Файл: I a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei.doc

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 would have 

10. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom ______ a delegation in the office.

 will receive 
 is receiving 
will be receiving 
 would receive 

11. Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it ______ hard for two hours.

 had been raining 
 was raining 
 had rained 
 is raining 

12. She ______ at the parcel long enough, before she ______ that it was for her brother.

 had been looking, had understood 
 had been looking, understood 
 was looking, understood 
 was looking, had understood 

13. I_____to the cinema but my friend persuaded me to stay.

 am not going 
 was going 
 did not go 
 had been going 

14. We were good friends, we ______ each other for years.

 had known 
 had knowing 
 were knowing 

15. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We ______ for more than 24 hours.

 had travelled 

 were travelling 
 had been travelling 

16. How long ______ this book? How many pages of this book ______ ?

 have you been reading, have you been reading 
 have you read, have you read 
 have you read, you read 
 have you been reading, have you read 

17. We always go to Saint Petersburg for our holidays. We ______ there for years.

 have been going 
 are going 
 were going 

18. I have lost my key again. I ______ things. I lose things too often.

 always lose 
 am always losing 
 have always lost 
 was always losing 

19. The economic situation is already very bad and it ______ worse. 

 is getting 
 would be getting 

20. What time ______ your friend ______ tomorrow?

 will arrive 

 is arrived 
 will be arriving 
 will arriving 

1. We ______ to the top of Holborn Hill before I ______ that he was not smiling at all.

 had got, knew 
 got, knew 
 were getting, knew 
 have got, have known 

2. Turning from the Temple gate as soon as I ______ the warning, I ______ my way to Fleet Street, and then ______ to Covent Garden.

 was reading, made, drove 
 have read, made, drove 
 had read, made, drove 
 read, made, drove 

3. Seventy-seven detective novels and books of stories by Agatha Christie ______ into every major language, and her sales ______ in tens of millions.

 are translated, are calculated 
 were translated, were calculated 
 have been translated, are calculated 
 had been translated, were calculated 

4. In recent years, scientific and technological developments ______ human life on our planet, as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of the universe as a whole.

 have drastically changed 
 drastically changed 

 are drastically changing 
 change drastically 

5. Before we ______ from swimming in the river near the camp, someone ______ our clothes, and we had to walk back with our towels around us.

 returned, stole 
 had returned, had stolen 
 were returning, stole 
 returned, had stolen 

6. Our new neighbours ______ in Arizona for ten years before moving to their present house.

 had been living 
 have been living 
 were living 

7. We went into the house by a side door and the first thing I ______ was that the passages ______ all dark, and that she ______ a candle burning there.

 noticed, were, left 
 had noticed, had been, had left 
 noticed, were, had left 
 have noticed, were, had left 

8. The sun ______ brightly all day on the roof of my attic, and the room was warm.

 was shining 
 has shone 
 had been shining 

9. Although the period that we call "the Renaissance" ______ in Italy in the fourteenth century, this idea of rebirth in learning characterized other epochs in history in different parts of the world.