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Контрольная работа №3 по теме: «Здоровый образ жизни»

I. a) Прочитай статьи ниже. Определи главную идею каждой статьи:

1. the Olympics

2. basketball

3. tennis

4. horse racing

5. soccer
1. In a FIFA-sanctioned match marked by 31 fouls, the Texas men’s soccer team was defeated 7-0 by Naberezhnye Chelny Kamaz, a Russian premiere division team, Saturday at House Park Stadium.
The game also featured 20 fouls by Kamaz and 11 by Texas, including two Kamaz yellow cards and one Texas yellow card.

2. With Smith, Holly Bull has six wins in seven races, including victories in the Blue Grass, 
Florida Derby and the Futurity. He’s the 8-5 favourite in a Derby field of 15. Overall, Holly Bull is 7-for-8, his first coming with Louis Rivera aboard. Just a year ago, Smith was aboard another
Derby favourite – Prairie Bayou, who ran a game second after going six wide.

3. Wimbledon, England. – Lori McNeil punched shots with unrelenting precision at Steffi Graf’s backhand, attacking her single flaw, breaking her down methodically, and dethroning a reigning Wimbledon women’s champion in the opening round for the first time in history. 
“It doesn’t hurt to lose my crown – it hurt to lose,” said Graft, who three straight Wimbledon titles.

Punch shot – pазгромить
Unrelenting – безжалостно
Dethrone – свергать с престола

4. So much of these Olympics will seem so familiar. The faces. The accent. The time slot. So much will be different. More women competing, Former Soviet athletes dispersed to new teams. Beach volleyball. No boycotting nations. 
Not one nation extended an invitation by the IOC turned it down. That means a record 197 nations will be on hand, competing in 271 events in 26 sports.
To represent the new teams and old ones, there will be 10,800 athletes, about 3,800 of whom are women – a 40 percent increase over the number competing four years ago.

5. SALT LAKE CITY. – Karl Malone scored 34 points, including a 20-footer with 42 seconds to play, and the Utah Jazz held off a late San Antonio rally to win 95-90 Thursday night, eliminating the Spurs from the NBA playoffs.
Utah beat the Spurs for the seventh time in the eight games this season.
a) What do you call a man who can:

Wrestle, ski, skate, run, swim, play football/chess/volleyball/basketball/hockey/tennis, go boating/yachting/parachuting

b) Translate the following sentences from English into Russian, paying attention to the translation of the words in bold type.

1. Cricket is a team game.

2. She established the British long-jump record.

3. The next event will be the 100 meters race.

4. Boxing is a dangerous spectacular sport.

c) Translate into English.

1. Я предпочитаю легкую атлетику боксу и борьбе.

2. Британия – родина многих популярных видов спорта таких как футбол, регби, гольф, теннис, бадминтон.

3. Многие люди увлекаются плаванием.

4. Спорт укрепляет характер.

III. Закончи предложения, используя правильную форму глагола в пассивном залоге.

1. Professor Higgins (award) a major science prize last month in London.

2. More and more countryside (destroy) every year to make new roads.

3. The Wimbledon championship (hold) since 1877.

4. Many accidents (cause) by dangerous driving.

5. The castle (build) 400 years ago and (own) by two old ladies.

6. Football (play) for hundred of years.

7. The University boat-race (row) on the Thames almost every spring since 1836.

Контрольная работа №4 по теме: «Времена меняются, меняются стили»

  1. Заполни пропуски: suit, match, fit

1.This sweater doesn't .........with the trousers.

2. If my brother’s trainers were too big for him, I would tell him they did not … him.

3. Jeans and sweaters .. me best.

4. You are so fat! The shirt doesn’t … you any more.

5. The shirt is terrible. It does not … your costume. Take it off.

6. My mother bought a bag and a hat to … it.

7. If my friend’s blouse were too tight, I would tell her that it did not .. her.

  1. Используй правильную форму глагола.

  1. I would add something if I (to want) to keep the conversation going.

  2. If I paid compliments, people (to do) the same in response.

  3. I would pay big compliments if I (to describe) the events.

  4. If your friend didn’t invite you to a party, it (to be) a sign of dislike.

  5. If we (to go) on an excursion, it would be great.

  6. If she (to put on) a classical costume, it would be very up-to-date.

  7. He (to buy) a new car, if he had money

  1. Соедини слова















Цепь магазинов






Прочитай текст про моду с 1950-х до наших дней и ответь на вопросы ниже, выбрав правильный вариант.

In the 1950s young women and teenage girls wore skirts with petticoats (нижние юбки) and cardigans. Tight trousers or jeans with oversize jumpers were in fashion for both teenage girls and boys.
In the period from 1960 to 1967 the miniskirt and tights appeared. Young women and teenage girls looked like children in body-doll dresses and pinafores (сарафанах) which they used to were with high boots. Black polo-neck sweaters (водолазки) became popular thanks to the Beatles. Jeans were popular and denim was also used for shirts, jackets and hats. Fashion was also becoming universal for girls and boys.

In the period from the late 1960s to the 1970s individuality was above all. The ethnic style came into fashion together with hippies. Clothes were often customized (украшены) with embroidery (вышивка).

In 1969 the maxi was introduced. As to footwear young men and women wore platform shoes.
In the early 1970s “flares” and “bags” (брюки, широкие по всей длине) came into fashion.

From 1975 narrow (узкие) and straight trousers became trendy again. To be up to date with the fashion women wore trouser suits (костюмы). During the mid-1970s the punk style appeared but soon in the late 1970s sportswear came into fashion. In the 1980s shoulder-padded (с подплечниками) shirts and jackets became trendy. Tracksuits, leggings and training shoes became fashionable uniform that men and women of all ages wore.

In 1990s young people enjoyed wearing clothes in different styles – from miniskirts and flares to hippie styles, platform shoes, the punk and ethnic styles and some others. Clubwear, streetwear and sportswear are the three main tendencies in today’s young fashions in Britain.

1). What was in fashion for girls in the 1950s?

a) polo-neck sweaters b) tight trousers

c) skirts with petticoats and cardigans d) oversize jumpers

2) What pieces of clothing came into fashion for girls in the 1960s?

a) the ethnic style b) the miniskirt, tights, baby-doll dresses and pinafores

c) platform shoes d) tight jeans

3) In what period did people follow the hippie style?

a) in the early 1970s b) in the late 1970s

c) in the period from 1960 to 1967 d) from the late 1960s to the 1970s

4) What kind of footwear was trendy in the early 1970s?

a) platform shoes b) flares and bags

c) maxiskirt d) leggings and training shoes

5) What period of time was sportswear in fashion?

a) in 1990s b) in the late 1970s

c) in the early 1970s d) from the late 1980s to the 1990s

Итоговая контрольная работа для 8 класса.

  1. Прочитайте текст и определите, какие из утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False)

Harry Bolton didn’t really like sport at all until he discovered something both new and unusual. “I was listening to the radio one day when I heard something that I thought must have been a joke. The DJ was talking about underwater hockey! When I realized it actually was a sport, I decided to find out more about it. To my surprise, I found a local team and before I knew it, I was part of it!”

Unlike water polo, where the action takes place above the water, underwater hockey is played at the bottom of the pool. Players wear masks, flippers and snorkels during the game. “The rulers are simple, you just have to slide the puck into the opposing team’s goal,” says Harry.

Underwater hockey was invented by a British diving club in 1954. Harry told us, “Unfortunately it’s not much of a spectator sport, as all people watching from outside the pool can see are lots of splashing and flippers!”

True or False?

1. Harry Bolton played ice hokey before………..

2. Underwater hockey is like water polo………..

3.Underwater hockey was invented in Canada……

4. According to Harry the rulers are not difficult……

5. You need some equipment such as masks, flippers and snorkels…….

  1. Выберите подходящие варианты для заполнения пропусков.

Penelope Cruz's career has been extraordinary 1) _____, although she says she has always had to struggle for recognition as a serious actress. As she says, 'No one will take you 2) ____ if you are known as the “pretty-woman”. In her best films, she has played some realistic characters. Now she is an 3) _____ star who appears in both Spanish and English language films. Her recent 4) _____ in Almodovar's film “Volver” is really amazing. In it she plays a woman who is not only beautiful but also has great 5) ____ of character.

1) a) success b) successful c) successfully d) succeed

2) a) serious b) not serious c) not seriously d) seriously

3) a) international b) national c) internationalist d) nation

4) a) performance b) perform c) performs d) performer

5) a) strong b) strongly c) strength d) strengthen

3. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. He will translate the text if he _________a dictionary at hand.

a) will have        b) has              c) would have             d) have

2. My friend is interested _________ architecture.

a) in                    b) on               c) about                      d) for

3. When I entered the room, she ___________ on the sofa.

a) lay                  b) is lying        c) was lieing               d) was lying

4. John ___________take a taxi because he was late.

a) could              b) was to         c) was able to             d) had to

5. Do you mind _________?

a) my smoking               b) me smoke               c) I smoke                   d) to smoke

6. What made you _________ such a stupid thing?

a) to do              b) do               c) did              d) have done

7. If I were you, I _________ a house in the country

a) bought           b) would buy              c) will buy                  d) would bought

8. Mary hasn’t any spare time and ___________.

a) neither have I            b) either have I           c) so I              d) I haven’t too.

9. We had better _________ if we want to get there before dark.

a) to hurry up                 b) hurry up                  c) hurried up               d) hurrying up

10. This film _________.

a) is much spoken about            b) is speaking much about      c) speaks much about
4.Соедините предложения с разделительными вопросами:

  1. People in Britain have a great tradition,

  2. They like to keep it,

  3. Britain is a nation of animal lovers,

  4. British food isn`t tasty,

  5. Every Welshman sings beautifully,

  1. is it?

  2. isn`t it?

  3. don`t they?

  4. doesn`t he?

  5. don`t they?

  1. График контрольных мероприятий для 9 класса.

1 четверть

2 четверть

3 четверть

4 четверть

Контрольная работа № 1 по теме «Пусть звучит музыка».

Контрольная работа № 2 по теме «Средства массовой информации».

Контрольная работа № 3 по теме «Школа – что затем?»

Контрольная работа № 4 по теме «Моя страна в мире».
Итоговая контрольная работа.

Контрольная работа №1 по теме «Пусть звучит музыка».


1. Прослушайте диалог и кратко ответьте на данные вопросы. Вы услышите диалог два раза.

1) How was Jolie's first big hit called?

2) When did Jolie begin to sing?

3) Has Jolie ever been to Africa?

4) Jolie likes Madonna, doesn't she?

5) What is the most important for Jolie: lyrics, rhythm or melody?

6) How many instruments can Jolie play?

2. Соотнесите предложения 1 - 6 с текстами A и B.

1) Their music is really "popular".

2) They originated from the entertaining industry.

3) Their roots are in the middle of the 20th century.

4) They are chosen by professionals.

5) Usually they behave badly.

6) Their fans copy their idols' clothes.

A) Heavy metal bands
Heavy metal bands have been around since the late 1950s. They originated mainly in the United Kingdom and the United States and have their musical roots in blues-rock and psychedelic music. Two of the most famous bands who are still playing after many years are Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath. Many of the bands were formed by school friends who started playing music together in their family's garage. Bands are usually made up of drums and guitar and possibly a keyboard. A heavy metal band is not just about music but also about image. Band members usually have very long-hair, wear unusual cloths and behave in extreme ways on stage. The songs are far from romantic, and are often about "bad" subjects. The music is loud, and concerts can be unpredictable with the musicians performing strange things on the stage. Their fans are very loyal and on look very much like the band with long hair, beards, jeans and T-shirts with the band's picture on.
B) Boys bands

A boy band is a type of pop group which typically has three or four young male singers. The members of the band generally dance as well as sing, often performing different dances which have been carefully choreographed to fit their music. A boy band generally follows mainstream music trends, and the members will change their appearance to adapt to new fashions. Their shows are usually energetic and exciting to watch. Although they are called "bands", members of boy bands do not usually play musical instruments. They are often put together by talent managers or record companies who look for young singers and choose them for their appearance and dancing skills as well as for their singing ability. For this reason, boy bands are often criticised for being manufactured products. Famous boy bands are Backstreet Boys and Take That. Their audience is generally teenagers, especially young teenagers, and they are particularly popular with young girls.
3. Для каждого из отзывов 1 - 6 подберите место действия.

1) We were dancing from night till morning.

a) a classical concert

2) I've met a famous conductor.

b) a discotheque

3) Their improvisations were amazing.

c) an opera house

4) The music was loud but the words were unclear.

d) a techno open-air

5) We saw Queen with the new vocalist.

e) a jazz club

6) There were only two men and two computers on stage.

f) a rock festival

4. Выберите из скобок подходящий вариант выражения будущего времени.

1) I'm very tired and I (am going / go / going) to bed.

2) Have you seen our timetable? The train (will leave / leaves / is leaving) at 12:00.

3) This bag looks heavy! I (help / will help / am helping) you.

4) Your shoes are dirty. Are you (going / to go / going to) clean them?

5) If you (listening / will listen / listen) to this song, you won't be so sad.

5. Соотнесите две части предложений.

1) The taxi driver was angry

a) the top of the page.

2) John Lennon was at

b) in the Tower of London.

3) Cairo is on

c) with a cyclist.

4) Peter was worried

d) North Africa.

5) The British Crown jewels are

e) the river Nile

6) Tunisia is in

f) in football.

7) My brother is very good

g) the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

8) That exercise is at

h) at doing word puzzles.

9) We aren't interested

i) art college before he was famous.

10) Michelangelo painted on

j) about losing job.

6.Восстановите правильный порядок частей благодарственного письма. Ответ дайте в виде последовательности цифр (например, 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7).


That's why I think you are the kind of professor that makes this university a great place to learn.


This class was the only thing standing between me and my degree, and, as you know, I had a very hard time understanding the concepts.


Jack Redhall


Thank you very much for the extra help you gave me so I could pass my chemistry class.


Thanks to you, I've succeeded in remembering them and I will be graduating in June.


Dear Mr Sefton!


Sincerely yours,

Контрольная работа №2 по теме «Средства массовой информации»
1. Соотнесите абзацы текста 1 - 7 с заголовками A - H. Один заголовок лишний.

A. Light and rotation animate pictures.

B. The way of giving life to objects.

C. The first European device for animation.

D. American and Japanese styles in animation.

E. Book animation.

F. The least expensive way of animation.

G. Ancient experiences in animation.

H. Animation can be used in movies.

The history of animation

1) It’s hard to imagine animated stories before the invention of film, but in fact the origin of moving pictures is thousands of years old. In Paleolithic cave paintings, animals were sometimes drawn with extra legs, perhaps a way to suggest movement. Another early example is a 5,000 year old vase found in Iran. In five frames, it shows a goat jumping up to eat a leaf on a tree. Later, ancient Egyptian paintings used a similar technique of telling action stories in multiple panels.

2) Modern moving images date back to 1650 with the introduction of the magic lantern invented in Venice. Of course, it wasn’t really magic. It used every-day material like candles, oil and a simple glass lens to create a lantern that projected slides on a wall in a darkened room. Sometimes the slides represented moving action. The Venetian engineer Giovanni Fontana is credited with being the inventor of the magic lantern.

3) During the 19th century many artists and inventors experimented with different ways to put pictures into motion. For example, the zoetrope consists of a cylinder with drawings on the inside wall. When the zoetrope spins, and a person looks through vertical cuts in the wall, it appears that the pictures on the inside are in motion. The word “zoetrope” means “wheel of life.” A British mathematician invented the modern zoetrope in 1833, influenced by a similar device from China from 180 A.D.

4) The first flip book was patented in 1868, though children have played with something similar ever since paper was invented. The book contains a series of action pictures that gradually change page to page. When the viewer “flips” through the pages quickly, the images appear to “move.” Today, flip books are mostly toys for children, but in the 19th century they were designed especially for adults and were sold in parks and theaters. The original Victorian flip books, now over 150 years old, are worth thousands of dollars.

5) Modern animation became possible with photographic inventions by Thomas Edison and the Lumiere brothers. An early technique was called stop-motion animation. The first short film using this technique — called “The Humpty Dumpty Circus” — was made in 1897. With this method, real objects are moved around and photographed, and then the images are put together as continuous film. In the 1960s, stop-motion animation was used to make a number of popular American TV shows. Recently it has been used to make full-length movies like “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” and “The Nightmare before Christmas”.

6) A new era in animation began in 1923 when Walt Disney opened a new studio in Los Angeles. A short film featuring Mickey Mouse was Disney’s first big hit. “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves”, the Disney studio’s first full-length film, was released in 1937. At the same time that Disney was developing his technique, Japanese animators were developing their own unique style. Anime, as Japanese animation is known, is very popular today all around the world.

7) In the last few decades, Pixar Studios has revolutionized animation with the use of CGI (computer generated imagery). With CGI, old-fashioned hand-drawing is replaced with 3-dimensional digital modeling. The technique requires a great deal of time and money, but the results can be wonderful. The first fully-computerized full-length film was “Toy Story” (1995), which is on many people’s “Best Movies Ever” list. CGI is often used in live-action films to create back-ground scenery and even characters.

2. Кратко ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста задания 1.

1) What country is the origin of the "wheel of life"?

2) When was the studio where the first cartoon about Mickey Mouse was made opened?

3) Pixar Studios began to use 3D-graphics in animation, didn't it?

4) Who were the inventors of photographic techniques that are necessary for modern animation?

5) Were there the most ancient moving pictures in Iran or in Egypt?

6) Did only children watch animations in Victorian flip books?

3. Восстановите глагольные формы в парах предложений Direct Speech - Reported Speech.

Direct Speech

Reported Speech

She said: “I live in a big apartment.”

She said that she 1) _____ in a big apartment.

Maria: “Where has Jim gone?”

Maria wanted to know where Jim 2) _____.

Dan said: “I 3) _____ my sister.”

Dan said that he would help his sister.

Tim told his mother: “I am sleepy.”

Tim told his mother that he 4) _____ sleepy.

Mr. Ford said: “I don’t like fish.”

Mr. Ford said that he 5) _____ fish.

I asked: «Sam, 6) _____ you ever been to France?”

I asked Sam if he had ever been to France.

He asked: “Can we meet on Tuesday?”

He asked if we 7) _____ meet on Tuesday.

Mother asked: “Will you invite Kevin to the party?”

Mother wanted to know if we 8) _____ Kevin to the party.

4. Измените слова в скобках так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали содержанию предложений.

1) This event is an _____ (EXCEPT) in our life.

2) Their company uses a lot of _____ (DIGIT) services.

3) The _____ (COVER) of CNN channel is worldwide.

4) A new programme may have a low _____ (RATE).

5) They _____ (WEEK) discuss many actual issues.

6) You should read this _____ (SEARCH) about the influence of the Internet.

7) Are there any _____ (INTELLECT) serials on SyFy channel?

5. Ответьте развёрнуто (2 - 3 предложения) на вопросы.

1) What is your favourite TV host? Describe him/her.

2) Do you like reality shows? Why?

3) What is the funniest news you have ever heard?

4) How often do you read teen magazines? Why?

5) Is the Internet going to remove classic TV from our life? Give your opinion.

ENGLISH-9 UNIT 5 Контрольная работа №3 по теме «Школа-что затем?»
1. Прочитайте диалог. В каждом из случаев 1 - 6 выберите правильное завершение предложения.

Sandra: Hi, Tom! Are you moving?

Tom: Hi, Sandra. Yes, we are moving this Saturday.

Sandra: It’s a pity you won’t be our neighbours any longer. We’ve got used to you.

Tom: I feel sad about it too. But we often have to move be­cause of my father’s job. My mum hates it but nothing can be done — they pay good money and dad doesn’t want to change the job.

Sandra: And you’ll have to go to a new school again...

Tom: Right. It’s not a very pleasant experience, but I’ll manage. I mix with people easily.

Sandra: Yes, you do.

Tom: What I really worry about is sports. Here I played for the best baseball team of the city. The team in my new school is much weaker. It’s going to be disappointing to play for them.

Sandra: But there are probably other things there that can compensate for it.

Tom: Mum says the school is very good. They use the newest teaching technologies and the students are really bright. Most of them go straight to university after they finish school.

Sandra: That’s awesome! You’re planning to go to university too, aren’t you?

Tom: Well, I’m not sure yet. My parents want me to go. But I feel I’m not ready yet as I simply don’t know what I want to become in the future. I’m thinking about get­ting a job after school, preferably a job with travel op­portunities. I want to see the world, gain some life experience and only then decide what I want to be­come. The university choice will become easier too.

Sandra: Right. I see your point. And how about Robby? Mov­ing is stressful for animals. You can leave him with us if you want, at least for a while...

Tom: Oh, no! Don’t worry about Robby. He’ll be ok. He’ll suffer more if he’s left without his family. And... like most ones he hates cats...

Sandra: Oh-oh.

Tom: Yes, I’m sorry, Sandra, but I must be off now. I’ve promised my mum to do some shopping for her.

Sandra: Does she want some souvenirs? Something that would remind you of our town?

Tom: No, she actually wants apples, plums and oranges for the salad. My parents are having guests for dinner to­night.

Sandra: I see. Look, if you need some help with packing your books and school papers...

Tom: Thank you, Sandra, but don’t worry. I’ve packed al­most everything already. But it would be great if you joined us for tomorrow’s pizza party in the new pizzeria. We are celebrating our success in the baseball game. It’s the last one for me with this team...

Sandra: But it’s not the last game or the last victory in your life. Cheer up...

1) Tom’s family is moving house because ______

a) Tom’s mother wants to move. b) Tom wants to change his school.

c) Tom’s father has to work at another place.

2) In comparison with Tom’s current school, the new school provides worse ______

a) education opportunities. b) sports opportunities. c) entertainment opportunities.

3) Tom ______

a) has already chosen his future career. b) wants to put off a decision.

c) will follow his parents’ advice on career choice.

4) Robby is the name of ______

a) Tom’s brother. b) Tom’s cat. c) Tom’s dog.

5) At the moment Tom is going to the shop to buy some ______

a) pet food. b) fresh fruit. c) souvenirs.

6) Tomorrow Tom is going to ______

a) have a party. b) pack things. c) play baseball.

2 . Подберите к каждому из пропусков подходящий фразовые глагол из рамки. Одинглаголврамкелишний.

1) Please, _____ this form!

2) I can't _____ this dress.

3) I want to watch the next episode to _____ what's going to happen.

4) Woman officers _____ 13% of the police force.

5) Every morning my parents _____ the newspapers.

6) You should _____ your position very carefully.

3. Выберите из скобок правильную часть предложения.

1) He (has been sent / had been sent / has sent) to Rome by his boss.

2) This telephone company is the country's largest (employee / employer / employment).

3) I didn't notice (something / anything / nothing) unusual.

4) Neither my brother (or / and / nor) my sister works in IT.

5) (Drake / Drake's / Drake') mother is a receptionist.

6) Yesterday by the evening all preparations for the trip (had been finished / has been finished / had finished).

7) Last week they told us that we (have lost / had lost / lost) all chances.

8) I am warned by my mum not (being / to be / been) a security guard.

4. Соотнесите реплики в диалогах.

1) What kinds of books do you like?

a) Even so, you always can find something else.

2) So many professions... I can't choose.

b) I adore non-fiction.

3) Are they expected to enter Oxford?

c) Yes, let's buy two tickets!

4) In addition, I can lose my job!

d) Keep trying and look on the bright side!

5) What is it being reported?

e) Perhaps, they are from the royal family.

6) Are they performing "Three sisters"?

f) I don't know. I've turned off the radio.

5. Ответьте на письмо Джима. Напишите 5 - 6 предложений.

Dear friend!

... I’m having a very busy time now as I have to get ready for my exams. As far as I know all students in Russia have to take school exams too...

When are you going to have your exams? What exams have you chosen and why? What are your plans for the summer holidays?


Контрольная работа №4 по теме «Моя страна в мире»

1. Для каждого из абзацев текста 1 - 6 выберите заголовок из вариантов A - F. Один заголовок в списке лишний.