 
 have been waiting 
 had been waiting 

14. At last Kate came. I ______ for two hours.

 am waiting 
 have been waiting 
 had been waiting 
 was waiting

15. She is going on holiday. This time next week she ______ on a beach or ______ in the sea.

 is going to lay, swim 
 will be lying, swimming 
 will lie, swim 
 is lying, swimming 

16. — ______ you ______ the post office when you're out?
- Probably. Why?
- I need to mail the letter. Could you do it for me?

 are passing 
 are going to pass 
 will be passing 
 will pass 

17. We ______ for a walk when it ______ raining.

 will go, will stop 
 will go, stops 
 are going, will stop 
 go, stops 

18. When you ______ in Moscow again, you must come and see us.

 will go 
 will be 
 are going 

19. I'm going to read a lot of books while I ______ on holiday.

 will be 
 would be 
 am going to be 

20. - ______ you ______ your car this evening? — No. Do you want to borrow it?

 will be using 
 will use 
 are used 
 do use 

1. Water ______ at 100 degrees.

 is boiling 
 will boil 
 will have been boiling 

2. The weather ______ hotter and hotter.

 has been getting 
 is getting 

3. The first modern Olympics ______ place in Athens more than a hundred years ago.

 were taking 
 have taken 
 had taken 

4. We ______ 20 new buildings this year.

 were building 
 had built 
 have built 

5. I ______ always ______ if the service is bad in restaurants.

 -, complain 
 am complaining 
 will be complaining 
 will complain 

6. I ______ to the news on television at nine o'clock last night.

 was listening
 have been listening 
 had been listening 

7. After they ______ they cleared the table.

 had eaten 
 have eaten 
 were eating 

8. I ______ for a whole hour!

 am waiting 
 was waiting 
 have been waiting 
 had been waiting 

9. I ______ John's mobile phone because I left mine at home.

 was using 
 have been using 

10. This juice ______ good.

 is tasting 
 has been tasting 
 is being tasted 

11. Long ago they ______ most houses out of wood.

 have built