Файл: Американизмы в английском языке.pdf

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8. Нестерчук Г.В. США и Американцы. – М.: Высшая школа. – 2006, – 238с.

9. Слепович В.С. Учебное пособие для студентов ВУЗов. – Минск: Тетра Системс. – 2003, – 318с

10. Словарь иностранных слов // Под ред. Лехина И.В. и профессора Петрова Ф.Н. Издание 4-ое, переработанное и дополненное. – М.: Государственное издательство иностранных и национальных словарей, 2008

11. Смирницкий А. И., Древнеанглийский язык, М., 2005.

12. Швейцер А. Д., Ярцева В. Н. Английский язык (общие сведения) // Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь. – М., 1999. С. 33-34

13. Швейцер А. Д. Английский язык в Америке, М., 2000

14. Швейцер А.Д.: пути формирования и современный статус. // Вопросы языкознания, 2000. №6, стр. 3-17

15. Швейцер А.Д. Американский вариант литературного английского языка: пути формирования и современный статус // Вопросы языкознания. 1995. -№6.-С. 3-17.

16. Шендлева Е.А. Полевая организация образной лексики и фразеологии //

231. Фразеология в контексте культуры. М.: Школа «Языки русской культуры», 2011.-С. 74-80.

17. Шлегель Ф. Философия языка и слова // Эстетика, философия, критика. -М.: Искусство, 2006. С. 364-385.

18. Sophie Kinsella. Remember me, A Random House Group Company 2008

19. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, UK Limited, 1992

20. Moss N. What is the difference? British and American Dictionary. London, 2000.

21. NTC's American English Learner's Dictionary: the essential vocabulary of American language and culture / R.A. Srears. Chicago: NTC, 2003. - 1081 p.

22. NTC's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions / R.A. Srears. -Lincolnwood: NTC, 1989.-451 p.

23. Oxford American Dictionary / E. Enrlich, etc. Avon: Camelot and Discus Books, 2000.-816 p.

24. The Language of American Popular Entertainment / D.B. Wilmeth. London: Greenwood Press, 1981.-361 p.


Список грамматических и лексических американизмов:

  1. I didn’t really think about it. [133;18]
  2. Mum brought three of her dogs. [208;18]
  3. I was suspended from school. [210;18]
  4. His tone changed. [268;18]
  5. I watched it happen once [296;18]
  6. Eric didn’t see her for ages [68;18]
  7. You gonna be my teacher [23;18]
  8. Gonna see Eric on the level below [33;18]
  9. You gonna take your dress back [24;18]
  10. My so-called career gonna nowhere [217;18]
  11. This guy gonna leave me alone [145;18]
  12. How I gonna get used to all this? [116;18]
  13. Gonna have some tea? [257;18]
  14. I gonna forget everything [163;18]
  15. I see you gonna flirt with me. [241;18]
  16. We gonna stand here. [149;18]
  17. I knew you still use it. [87;18]
  18. How have you spoiled her party? [96;18]
  19. I really burned it yesterday. [177;18]
  20. I drinked at lunchtime and … [208;18]
  21. I swear we haven’t spoiled her party. [116;18]
  22. It burned, it burned, look at it. [209;18]
  23. The sun rised as usual. [16;18]
  24. Let’s do it in the same time. [230;18]
  25. You home? [13;18]
  26. I am liking his explanation. [276;18]
  27. Thirty-five hundred bags, I am sure [134;18]
  28. He don’t know what are you talking about. [94;18]
  29. Lexi don’t request I forget about Eric [87;18]
  30. She demanded her friends call her [67;18]
  31. Eric insisted the receptionist check him in. [134;18]
  32. Lexi required her mum close this window. [121;18]
  33. The doctor recommended I take after him. [107;18]
  34. It was strange I talk to him. [106;18]
  35. It is urgent you open this. [209;18]
  36. Deller ordered she pretend. [29;18]
  37. Lexi insists her awful banker boyfriend chuck. [88;18]
  38. It’s curious you slide the photo back. [119;18]
  39. It’s strange I say I work at Deller. [163;18]
  40. She demanded her friends call her [67;18]
  41. We gonna stand here. [149;18]
  42. The sun rised as usual. [16;18]
  43. You gonna take your dress back [24;18]
  44. I swear we haven’t spoiled her party. [116;18]
  45. It was strange I talk to him. [106;18]
  46. I watched it happen once [296;18]
  47. I was suspended from school. [210;18]
  48. My so-called career gonna nowhere [217;18]
  49. I gonna forget everything [163;18]
  50. Can you be sure we haven’t spoiled her party? [116;18]
  51. I watched it already[296;18]
  52. I knew this still. [87;18]
  53. How dare you to spoil my party? [211;18]
  54. It has really burned. [115;18]
  55. Have you got some booze? I feel like drinking something.[68;18]
  56. You really got a wonderful setup in your office! [13;18]
  57. Nicky Hilton, pad, complete with a gym. [264;18]
  58. But a pal of the star, 25, says she’s delighted to hang with her man [63;18]
  59. At Les Deux that she “ thought their waitressing outfits were cute.” [64;18]
  60. There’s a restaurant outside Barcelona, El Bulli, which is like going inside a chemistry lab. [76;18]
  61. Havaianas white metallic flip-flops, havaianasus.com. [92;18]
  62. Europe promoting her flick Fantastic Four. [11;18]
  63. Where do 30 million people in 62 countries go for tasty summertime recipes? They visit sweetnlow.com. [53;18]
  64. I’m lovin’ it [22;18]
  65. Dove Intense Damage Hair Care. You are 5 days from beautiful hair. [90;18]
  66. See you in Hollywood! xoxo Shaper. [130;18]