Файл: I a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei.doc

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Добавлен: 12.12.2023

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 had seen 
 hadn't seen 

3. ______ he ______ about the opera before?

 had spoken 
 was speaking 
 has spoken 
 did speak 

4. What time ______ it ______ ?

 did happen 
 has happened 
 had happened 
 was happening 

5. Tomorrow at five he ______ football.

 '11 play 
 '11 be playing 

6. This time last year he ______ in London.

 was living 
 '11 live 
 has lived 

7. I ______ for you for more than one hour.

 has waited 
 have been waiting 
 was waiting 

 was waited 

8. He ______ it for an hour before I came.

 have been doing 
 had been done 
 had been doing 

9. ______ he already ______ the doctor by that time?

 has seen 
 did see 
 was seeing 
 had seen 

10. She ______ her work already.

 hasn't finished 
 has finished 
 is finished 

11. When I ______ it ______ yesterday.

 wake up, was raining 
 woke up, rained 
 woke up, was raining 
 've woken up, was raining 

12. Will you ______ the bank when you go out?

 be passing 
 have passed 
 to pass 

13. Last night I ______ home at 11. I ______ supper and then ______ to bed.

 have come, had. went 
 came, had, went 
 came, have had, went 
 came, had, have gone 

14. ______ you ______ many cities when you were in France.

 did visit 
 have visited 
 are visiting 
 do visit 

15. They ______ for 20 minutes when his mother came in.

 were talking 
 have talked 
 had been talking 

16. The room looks very clean. ______ you ______ it?

 Did, clean 
 Do, clean 
 Have, cleaned 
 Are, cleaning 

17. Next year is my parents' tenth wedding anniversary. They ______ married for 10 years.

 '11 have 
 '11 have been 

18. Next week he ______ to Paris on business.

 is going 

 is going to go 

19. They ______ this article by 5 p.m. yesterday.

 have translated 
 had translated 
 had been translated 

20. While he ______ tennis, he ______ his arm.

 played, was hurting 
 was playing, hurt 
 was playing, hurted 
 played, hurt 

21. This time next week he ______ in the Black Sea.

 '11 be swimming 
 '11 swim 

22. Last night I ______ in bed when suddenly the phone rang.

 were reading 
 have read 
 was reading 

23. He ______ for Moscow by yesterday night.

 had left 

 has left 
 was leaving 

24. He ______ very fast when the accident ______ .

 drove, happened 
 was driving, has happened 
 is driving, happened 
 was driving, happened 

25. We ______ from her since June.

 have heard 
 haven't heard 
 had heard 
 weren't hearing