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Кафедра іноземних мов


Методичні матеріали та завдання

по проведенню практичних занять

з англійської мови

для аспірантів

інженерних та

економічних спеціальностей

Для інженерних та економічних



Науково-Методичною Радою

Української інженерно -

педагогічної академії

Протокол № _____

від _________________ 2007р.

Харків 2007р.

Навчальне видання

Англійська мова

Методичні матеріали та завдання по проведенню практичних занять з англійської мови для аспірантів інженерних та економічних спеціальностей

Упорядники: Пономарьова Ольга Ігорівна,

Зеленін Геннадій Іванович

Відповідальний випусковий: ст. викл. Склярова С.С.

Формат 60x84. 1/16. Умов.друк.арк. 3. Тираж 50 прим.


©Українська інженерно-педагогічна академія


61003, м. Харків, вул. Університетська, 16.


Англійська мова. Методичні матеріали та завдання по проведенню практичних занять з англійської мови для аспірантів інженерних та економічних спеціальностей

Упорядник: Пономарьова О.І., Зеленін Г.І. – Харків: УІПА, 2007. – ..... с.

Подані методичні матеріали призначені для підготовки аспірантів та пошукувачів до кандидатського іспиту з метою вдосконалення і розвитку знань, навичок і вмінь з іноземної мови в сферах наукового, професійного та ситуативного спілкування в усній і письмовій формах.

Відповідний випусковий: ст. викл. Склярова С.С.

Рецензент: доктор пед. наук, проф. зав. каф. теорії та практики англ.. мови ХНПУ ім. Г.С. Сковороди Кузнєцова О.Ю.


© Пономарьова О.І.

Зеленін Г.І.




BEFORE READING: Why have you decided to continue your studies at the post-graduate courses?What were the requirements for the applicants? Was the admission competitive? What exams were you to take?


Task1 Match the words in column A with their description in column B


1.analysis A an idea which is suggested as a possible explanation for a

particular situation or condition but which has not been

proved to be correct

2.hypothesis B the central and most important part of something, from

which it has been or can been further developed

3.synopsis C a summary of a longer piece of writing or work

4 thesis D the process of considering something carefully and in detail

in order to explain or understand it.

Task 2 Choose the correct definition of the word:

1) doctor - a) professional singer, actor, dancer

b) a person who receives the highest university degree

c) person with much knowledge

2) degree a) academic title

b) advantage, profit, help-

c)a mixture of flour, eggs and butter

3) applicant - a) a newly married man

b) a person who applies for a position

c) structure of wood

4) grade a) document that gives higher rank

b) shortness or statement

c) the mark received for school work at an examination

Task 3 Read the text and discuss the differences of the admission procedure in this country and that one in the USA

The primary responsibility of graduate school is to offer doctoral programs. The amount of time required to complete the Ph.D can vary depending on whether or not the student holds a Master’s degree at the time of enrollment, the nature of the dissertation project, and other factors. However, there are some general guidelines apply to all students who pursue a doctorate.

In addition to courses in their major discipline, students may take courses in foreign languages, statistics, computer languages, and other skills essential to research in a given discipline. Once the student has successfully comleted course work, qualifying examinations and special requirements, he or she is certified as a candidate for the Ph.D. The final step is to write and defend the doctoral dissertation.

Admission to doctoral program is very competitive. The prospective student must hold a Bachelor’s degree or its United States equivalent from a recognized college, university or other institution of higher learning. The student’s record should be a strong one with an average grade of B (i.e.”very good”) or better.

In addition to an earned Bachelor’s degree, applicants are normally required to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Some professional programs require specialized admission test instead of, or as an option to, the GRE. They include the Graduate Managment Admission Test (GMAT) and the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT).

All international students are expected to submit a satisfactory score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) when their native language is not English. Students who intend to apply for a teaching assistantship also should take the Test of Spoken English(TSE).

Typically, a prospective student is to submit the following documents to the Graduate School:

    1. an application form;

    2. three letters of recommendation;

    3. transcripts ( an official document, enumerating the exams and courses taken and grades received, coming from the University with a University seal and signed by a University official);

    4. record of scores on TOEFL, GRE, etc.,

    5. financial information and documents;

    6. a personal statements;

    7. an application fee.

(from “American English for everyday and academic use”)


Task 1 Find in the text and give English equivalents of the following words/expressions;

В час реєстрації( запису); природа(тема) дисертації; загальні правила; вміння, необхідні для досліджень в певній галузі науки; щоб поступити до аспірантури слід витримати конкурс, майбутній студент; заява; рекомендаційний лист; виписка з диплому; відмітки(список) про бали; інформація про фінансовий стан; обгрунтування мети.

Task 2. Find factual information in the text to prove the following

1.The. amount of time required to complete the Ph.D. is different.

2.Admission to doctoral programs is very competitive.

3. In addition to an earned Bachelor degree, applicants are required to take some more examinations.

Task 3 Fill in the blanks with necessary prepositions.

1.The amount of time required to complete the Ph.D. depends___ whether or not the student holds a Master’s degree. 2.Students usually take courses _____ their major discipline, as well as statistics, computer languages and other skills essential to research. 3.She is certified as a candidate ____ the Ph.D. 4.I am to submit the documents ___ the Graduate School. 5. Most students finish graduate school ___ four to six years. 6.Many students augment their student career _____teaching assistantship.

Task 4 Ask your co-worker

.....what institute he/she graduated from

.....whether admission to doctoral programs was competitive

.....what degree he/she held (after he/she graduated from the institute)

.....what kind of activities he/she is involved in

.....whether he/she participates in national, international conferences

.....how long it will take him/her to be certified as a candidate for the Ph.D.

.....what exams he/she was expected to take before applying to Graduate School

.....whether he/she is working hard on his/her academic degree

Task 5 Speak on the following situations and try to make use of Vocabulary List

  1. speak on admission requirements to the Graduate School

Vocabulary List: to pass the admission tests; to get B.S with honors; to feel a little nervous about this application business; to enter the Graduate school; to submit the documents to the Graduate School;

  1. your study and research

Vocabulary List: to consider all the data; to be involved in the planning of doctoral programs; to apply for a teaching assistanship; to give a full analysis of the program;

to finish course work and qualifying exams; to be approved as a candidate for a Ph.D.; to major in area of specialization; to defend the dissertation.

  1. test taken by international students

Vocabulary List: to speak English well enough; to pass the TSE exam; to submit a satisfactory score; to be going to study abroad; to pay for education; to apply for financial aid to several foundations.




1. Why have you decided to devote yourself to research work? (Give at least 3 reasons to explain your choice.) What are your associations with the “scientist of the XXI-st century’?

2.Do you think that scientific work of any kind can itself be a means of developing the moral qualities of the individual concerned?

PRE-TEXT EXERCISES: Task1 Read and translate the definitions of the following words:


1 (the study of) knowledge which can be made into a system and which usually depends on seeing and testing facts and stating general laws;

  1. a branch of such knowledge.

Scientist - a person who carries out new work in a science(physics, economics etc).

Scientific concerning science or its principles or rules: scientific education, scientific writing, scientific spirit etc.

Scholar - a person who knows much in a particular field of knowledge( refers mainly, though not exclusively, to the humanities).

Task 2 Match the columns:

1.conscious reason a) припускати, вважати доведеним

2. to select the data b) задача, яку не можна розвязати

3.unravelling puzzle c) знаходити схожість

4.to take for granted d) здоровий розум

5.mental texture e) відбирати дані, інформацію

6.to reach the heights f) розумова структура

7.to find resemblances g) досягати вершини

TASK 3 Read the text and say what types of human minds are discussed in it

One can do science because one believes that practically and effectively it benefits the world. A great many scientists have had this chief conscious reason. One can do science because it represents the truth. One selected one’s data - set one’s puzzle for oneself, as it were - and in the end solved the puzzle by showing how they fitted other data of the same kind. One can also do scienсe because one enjoys it. Many people like unravelling puzzles. Scientific puzzles are very good ones, with reasonable prizes. So that either without examining the functions of science, being indifferent to them or taking them for granted, a number of men go in for research as they would for law; living by it, obeying its rules, and thoroughly enjoying the problem-solving process.

If we could follow the process of a scientific thought through many minds we should see every conceivable variety of mental texture. These varieties seem to fall into two main types. The first could be called the problem-solving type – minds which choose out of all the world round them a certain piece of experience and drive through it to an explanation. The probing, analytical, pragmatic minds, which at their best can reach the heights of Rutherford and Darwin. In everyday affairs it is probably the commoner type of mind, and so the performances of its highest exponents seem familiar and easy to most of us, they are of the same nature as our own. The second type is the so called abstracting mind. These minds do not drive through a portion of experience; they wait for experience to make itself into shapes of their minds, they assimilate, correlate, find resemblances in different things, differences in similar things. At their best, in Faraday, Einstein, they are great generalizers; at their worst they are infinitely fantastic and removed from all reality.


TASK I Match the words from two columns as they are used in the text and translate them in your native language:

1 to benefit a) variety

2 to represent b) thought

3 to fit c) the rules

4 to solve d) the truth

5 reasonable e) the world

6 scientific f) the puzzle

7 conceivable g)the data

8 to obey h) prizes

TASK 2 Complete the sentences below using the words from the text:

resemblance reasonable fall affair represents excperience

  1. Scientific puzzles offer ....... prizes.

  2. People devote themselves to science because it .........the truth.

  3. The variety of humans’ mental texture........into two groups.

  4. A problem-solving mind choose a certain piece of .........and drive through it.

  5. In everyday .........problem-solving type of mind is the commoner one.

  6. The abstracting mind find .............. in different things.

TASK 3 Find the words in the text which have the similar meaning to the words below:

1. main 5. to regulate

2. choose 6. to adopt

3. to suit 7. top

4. to achieve 8. to follow

TASK 4 Characterize any scientist or scholar you know according to the types suggested in the text given above. Use the following vocabulary:

a capacity for scientific analysis; to have scrupulous/analytical mind; to be out of one’s reach; to have insight imagination(drive); the elegance of the experiments; to be full of facts; to be quickly/bright/slow,etc; to overflow with a sort of scientific wit; to be getting the name of a promising young scientist/scholar; to be a born scientist(scholar); to rush into work; a sudden flash of an idea; long routines; to have all the technigues; to generalize, etc.



BEFORE READING:. Do you think that the language of writing communication is more difficult than that of oral communication? Is it possible to learn the basics of writing comminication?


Task1 Match the columns:

1.the necessity of special language a) оволодіти навичками

2.to master the skills b) бути призначеним для великої аудиторії

3. a true premise с) необхідність у спеціальній мoві

4.to be difficult to manipulate d) важкий у оволодінні/використанні

5.to apply the basics e) вірне посилання

6. to justify an action f) застосовувати засади

7 to be intended for a large audience g) підтверджувати дію

Task 2 .Look through the text and find the paragraph where the reasons for communicating technical information are desribed. Can you add any other reasons to those in the text?

We are all probably aware of the necessity of using special language when we write. From the time our parents first read storybooks of fairy tales to us, we have recognized that written language is different from spoken language.

During the course of our education, we may have decided that written language is the most difficult communication skill to master. That premise is not necessary true. Even though we must use special language and techniques when we communicate in written form, written language does not have to be any more difficult to manipulate than spoken language.

Communication, especially technical communication, is a skill that can be learned. Moreover, it is a skill that can be learned in much the same way that the skill of driving is learned: it is necessary to master the basics first and then to apply those basics in different situations.

There are many reasons for communicating technical information: to convince someone of something, to justify an action, to write instructions or desriptions, or to convey information to others who are interested. Regardless of the purpose, technical information must be presented in a clear, understandable manner.

Formal and Informal Styles in Writing

There are three styles we may adopt when writing: formal, informal or slang but usually only the first two are considered. In general, a formal style is used when your writing is intended for a large audience or for a superior who has the power to make decisions; an informal style is used when your writing is intended for peers and colleagues.

Another distinction can be made between the two styles, as a distinction based upon the type of report being written. Generally, proposals use a formal style of writing while memos and letters do not though this distinction can break down. While proposals are nearly always considered formal, a memo or a letter can adopt either an informal or a formal style, depending upon the purpose of the communication and the audience for whom it is intended.

What is the difference between the two styles? Since a formal style is adopted when writing to superiors or people you don’t know and an informal style is adopted when writing to those you do know, it is logical to assume that your style will be freer and less careful of certain restrains when writing to those you know. The restraints that characterise a formal style of writing can be observed in the use of word choice, sentence structure and grammar.


TASK 1 Match the verbs and the nouns as they are used in the text:

1.to be aware of a) a distinction

2 to recognize b) the skill

3 to learn c) the style

4 to convey d) the difference between spoken and written languages

5.to present e) the necessity

6 to make f) information

7 to adopt g) in clear, understandable manner

TASK 2 Find words in the text which have the similar meaning to the words below:

1.pre-condition 5 limitation

2 to identify 6 difference

3 to cope with 7 to persuade

4 equal, match 8 to accept


Look at the samples of formal and informal writings. Notice the difference in the use of words, sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. The style adopted for each introduction was based upon the characteristics of the audience and the purpose of the task.

Example of a Formal Style of Writing

Eddy current testing is used extensively in aircraft maintenance inspection to detect cracks, heat damage to aluminum structure, exfoliation corrosion of fastener holes, and corrosion thinning between mating aluminum structures. Much of the testing is done using variable-frequency, impedance-amplitude instruments which yield results on microampere meters. These instruments detect changes in impedance but do not detect phase shifts. Hence, in a test situation where variables such as liftoff, dimensions, and flaws are mixed, the operator may not be able to develop a test procedure. This problem was greatly reduced when phase-analysis, multi-frequency, microampere meter instruments such as...........were developed.