Файл: English word Russian translation The word in use.docx

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English word

Russian translation

The word in use



Стержень, арматурный пруток

The door was tall wood with metal bars supporting it.


Цоколь, подвал

This door goes to the basement.



There are five attic bedrooms.



This beam is 10 meters.



This ceiling is wider that I thought.

Suspended ceiling

подвесной потолок

This ceiling is suspended.



A range of roofing and cladding products.



They came to a tall column.



Sophie nodded and took her key back. "Which floor?"



This is a monolithic formwork, not a suspended formwork.



The girder is supported by the supporting structures of the constructions.


двутавровая балка

The I-beam is widely used in the construction of floors and bridge constructions.



The joist serve as the basis for roofing materials.

prefabricated panel

сборная панель

Prefabricated panel is one of the most common types of panels.


плита перекрытия

the most common slab is a reinforced concrete slab.


основание фундамента

The substructure is considered to be the layers of soil lying below the sole of the foundation.



Waves crashing violently against the side of a thousand splashes fly over the superstructure


Тавровая балка

Despite the fact that the T-beam is used much less often than the I-beam, it is not yet completely discontinued.



Truss are widely used in modern construction.

bay window

эркерное окно

The bay window is used mainly for triangular projections.

dormer window

слуховое окно

Dormer windows are mounted between the roof rafters or in a crate.

double hung window

двухстворчатое окно

There was one wide double hung window, there was a door to the balcony, wide and high, and on the sides of this door there were two narrow windows.

fixed window

глухое окно

Continuous SQL queries in a RDSMS use the SQL Window function to analyze, join and aggregate data streams over fixed window frames.


косяк оконного проема

There`s no sensors in the door jambs, broken glass, muddy boot prints, that kind of thing.


паз для оконного стекла

Silently sliding the channel into the bolt, the artisan pulled on work gloves and wrapped the loops with strong twine soaked in a special potion.



The black cat jumped onto the windowsill, opened the window sash with one blow of its paw, and immediately slipped into the house.



Outside on the sill sat a beautiful green-eyed cat

exterior wall

внешняя стена

Outside the exterior walls was a temple.



A girl was sitting on the bed behind the nearest glass partition.

flat roof

плоская крыша

The flat roofs of the buildings were dominated by many air ducts.

gable roof

двускатная крыша

Behind the fields could be seen the wooden gable roofs of the first houses of the Loshchins.

hip (hipped) roof

четырехскатная крыша

Charming kokoshniks were hidden under a banal hipped roof - allegedly there was no one to look after them

shell roof

оболочковая крыша

This system is commonly referred to as a "Shell Roof"



The building was crowned with a dome that covered the dance hall.



The dome and spire of the bell tower rose above the houses of the boulevards and streets that surrounded the square.

pier foundation

фундамент на столбах

It is most convenient to build a pier foundation using asbestos-cement pipes.

pile foundation

свайный фундамент

And as a result of the impact of forces, lightly loaded pile foundations can rise by 80-90 cm in 5-10 years

strip foundation

ленточный фундамент

If rubble concrete is used for the construction of the strip foundation, then a layer of concrete about 25 cm thick is poured onto the formwork

slab foundation

плитный фундамент

The slab foundation can be used in the construction of houses on all types of soil and at any depth of groundwater.

spread (shallow) foundation

малозаглубленный фундамент

A shallow strip foundation must be arranged at least 0.75 meters.

deep foundation

заглубленный фундамент

A deep strip foundation is considered the most reliable.

precast flooring

сборное перекрытие

Vanya is a constructor - he makes precast flooring, stairs and so on.

monolithic reinforced-concrete flooring

монолитное ж/б перекрытие

Most experienced builders believe that a monolithic reinforced-concrete flooring is one of the most reliable

ribbed flooring

ребристое перекрытие

The ribbed flooring allows you to obtain a solid structure that separates the floors, with proper design and implementation.

intermediate floor

типовое/ междуэтажное перекрытие

A spiral staircase with a central pillar is suitable if there is a small opening in the intermediate flooring.

concrete frame

Ж/б каркас

The use of a monolithic reinforced concrete frame made it possible to reveal the facade with three giant showcase arches.

steel frame

Стальной каркас

After such a fire, all that remains of the city is brick, concrete and steel frames.

wooden frame

Деревянный каркас

If it is not supposed to make changes to the layout in the next few years, then they immediately make a capital high bed by erecting a wooden frame.


мансардное окно

It had to come through a skylight.

sliding window

раздвижное окно

The size of the actual sliding window used is the sum of these two windows.