Файл: Уманець А.В. та н. Grammar in Use.doc

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(Test Yourself)

Test I

I. Which would normally be the best answer?

1.It’s so cold today. _____put on your own coat?

a) Why you haven’t b) Why haven’t you

2. ________is Pam’s sister? – She is a secretary at our college.

a) Who b) what

3. Neither your parents nor mine can lend us some money ___?

a) can they b) can’t they

4. _________those boys is your son?

a) Why b) which

5. _____ he understand what he has to do?

a) don’t b) doesn’t

6. Brandon had to have the car’s engine completely replaced, _____he?

a) hadn’t b) had.

7. _______expect me to visit you today, I haven’t promised

a) let’s b) don’t

8. ___me think. – It’s too cold for the black dress.

a) let’s b) let

9. Without your help Bill would never have been able to get there on time, ___he?

a) won’t b) wouldn’t

10. We’ve heard a lot about the violence on TV although we could say the same thing about movies, ____we?

a) could b) couldn’t

11. ___ I really make a lot of mistakes in my dictation yesterday?

a) do b) did

12. ____Scotland  occupy a greater or smaller part of Great Britain?

a) does b) do

13. ____ we call the first year student a freshman or undergraduate?

a) do b) does

14.____ she seventeen or nineteen?

a) is b) are

15.____is this news so important for you?

a) why b) when

16. ___is the author of the new play?

a) who b) when

17. _____ you speak English fluently?

a) have b) can

18. ____ you really finish your work early on Friday?

a) do b) did

19. _____ you know this rule?

a) don’t b) doesn’t

20. ____ you be able to help me tomorrow?

a) shall b) will

II. Choose the correct word suitable for each sentence.

1. That's the....... story I've ever heard

a) funniest b) funny

c) funnier

2. He was one of the ............... workers at the factory.

a) more experienced b) most experienced

c) experienced

3. He was the ...... in the family.

a) oldest b) older

c) eldest d) elder

4. I need a ....... coat

a) warmest b) warmer

c) more warm d) most warm

5. It is ...... to swim in the sea than in the river

a) easier b) easiest

c) more easy d) most easy

6) This garden is the .............. in our town.

a) beautiful b) more beautiful

c) most beautiful

7. She is not so ....... as I am

a) busiest b) busy

c) busier d) more busy

  1. We haven't got ........... dictionaries.

a) no b) any

c) some

  1. There are .............. flowers here in winter

a) any b) not

c) some

  1. I can't find my documents ...................... . I have looked all over the house.

a) somewhere b) anywhere

c) nowhere

  1. Today is a holiday. The streets are full of people. Tere are flags, banners and flowers ............... .

a) anywhere b) somewhere

c) everywhere d) nowhere

  1. I have never seen ............... lace their boots like that

a) somebody b) anybody

c) nobody

  1. Can you see .........book in an empty box? No, I can't see .................. in an empty box.

a) some b) any

c) every

  1. Tell me everything about .....

a) them b) their

c) they

  1. I told ........... that it was true

a) me b) I

c) myself

  1. It is ............ boy who showed us the way.

a) the same b) those

c) this

  1. Where are all our things? .......... are here.

a) my b) mine

c) me

  1. One should take care of........

a) himself b) oneself

c) herself

  1. This house is much better then ......... built last year.

a) those b) that

c) this

  1. With ....... did you live when you were in that town?

a) who b) whom

c) what

III. Choose the correct form of the verbs and fill in the blanks with a, b ,c

1. I ________ cold. Will you be so kind to close the window?

a) am b) is

c) are

2. This castle _______ on thousand years old.

a) am b) is

c) are

3.Her baby _______ very nice.

a) am b) is

c) are

4. John ________ being difficult about money again.

a) am b) is

c) are

5. Really! The children ______ being absolutely impossible this morning.

a) am b) is

c) are

6. Ann ________ always on time for work.

a) am b) is

c) are

7. They______ always displeased with conduct.

a) am b) is

c) are

8. Jack likes to dance and listen to music, so he _______ every day.

a) have a party b) has a party

c) is a party.

9. Oleg isn’t in class today because he _______ the flu.

a) have b) has

c) is

10. Where is Mum? She _________ in the room. She is very tired.

a) have a rest b) has a rest

c) is a rest

11. I don’t usually smoke. But I felt nervous, so I _________

a) have a cigarette b) has a cigarette

c) is a cigarette

12.It’s 5 o’clock. She _____ tea.

a) have b) has

c) had.

13. Denis ________ a very friendly family.

a) have b) has

c) is.

14.________ you ever written a grammar test without mistakes?

a) haven’t b) hasn’t

c) had to

15. _________ no water on the Moon.

a) there is b) there are

c) is there

16._________ a message for you. It is from your boss.

a) there is b) there are

c) is there

17.I didn’t enjoy the party ________ many people there.

a) there is b) there were

c) is there

18. Look! _________poems of Sasha in the magazine.

a) there is b) there are

c) is there

19.________much sugar in this cake?

a)is there b)are there

c) there is

20. ________something wrong with the computer.

a) there is b) there are

c) is there

IV. Choose the correct answer.

1. He has been involved ________ serious trouble

a) at b) on

c) in

2. It’s very nice______ you to help us. Thank you.

a) of b) with

c) about

3. that man is very honest. He isn’t capable _____telling a lie.

a) of b) on

c) for

4. Money isn’t the solution ___ every problem.

a) to b) on

c) in

5. Start now and go on _______ I tell you to stop.

a) till b) until

c) in

6. Sit ________the fire. It will keep your warm.

a) beside b) in

c) under

7. We work from 9 a.m. ____ 6 p.m.

a) till b) until

c) for

8. Sorry I’m late. I missed the bus, so I had to come _____foot.

a) by b) on

c) in

9. He hasn’t live in Britain on his life. He lived in India ____four years.

a) for b) on

c) during

10. It rained ___three days without stopping.

a) for b) during

c) at

11.Why do you do something instead ___just talking.

a) - b) of

c) to

12. The flight lasted not more than one and _____hours.

a) half b) a half

c) two.

13. He was _____ who introduced this method of teaching

a) first b) the first

c) one.

14.Could I have two _____eggs?

a) dozens of b) millions of

c) thousand of.

15. On the ___ day the travelers saw the shore.

a) nine b) ninth

c) ninety.

16.Zero degrees Celsius is ____ degrees Fahrenheit.

a) zero b) thirty two

c) thirty – second.

17. You have told me story _____times

a) three b) third

c) once

18. Three multiplied by four equals ____

a) twelve b) four

c) five

19. In a class of twenty-seven students ____of them received a grade of C

a) five-sixth b) fifth

c) seventy

20.I’ve done the exercise _____ Isn’t that enough?

a) one b) once

c) first.

V. Use the appropriate items where necessary.

1. I met some interesting ........ at the meeting last night.

a)man b)men

2. I need some ............... to light the fire.

a) matches b) match

3. The baby got two new ............. .

a) tooth b) teeth

4. When we spoke in the cave, we could hear ........ of our voices.

a) echo b) echoes

5. New scientific ................ are made every day in ............ throughout the world.

a) discovery, laboratory b)discoveries, laboratories

6. Alex saw some ........... running across the floor.

a) mouse b) mice

7.If a houseplant is given too much water, its lawer ........ turn yellow.

a) leaf b) leaves

8. I think I will have that ........... on the right.

a)cake b)cakes

9. ............ husband often gives her flowers.

a)Mrs. Smith's b)Mrs. Smith

c)Mrs. Smiths

10. That is my ....... coat.

a) wife b) wifes

c) wife's d) wives

11. My cousin has .... big ....black ..... cat. My cousin's .... cat has two .... kittens.

a) a .... ...... .... ... b) an ... the ... …

c) the .... a ... the ...

12. My sister is at .... school. She is ..... pupil.

a) .... a b) the a

c) the the d) a the

13. My friends live in ..... small town

a) a b) the

c) an

14. When my grandfather was .... yang man, he studied ... physics.

a) .... a b) the ...

c) a .... d) a the

15. ..... Japaneese is more difficult than .... French.

a) a the b) the a

c)..... the d) .... ....

16. Do you play .... piano?

a) a b) an

c) the d) ...

17. ..... Washington is .... capital of .... United States of America.

a) the a the b) a the .....

c) .... a the d) .... the a

18 ...... Pacific Ocean is very deep

a) a b) the

c) an d) ...

19. Winter is ... good time for sports

a) the b) a

c) an d) ...

20. We were out of ..... doors from .... morning till .... night.

a) a ..... ..... b) the the the

c) ..... .... ..... d) ..... the the

Test II

І. Choose the most appropriate among can, may, must and their equivalents to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.

A can B could C may D might E must F had to G is allowed to

1) He … play golf well, but today he is unable to do it because he has a backache.

2) I … work hard from morning till night. I have to pay our debts.

3) The mother is preparing the room for our guests. They … arrive tomorrow or the day after.

4) She … leave the party yesterday – she wasn’t well.

5) I … not climb up a ladder at the age of three.

6) He … not go out because he is ill.

7) Take the umbrella: it … rain.

8) The pupil … use the school swimming pool free of charge.

9) The doctor said that I … lose some weight.

10) … he have got into an accident? He is such a careful driver.

11) The road is busy. You … look carefully before you cross it.

12) In fact, I … write out a weekly schedule but I didn’t want to.

13) … you bring me a glass of water, please.

14) Mother is angry: I … tidy my room.

15) I looked everywhere for the book but I … not find it.

16) It’s raining. You … not go out without your umbrella.

17) I didn’t find George anywhere. – He … have gone shopping.

18) Mrs. Turner … jog before she had the accident.

19) I … go to work early yesterday.

20) The foreigner … not enter the country without a visa.

  1. Choose the correct item.

1) I … my wallet. I can’t find it anywhere.

A have lost B am losing C have been losing

2) She … work by six o’clock.

A will finish B will have finish C is going to finish

3) You are late. I … for half an hour.

A am waiting B have waited C have been waiting

4) Claire … dinner when the telephone rang.

A was eating B ate C has eaten

5) This time next week, we … on the beach.

A will lie B will have been lying C will be lying

6) I like this house. I … here all my life.

A am living B have been living C have lived

7) Paul … the bank. He hasn’t come back yet.

A has been to B has gone to C has been in

8) She realized that she … to lock the door.

A forgot B had been forgetting C had forgotten

9) By the end of the day, she … for ten hours.

A will be working B will have worked C will have been working

10) By the time we reached the station, the train … .

A had left B left C had been leaving

11) The children … lots of noise at the moment.

A are making B have been making C make

12) The plane … when I reached the airport.

A already left B had already left C had already leaving

13) Paul … work by seven o’clock this evening.

A has finished B will finish C will have finished

14) Pete … as a waiter for ten years, then he opened his own restaurant.

A has worked B worked C has been working

15) While Mum … the carpets the doorbell rang.

A hoovers B was hovering C had hoovered

16) By the time I got there, Bill … .

A had already left B left C is leaving

17) Miss Jones … two cups of tea today.

A has drunk B is drinking C drinks

18) I … that song before.

A have never heard B have always heard C never hear

19) She … this picture for two hours.

A has been painting B is painting C was painting

20) By seven o’clock they … cricket for eight hours.

A will be playing B will play C will have been playing

  1. Choose the appropriate auxiliary verb.

A is B have C has D are E had F will G does H do I did

1) … you been living here since your childhood?

2) What … you doing in the library just now?

3) … she been trying to find a job in Hollywood for years?

4) … you wear sports clothes at work?

5) … John playing chess at the moment?

6) How long … you have been studying English by the end of this term?

7) … they discussed the report by two o’clock?

8) … Catherine often go to parties at the weekend?

9) … the students be passing their exam at this time tomorrow?

10) … Bob stay home yesterday morning?

11) … you ever gone to France?

12) What time … your train arrive in Leeds?

13) Norma … not worked since they moved to New York.

14) … the party already started by the time you arrived?

15) … she speaking French at the moment?

16) … Mr. and Mrs. Dean going to Mexico tomorrow?

17) … you buy expensive clothes?

18) … the guests already gathered by the time meeting started.

19) … he been painting the garage door all morning?

20) Our plane … not arrive on time last night.

  1. Choose the proper tense form.

1) A When next year do you start at the university?

B When at the university do you start next year?

C When do you start at the university next year?

2) A We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t very often go there.

B We enjoy the theatre, but we don’t go there very often.

C We enjoy the theatre, but very often we don’t go there.

3) A How much does it cost for the return ticket?

B How does much it cost for the return ticket?

C How much does cost it for the return ticket?

4) A What does the girl doing now?

B What the girl is doing now?

C What is the girl doing now?

5) A My parents has worked for this company since 1993.

B My parents have worked for this company since 1993.

C My parents will work for this company since 1993.

6) A Who cleaned clothes last night?

B Who did clean clothes last night?

C Who was cleaned clothes last night?

7) A They often don’t phone my mother in London.

B They don’t often phone my mother in London.

C They don’t phone my mother in London often.

8) A The next train at two fifteen in the morning leaves.

B At two fifteen in the morning the next train leaves.

C The next train leaves at two fifteen in the morning.

9) A If you work hard, you pass your test.

B If you work hard, you passed your test.

C If you work hard, you will pass your test

10)A The team hasn’t lost matches for several years.

B The team lost matches for several years.

C The team didn’t lost matches for several years.

11)A I hope pollution levels will drop soon.

B I hope pollution levels drops soon.

C I hope pollution levels dropped soon.

12)A They will finish their meeting by four o’clock this afternoon.

B They will finished their meeting by four o’clock this afternoon.

C They will have finished their meeting by four o’clock this afternoon.

13)A Why are they looking at me like that?

B Why do they looking at me like that?

C Why they are looking at me like that?

14)A Jill will is two years old next month.

B Jill will be two years old next month.

C Jill is two years old next month.

15)A Last Friday Lisa had already fed the children when her husband came home.

B Last Friday Lisa already fed the children when her husband came home.

C Last Friday Lisa had already fed the children when her husband comes home.

16)A Jim Presley worked as a waiter for fifteen years.

B Jim Presley has worked as a waiter for fifteen years.

C Jim Presley works as a waiter for fifteen years.

17)A When do you going to have meal?

B When you are going to have meal?

C When are you going to have meal?

18)A Sarah is picking vegetables for two hours.

B Sarah picked vegetables for two hours.

C Sarah has been picking vegetables for two hours.

19)A We have knew each other for a long time.

B We have known each other for a long time.

C We know each other for a long time.

20)A Mrs. Bell is buying ice-cream for her children.

B Mrs. Bell is buy ice-cream for her children.

C Mrs. Bell is no buying for her children ice-cream.

  1. Complete the sentences below using the correct alternative from those marked A, B, or C.

1) “Did you see Nathan?”

No, he…… ”

A was leaving by the time I arrived at his house

B had been leaving by the time I arrived at his house

C had left by the time I arrived at his house

2) “Are you going shopping tonight?”

No, I ……”

A went yesterday

B had gone yesterday

C had been going yesterday

3) “Where is Scott?”

He was talking on the phone ……”

A when I was seen him

B when I saw him

C when I had seen him

4) “What are you thinking about?”

This time next week, I ……”

A will have sunbathed

B will be sunbathing

C will have been sunbathing

5) I can’t come shopping on Saturday morning because ……

A I will be working

B I will have worked

C I work

6) “How often do you clean your house?”

I ……”

A seldom clean it once a week

B usually clean it once a week

C never clean it once a week

7) “Did Alan arrive on time?”

No, I ……”

A was waiting for an hour before he arrived

B had waited for an hour before he arrived

C had been waiting for an hour before he arrived

8) “Have you finished decorating your house yet?”

No, but I ……”

A will be finishing by Friday

B will have been finishing by Friday

C will have finished by Friday

9) “Do you often exercise now?”

No. but I ……”

A used to exercise a lot when I was at school

B will get used to exercise a lot when I was at school

C am used to exercise a lot when I was at school

10)“Have you seen your sister recently?”

Yes, she ……”

A has come to visit last weekend

B came to visit last weekend

C will come to visit last weekend

11)“What time does the train leave?”

I think it ……”

A leaves at 2 o’clock

B has been leaving at 2 o’clock

C has left at 2 o’clock

12)They were cleaning the windows when ……

A it was starting to rain

B it started to rain

C it has started to rain

13)“Hello, Jane. I’m at home.”

Where have you been? I ……”

A have been looking for you all day!

B look for you all day!

C am looking for you all day!

14)“…… to the supermarket today?”

Yes. Do you want me to get you something?”

A Will you have gone

B Will you have been going

C Will you be going

15)“What time do you finish work?”

Actually, I ……”

A have just finished

B finish

C finished

16)“I didn’t know Sarah could drive.”

Oh, yes, she ……”

A has been driving since last April

B has driven since last April

C is driving since last April

17)“This is a great book.”

I know. I ……”

A am reading it twice already

B have been reading it twice already

C have already read it twice

18)“Where is Jason?”

He ……”

A is being at the swimming pool

B is at the swimming pool

C has been at the swimming pool

19)“Did you go out for dinner last night?”

No. I ……”

A had eaten a lot at lunch, so I wasn’t hungry

B had been eating a lot at lunch, so I wasn’t hungry

C was eating a lot at lunch, so I wasn’t hungry

20)“Have you just moved here?”

No. I ……”

A will be living here for two years next month

B will have been living here for two years next month

C have lived here for two years next month

Test III

    1. Choose a suitable verb form for each sentence:

  1. The concert ___ just ___.

  2. He ___ a letter by that time.

  3. I ___ the text before the bell.

  4. He ___ his room by five o’clock.

  5. The ballet company ___ just ___.

  6. They ___ lunch by twelve o’clock.

  7. She ___ her lessons by the evening.

  8. I ___ never ___ this actress so young.

  9. When I call on her, Mary ___ the table.

  10. ___ they ___ the telegram by that time?

  11. ___ you ever ___ to the British Museum?

  12. ___ you ___ your house before the sunset?

  13. We ___ a new house by the end of the year.

  14. I ___ by this time through all the magazines.

  15. When the guests arrive, we ___ the fir-tree.

  16. We ___ for a month and it rained only once.

  17. The writer ___ often ___ his stories into films.

  18. So you ____ stamps since you left the University.

  19. She ___ to all the capital cities of Europe this year.

  20. When the hands of the clock are close to eleven, our train ___ Vladivostok.

1. Have been; 2. has started; 3. has turned; 4. have imagined; 5. has been; 6. has returned; 7. had translated; 8. had done; 9. had cleaned; 10. Had reached; 11. Had received; 12. had not had; 13. have been living; 14. have been collecting; 15. shall have decorated; 16. will have been laying; 17. will have been approaching; 18. will have written; 19. shall have built; 20. shall have not looked.

II. Choose the correct item:

1. 1. – Have they woken up …?

No, they are … asleep.

a) already; b) yet; c) still.

2. We haven’t seen your best friend … .

a) already; b) yet; c) still.

3. I … early and … of bed before my friends called me.

a) woke up, got out; b) had woken up, got out; c) have woken up, got out.

4. They … to Chile three times.

a) have been; b) had been; c) will have been.

5. I hope the building work … by the time we get there.

a) has finished; b) had finished; c) will have finished.

6. He … her every night.

a) has been phoning; b) had been phoning; c) has phoned.

7. By the time we came back, the house … by an American.

a) was bought; b) will be bought; c) had been bought.

8. We … Peter this week, but we … him a couple of weeks ago.

a) didn’t see; b) haven’t saw; c) haven’t seen.

a) saw; b) have saw; c) have seen.

9. She … the best actress of the year.

a) will be chosen as; b) will chose; c) will be being chosen.

10. When you get back, I … the front door.

a) have painted; b) had painted; c) will have painted.

11. Bill … to retire at 60, but they persuaded him to stay on a few more years.

a) has hoped; b) had hoped; c) will have hoped.

12. She … from flu when she was interviewed.

a) has been suffering; b) had been suffering; c) will have been suffering.

13. I think by the year 2050 a cure for AIDS … .

a) will have been found; b) will have found; c) will be found.

14. How long … you … here?

a) have been sitting; b) have sit; c) have been sat.

15. The amount of crime … for the last ten years and we can’t stop this process.

a) has increased; b) has been increasing; c) has been increased.

16. I visited Brazil in April. I … at a nice hotel for a fortnight.

a) had stayed; b) had been staying; c) was staying.

17. The musician … the piano for a whole hour when we came in.

a) had played; b) had been playing; c) was playing.

18. That morning she …, … somebody, and went out before it rained.

a) dressed, phoned; b) had dressed, had phoned; c) has dressed, has phoned .

19. I … by the year 2012.

a) will have graduated; b) have graduated; c) had graduated.

20. When we met John and Pat, they …

a) have been driving; b) had been driving; c) will have been driving.

III. Match the sentences on the left with the suitable one on the right:

1) We know not what is good …

a) … knows not what is sweet.

2) Who has never tasted bitter …

b) … until we have lost it.

3) A man who has not read Homer …

c) … since a particular event occurred.

4) I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, …

d) … she had been working for this firm for 15 years.

5) Much time has passed, much has happened, many things have changed, …

e) … is like a man who has not seen the ocean.

6) But what experience and history teach is this, …

f) … approaching from the far end of the field.

7) He who has begun …

g) … she lives.

8) I have always been a quarter of an hour before my time …

h) … feel rather odd.

9) When I first met Ann, …

i) … though not in principle.

10) Mr. Smith had hardly begun his speech …

j) … fixed by the same mechanic.

11) While we were eating I had a phone call from one of the producers of “Can-can”, which …

k) … but I don’t think it was because of sickness.

12) After Ann had worked a little while,..

l) … to let anyone come into the room.

13) John has not been able to recall where …

m) … has half done.

14)When we had lain on the bank for some time without speaking I saw a man …

n) … that peoples and governments have never learned anything from history.

15) When we came to see Mary …

o) … after she had disappeared in the distance.

16) The pills my doctor has given me make me …

p) … and it has made a man of me.

17) He has been off his work once or twice, …

q) … the teacher went to her side and watched her.

18) She always has her car …

r) … when he was interrupted.

19) The young man stood motionless …

s) … she had been ill for three days.

20) They said the boy had refused …

t) … had been running about two years.