Файл: Уманець А.В. та н. Grammar in Use.doc

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XXII. Check: Here are some Valentine messages, can you find the errors? Correct them.

1. I have enjoyed to spend time with you.

2. I cannot avoid to see you.

3. I promise never to forget you.

4. I miss to hold you in my arms.

5. I keep to look at the photo of you.

6. I refuse to forget you!

7. Do not be so cruel! Why do you avoid to meet with me?

8. Please, never stop to think of me!

9. I want to live my whole life with you!

10. I want to think of you every day of my life.

11. I fancy to hold you in my arms.

12. Soon I shall risk to ask you to be my.

XXIII. Study:

Verbs with prepositions.

account for

accuse smb. of

accustomed to

addicted to

advantage of

(but there’s an advantage in – tо have taken)

an advantage over

advice on

agree to/on smth.

agree with smb.

angry at what smb. does

angry with smb. for doing smth.

anxious about smth.

anxious for smth. to happen

arrive at (a small place)

apologise to smb. for smth.

approve of

assume smb. of

aware of

bad at (but: bad to me)

base on

believe on

blame smb. for smth.

blame smb. on smth.

brilliant at

capable of

care about

care for smb.=like

are for smth.=like to do smth.

clever at (but: It was very clever of you to buy it. )

comment on

compare with (how people and things are alike and how they are different)

compare to (show the likeness bet-
ween smb./smth. and smb./smth. else)

congratulate smb./ on smth.

contribute to

crazy about

crowded with

cure for

Write: Fill in the correct preposition.

  1. The manager of the bank had to account …. all the money that was missing.

  2. I didn’t realize there would be a charge….using this telephone.

  3. The police announced that they were going to charge ….the murder of the priest.

  4. Nobody seems to care …what is happening in the world today.

  5. Jame’s mother told him to take care….himself during the journey.

  6. Mark was very clever ….figuring out how machines worked.

  7. It was very clever…. You to remember to bring an umbrella.

  8. It you apply now, you’re assumed…. Getting a place on the course.

  9. You can’t compare Elvis Presley …..Michael Jackson. Elvis is the king.

  10. Compared …..winters in Moskow, this isn’t really cold at all.

  11. The police Inspector wasn’t able to comment ….. the case as they had no new evidence.

  12. I’m going to have to stop eating chocolate. I think I’m addicted…..it.

  13. Michael’s been asked to contribute…..this science fiction magazine.

  14. I couldn’t get into the museum because it was crowded……tourists.

  15. Scientist are still trying to find a cure…AIDS.

  16. You have to comply…..these rules or you will lose your job.

  17. Brian’s been accused …..cheating in his exams.

  18. He doesn’t seem to be aware…..what’s going on around him.

  19. Helen’s so argumentative! She never agrees…..anything.

  20. What time is the train due to arrive…..St. Petersburg?

  21. When he arrived……..school the gates were locked.

  22. Both families approved ….. the marriage.

  23. John was angry ….Anne’s attitude towards the children.

  24. She was angry……Pete…. not ringing her.

  25. I was angry……George….his behaviour on the school trip.

  26. Ben was anxious……Amanda to pass her driving test.

  27. You mustn’t let people take advantage……you like that.

28. Albert Eistein was brilliant ……physics.

XXIV. Put in the to-infinitive or the ing-form of the verbs.

I used to like going to our local cinema. It was old and rather uncomfortable, but it had character. Now they’ve stopped (show) films there. The owner would like to go on (1) …….(run) the cinema, but he would need (2)……(make) a lot of improvements, which would mean (3)……(spend) tens of thousands of pounds. I remember (4)……..(watch) the last film at the cinema. It was a murder mystery. It was five minutes from the end, and we were trying (5)……(work) out who the murderer was when suddenly all the lights went out and the film stopped. We sat in the dark for a few minutes, and then the owner appeared with a torch. I regret (6)…..(tell) you,he said, that our electricity has failed. I don’t mean (7) (disappoint) you, but I’m afraid we can’t show you the end of the film. We’ve tried

(8) ……. (phone) the electricity company, but they say they can’t help. He went on (9) ……(explain) to the audience how the film ended. I didn’t understand the story. But I don’t regret (10)……(go) to the cinema on that last evening.

XXV. Complete this article from a magazine. Put in the to-infinitive or – ing form of these verbs: accept, argue, be, find, have, insist, lose, plug, repair, say, take, wait.

If you buy something from a shop, a new stereo for example, you usually can’t wait (plug) in it and put some music on. And of course, you expect (find) the equipment in working order. But that doesn’t always happen, unfortunately. If the thing doesn’t work, you should take it straight back to the shop. If you delay (1)…..it back, you will risk (2)…….your rights as a customer. And you should prepare (3)…….on those rights. You may be one of those people who always avoid (4) …….with people, but in this case you should be ready for an argument. The assistant

XXVI. Write the correct form of the verbs given in brackets:

Einstein: an ordinary child.

Einstein a remarkable child. He began (1 take)……piano lessons at the age of six. He didn’t seem (2 be)……particularly talented. He liked (3 day-dream)….. and (4 play)…... He didn’t enjoy (5 talk)….. very much, in fact, he waited till he was three before (6 start)….. to talk. In spite of not (7 have)….. a very exciting childhood, Einstein later appeared (8 have)…… a vivid memory of it. He remembered (9 be)…. impressed by how a compass works and by the mysterious force which made the compass needle (10 point)…… in a given direction.

XXVII. Put the verb in brackets into correct form in the letters using gerund or infinitive.

Dear Mary, I regret (1 say) that I have failed to do most of the things I intended to while you were away. I forgot (2 go) to the insurance company to renew the insurance until it was too late. I did remember, however, (3 book) the tickets for the pop concert. I know you’ll be glad to learn I have stopped (4 smoke) but now I forget (5 buy) matches to light the fire or I don’t remember (6 put) them in the place where I finally find them. I was sorry to hear that you don’t like Mr. Lawrence. Though I did warn you! I can’t say I regret (7 call) him a devious cheat. Don’t forget (8 make) your opinion clear to him before you leave. I suppose I must stop (9 attack) him as I do. It will make him feel important. Meanwhile you should stop
(10 help) him in the ways you do.

All good wishes, Tom.

XXVIII. Complete the gaps with the appropriate gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in brackets. (You may need to use passive, negative or perfect forms.) If necessary, check the meaning of any words or phrases in your mini-dictionary or with your teacher.

Tax scandal forces Valentine to quit

Mr. Tony Valentino, leader of the New Democratic Party, shocked his followers earlier today by (a).......... (announce) his resignation. He said he was retiring in order (b).......... (spend) more time with his family, and refused (c).......... (comment) on recent newspaper reports about his financial affairs. Mr. Valentine is accused of (d).......... (avoid) up to $10 million in taxes over the last five years, but has always denied (e)..........(do) anything illegal. Mr. Valentine said he was happy for his financial affairs.

(f)..........(investigate) and was willing (g).......... (co-operate) fully with the tax authorities as soon as he returns from a four-week (h)..........(ski) holiday at a secret location abroad.

Mr. Valentino seems (i)..........(begin) his holiday already, as his private helicopter was seen flying away from his luxury villa this afternoon. We are very sorry indeed (j).......... (lose) Mr. Valentino as our leader and are confident that he will be able (k).......... (prove) his innocence, said deputy leader Jayne Belowski. It is far too early (I).......... (talk) about (m).......... (choose) a successor, although of course, if I am asked (n).......... (stand) as leader it would be foolish (o)..........(not do) so - I have a duty (p)..........(serve) the party as best I can.


(The Participle)

Дієприкметник (the Participle) – це неособова форма дієслова, що поєднує властивості дієслова, прикметника і прислівника.

Форми дієприкметника

Participle Forms

Перехідні дієслова

Transitive verbs

Неперехідні дієслова



Активний стан

Active voice

Пасивний стан

Passive voice



Active voice

Present Participle


being read


Past Participle



Perfect Participle




been read




(Meaning and Usage of Participle)

  1. Present Participle вживається для позначення дії, одночасної з дією, вираженою дієсловом – присудком речення.

Driving a car he is always very attentive.

Driving a car he was always very attentive.

Driving a car he will be always very attentive.

  1. Present Participle може виражати дію, що відноситься до теперінього часу, незалежно від часу дії, вираженої дієсловом – присудком речення.

The girl studying at our university came here from Poland.

  1. Present Participle може вживатися безвідносно до якогось часу.

The last turning had brought them into the high-road leading to London.

  1. Present Participle може виражати дію, що передує дії, вираженій присудком, якщо обидві дії відбуваються безпосередньо одна за одною. У цьому значенні часто вживається Present Participle дієслів to enter, to open, to close, to arrive, to see, to hear, to turn, to seize та ін.

Hearing footsteps below he rose and went to the top of the stairs.

  1. Present Participle Active вживається тоді, коли іменник або займенник, до якого він відноситься, позначає суб’єкт вираженої ним дії.

Laughing she left his house.

  1. Present Participle Passive вживається тоді, коли іменник або займенник, до якого він відноситься, позначає об’єкт вираженої ним дії.

Being asked for her opinion, she blushed.

  1. Perfect Participle Active та Passive виражає дію, що передує дії, вираженій дієсловом-присудком. Perfect Participle відповідає українському дієприслівнику доконаного виду.

Having given your word you ought to keep it.

Having been written, the letter was taken to the post-office.

  1. Past Participle має лише одну форму і є пасивним дієприкметником. Bін співпадає з третьою формою дієслова і вживається тоді, коли іменник або займенник, до якого він відноситься, позначає об’єкт вираженої ним дії.

the grown vegetables

the toys bought in this shop

  1. Здебільшого Past Participle виражає дію, що передує дії, вираженій дієсловом – присудком речення.

She pulled the long forgotten book out of the bookcase.

  1. Past Participle може також виражати дію, одночасну з дією, вираженою дієсловом – присудком, а також дію, безвідносну до часу.

In some countries there is a tax on things sold in the shops.

A straight line dividing an angle into two equal parts is called a bisector.


(Functions of Participle in the Sentence)



Present Participle



Perfect Participle

  1. Означення

The speaking man was the Head of the Department.

She was wearing a knitted cap pulled low over her eyes.

  1. Обставина (часу, причини, способу дії, мети, порівняння

Entering the assembly-hall, Pete saw all his teachers there.

Smiling she showed me the letter.

When reading this book, he remembered his childhood(із сполучником when).

Being asked to go to bed, the children left the drawing-room.

Із сполучниками when, if, as if, as though, unless

When told to go in, he seemed to change his mind and left the room.

If used economically, these food supplies could last for a month.

Having voiced his objection, he sat dawn

Having been told to wait, she waited.

  1. Предикатив (іменна частина іменного складеного присудка)

The effect of her words was terrifying.

She was always well-dressed.


(The Objective Participle Complex)

В англійській мові дієприкметник, як і інфінітив, утворює синтаксичні комплекси з іменниками та займенниками.

Об’єктний дієприкметниковий комплекс складається з двох частин:

Іменник в загальному відмінку або особовий займенник в об’єктному відмінку


Present Participle або

Past Participle

І - + ІІ

e.g. The guests saw the children wandering in the forest near the cottage.

У реченні об’єктний дієприкметниковий комплекс виконує функцію складного додатка (Complex Object).


(Usage of Objective Participle Complex)

Форма дієприкметника

(Participle Form)

Вживання – Usage





  1. Після дієслів, що означають сприймання за допомогою органів чуття: to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to notice, to find, to observe, to feel etc.

  2. Після цих дієслів цей комплекс близький за значенням до об’єктного інфінітивного комплексу. Різниця полягає в тому, що в інфінітивному комплексі лише констатується факт, тоді як у дієприкметниковому дія виражається як процес.

I watched him playing football.

  1. Об’єктний дієприкметниковий комплекс вживається після дієслів, що виражають бажання: to want, to wish. З цими дієсловами вживається лише Past Participle.

I wish him done it by all means.

  1. Після дієслів to have, to get і виражає дію:

а) що виконується не особою, позначеною підметом, а кимось іншим для неї;

б) якої зазнає особа, позначена підметом.

She had her hair cut some time ago.

I have already had my photo taken.

He must have his watch repaired immediately..


(The Subjective Participle Complex)

Суб’єктний дієприкметниковий комплекс складається з двох частин:

Іменник в загальному відмінку або особовий займенник в називному відмінку


(здебільшого Present Participle)



e.g. The delegation was heard discussing the problem in the conference-hall.

У реченні Суб’єктний дієприкметниковий комплекс виконує функцію складного підмета (Complex Subject).


(Usage of the Subjective Participle Complex)

  1. Цей комплекс вживається переважно з дієсловами, які виражають сприймання за допомогою органів чуттів ( to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to notice, to observe) у пасивному стані і виконують у реченні роль присудка, який ставиться між першою і другою частиною комплексу:

She was heard singing in the room.

  1. З дієсловами to consider, to believe Subjective Participle Complex вживається з Past Participle:

The work was considered finished.



(The Absolute Participle Complex)

Незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс (зворот) скла-
дається з двох частин:

Іменник в загальному відмінку або займенник в називному відмінку


часова форма дієприкметника

І - + ІІ

e.g. The day being snowy and frosty, we made up our minds to go skiing.

Як правило, цей комплекс виконує в реченні функцію обставини (часу, причини, способу дій, умови).


(Usage of the Absolute Participle Complex)

  1. На українську мову незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс перекладається підрядними обставинними реченнями. При перекладі перед підметом даного комплексу вводяться сполучники коли, так як, оскільки, якщо, після того, як та ін.

The weather being sunny, we shall go for a walk.

The article being translated, I gave it to the editor.

  1. Іноді цей комплекс перекладається дієприслівниковим зворотом.

Her face smiling, she came into the room.

  1. Коли незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс стоїть у другій половині речення, то:

  1. Він перекладається простим реченням, що входить до складу складнопідрядного із сполучниками і, а, але, при цьому.

We went to the cinema, he staying at home.

  1. Цей комплекс також може перекладатися на українську мову головним реченням в складно-підрядному, вставним реченням, іменником з прийменником.

Не entered the room, his face being serious.

Then he started out, bag and overcoat being in hand, to get his cup of coffee.

  1. Незалежний дієприкметниковий комплекс може вводитись прийменником with і вживатись у функції обставини способу дії або супровідних обставин, а перекладатись на українську мову, як правило, самостійним реченням або дієприслівниковим зворотом.

And then came the final moment, with the guards coming for him.

Note:Дієприкметник, утворений від дієслова be (being, having been) в незалежному дієприкметниковому комплексі можна опускати.

The lecture over, the teacher answered the questions.


I. Give all possible forms of participle of the following verbs: to come, to study, to cover, to write, to look, to lie, to think, to give, to sit, to prefer, to think, to fade.

II. Find participles in the extract below. State their forms.

Christy Tucker rode into the plantation office on mule back late in the evening. He was working all day long. Having hewed new pickets for the fence around his house he was pleased with his work.

Having done much he felt good.

Christy tied up the mule behind the row of stores, and the first thing he noticed was that the other negroes out there did not want to speak to him. Having been on friendly terms with all the coloured people on the plantation he could not understand why they pretended not to see him.

He walked slowly down the road forwards the plantation office wondering why nobody spoke to him.

Having gone a little farther, he met Froggy Miller.

What’s the matter with you folks today? he said. But Froggy moved away.

Having caught Froggy by the arm he shook him.

Now, look here! Christie said, getting worried.

Why do you and everybody else act so strange?...

(An Extract from The End of Christy Tucker

by E. Galdwell).

III. State the forms and the functions of the Participles. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. While crossing the street, one should first look to the left and then to the right.

  2. The medicine prescribed by the doctor was bitter.

  3. Having been shown the wrong direction, the travellers soon lost their way.

  4. Coming into the entrance – hall, he switched on the light.

  5. Having finished the work, the gardener left the orchard.

  6. She pointed to the boys playing basket-ball.

  7. While being examined, the girl couldn’t help crying.

  8. The child was frightened by an approaching train.

  9. Taking his seat, he looked at his watch.

  10. Being very honest, Helen told him the truth at once.

  11. The answer to this was unexpected.

  12. She had no photos of herself taken since her marriage.