Файл: I a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei.doc

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Добавлен: 12.12.2023

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Present Simple. Choose the correct variant.
 I not usually have lunch at home.
 I usually have not lunch at home.
 I doesn't usually have lunch at home.
 I usually have lunch at home.

 My friend don't goes to the cinema a lot.
 My friend not goes to the cinema a lot.
 My friend goes to the cinema a lot.
 My friend doesn't goes to the cinema a lot.

 Do his father drive a car very fast? 
 Is his father drive a car very fast? 
 Does his father drives a car very fast? 
 Does his father drive a car very fast? 

 Do the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening? 
 Does the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening? 
 Do the shops closes at 8 o'clock in the evening? 
 Are the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening? 

 You often play basketball? 
 Do you often play basketball? 
 Is you often play basketball? 

 Are you often play basketball? 

 How you often play basketball? 
 How do you often play basketball? 
 How often do you play basketball? 
 How often you play basketball? 

 She come home early.
 She not comes home early.
 She don't come home early.
 She doesn't come home early.

 Why doesn't you come to the youth club? 
 Why you not come to the youth club? 
 Why not you come to the youth club? 
 Why don't you come to the youth club? 

 My brother never waits for us.
 My brother doesn't never wait for us.
 My brother don't ever wait for us.
 My brother does never wait for us.

 We always go abroad for our holidays.
 Always we go abroad for our holidays.
 We go always abroad for our holidays.
 We go abroad always for our holidays.

 Does Sandra always get up early in the morning? 
 Does Sandra get up early always in the morning? 
 Does Sandra get up always in the morning early? 
 Does Sandra get up always early in the morning?

 When next year do you start at the university? 
 When at the university do you start next year? 
 When do start you at the university next year? 
 When do you start at the university next year? 

 We enjoy the theatre, but we don't go very often there.
 We enjoy the theatre, but we don't very often go there.
 We enjoy the theatre, but very often we don't go there.
 We enjoy the theatre, but we don't go there very often.

 How much does cost it for the return ticket? 
 How much for the return ticket does it cost? 
 How much does it cost for the return ticket? 
 How does much it cost for the return ticket? 

 They don't often phone my mother in London.
 They often don't phone my mother in London.

 They don't phone my mother in London often.
 They don't phone my mother often in London.

 The next train leaves in the morning at two fifteen.
 The next train leaves at two fifteen in the morning.
 The next train at two fifteen in the morning leaves.
 At two fifteen in the morning the next train leaves.

1. When Mark arrived, the Johnsons ______ dinner, but stopped in order to talk to him.

 were having 
 had been having 
 was having 

2. While Tom ______ a book, Marhta ______ TV.

 was reading, watched 
 read, watched 
 was reading, was watching 
 read, was watching 

3. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen ______ delicious.

 is smelling 
 will smell 

4. We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we ______ .

 will plan 
 were planning 

 have planned 

5. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so ______ Nick.


6. I feel terrible. I think I ______ to be sick.

 am going 
 will be going 

7. My colleagues usually ______ four days a week, and tills week they ______ five days.

 work, work 
 are working, work 
 are working, are working 
 work, are working 

8. It ______ outside; I do not like to walk in such weather.

 is rain 
 is raining 
 is rained 

9. I ______ a very difficult day tomorrow. I need to prepare for the exam.

 will have 
 am having 