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Түсініктеме хат.

ҰБТ тест жинағы Қазақстан мемлекеттік орта білім беру стандартына сайкес құрылған. Тест жинағы екі тараудан тұрады: морфология, синтаксис; өлкетану және мақал-мәтелдер. Тест жинағы 10-11 сынып оқушыларын ҰБТ-ға дайындық жүргізуге бағытталған.

Оның мақсаты: оқушылардың грамматикалық, морфологиялық, синтаксис және өлкетану білімдерін жүйелеу және дамыту, жазу және ауызша алған дағдыларын жақсарту. Оқушылардың білім-біліктілік, танымдық, коммуникативтік біліктілігін, олардың сөйлеу дағдыларын арттыру.

Тест жинағы екі тараудан тұрады:

I.Морфология. Синтаксис.

II. Өлкетану, мақал-мәтелдер.

Морфология тарауында етістіктің осы, өткен және келер шақтардың формалары кіріктірілген. Сонымен қатар үстеулердің құрамы және олардың орындары, сын есімнің шырайлары, салыстырмалы шырайдың түрлері as ...as, so ...as, the... the...; белгілі, белгісіз және нөлдік артикльдер, модальды етістіктер, зат есімнің көпше түрі, герундий және инфинитивтің сөйлемдегі функциялары, used to құрылымы енгізілген.

Синтаксис тарауына осы, өткен және келер шақтардың болымды, болымсыз, сұраулы (жалпы, арнайы, альтернативтік, айырмашылық) сөйлемдер, шартты сөйлемдер, төлеу сөздер енгізілген.

Өлкетану тарауында Америка және Ұлыбритания тақырыптарында екі нұсқадан кіріктірілген. Мақал – мәтелдер де жиынтық тестке қосылған.

Бұл жинақ тесті 2 тараудан, 18 тақырыптан құралған. Барлық тесттердің кілттері бар, олар қатемен жұмыс жасауға пайдалануға және білімдер мен дағдыларды қалыптастыруға мүмкіндік береді. Әр тест төрт жауаптан құрылған, ішінде бір жауабы ғана дұрыс. Оқу материалдары күрделі деңгейде құрастырылған. Әр келесі тестте күрделі грамматикалық құрылымдар ғана емес, сонымен қатар қайталау тақырыптары енгізілген. Тестке алынған оқу материалы оқулықпен ғана шектелмеген, логикалық қосымша сұрақтар енгізілген, оқушының білім сапасын арттыру үшін.

Күтілетін нәтиже: оқушының білім сапасын көтеру, ҰБТ көрсеткішін жоғарлату, ағылшын тілі пәніне қызығушылығын арттыру және құзыреттілігін қалыптастыру.

Use the right of negative, affirmative and question forms of Present tense: simple, ctinuous, perfect and perfect continuous.

Test 1.

Fill in the gap:

1.I_______ home from school at about 4.30.

a.getting on



d.to get

2. My parents’ alarm clock ________ at 6.30.


b. ringing



3. We ________ tennis and basketball at school.


b.are playing

c.to play


4. Jack ________ a shower in the evening.


b.is having



5. Patrick’s at the pool. He ________

a.is swimming



d.was swimming

6. I _______________ my new trainers because they aren’t very comfortable.


b.’m not wearing


d.didn’t wear

7. Be quiet, please. We ____________ to listen to the radio.

a.to try


c.’re trying

d.aren’t trying

8. After breakfast, Paul __________ for school.

a.get ready

b.doesn’t get ready

c.getting ready

d.don’t get ready

9. They ________ often ________ computer games.

a.don’t play

b.doesn’t play

c. play

d. do play

10. _______ you enjoy cooking?

a. does




11. ___________ your Maths teacher wear glasses?




d. doesn’t

12. How often ______ you ________ your room?

a.does tidy

b. did tidy

c.have to tidy

d.do tidy

13. What _______ you _______?

a. are watching

b.is watching

c.were watching

d. am watching

14. Who _____ you ________ for?

a. ‘s waiting

b. are waiting

c. do waiting


15. John’s in bed. He is sleeping,__________?

a. isn’t he

b.aren’t he

c. didn’t he

d. don’t he

16. I _______ already _________ the hamburger.

a. has eaten

b. do eaten

c.have eaten

d. have eat

17. He _______ __________ his homework yet.

a. hasn’t do

b. hasn’t done

c.haven’t did

d.haven’t done

18. She ______ already _______ the film.

a. hasn’t seen

b. has see

c.has seen

d. have seen

19. He ______ just _______ home.

a. has come

b. have came

c. has came

d. have coming

20. _________ you ________ this film yet?

a. has seen

b. have see

c. has seeing

d. have seen

21. What _____ you ________?

a. have done

b. has done

c. have do

d. has did

22. John _______ ___________ this book for two days.

a. has reading

b. have reading

c. has been reading

d.have been reading

23. She _________ ______ ______ French for very long.

a. haven’t been learning

b. have be learning

c. has been learn

d. hasn’t been learning

24. _______ you ______ ______ the Internet all morning?

a. have been searching

b. has been searching

c. have been search

d. has been searched

25. Who ______ _______ _______ this DVD since morning?

a. has be watching

b. have been watching

c. has been watching

d. has been watch

Test 2

Fill in the gap:

  1. Mum _______ to work four days a week.





2. Mell always does her homework, __________?

a.didn’t she

b.doesn’t she

c.done’t she

d.don’t she

3. My sister and I _______ going to the gym.





4. We ______ ______ to school at the weekend.

a.doesn’t go

b.don’t go

c.do go


5. _______ you and your friends _______ football?

a.did played

b.do playing

c.does playing

d.do play

6. Where _______ your best friend ______ ?

a.do live

b.does live

c.have live

d.do living

7. Jilia’s in her bedroom. She ______ ______ dressed for school.

a.is gets

b.are getting

c. is getting

d.do getting

8. You can use Ben’s tennis racket. He ______ __________ it at the moment.

a.isn’t using

b.wasn’t using

c.aren’t using

d.has using

9. _____ he _______ a letter now?

a.are writing

b.is writing

c.was writing

d.am writing

10. Where ______ they ________ pizza?

a.do having

b.is having

c.are having

d.was having

11. I _____ _______ my grandmother twice this week.

a. have visited

b.has visited

c.have visit

d. have visiting

12. We _____ _______ this book.

a. has finished

b. have finishing

c. has finish

d. have finished

13. She ______ __________ her keys yet.

a.hasn’t find

b.hasn’t found

c. haven’t found

d.didn’t find

14. __________ you _______to America?

a. have been

b. has been

c. have be

d. haven’t been

15. He hasn’t gone to the theatre, _________?

a. have he

b. has he

c. hasn’t he

d. had he

16. Where ____________you _________?

a. has been

b. haven’t been

c. have been

d. hasn’t been

17. She must be tired. She __________ all morning.

a. has been swimming

b. have been swimming

c. has be swimming

d. have been swim

18. He ___________ in Zurich for very long.

a. haven’t been work

b. hasn’t been working

c. have been working

d. hasn’t be working

19. ___________ they ___________ in the garden since morning?

a. has been working

b. haven’t been work

c. hasn’t been working

d. have been working

20. You have been studying English since the 5th form, _________?

a. didn’t you

b. hadn’t you

c. haven’t you

d. hadn’t you

21. What ______ you ________ _________ since morning?

a. have been doing

b. has been do

c. has been doing

d. have be doing

22. __________ she ______ her room in the morning or in the evening?

a. do tidy

b. does tidy

c. have tidy

d. be tidy

23. ______ he ___________ cola or water?

a. has drinking

b. are drinking

c. is drinking

d. were drinking

24. ________ he _________ to America or China?

a. has gone

b. have gone

c. has going

d. have go

25. _________ he _________ ________ a letter or a message for half an hour?

a. has been writing

b.have been writing

c. has be writing

d. have be write

Use affirmative, negative, questions and passive forms of the past simple, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous.

Test 1
1. He _________ for her outside the cinema.

  1. waiting

  2. to wait

  3. waited

  4. wait

2. They ________ vegetable soup for lunch yesterday.

a. make

b. made

c. making

d. are making

3. Where _________ she _____ tonight?

a. do go

b. did gone

c. did go

d. does go

4. What _____ you ________ when you ______ the accident?

a. were doing, saw

b. were seeing, did

c. did see, do

d. was doing, saw

5. I _______________ into town one day last week when I _________ a house on fire.

a. were driving, see

b. is drive, seeing

c. was driving, see

d. was driving, saw

6. Where _________ you _________to when you ______ your passport?

a. was travelling, lost

b. were travelling, lost

c. did travel, losing

d. did travel, lose

7. Ben ________ football with his friends when it started to rain.

a. was play

b. played

c. was playing

d. has played

8. Tom and Josh ____________ outside the cinema when Tom’s mobile phone ________ .

a. was waiting, ring

b. waited, was ringing

c. waited, rang

d. were waiting, rang

9. ________ it ________ when you came home?

a. was raining

b. were raining

c. is raining

d. had rain

10. What _______ you _________?

Some jeans.

  1. do buy

  2. does buy

  3. do bought

  4. did buy

11. Ana and Jay ________________ into the shop and bought a book, ________ they?

a. were going, weren’t

b. are going, aren’t

c. go, do

d. was going, wasn’t

12. The boat hit a large rock and __________ really quickly.

a. sink

b. sinking

c. sank

d. was sinking

13. I ______________ the film - it was boring.

a. did enjoy

b. do enjoy

c. don’t enjoy

d. didn’t enjoy

14. Ryan ______________ to the disco with us on Friday.

a. didn’t came

b. didn’t come

c. doesn’t come

d. do came

15. My uncle ___________ around Europe for three months.

a. travelled

b. didn’t travel

c. travelling

d. was travelling

16. I _________ a very strange dream last night.

a. have

b. had

c. has

d. to have

17. Alice __________ for ten hours last night.

a. sleeped

b. slept

c. was sleep

d. has sleep

18. You’re late! The lesson __________ 20 minutes ago.

a. start

b. was starting

c. started

d. is starting

19. You went to school by bus, ____________ you?

a. don’t you

b. does you

c. did you

d. didn’t you

20. The army _______ and ________.

a. has fought, won

b. fought, had won

c fought, won

d. had fought, won

21. The footballer ___________ a goal before he __________ his leg.

a. had scored, broke

b. has scored, break

c. scored, had broken

d. did scored, broke

22. __________ John __________ Paul to his party before he _______ the truth?

a. has invited, knew

b. had invited, knew

c. invited, had known

d. invited,knew

23. When Sue ________, Anna _______ already _________.

a. arrived, had left

b. had arrived, left

c. arrived, left

d. to arrive, left

24. ________ she ________ him before?

a. has met

b. was meeting

c. had met

d. were meeting

25. Katie _____ never ________ in aliens, until she ________ one.

a. has believed, saw

b. have believed, see

c. believed, had seen

d. had believed, saw

Test 2

  1. Gerry _______ home at ten.

  1. leave

  2. left

  3. had leave

  4. has left

2.Where _________ your sister yesterday?

a. was

b. were

c. been

d. be

3. When I _______ home, I _________ my coat and sat down.

a. get, take off

b. to get, to take off

c. got, take off

d. got, took off

4. Michael Jackson was an American, _________ he?

a. was he

b. wasn’t

c. did he

d. didn’t he

5. The treasure __________________ in 1957.

a. were discovered

b. had discovered

c. was discovered

d. has discover

6. Hamlet _________________ by William Shakespeare.

a. was wrote

b. was written

c. has written

d. wrote

7. Where ________ the robber __________?

a. was caught

b. did catch

c. was catching

d. have caught

8. By the time we ___________ to the party, it __________.

a. got, had finished

b. get, has finished

c. to get, to finish

d. got has finished

9. When I ________ home, they _____________ the dinner.

a. had got, made

b. get, make

c. got, had made

d. getting, make

10. She _________ her homework by 11 p.m.

a. had finish

b. has finish

c. finished

d. hadn’t finished

11. Joe _________ for ten kilometers.

a. had walked

b. has walked

c. walked

d walk

12. Mr. Brown ________________ orange juice at the swimming pool.

a. were drinking

b. was drinking

c. drunk

d. had drunk

13. Where _________ she _______ when she ________?

a. were going, fell

b. was going, fall

c. has go, fell

d. had gone, fell.

14. Robbie was pleased because he _____________a goal.

a. has scored

b. did scored

c, have scored

d. had scored

15. Mrs. Davis was annoyed because she ___________ her favourite bowl.

a. have broke

b. had broken

c. has break

d. had break

16. We were lucky that the dry forests _____________ fire.

a. had catch

b. have caught

c. hadn’t caught

d. haven’t catch

17. My dad ___________ the road when he ___________ the car in front of him.

a. wasn’t watching, hit

b. was watch, hit

c. watch, hit

d. watching, hit

18. I ________ a strange experience yesterday.

a. have

b. had

c. to have

d. has

19. When she _______________ to school, a dog _______________ her.

a. was going, was attacking

b. was walking, attacked

c. went, ran away from.

d. went, was attacking

20. While they ___________________ dinner, they ______________ a strange noise.

a. had, made

b. were having, heard

c. were cooking, were hearing

d. have, heard

21. Jack found an old key while he _________________ for his camera.

a. looked

b. looks

c. was looking

d. had look

22. Where _________ they ___________ when they __________ news?

a. did go, heard

b. go, hear

c. going, hearing

d. were going, heard

23. What _________ they __________ when television _____________working?

a. were watching, stopped

b. was watching, stop

c. have watch, have stop

d watched, stopped

24. _________ there a woman inside the house?

a. were

b. did

c. do

d. was

25. ___________ she ever ______________ to India before?

a. has travel

b. had travelled

c. did travelled

d. do travel