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Lesson 6. Helpful Information about the Translation of Scientific and Technical Text

Before you start translating the scientific and technical text you should get acquainted (ознакомлен) with some really important stylistic, lexical and syntactic peculiarities of the process. The characteristic features of the scientific and technical style ones consider to be:

  1. richness of content; изобилие содержимого

  2. logic (strict consistency, precise connections between the main ideas and details); логика (строгая согласованность, точные связи между основными идеями и деталями);

  3. accuracy and objective nature; точность и объективность;

  4. lucidity and clear understanding; ясность и четкое понимание

Speaking about the vocabulary we can say that the greater amount of words in such texts are scientific and technical terms. As to their syntactic nature scientific and technical texts have several specific features. So be attentive and mind them while translating. Remember that so called verbs-operators (глаголы оказывающее действие) are widely used in the sentences:

to effect smth., to assure — ~ of, to perform, to obtain, to provide, to give, to involve to, to entail, (e.g. this work entails expenses),to imply, to result in, to lead to, to be ascribed to, to attributed to (e.g. His success is attributed to hard work).

Для осуществления чего-л, для обеспечения - ~ из, чтобы выполнить, чтобы получить, чтобы обеспечить, чтобы дать, чтобы привлечь к, чтобы повлечь за собой (например, эта работа влечет за собой расходы), подразумевает, чтобы привести, чтобы привести, к приписать, чтобы объяснить (например, его успех объясняется напряженной работы).

The meaning and translation of the verbs-operators in the scientific and technical text depend on the nouns which carry the basic semantic significance.

The adverbs-intensifiers (наречия с усилением) play an important role to make the text scientific:

Clearly, actually, completely, considerably, essentially, fairly, greatly, significantly, markedly, materially, perfectly, positively, reasonably (e.g. The energy loss is markedly reduced.)

Понятно, на самом деле, полностью, значительно, существенно, справедливо, значительно, значительно, заметно, материально, идеально, положительно, разумно (например, потеря энергии заметно снижена).

Desire for nominal constructions leads to the substitution (замена) of some adverbs for the prepositional (предложный падеж) nominal combinations:

e.g. accurately — with accuracy

very easily — with the greatest ease

Very often the infinitive is used in the role of attribute (определение), for example

the temperature to be obtained; температуру, которую необходимо получить;

the properties to be expected; ожидаемые свойства

the product to be cooled.

In many cases the article is absent, especially the definite one:

e.g. General view is that.... Общее мнение таково, что

First uranium mine in the region was .... Первая урановая шахта в регионе была

The nouns which denote substances(обозначают вещества) and as a rule are used only in singular can obtain plural forms in scientific and technical text, for example:

fats, oils, sheets (тонколистовое железо), sands, wools (шерсть), gasolines (бензин), etc.

There is a great number of attributive combinations (атрибутивные сочетания) with such word as:

type, design, pattern (шаблон, образец), grade

e.g. : the dry-chemical-type; сухой химический тип

a good-planned-design.

Very important in scientific and technical literature is the use logical conjunctions (союзы) and connections, such as: since then, however, therefore, it follows that, so, it implies, it leads to, it results in.

С тех пор, однако, таким образом, отсюда следует, что, таким образом, это означает, что приводит к, это приводит.

Therefore, perfect knowledge of all these peculiarities will lead you to success. Good luck!

Ex. 1. Read and translate:

1. translation – a) rendering from one language into another;

b) a change to a different substance, form, or appearance;

  1. c) radiocast, TV cast;

1. перевод а) перевод с одного языка на другой;

б) изменение содержания, формы или вида;

c) радиовещание, ТВ-трансляция;

2. text – a) the main body of printed or written matter on a page;

  1. b) a printed score of a musical composition;

  2. c) a source of information or authority;

  3. d) the words of something (as a poem set to music);

2. текст a) основной текст печатного или письменного материала на странице;

б) печатная партитура музыкальной композиции;

c) источник информации или власть;

г) слова чего-либо (как слова на музыку);

3. vocabulary – a) a list or collection of words or of words and phrases usually alphabetically arranged and explained or defined;

  1. b) a sum or stock of words employed by a language, group, individual or work or in a field of knowledge;

3. словарь/лексикон/словарный запасa) список или набор слов, словосочетаний или фраз, обычно в алфавитном порядке с определением и дефиницией;

б) набор или запас слов, используемых в языке, группой людей, отдельным лицом, работниками или отдельной отраслью;

  1. 4. dictionary – a) a reference book containing words usually in alphabetic order along with information about their forms pronunciations, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactical and idiomatic uses;

  2. b) a reference book giving for words of one language equivalents in another;

  3. c) a reference book listing alphabetically terms or names important to a particular subject or activity along with discussions of their meanings and applications;

  4. 4. словарьа) справочник, содержащий слова, обычно в алфавитном порядке, а также информацию об их произношении, функции, этимологии, значении, синтаксическом и идиоматическом использовании;

  5. б) справочник, дающий эквиваленты слов для другого языка;

c) справочник, в котором перечислены в алфавитном порядке термины или наименования, значимые для конкретного предмета или деятельности, а также объяснения их значения и применения;

  1. 5. style – a) a distinctive manner of expression (as in writing or speech);

  2. b) a distinctive quality form or type of something (e.g. a new dress style, the Greek style of architecture);

  3. c) the state of being popular (e.g. Clothes that are always in style);

  4. 5. стиль a) отличительная манера выражения (как в письменной форме, так и в устной (в речи);

  5. б) отличительная качественная форма или тип чего-либо (например, новый стиль одежды, греческий стиль архитектуры);

  6. c) состояние популярности (например, одежда, которая всегда в моде);

  7. 6. syntax – a) harmonious arrangement of parts and elements;

  8. b) the way in which words are put together to form phrases, clauses, or sentences;

  9. c) the part of grammar dealing with phrases, clauses, or sentences and the way they are put together.

6. синтаксис – а) гармоничное расположение деталей и элементов;

б) способ, которым объединяются слова для формирования фраз, условий или предложений;

в) часть грамматики, в которой рассматриваются фразы, условия или предложения, а также способ их объединения.

Ex. 2. Translate the following into Russian using the proper meaning of the basic words:

1. You need an English-Russian dictionary to translate this text. Для перевода этого текста необходим англо-русский словарь.

2. Have you studied the text of the report? Изучили ли вы текст доклада?

3. He's not good in spelling but he is perfect in the translation. Он не силен в орфографии, но он совершенен в переводе.

4. You can't say that you know the language well without studing it's syntax. Вы не можете сказать, что вы хорошо знаете язык, не изучая его синтаксис.

5. Today's style is rather different and you are able to choose everything to your taste. Современный стиль довольно разный, и вы можете выбрать все на свой вкус.

6. The vocabulary of this text-book includes many interesting and useful word combinations. Словарь этого учебника включает множество интересных и полезных словосочетаний.

7. The text to the song was written by a famous poet of the last century. Текст песни был написан известным поэтом прошлого века.

8. Have you studied the vocabulary of the lesson? What new words did you find? Изучали ли вы лексику урока? Какие новые слова вы нашли?

9. His style of writing reminds me my mother's. Его стиль написания напоминает мне стиль моей матери.

10. There is a wide choice of dictionaries in this library. В этой библиотеке имеется широкий выбор словарей.

Ex. 3 Give the definition of the words. Use the word combinations in brackets:

1) a dictionary is a reference book (справочник), which contains words put in alphabetic order

2) a vocabulary is a stock of words employed by a language запас слов, используемых в языке

3) a style is a distinctive manner and it can have a self-expression

4) a translation is a rendering information from one language into another

5) syntax is the way how to put the words together

Ex. 4. Choose the correct meaning of the words:

  1. Syntax is the part of grammar dealing with:

  1. parts of speach;

  2. parts of the word;

  3. parts of the sentence.

  1. Style is the state of being: Стиль это состояние бытия

  1. wealthy;

  2. famous;

  3. happy.

  1. Dictionary is the book which:

  1. contains additional information about the author of the book;

  2. gives the words of one language equivalent in another;

  3. studies different aspects of the science.

  1. Translation is:

  1. refering to the sources of information;

  2. rendering from one language into another;

  3. making a list.

Ex. 5. Complete the sentence:

1. A source of information or authority is called … text Источником информации или полномочий называется ... текст

2. The state of being popular is called … style или popularity

3. A change to the different substance or form is called …change of chemical state или translation.

4. A reference book (справочник) giving for words of one language equivalents in another is called … dictionary

5. A sum of stock of words employed by a field of knowledge is called …vocabularies

6. Harmonious arrangement of parts and elements is called … syntax или design

7. A distinctive quality, form, or type of something is called style Отличительное качество, форма или тип чего-то называют стилем

8. The word of something set to music is called … Lyrics или text

9. The part of grammar dealing with sentences is called … Syntax

10. Rendering (перевод, передача) from one language into another is called … Translation

Ex. 6. Answer the questions to the text:

  1. What peculiarities should you bare in mind before you start translating the scientific text? We should bear in mind scientific text peculiarities such as richness of content; logic (strict consistency, precise connections between the main ideas and details); accuracy and objective nature; точность и объективность; lucidity and clear understanding;

  2. Name the characteristic features of the scientific style.

  3. What is the vocabulary of scientific literature? scientific and technical terms

  4. What verbs-operators can you remember? to effect smth., to assure — ~ of, to perform, to obtain, to provide, to give, to involve to, to entail, ,to imply, to result in, to lead to, to be ascribed to, to attributed to

  5. What adverbs play an important role to make the text scientific? Name those you remember. Clearly, actually, completely, considerably, essentially, fairly, greatly, significantly, markedly, materially, perfectly, positively, reasonably

  6. What are the adverbs usually substituted for? for the prepositional (предложный падеж) nominal combinations: e.g. accurately — with accuracy, very easily — with the greatest ease

  7. The infinitive is often used in the role of subject, isn’t it? No, Very often the infinitive is used in the role of attribute (определение)

  8. Do we use articles in every case? In many cases the article is absent, especially the definite one

  9. What nouns are usually used in plural? The nouns which denote substances(обозначают вещества)

  10. With what words are the attributive combinations formed? For example: type, design, pattern (шаблон, образец), grade e.g. : the dry-chemical-type; сухой химический тип a good-planned-design.

  11. Are there many logic conjunctions (союзы) used in scientific texts? since then, however, therefore, it follows that, so, it implies, it leads to, it results in.

Ex. 7. Make the vocabulary to the proposed scientific text.

Lesson 7. Terminology

Dealing with scientific and technical literature you should first of all understand its main and important stylistic features — brevity (краткость) of interpretation and clarity of wording (ясность формулировки). The translation of scientific and technical texts needs perfect and clear knowledge of terminology. So what is a term? A term is a word or word combination which has the special, strictly definite meaning in this or that branch (отрасли) of science. The term precisely (точно) expresses the idea or conception (концепцию), the process or the name of something and strives for monosemantics. The monosemantics leads to the independence from the context. The term should be brief and precise (краткий и точный).

According to their morphological building the terms are divided into three groups: simple (e.g. circuit, feeder (Схема, устройство подачи пищи)); complex (e.g. flywheel, clock-work (маховик, часовой механизм)); terms-word-combinations (e.g. trip coil; circuit breaker (катушка отключения; автоматический выключатель)).

Terms are united into the terminological systems, which express the notion of the definite branch of knowledge. Scientific and technological terminology is formed by the great number of widely used words, which have several meanings apart from their basic ones. For example, the well-known word "arm" which you'll without fail translate as "рука" acquires several different meanings if it is used in a special text.

While translating the scientific and technical text you can't do without the terminological dictionary. There is a great number of such dictionaries. Each branch of science has its own one. For example, you can easily find chemical, medical, politechnical or economical dictionaries.

Ex. 1. Fill in the blanks with the proper word from the brackets (term, notion, terminology, context, terms):

1. The terms of payment are indicated in the agreement. They should be obligatory followed. Сроки оплаты указаны в соглашении. Они должны быть обязательно соблюдены.

2. I don’t have the first context (точка зрения, взгляд) about this accident.

3. You have to study terminology of the Subject, otherwise it is impossible to conduct (проводить) the research.

4. I can’t find this term in the terminological dictionary.

5. He explained this in the context of present conditions notion. Он объяснил это в контексте представления настоящих условий

Ex. 2. Translate the following into Russian using the proper meaning of the basic words:

The presidential term ends in four years. Президентский срок заканчивается через четыре года.

It’s necessary to study the terminology of the subject before reading special literature. Необходимо изучить терминологию предмета перед чтением специальной литературы.

He has no notion of writing the dissertation. He should study how to do it. Он не имеет ни малейшего представления о написании диссертации. Он должен изучить, как это сделать.

There is a great number of terms in this text. You can translate it only with the help of terminological dictionary. В этом тексте содержится большое количество терминов. Вы можете перевести его только с помощью терминологического словаря.

This happened in the context of to-day’s America. Это произошло в контексте/ситуации сегодняшней Америки.

Now they are not on terms but I hope they will come to terms. Сейчас они не в дружеских отношениях, но я надеюсь, что они придут к соглашению

There are a lot of notions at the haberdashery department. В секции галантереи есть много необходимых мелочей.

This word has several meanings so you can translate it only in the context. Это слово имеет несколько значений, поэтому вы можете перевести его только в контексте.

His head is full of silly notions. Его голова полна глупых представлений.

We signed the agreement on beneficial terms. Мы подписали соглашение на выгодных условиях.

Ex. 3. Answer the questions to the text.

What are the main and important features of scientific literature? Main and important stylistic features — brevity of interpretation and clarity of wording and usage of terminology.

2. What is a term? A term is a word or word combination which has the special, strictly definite meaning in this or that branch of science

3. Does the term depend on the context? The monosemantics of terms leads to the independence from the context.

4. What are the main groups of terms according to their morphological building? According to their morphological building the terms are divided into three groups: simple, complex and terms-word-combinations.

5. How do you understand the notion of a terminological system? Terminological systems express the notion of the definite branch of knowledge.

6. What kind of dictionary it’s necessary to use while translating scientific literature? Terminological dictionary

Ex. 4. Read proposed text, translate it and find the terms and notions.