Файл: Нрслтан аласы кімідігіні.docx

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Добавлен: 12.12.2023

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І нұсқа

Ағылшын тілі

At the customs house

Looking for a job. (after M. Gold)

Математикалық сауаттылық

Жаратылыстану-ғылыми сауаттылық

Еркін түсу

Электр тогының құны қанша?



Жануар жасушасының құрылысы

Экологиялық пирамида және қоректену тізбегі



ІІ нұсқа

ГМО қайдан келді?

Looking for a job. (after M. Gold)

Математикалық сауаттылық

Жаратылыстану-ғылыми сауаттылық Физика


Қалам неге сынып тұр?

Фосфор №2


Астың қорытылуы мен сіңірілуі

Заттардың тасымалдануы



ІІІ нұсқа


The Joy and Enthusiasm of Reading

Математикалық сауаттылық

Жаратылыстану-ғылыми сауаттылық Физика

Тотығу- тотықсыздану реакциялары №2


Тыныс алу

Бөліп шығару



ІV нұсқа

Жаһандану дәуірінде ұлттық сананы қалай қалыптастырамыз?

Математикалық сауаттылық

Жаратылыстану-ғылыми сауаттылық Физика





Көру мүшесінің құрылысы

Бұлшық еттің құрылысы мен қызметі



дағдыландырған барша аналарға мың алғыс!

Е) Ұрпақтар сабақтастығы тек осылайша жалғасын таппақ.

  1. Қаншалықты шаршап-шалдығып жүрсе де, ата-ана бала тәрбиесіне мән берулері тиіс. Берілген сөйлем сабақтас құрмаластың қай түрі?

А) Мезгіл бағыныңқы сабақтас

В) Қарсылықты бағыныңқы сабақтас С) Мақсат бағыныңқы сабақтас

Д) Себеп бағыныңқы сабақтас Е)Қимыл-сын бағыныңқылы сабақтас

  1. Тәрбиенің негізі жанұядан бастау алатындықтан, оған немқұрайлылық таныту мүмкін емес. Берілген үзінді сабақтас құрмаластың қай түрі?

А) Шартты бағыныңқы сабақтас В) Мезгіл бағыныңқы сабақтас С) Мақсат бағыныңқы сабақтас Д) Себеп бағыныңқы сабақтас

Е)Қимыл-сын бағыныңқылы сабақтас

Reading: Readthetextcarefullyanddothetasksonthetextcorrectly.


I’ve spent the last year wandering around the globe and exploring this wondrous thing called life. I’ve learned that the timing will never be perfect because rarely are we blessed with the perfect time to do something. When I was planning on leaving to travel for a year, it was never the “right time” when everything was going to be put on hold for my travels. I needed more money, or I would lose my job. I realized that I was never going to be “ready” to drastically change my life, as I was always going to have some new commitment or excuse. So I left at the “wrong time” in life and it turned out to be the best thing that happened to me. But once I got sick of missing out on things I wanted to do and see, I started to just do them anyway.

I’ve also learned friendships are everything. I heard this one a lot before, but never really believed it that much. It was only when I had no friends that I realized their importance. Another lesson I have learned is that life doesn’t have to be “normal”. Go to school, get a job, or buy a big house. When anyone strays from this path they are considered to be not “normal”. I began to meet interesting characters from all over the world and saw firsthand how they had gone “against the grain” and succeeded. I saw and experienced how happy people are doing something completely different than normal jobs, because they get to wake up every day and do what they want to do in the place they want to be.

So, while travelling you get a whole new perspective on what really matters and you feel this sense of adventure and excitement that reminds you just how many possibilities you have in life. It will teach you more about yourself and the world around you than you could ever imagine.

  1. According to the author travelling helps you

    1. learn new skills +

    2. see the world.

    3. understand yourself.

    4. enjoy the life

  1. read about things

  1. Friendships are everything….

    1. I’ve also spoke

    2. I’ve also learned +

    3. I’ve heard

    4. a lifetime learned

    5. live teaches

  1. New commitment means…

    1. obligation +

    2. meeting

    3. must-see

    4. assembly

    5. to leave

  1. Travelling helps you….

    1. access to new life .

    2. notice the world

    3. learn the world + d). like your life

  1. chance to travel

  1. I began to meet interesting…..

  1. and saw firsthand how they had gone

  2. people from all over the world +

  3. tourists from all over the world

  4. wonderful person all over the land

  1. False statement

  1. The people around you contribute a great deal to your overall happiness.

  2. They have taught me not to be afraid of travelling.+

  3. It was only when I had no friends that I realized their importance.

  4. Another lesson I have learned is that life doesn’t have to be “normal”.

  5. Go to school, get a job, or buy a big house.

  1. True statement

  1. When I wasn’t planning on leaving to travel for a year.

  2. It was the “right time” when everything was going to be put on hold for my travels.

  3. I needed more friends, or I would lose my job.

  4. So I left at the “wrong time” in life and it turned out to be. +

  5. But I know only what negative about travelling has taught me.

  1. Wandering around the globe means….

  1. To set up

  2. To travel around +

  3. To mind

  4. To arrive

  5. To go hiking

  1. I began to meet interesting characters….

  1. over the world and saw firsthand how they had gone “against the grain” and succeeded.

  2. saw and experienced how happy people are doing something completely

  3. different than normal jobs, because they get to wake up every day.

  4. all over the world and saw firsthand how they had gone “against the grain”.+

  5. firsthand how they had gone “against the grain” and succeeded 10 To be put on hold for means…

  6. to hold over

  7. to set down

  8. to postpone +

  9. to set off

  10. To set aside

Reading: Readthetextcarefullyanddothetasksonthetextcorrectly.

The Joy and Enthusiasm of Reading

I believe in the absolute and unlimited liberty of reading. I believe in wandering through the huge stacks of books and picking out the first thing that strikes me. I believe in choosing the hardest book imaginable. I believe in reading what others have to say about this difficult book, and then making up my own mind, agreeing or disagreeing with what I have read and understood.

What Mr. Buxton did not tell me was what the play meant. He left the conclusions to me. The situation was much the same with my history teacher in 11th grade, Mr. Flanders, who encouraged me to have my own relationship with historical events and my own attitude to them. He often quoted famous historians in the process. All the works I read were open texts. It was an exciting experience. Besides, I got familiar with wonderful works of literary criticism.

No doubt they arrived at these beliefs through their own adventures in the stacks. Perhaps their adventures were not so exciting or romantic. And these are important questions for philosophers of every character. But yet I know only what joy and enthusiasm about reading have taught me, in bookstores new and used. They have taught me not to be afraid of something new, unusual or non*traditional, not to deny it but embrace it and try to understand even if you cannot agree with it. Not to stay within the boundaries but always seek for something new and enjoy every second of this creative process and be happy every time you get some result, no matter how positive or negative. You could spend a lifetime thinking about a sentence, and making it your own. In just this way, I believe in the freedom to see literature, history, truth, unfolding ahead of me like a book whose spine has just now been cracked.

    1. You could spend

    1. time where you can buy books

    2. a lifetime where you can read and books

    3. a Library thinking about a sentence

    4. a lifetime thinking about a sentence +

    5. a Reading Hall thinking about a sentence

    1. Huge stacks of books means…

  1. much books

  2. any books

  3. too many books +

  4. little books

  5. to take books

  1. The unlimited liberty of reading for the narrator mean…