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The Houses of Parliament are near Westminster Abbey. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government. The clock tower near it is Big Ben. And I can’t but also mentioned the Queen Victoria Memorial which stands in front of Buckingham Palace (the residence of the English Queen). A statue to W. Shakespeare in Leister district and a wonderful monument to Lady Godiva. She protected Londoners from large taxes.

When you are tired of looking at places of interest you can rest in one of London’s beautiful parks: Hyde Park with Speaker’s Corner, Kensington Gardens with the Statue of Peter Pan (a boy, who never grew older). And yet Regent’s Park with the largest zoo, St.Jame’s Park where you can feed birds and animals.

Big red buses … London policemen … Buckingham Palace… Notting Hill Carnival … W.Cherchil monument – these and some other things you can find in London.

I’ve been in London for two weeks. There are still many places to see and many things to do. Parting with London will be sad for me as I have come to love this wonderful city and its responsive people. I hope I’ll come to London once again.

With love your friend Oksana

Exercise 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following:

  • to be situated

  • prosperity

  • residence

  • guard

  • Yeoman Warders (Beefeaters)

  • magnificent

  • colourful

  • unique

  • to call

  • to find out

  • to rest

Exercise 2. Give English equivalents to the following:

  • отримувати

  • рости в розмірах

  • перемога

  • архітектор

  • шедевр

  • церква

  • в’язниця

  • провідні письменники

Exercise 3. Agree or disagree with the following:

  1. London stands on the river Thames.

  2. The French soldiers founded London 3000 years ago.

  3. The population of London is 3 million people.

  4. The very centre of London is St. Jame’s Square.

  5. The residence of the Queen of England is situated in Downing Street 10.

  6. The City is the business centre of London.

  7. London has the unique Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park.

  8. Only about five million people work in the City.

  9. Yeoman Warders tell the visitors of the Tower and about the Tower’s famous black birds the ravens.

  10. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British Government.

  11. There are only men’s clubs in England.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

  1. Have you ever been to London?

  2. Has London always impressed the newcomers?

  3. London is a cultural centre, isn’t it?

  4. What places of interest are there in London?

  5. What does Trafalgar Square look like?

  6. Where is the National Gallery? What is it famous for?

  7. What do you know about St.Paul’s Cathedral?

  8. Where is the residence of the Queen of UK? What ceremony can one see at Buckingham Palace?

  9. What is the City of London?

  10. What can you tell us about the Tower of London?

  11. What is Westminster Abbey famous for?

  12. What parks are there in London?

Exercise 5. Say it in English

  1. Лондон – одне з найкрасивіших місць світу.

  2. Вчора я оглянув деякі визначні місця.

  3. Ви коли-небудь були в Національній Галереї?

  4. Він багато читав і чув про перемоги адмірала Нельсона у війні проти Наполеона.

  5. Тауер бачив багато історичних подій з норманських часів.

  6. У різні часи Тауер був фортецею, королівською резиденцією, в’язницею та навіть королівським зоопарком.

  7. Я ніколи не бачив церемонію зміни варти біля резиденції королеви.

  8. Поруч із Вестмінстерським Аббатством ви можете побачити місце засідання англійського парламенту.

  9. Неможливо не згадати прекрасні лондонські парки. Ви можете відпочити у будь-якому з них.

  10. Вони нещодавно повернулися із столиці Великої Британії.

IV. Practice

Exercise 1. Speak on the topic “London, the capital of UK”. Use the chart.

Exercise 2. Make up dialogues using the chart.

Exercise 3. Role-play the following situations:

Situation 1. You are at the student’s club. Share the impressions of your tour of London with the members of this club.

Situation 2. You have come to London on a 6 day visit. Discuss your plans of visiting places of interest.

V. Reading and comprehension

Exercise 1. Read the text “Kherson” and translate it.


I have just returned from London. I must note that Britans have shown a keen interest to our young country, especially to my native town Kherson.

Tomorrow I’ m going to write a letter to my new friend John. I have looked through some books, guide books, inguiries about Kherson and I think I have the clearest idea of the subject. I guess he won’t be disappointed if he comes in spring or summer.

Kherson is a regional centre of the south of Ukraine with the population of about 400 thousand people. It is situated on the right bank of the Dnipro river. Kherson is a river and sea port.

Kherson was founded in 1778 as a fortress to defend Russian lands from Turkey by the order of Empress Katherine II. According to historical documents the founder of Kherson was Ivan Hanibal – A. S. Pushkin’s great grandfather.

Now about the present-day Kherson. The Dnipro river gives life to many businesses in Kherson. Kherson has the reputation of the town of shipbuilders, textile workers, hardworking agrarians. We can mention shipbuilding and shipreparing plants, cardan shaft plant, cotton mill, rubber goods plant, harvester works named after I.I.Petrovsky, sewing factory Krasen. But the most profitable enterprises in Kherson are oil refinery and sea port. They provide Kherson with thousands of working places and profit.

Young people can get education at 4 universities: technical, pedagogical, agricultural and marine universities; two marine colleges, technical specialized colleges, vocational training schools, secondary schools.

Cultural life can be represented by the Drama Theatre, the Fine Arts Museum, the Natural History Museum, the Youth Palace, Musical Schools, Gillega orchestra, Exhibition halls.

There are some beautiful monuments to T.Shevchenko, F.Ushakov, A.Suvorov, John Howard – English physician. And yet we have got a nice monument to the first shipbuilders situated on the enbankment of the Dnipro river. The enbankment of the Dnipro river is the usual place of entertainment of the youth. We are lucky to have two seas in the region: the Black Sea and the sea of Asov. These two seas give the residents of Kherson nice opportunities to rest and improve their health at rest-homes, health-resorts, camps. We can witness the rebuildings and restoring of some ancient buildings and churches thanks to Kherson public and members of the regional and civic charity centres. Rotary club is one of them. These actions became possible after 1991 when Ukraine got its independence.

It seems to me I have written about everything I wanted to inform you.

So far good bye, hope to hear from you soon and I look forward to meet you in Kherson and show you our town.

With love Ann.

Exercise 2. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following:

  • to defend

  • according to

  • to mention

  • profitable

  • enterprise

  • oil refinery

  • provide

  • physician

  • embankment

  • entertainment

  • to witness

  • church

  • charity

  • industrial amalgamation Kherson harvester works

Exercise 3. Agree or disagree with the following statements:

  1. Kherson is situated on the both banks of the Dnipro river

  2. One can say that Kherson is a sea and river port like London.

  3. Kherson has the reputation of the town with a lot of reputable banks.

  4. The sewing factory “Krasen” has been the most profitable enterprise in Kherson since 1990s.

  5. Young people can get higher education at 4 universities in Kherson.

  6. Kherson can boast of beautiful monuments to I.Ushakov, T.Shevchenko, J.Howard.

  7. A lot of foreign businessmen have already visited Kherson to sign agreements in industrial and cultural spheres this year.

  8. The residents of Kherson always remember the soldiers perished in World War II.

  9. Rest-homes, health-resorts, camps have provided Khersonites and guests with many possibilities to improve their health during summer holidays.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the population of Kherson?

  2. When was Kherson founded?

  3. Have you read about the founder of our town?

  4. First Kherson existed as a military fortress to defend Russian lands from Turkey, didn’t it?

  5. What can you say about industrial facilities of Kherson?

  6. How can cultural life of Kherson be represented

  7. Have you seen any beautiful monuments while walking round Kherson? What are they?

  8. Have you visited one of the rest-homes on the Black Sea?

  9. In what way can the residents of Kherson improve their health?

  10. What have the Kherson public and members of the charity club done recently?

VI. Practice

Exercise 5. Try to find out the way to certain places. Use the words given below. Do as in the model.


  • Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the railway station from the center of the town.

  • Yes, you can get on trolley-bus 1 and get off at the last bus station .


Expressions: go straight ahead, second turning, turn to the right, on your left, quite a distance from here, round the corner, take a route-bus, a taxi, walk along the street, cross the square, use the subway.

Exercise 6. Speak on the topic “Kherson”, the regional centre of the south of Ukraine”. Use the chart.

Exercise 7. Make up dialogues about Kherson using the chart

Exercise 8. Role-play

Situation 1. Suppose you are a guide. Tell the tourists about the most interesting places of interest of interest in Kherson. Answer their questions.

Situation 2. Your friend from Poltava has come to Kherson. He wants to enter one of our Universities. He is also interested in industry where he can work after the graduation. Advise him the university worthly to enter and industry developed in our region.



It may seem surprising but the British have fewer holidays than many other countries. Some of them are named Bank Holidays due to the fact that on those days the banks are closed.

In England and Wales they comprise at present five bank holidays (New Year's Day, Easter Monday, spring and late summer holidays at the end of May and August respectively, and Boxing Day); they also have two common holidays (Good Friday, Christmas Day). In Scotland and Northern Ireland they have six bank holidays, plus two other public holidays. The particular dates of the bank holidays are fixed annually.

January , 1

New Year's Day

It is a bank holiday though many Britons do not celebrate on New Year's Eve. In Scotland New Year's Eve is called Hogmanay and is an occasion for joyous celebration. In London Scottish people gather on the steps of St. Paul's Cathedral and sing "Auld Lang Syne" at midnight.

April, 3


The word Easter owes its name and many of its customs to a pageant festival hold eostre which is the name of the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring time. Every spring European peoples celebrated the festival to honour the awakening of new life in nature.

Christians related the rising of the sun to the resurrection of Jesus and their old spiritual rebirth. This "holy" day is celebrated in many countries of the world.

Spring and Summer Bank Holidays

The Summer Bank Holiday is the most popular holiday, because it comes at a time when children are not at school. Many families try to go away to the seaside or the country as they may indeed have done at Easter or in Spring.

November, 11.

Remembrance Day

This day is observed throughout the Commonwealth and dates back to November 11, 1918 when all fighting in the First World War ended. It now commemorates British soldiers, sailors and airmen who gave their lives in the two World Wars. Special services are held and wreaths are laid at the Cenotaph, a war memorial at Whitehall, where thousands of Londoners observe the two-minute silence and participate in the remembrance ceremony. Similar ceremonies are held throughout the country.

December, 25.


In England Christmas is the most important of all the bank holidays of the year. It is celebrated much the same way as in the United States of America. On December 26, the Boxing Day, traditionally people give each other Christmas presents, which used to come in boxes. It is a very pleasant custom indeed.

* *

London remains one of the world's strongholds of pageantry much of which is centred on traditional observances connected with the Royal family. They are always attracting large crowds of spectators, native Londoners as well as foreign visitors. Here are two of them.

Trooping the Colour

This Ceremony is held on the Sovereign's official birthday in June. This is the most colourful of all London's annual events, a pageantry of rare splendour with the Queen riding side-saddled on a highly trained horse. On Horse Guards' Parade in Whitehall the Queen inspects the Brigade of Guards, dressed in ceremonial uniforms. Then comes the Trooping ceremony, followed by the March past of the Guards to the music of the bands. Specially noted should be the precision drill of the regiments.

The State Opening of Parliament

This is another royal event at the end of November which draws thousands of spectators, who see the Queen on the drive from Buckingham Palace to the Houses of Parliament in the State Coach. The public are not admitted to Parliament to see her read the speech from the Throne, prepared for her by the Government. But the State Opening since 1966 is televised. Visitors are admitted to the Public Galleries only by the personal invitation of the members of Parliament.


Each state has its national holidays which are dedicated to the important dates in the establishment and history of the country, interesting customs and traditions all its own.

Americans share some holidays such as Easter, Christmas and New Year's Day with other countries of the world. Here are public holidays which are celebrated only by the Americans.


New Year's Day

Most Americans spend the final hours of the old year and the first hours of the new year celebrating with their families or friends. Champagne — the drink that traditionally symbolizes an important event is often served for the midnight toast on New Year's Eve.

One of the noisiest celebrations takes place on the Times Square in New York City. The crowd, joined by millions of Americans across the country at their TV sets, watch the traditional Huge Apple (emblem of New York) strike midnight.

February, 12.

Lincoln's Birthday

February, 15.

Washington's Birthday

Americans consider birthdays of their outstanding citizens George Washington and Abraham Lincoln public holidays.

Washington is called "the father of the nation" for he was the first president of the United States of America. The capital of the country, Washington D. C., was named in his honour and was moved from Philadelphia.

Abraham Lincoln is considered by many the greatest of all American heroes. During his term as President the Civil War broke out. The most outstanding achievements of the Lincoln presidency were the preservation of the Union and the abolition of slavery.

May, 30.

Memorial Day

This day was first established to honour the dead in the war between the North and the South, a mournful remembrance of the fallen.

July, 4.

Independence Day

This is the most important holiday of the nation, which celebrates Ms birthday. On this day in 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the famous Declaration of Independence declaring the former British colonies free, thus founding the United States of America.

October, 19.

Columbus Day

Christopher Columbus, an Italian, discovered the American continents in 1492 by accident, while seeking a short route to Asia. Thus, he called the natives the Indians and the islands he explored, the West Indies which bear these names to this day. This event is widely celebrated in most Latin American countries as well. The District of Columbia was named in his honour as well as many cities, squares and streets.

November, 11.

Veteran's Day

This day, like Memorial Day, is a solemn occasion in honour of all American veterans of all wars. In many communities veterans march in parades, national flags are displayed, special ceremonies, observing two minute's silence, are held at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery.

November, 24.

Thanksgiving Day

It is the oldest national holiday. The pilgrims, the first English settlers searching for religious freedom, came on May/lower to Plymouth Bay, Massachusetts, in 1620. They suffered a very hard year. By the autumn of the next year assisted by the Indians they had a good harvest. And a feast was given of turkey corn and pumpkin pie to celebrate the harvest and give thanks to God for their survival. The old traditions of their feast are observed throughout the country today.

December, 25.


Christmas is a great American and British festivity, very rich in custom and tradition — with Santa Claus, the decorating of the Christmas tree, of card sending and gift giving. It is celebrated as the birthday of Christ. Now it is becoming more and more a folk holiday. It has always been observed as a family affair.



Verbs which are the same in all three forms

cost cost cost

cut cut cut

hit hit hit

hurt hurt hurt

let let let

put put put

set set set

shut shut shut

Verbs which have the same form for Past Simple and Past Participle

bend bent bent

bring brought brought

built built built

barn burnt burnt

bay bought bought

catch caught caught

dig dug dug

dream dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed)

feed fed fed

feel felt felt

find fount fount

get got got

have had had

hear heard heard

hold held held

keep kept kept

lay laid laid

learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned)

leave left left

lend lent lent

lose lost lost

make made made

mean meant meant

meet met met

read read read

say said said

sell sold sold

send sent sent

shine shone shone

shoot shot shot

sit sat sat

sleep slept slept

slide slid slid

smell smelt smelt

spend spent spent

stand stood stood

teach taught taught

tell told told

think thought thought

understand understood understood

win won won

Verbs which nave the same form for the Base Form and the Pats Participle

become became become

come came come

run ran run

One verb which has the same form for the Base Form and the Past Simple

beat beat beaten

Verbs which have all forms different

be was/were been

begin began begun

bite bit bitten

blow blew blown

break broke broken

choose chose chosen

do did done

draw drew drawn

drink drank drunk

drive drove driven

eat ate eaten

fall fell fallen

fly flew flown

forget forgot forgotten

freeze froze frozen

give gave given

go went gone

hide hid hidden

know knew known

lie lay lain

ride rode ridden

ring rang rung

see saw seen

shake shook shaken

sing sang sung

speak spoke spoken

steal stole stolen

swim swam swum

take took taken

tear tore torn

Курс «Правила читання англійською мовою”

Англійский алфавіт і знаки транскрипції:









I i


















Приголосні, що передають один звук:

b d f h k l m n p r t v w z

Приголосні , які передають два звуки:

c g s x

Урок 1

Читання голосних в наголошеному складі




Закритий з буквою r


Гол.+ r + гол.

A, a





E, e





I, i





U, u





O, o





Y, y





Ex.1. Прочитайте слова і поясніть їх правила читання

Vote, probe, fine, be, lake, me, pen, bad, an, tube, tunnel, plan , hat, bit, mute, nut, pane, tub, mud, leg, mode, pit, go, did, hate, and, spoke.

Ex.2. Прочитайте слова:

  • pod, loss, hot, soft, top, solve, rod, spot

  • port, born, form, sort, pork, storm, ore, more

  • tune, tube, lute, mute, due, use, duty, fume

  • hum, sum, must, sun, plus, nut, dust, bulb, mud, bus, hunt

  • burn, first, turn, term, fur, firm, stern, burst

  • pit, lift, miss, mill, list, pink, tin, drill

  • like, type, fine, dyne, wide, style, spike, life, mine

  • mark, spark, are, dark, park, army, harm, bar

  • state, date, rate, tame, lake, base, take

Ex.3. Розмістіть слова по групам в залежності від читання букви a :

Park, lane, lad, plate, spare, spark, rate, rare, pare, add, hard, farm, bare, make, flat, brake, band, start, fare, tank, land.

Контрольна вправа

Bed, lift, same, hand, sun, tune, try, free, fur, flat, born, spare, mute, try, my, note, pole, burn, mass, plus, dark, dare, bark, stone, spire, hide, home, wire, wore, study, hard, style, wide, type, store.

Читання приголосних c, g, s, x

Букви і букво






[ ]

Перед e, i, y

place, nice city, pencil, cycle

[ ]

В інших випадках

came, can, clock, cut, factor

C, t

[ ]

Перед i + голосна (в ненаголошеному стані)

special, social, efficient, partial


[ ]

Перед e, i, y

age, wage, region

[ ]

В інших випадках (виняток: get, give, girl)

glad, got, green


[ ]

На початку слова, в кінці слова після глухих приголосних

sun, same, its, cups

[ ]

В кінці слова після голосних і дзвінких приголосних ; між голосними

Is, rise, rose, plays, lands, raids


[ ]

Перед наголошеною голосною

exam, exist

[ ]

В інших випадках

text, six, box

Ex. 1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

  • mice, dress, ice, rice, cent, sent, see, sport

  • has, rise, bags, pens, his, tables, dies

  • cable, clock, crest, clad, cross, kick, lack

  • gift, gap, grave, gate, get, give, grim

  • page, cage, gent, bridge, range, badge, gin

  • excite, axis, excuse, expel, complex, ax, expect

  • exact, examine, exist, example

Ex. 2. Прочитайте і поясніть правила читання

Gate, page, give, get, age, gin, gem, gas, jump, clog, mug, jem glee, nose, soft, music, tops, box, next, ax, pens, maps, expand, gun, grade, huge, egg, place, centre, club, crane, space, ice, came, cut, circle, carbon, code.

Урок 2

Читання голосних “і” та “y

i + ld, nd, gn, gh

ia, io

ir, yr

y/i + r + e

















Ex.1. Прочитайте наступні слова:

  • child, wild, grind, mild, kind, find, behind, sign, design, assignment, alignmet, night, bright, fight, high, light, slide, lie, prize, giant, try, type, rely, spline

  • fire, bias, dial, trial, violet, spire, wire, tire, spiral, desire, entire, admire, via

  • first, third, circle, firm, birth, dirty

  • symbol, system, crystal, oxygen, plenty, party, easy, energy, carry, ordinary

  • yes, yet, yoke, yard, yellow, yield, yak, yank, yap, yarn, yaw, yawl, year, yearn, yearst, yelk, yellow, yelp, yen, yoke

  • field, brief, chief, piece, achieve, believe