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ВНИМАНИЕ! Если данный файл нарушает Ваши авторские права, то обязательно сообщите нам.

The cameraman is in charge of the camerawork as a whole, but he has several assistants, and these are called collectively the camera crew.

Cameraman corresponds to «оператор», and camerawork to «операторская работа».

A film camera should be distinguished from a cine-camera. Although these two expressions are basically synonyms, meaning an apparatus for taking moving pictures, in practice film camera is applied to the larger type used by professionals, whereas cine-camera denotes a smaller, simpler type used mainly by amateur photographers, for example, to film their family and friends, places they visit, etc.

Shoot is often used in connection with camerawork, meaning photograph, film:

e.g. a. We must shoot that scene again.

b.They're shooting «The Blue Bird» at the moment.

c.Where was the film shot?

d.The film was shot on location (in Japan).

Shooting may be used as a noun (съемки). e. g. Shooting has started / finished.

Shot (кадр) as a noun occurs in such sentences as:

a.The film opens with a beautiful shot of the river.

b.There were some very original shots in the film.

A close-up (крупный план) is a shot taken at close range and showing something in detail.

e. g. The film ends with a close-up of the hero's face.

A flashback is a shot or series of shots (sometimes a whole scene) showing something which happened earlier (ретроспекция; обратный кадр). For example, when a character is remembering his childhood, a scene from that period of his life is shown on the screen, thus interrupting the time sequence.

e. g. When Alan saw the house where he used to live there was a flashback to his childhood.


«In slow motion» is used when a movement or scene is shown much more slowly than it appears in real life, for artistic effect.

e. g. His fall was shown in slow motion.

There seems to be no set expression to denote the opposite device, that is, when something is shown more quickly than it appears in real life. However, speeded up can be used in non-formal style.

e. g. The movement of the traffic was shown speeded up.

colour, black and white

A film may be shot in colour or in black and white. It is a colour film (NOT coloured) or a black-and-white film.

Technicolour and in technicolour were widely used to denote a new, particularly vivid type of colour, but since this type has become the norm, «technicolour» is now little used, at least in non-technical conversations. Simply «colour» is used.

Sound sound-track, dub, subtitles, translation

The sound-track (фонограмма) is the recording of all the sounds in a film: dialogues, background noises, sound effects, music. The person responsible for this recording is the sound mixer (звукооператор) but this term is used only in professional and technical conversations.

Foreign films may be dubbed (дублироваться), that is, the original sound-track is replaced by a new one with a dialogue in the language of the country where it is to be shown. Dub is used in such sentences as:

a.Is the film dubbed?

b.It's an American film but it's dubbed in Russian.

Instead of being dubbed, a foreign film may be given subtitles (титры).

a.It's not dubbed, but it’s got (Russian) subtitles.

b./ couldn't always read the subtitles.

silent films, talkies

Films made before the invention of sound recording are called silent films. Talky was used when talking films were first made, but it is now used only in connection with the, history of the cinema.


Types of Films

Firstly we may distinguish between: feature films, documentaries, cartoons.

feature films

In Britain the expression «feature film» is confined mainly to professional conversations. The ordinary cinema-goer sees mainly feature films, and therefore calls them simply «films». He is generally more interested in what kind of feature film.


historical film

comedy (or: comedy film)






In practice this is used less often of films. Instead we may simply say a serious film.

In addition to those listed above, the following categories are used: war film

a film about war, often the Second World War


a film depicting heroic events of the past on a grand scale, often with vast crowd scenes, battle scenes, etc.

horror film

a film especially intended to arouse fear and horror

Length of Films

Most feature films last about one and a half hours. We may call these full-length films. Films lasting only 15-30 minutes are called shorts in professional language (a short) and simply short films by the general public.

Long-drawn-out is used in the sense of «растянутый». e. g. It's a very long-drawn-out film.


Films for Different Age-Groups

In Britain, films are classified according to their suitability for children or adults by the BRITISH BOARD OF FILM CENSORS, which gives each film a certain certificate.

a U film

This is one with a U certificate, which means that it is considered suitable for all age groups. U probably stands for universal.

an A film

This has an A certificate, which means that it is considered suitable mainly for adults. However, children may be admitted if accompanied by an adult.

an X film

An X certificate means that the film is considered to be definitely unsuitable for children (under 18), and they are not admitted, even with an adult. The significance of the letter X is that of something exceptional, forbidden.

The letters U, A or X appear in brackets after the name of the film. e. g. OLIVER (U)

In addition to the above types of certificate, the following were introduced later:

AA, called double A

a double A certificate / film

This denotes a film not for children under 14, even if accompanied by an adult.

XX, called double X

a double X certificate / film

This is used in America to denote a film not for young people under 21.

Readers should bear in mind that most English people have only a very general idea of this system of certificates, except for teenagers who are affected by the restrictions. In addition it is practically impossible to enforce these restrictions strictly, since the cashier who sells tickets has no means of checking a person's age, and can therefore only judge by appearances.


Inside the Cinema

A cinema has only stalls, and sometimes a balcony. Therefore the expressions: at the front / back / side, in the centre / middle are more often used than in the theatre, and row.

e. g. We were sitting in the front / first row.

Behind the auditorium is the projection room, from which the film is projected onto the screen. The person who operates the projector is called the projectionist (киномеханик).

Buying Tickets

There are no special words or expressions connected with cinema tickets. However, since booking cinema seats by telephone is widespread in this country, the following expressions may be added:

to book seats (for the cinema) / cinema seats by (tele)phone booking by (tele)phone

telephone booking

to collect / pick up tickets (half an hour) before the performance




accessible – доступный, понятный;

accomplish – достигать, совершать, выполнять; accomplishment – достижение,


achieve – добиваться, достигать, доводить до конца, выполнять; achievement – достижение, успех; acoustician – звукооператор (кинофильма);

act – исполнять (роль), играть; acting – исполнение актерское, игра;

acting career – творческая дея-

тельность (карьера) актера; acting talent – актерское дарование, талант;

action – ход (киносъемочного аппарата); ход действия фильма (на экране); «начали!», «мотор!» (команда режиссера о начале съемки; боевик;

actor, film actor – актер, киноак-


actor-proff feature – кинофильм,

не имеющий действующих лиц, фильм без «героев»;

actress, film actress – актриса,


actuality – кинорепортаж;

adapt – адаптировать, переделывать;

adaptator – киносценарист, автор экранизации литературного произведения;

adapted – адаптированный, переделанный;

adaption = adaptation – переделка,

адаптация; экранизация литературного произведения; additional film (feature) – допол-

нительный кинофильм (демонстрируемый сверх основной программы);

additional shot – добавочный

(не предусмотренный сценарием) кадр;

adjust – приводить в порядок, настраивать, подгонять, пригонять, прилаживать;

adjustment – настройка; admire – восторгаться, восхищаться;

admission fee – входная плата

(в кинотеатр);

admit – допускать, впускать, позволять;

adore – обожать; поклоняться; adorer – обожатель; поклонник; adult – взрослый, совершеннолетний;


advance box-office – касса пред-

варительной продажи билетов; advent – наступление, прибытие, приход;

adventure film – приключенче-

ский кинофильм; advertisement – объявление; рек-

лама; анонс; кинореклама; киноафиша;

advertising film – рекламный ки-


aerial cinematography – воздушная киносъемка;

alien – пришелец, инопланетянин; иностранец;

alienation – отчуждение; alter – видоизменять;

amateur – любитель, непрофессионал;

amateur camera – любительский киносъемочный аппарат, узкопленочный киносъемочный аппарат любительского типа; любительская кинокамера; amateur film – любительская пленка, любительский кинофильм; кинофильм, снятый любителем;

amateurish – любительский, непрофессиональный; amateurishly – по-дилетантски;

не как профессионал, непрофессионально;

ambiguity – неопределенность, неясность;

amplification – усиление;

amplifier – усилитель звука; amplify – усиливать (звук, сигнал);

amusement – развлечение, увеселение, забава;

an all star cast – блестя-

щий(первый) состав исполнителей;

angle – угол съемки;

angle shot – снятый под углом кадр, съемка в ракурсе; кадр или фотоснимок, снятый в резком ракурсе;

animated – оживленный, живой; animated cartoon (film) – мульти-

пликация; рисованный фильм; мультипликационный фильм; animated title – оживленная (дви-

жущаяся) надпись (в кинофильме);

animater = animator – художник-


animation stand – станок мульти-


animation work – производство мультипликационных фильмов; annotation – комментарий, примечание, пояснение;

announce a film – объявлять о фильме;

announcement of feature – анонси-

рование кинофильма, кинореклама;

answer print – монтажная копия (кинофильма), рабочая копия;


appear – исполнять роль (в фильме);

appendix – жанровый кинофильм, добавляемый к основной программе;

applause – аплодисменты, овация; appreciate – ценить, оценивать по достоинству; хорошо разбираться (в чем-либо), быть знатоком, ценителем;

approach shot – кадр, снятый при

«наезде» киноаппарата на снимаемый объект;

arc lamp – лампа дуговая; architector – кинодекоратор,


architecture – декорация (кино-


archives – фильмотека, фильмохранилище, киноархив, склад кинофильмов;

area of field – площадь поля съемки;

art – искусство; художественный; art critic – искусствовед;

art department – художественный отдел;

art direction – постановка кино-

фильма, режиссура кинофильма; art director – художник-

постановщик, художник фильма; art film – экспериментальный фильм, некоммерческий фильм; art still – фотопортрет, рекламное фото киноактера или киноактрисы;


art title – художественно оформленная кинонадпись;

artist – художник; артист, мастер своего дела;

artist crowd – киностатист, участник массовых сцен кинофильма; artistic– артистический; художественный;

artistic establishment – заправилы мира искусства;

artistic skill – художественное мастерство;

artistically – артистически, мас-

терски; с художественной точки зрения;

artistry – художественное исполнение, артистизм;

artwork – мультипликационная заготовка; заготовка кинонадписи;

assemble – монтировать, собирать; монтировать начерно, подбирать кадры в сценарной последовательности; предварительный (черновой) монтаж кинофильма; первичный монтаж;

assembly – сборка, монтаж; assistant – помощник, ассистент; associate – объединенный, тесно связанный;

associate producer – директор кар-

тины, постановщик фильма, помощник продюсера; association – ассоциация, союз,
