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Illustrative examples

I can speak English

I cannot speak English

Can I speak English?

Yes, you can. No, you cannot (can’t)

We could drive on the left in England

We could not drive on the left in Kiev.

Could we drive on the left in England?

Yes, we could. No, we could not (couldn’t)

He may come later.

He may not come later.

May he come later?

Yes, he may. No, he may not. No, he mustn’t

They might show us the city.

Might they show us the city?

Yes, they might. No, they might not.

She must come in time.

She must not (mustn’t) come in time.

Must she come in time?

Yes, she must. No, she must not. No, she needn’t.

  1. Grammar

Modal Verbs and their equivalents

Модальні дієслова

Еквіваленти модальних дієслів




Can - можу, вміти

be able to – могти, бути в змозі



is able to



was able to



will be able to

May – можу (дозвіл)

be allowed to – мати дозвіл



is allowed to



was allowed to



will allowed to

must - повинен

have to

be to




am to



had to

was to

were to

shall have to

will be to

Exercise 1. Practice the following table. Translate each sentence into Russian or Ukrainian


translate the documents as soon as I get there


prepare this material until Friday


answer the operations in German


could not

make a report in English



discuss the books with his friends



call the relatives on coming home



stay here for a week



(to) wait for the bus here



(to) produce visas at the custom


(to) turn to the right round the corner


(to) meet his colleagues at the sea-port

play tennis better some years ago

Exercise 2 . Express your agreement with the following statements. Use the phrases: Surely, Of course, Certainly, I agree with you, You are right


He can go to Kyiv for the week-end

Surely, he can go to Kyiv for the week-end


  1. You can see a lot of places of interest in Kyiv

  2. They can get to the centre of the city by metro.

  3. She can buy nice post-cards here.

  4. We can take photos in this museum.

  5. I can give you a lift.

  6. He can pay by the meter.

  7. We can return from the tour in time.

Exercise 3. Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answers as in the model.


I can take a photo here

Can I take a photo here?

Yes, I can. No, I can’t


  1. He can put his bag in the left luggage box.

  2. You can invite your friends to join us.

  3. Our cousin can drive a car.

  4. She can inform her parents about it.

  5. They can discuss all problems with us.

  6. I can count all the monuments in my town, as there are not so many.

Exercise 4. Object to the statements. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I’m afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you.


I can go to London on my holidays

I don’t think so. You can’t go there on your holidays


  1. You can have the opportunity to tour some cities of Ukraine.

  2. I can go sightseeing when the weather is nasty.

  3. She can get from downtown to our house very quickly.

  4. We can visit this museum now.

  5. They can get there by car.

  6. He can book tickets in advance.

Exercise 5. Express your agreement with the following statements. Use the phrases: Certainly, Of course, Surely, I agree with you, you are right


I may put down your new address.

Surely, you may put down my new address.


  1. He may start his business just now.

  2. I may use these historical documents for my work.

  3. She may take photos of these goods on display.

  4. We may give some food to pigeons in Trafalgar Square.

  5. They may visit the exhibition now.

  6. I may join your group in the Crimea.

  7. He may come and see me in the evening.

Exercise 6. Express your surprise and give short affirmative (negative) answers as in the model.


He may lift us up.

May he really lift us up?

Yes, he may. No, he may not (No, he mustn’t)


  1. We may part with them just now.

  2. I may call him any time I like.

  3. He may wind the clock Big Ben with his hand.

  4. They may shut the stop soon.

  5. She may stay in Kyiv at the Lybid Hotel.

  6. You may come to Kyiv through the Golden Gate now.

  7. We may start going sightseeing by ourselves.

Exercise 7. Object to the statements. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I am afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you.


He may park his car here for a couple of hours.

No, it is not so. He mustn’t park his car here for a couple of hours.


  1. You may visit both London and Paris.

  2. He may go there by plane.

  3. They may get visas at the railway station.

  4. We may start the conference at 9 a.m.

  5. Everybody may feed ravens in the Tower.

  6. You may post your mail at this post-office.

  7. She may put on her best dress for the concert.

  8. You may call at night.

Exercise 8. Express your agreement with the following statements. Use the phrases: Sure(ly). Of course. Certainly. I agree with you. You are right.


We must change for a bus here.

Sure(ly), we must change for a bus here.


  1. We must arrange a dispute here.

  2. You must travel through Ukraine by train to see wonderful nature of it.

  3. He must park his car a little farther from the house.

  4. She must draw this flowers in oil.

  5. They must look at the new system of fountains on Central Square

  6. I must stay at the hotel and wait for your calling.

  7. We must come back before the night show of this film on TV.

Exercise 9. Express your surprise and give short affirmative(negative) answers as in the model.

He must go on a business trip to Lviv.

Must he really go on a business trip to Lviv?

Yes, he must. No, he mustn’t (No, he needn’t)


  1. You must see Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square.

  2. They must exhibit Russian painting at National Picture Gallary.

  3. He must rest a little before going on an excursion.

  4. Yeoman Warders must give meat to the black birds at the Tower.

  5. I must listen to the speakers at the Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park by all means.

  6. She must warn you about left hand driving in England.

  7. We must fasten the belts inside the plane for our safety take off and landing.

Exercise 10. Object to the statements. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I’m afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you. I don’t think so.

I must buy yellow roses for this dancer.

I don’t think so. You mustn’t (needn’t) buy yellow roses for this dancer.


  1. He must put on his smart suit today.

  2. She must stay in Kyiv for another week yet.

  3. I must bring all the books back to the library.

  4. We must cross the Paton Bridge to get to the Podol.

  5. You must invite her for a party by all means.

  6. He must take all documents with him.

  7. They must repair the engine before going to the country.

Exercise 11. Ask your friend all possible questions to the statements.

  1. English people must drive on the left side of the road.

  2. You can travel to Kyiv both by train and by plane.

  3. She may read the immortal “Tale of Bygone Days” in our library.

  4. After restoration tourists can visit the Golden Gate – the ancient entrance to Kyiv.

  5. Industrial potential of Kyiv must develop day by day.

  6. Masterpieces of architecture in Kyiv must impress you greatly.

II. Language

  1. Sentence Patterns

Key examples to be memorized

I have visited Paris this summer.

Have you visited Paris this summer?

I haven’t visited Paris yet.

He has just seen him.

We haven’t met him since 1995.

Illustrative examples

We have been to the South this year.

Have you been to the South this year?

Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

I haven’t been to the South yet.

I haven’t seen him since 1996.

Have you bought this dictionary or taken it from the library?

I have bought it this week.

Where have you bought it?

I have bought it at the book shop in the center of the city.

Who has seen this performance? I have (she, he has)

The Present Perfect Tense







have returned

from the trip





from the trip









has returned

from the trip






You have returned




Have you returned?




You have not returned



He has returned


Has he returned ?


He has not returned


Exercise 1. Make up sentences using the table. Pay attention to the place of the adverb and adverbial modifiers of the time in the sentence.




















been to Kyiv

visited this museum

met him there

seen this performance

used their visit card

arrived on time















seen her

informed us



come back



this week

this month

this year



Exercise 2. Express your agreement with the following statements. Use the phrases: Sure(ly) , It is really so. Certainly. You are right. I agree with you.

The builders have painted Kyiv National University red.

It is really so. They have painted Kyiv National University red.


  1. Fifteen centuries have already passed over Kyiv ancient hills.

  2. A lot of new residential districts have risen recently in Kyiv: Obolon, Borshchagivke, Rusanovka etc.

  3. Darnitsa has just appeared before the eyes of the group of the tourists.

  4. Our foreign guests have never visited this performance at the Opera and Ballet theatre.

  5. We have walked along the central districts of the city today.

  6. Some 10 thousand people have admired the concert in the open this Sunday.

  7. She has left some notes about her visit to London.

Exercise 3. Express your surprise and give short affirmative(negative) answers as in the model.


The famous hetman B.Khmelnitsky has made a lot for the independence of Ukraine.

Has he really made a lot for the independence of Ukraine?

Yes, he has. No, he has not (hasn’t)


  1. Higher educational establishments have changed their status since 1990.

  2. Kyiv theatres have already staged a lot of modern plays by R.Viktyuk.

  3. I hope you have seen these slides about London.

  4. My friend has just brought some nice postcards from his trip to Egypt.

  5. We have seen a wonderful film about family problems on TV.

  6. She has taken some photos of Franko Drama Theatre.

  7. You have improved your knowledge in grammar recently.

Exercise 4. Object to the statements. Use the phrases: No, it is not so. I’m afraid you are wrong. I can’t agree with you.


You have already visited Kyiv Rus movie theatre.

No, it is not so. We haven’t visited it yet.


  1. Askania Nova the national reserve has spread its steppes in Donetsk region.

  2. All enterprises in Kherson have began working this year.

  3. Kherson has celebrated the 250 anniversary of its foundation (on one of) these days.

  4. Nuclear power plants have made ecological situation better.

  5. Agrarians have irrigated the florist exhibition in Komsomolsky Park.

  6. We have often seen boat race on the Dnipro river.

  7. He has just returned from business trip.

Exercise 5. React to the following questions

  1. Have you been to Odessa this year?

  2. Which of the well-known places of interest in Kyiv has impressed you most?

  3. Has she managed to visit all the best museums in London?

  4. What city has made you feel at home?

  5. Have you noticed complicated electronic devices inside the new railway station?

  6. How many guide-books have they brought from London?

  7. What interesting things have you noticed in Trafalgar Square? (a lot of pigeons)

  8. Has he just come back from his business trip?

  9. Have you heard the news about the discount of the ticket cost on planes in Ukraine?

  10. What has made you think that there is no transport problems in Kyiv?

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.

  1. Чи ви їли італійські або індійські страви в Сохо?

  2. Кому пощастило відвідати Ковент Гарден у Лондоні?

  3. Клерки, адвокати, судді жили і працювали, навчались у Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincolns Inn, Grays Inn з 14 століття.

  4. Хто це презентував тобі такі гарні вироби з напівкоштовних металів?

  5. З якого часу палац Віднзор став приміською резиденцією королів Англії? (з 12 століття)

  6. Королі Англії зберігали свої фамільні коштовності в Тауер з часів Генрі III.

  7. Відвідування національної Картинної Галереї завжди було безкоштовним для відвідувачів.

  8. Вони вже побували на Кримських горах, а тепер збираються у Карпати.

  9. Ми ще не залишили нашу мрію відвідати дендропарк Софіївка в Умані чи навесні чи восени.

  10. Вона тільки що повідомила про шалений успіх премєрного спектаклю “Hello, Dolly”.

  1. Reading and Comprehension

Read and translate the text “Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine”

I am a student of KSTU. I must write a composition about my summer holidays.

This summer I have been to Kyiv and this city has impressed me greatly. I have just finished my composition and asked my mother to read it. That’s what she has read.

Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine is the largest city in Ukraine with the population about 3 million. It’s a political, industrial and cultural centre of Ukraine. It is an ancient city. In 1982 Kyivites celebrated its 1500th anniversary. Kyiv is considered the gratest city in the world, having 18 m2 of greenery per person. Furthermore it was called the mother of all Russian cities. It is here that the ancient chronicler Nestor wrote his immortal “Tale of Bygone Days” in a tiny cell of the Pechersk Monastery. Another famous figure B.Khmelnitsky established an independent Cossach State ages ago. It has a special monument in front of St.Sophia Cathedral. It’s interesting to note that in ancient times the only entrance to Kyiv was the Golden Gate. It is about a thousand years old. The architects have restored it recently.

At present Kyiv is a centre of science, industry, education and culture of Ukraine. There are many scientific research institutes, universities, colleges in Kyiv. The Academy of Sciences began its activity as early as in 1919. The Institute of Cybernetics named after Glushkov, the Paton Institute of Electric Welding, the Institute of Physical Researches develop and solve problems which are of practical importance for national economy of Ukraine.

Now a few words about the industrial potential of Kyiv. It’s worth mentioning the Bolshevik plant produces the up-to-date aggregates for chemical engineering industry, Silk and Cotton Combines, the Arsenal Plant, many stock joint ventures, factories of Food and Light industry.

Kyiv is a city of Students. Higher education can be represented by Kyiv-Mogyla Academy founded in 1701, State University by T. Shevchenko, Polytechnical University, Kyiv Building Institute, University of Civil Air-Craft Engineers, Linguistics University and many others. These establishments train highly qualified specialists who are of great demand at many branches of Ukrainian economy.

Kyiv can boast of its historical places of interest and monuments: Samson fountain, the Golden Gate, St.Sophia Cathedral. The church of St.Andrew rises about 90 metres above the Dnieper and the Podol. This church is considered the masterpiece of the designer Rastrelly. One can also mention the Museum of Ukrainian Art, the Russian and West European Art Museum, the Museum of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, the Museum of Ukrainian Folk Decorative Art, T.Shevchenko home, the Museum of History of Kyiv etc.

Kyiv is a great cultural centre. I can’t but mention the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the I.Franko Drama Theatre, the Theatre on the Podol, the L.Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre, the Ukraine Palace, the October Palace, the Sports Palace etc.

Kyiv has a lot of beautiful monuments. Among them I can point out monuments to T.Shevchenko, B.Khmelnitsky, M.Lysenko, I.Franko, A.Pushkin, L. Ukrainka, N.Vatutin, Unknown Soldier, Memorial Complex in Darnitsa. Kyiv is one of the most beautiful cities on the world, so it will remain in my memory for ever.

Exercice 1. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following

  • ancient city

  • furthermore

  • immortal

  • cell

  • mention

  • represent

  • air craft

  • masterpiece

  • architecture

  • impress

  • entrance

Exercise 2. Agree or disagree with the following statemnets:

  1. Kyiv is a political, industrial and cultural centre of Ukraine.

  2. Some years ago Kyiv celebrated 1500th anniversary of its foundation.

  3. The ancient chronicler Nestor wrote his immortal manuscript “The Tale of Bygone Days” in Vydubetsky Monastery.

  4. The Bolshevik plant produces musical instruments and medicines.

  5. The Academy of Sciences has just begun its activity.

  6. Kyiv can boast of its historical places of interest and monuments.

  7. Some unknown hetman established an independent Cossack State.

  8. Kyiv has become one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

  9. Kyiv was called the mother of all Russian cities.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions

  1. Have you ever been to Kyiv?

  2. Has Kyiv impressed you greatly?

  3. What did you like most?

  4. What is the population of Kyiv?

  5. When did Kyiv celebrate its 1500 anniversary?

  6. Has the Golden Gate remained the entrance to Kyiv since ancient times?

  7. Why can you say that Kyiv is the greenest city in the world?

  8. Who established an independent Cossack state?

  9. What scientific research institutes are there in Kyiv?

  10. What makes you think that Kyiv is an important industrial centre?

  11. Kyiv educational establishments train highly qualified specialists, don’t they?

  12. What beautiful monuments and masterpieces of architecture are there in Kyiv?

  1. Practice

Exercise 4. Try to find out the way to certain places. Do it as in the Model.


Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the railway station?

Yes, I can. Go along this street, then take the 2nd turning on the left.


  • to Russian Art Museum

  • to St.Sophia Cathedral

  • to Pechersk Lavra

  • to the Golden Gate

  • to Kyiv-Mogyla Academy

  • to Linguistics University

  • to the church of St.Andrew

  • to the Arsenal Plant

Expressions: its the shortest way to, cross this way and take the 2nd turning, it’s quite a distance from here; it’s two districts from here; am I on the right way to?; take a bus …; go down…; it’s 5 minutes walk; get on bus ….; get off at bus stop; it’s round the corner.

Exercise 5. Say it in English

  1. Київ – стародавнє місто.

  2. Це місто відсвяткувало 1500 річницю в 1982 році.

  3. Ярослав Мудрий заснував Софіївський собор в 1037 році.

  4. Хрещатик завжди був головною магістраллю Київа.

  5. Ми можемо побачити багато історичних памяток у Києві.

  6. Ми повинні зазначити, що Київ не має багато проблем з транспортом завдяки метро.

  7. Стародавній літописець Нестор написав свій видатний твір “Оповідання давно минулих літ” в маленькій келії Печерського Монастиря.

  8. Київ – культурний центр України.

  9. Поділ є найстаріший район столиці України.

  10. Всі люди можуть отримати велике задоволення від огляду Печерської Лаври та інших історичних памяток .

Exercise 6. Speak on the topic “Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine”. Use the chart.

Exercise 7. Role-play the following situations

Situation 1. An English student has just come to Kyiv on summer holidays. He is eager to know about the city. He asks Ukrainian students about educational institutions, industrial enterprises, historical centres.

Situation 2. You are a representative of the Ukrainian touring company in London. Speak about wonderful opportunities to visit historical places of Kyiv and a nice cultural program. Your Londoners ask you questions about Kyiv.

  1. Reading

Impressions of London

(a letter to my friend Galina)

Dear Galina!

Here I am in London on a fine summer morning. Have you received my post-card? I hope you have as I posted it at the airport as soon as we landed.

I’ve never before lived in a big city, so London is a new world for me, and I’m going to find out more about it. What I have already learnt is that London the capital of UK is the largest city and the greatest port in the country. It is situated on the river Thames. The Romans founded London about 2000 years ago and called it Londinium. Since that time London has continued to grow in size and prosperity. About nine million people live in London in its four main parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. The very centre of London is Trafalgar Square. You can see there Nelson’s Column with the statue of Admiral Nelson on the top. It is a monument to Admiral Nelson for his victories in the war against Napoleon. There is also the National Gallery exhibiting all schools of European paintings from 13th to the 19th century. The most magnificent building in London is St.Paul’s Cathedral built in 1675-1711 by famous architect Sir Christophor Wren. The Queen of UK has her residence at Buckingham Palace. At half past eleven there is the most colourful London ceremony – changing the guard there.

All the principle streets of London lead to the City. The City is the home of the Bank of England and many other big offices. Between Monday and Friday nearly half a million people come to work in the banks and offices. Only five thousand people live in the City and at weekends it seems empty. Three buildings are the heart of the City: the Mansion House where the Lord Mayor lives, the Royal Exchange, the Bank of England which the Londoners call “the old Lady of Threadneedle Street”.

I have already visited the Tower of London. It is now a museum, but it was a fortress, a royal palace, a state prison and even a Royal Low.

The Tower is guarded by the Yeomen-Warders, the famous “Beefeaters”, dressed up in traditional medieval clothes. They tell the visitors about the Tower, the famous ravens of the Tower – the symbol of it.

Westminster Abbey is another famous masterpiece of architecture. It is more than nine hundred years old, a church built in Gothic style. Westminster Abbey is the crowning and burial place of British monarchs. It has its world famed Poet’s Corner with memorials to Chauser, Shakespeare, Milton, Burns, Dickens, Rudyard Kipling and other leading writes. Only a few however, are actually buried there.