Файл: Л.К. Чадина Словообразование (английский язык).pdf

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Упр. 1. Переведите. Каким русским суффиксам часто соответствуют данные английские суффиксы –(a)tion, -(s)sion?

Revolution, industrialization, transmission, division, organization, observation, modernization, automation, mechanization, population, combination, conservation, discussion, possession, completion, corruption, tax (налог)- taxation; dictate-dictator-dictation; compress-compressor-compression, dem- onstrate-demonstrator-demonstration, distribute (распределять) – distributor -distribution; consume (потреблять)-consumer-consumption; produce- producer-production; examine-examiner-examination; transformation- transformer-transform; recent publications; preparations for the holiday; a world-wide sensation; sweet illusions; to put an end to discussions; сonstruction of mines; my best congratulations!

Упр.2. Переведите, обращая внимание на суффиксы.

-ment managemanager- management; govern-government-governor; to advertise (рекламировать)- an advertisement in a newspaper;

to settle(урегулировать) settlement of problems; enjoy - to take an enjoy- ment in smth; to improve – improvement of methods; to achieve – achieve- ments in automation; to punish (наказывать) – crime and punishment; to fulfill (выполнять) – fulfillment of a plan; rapid tempo of development; a trade agreement; to make an appointment for tomorrow; to put off previous engagement; to require (требовать) – to meet the requirements.

-ance/ -ence to attend (посещать) – attendance; to expect – expectance; to resist (сопротивляться) – resistance; to disturb (беспокоить) – distur- bance; to guide (руководить) – guidance; to insure (страховать) – insur- ance; to depend – dependence; to ignore (игнорировать) – ignorance; the difference between two texts; to prefer (предпочитать) – preference; 1.Your presence at this conference is of primary importance;

2.Michael’s absence caused much disturbance among the present.

Упр.3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.In what direction do you have to go to get to the centre of your city?

2.What kind of exhibitions do you like to see?

3.What film has caught your imagination recently?

4.Do you have pleasant associations with your school days?

5.Do you take any refreshment after the first class?

6.Do you have any appointment with the doctor this week?

7.What arrangements do you usually make for a journey?



8. Do you usually read any announcements on the noticeboard?

Упр.4. Переведите слова и словосочетания с суффиксами:

-ness happy-happiness; dark-darkness; effective-effectiveness; blackblackness; yellow-yellowness; ready-readiness; good-goodness; seriousseriousness; nothing-nothingness; effectiveness of work.

-ship author-authorship; chairman-chairmanship; citizen-citizenship; dictator-dictatorship; censor-censorship; leader-leadership; years of partnership; European ping-pong championship; friendship-comradeship and happiness; a member – a membership card;

-age ton-tonnage; patron-patronage; hermit (пустынник,отшельник) the Hermitage Museum; to marry-marriage; volt-voltage; the leakage of information; the personages of a play; per cent-percentage;

-ity real-reality; stable-stability; formal-formality; simple-simplicity;

human-humanity; popular-popularity; major-majority; able-ability; capable-

capability; activity of people; state of uncertainty.


She stopped talking and looked at Erik with curiosity.


Their arrival suggested a new possibility.


to think-thinker-thinking; to read-reader-reading; beginning; cross-

ing, training, growing; freezing point; boiling point; bathing place.

1. Some people find great difficulty in saying good-bye when making a call or spending the evening. 2. He had a comfortable feeling of working alone in a large empty building. 3. He was out of job and all his savings gone. 4.Their mother had no liking for Scarlett. 5. How often do you do shopping? 6. What painting do you enjoy? 7. When does harvesting begin? 8. Where do you keep your savings? 9. What kind of exercises do you have to do in writing?

10.The feeling of superiority and the feeling of inferiority.

Упр. 5. Переведите. Каким русским суффиксам часто соответствуют

«-ics», «-ism»

-ics physics, mathematics, economics, electronics, gymnastics, athletics, genetics, linguistics; ballistics, dialectics, informatics, telemechanics; pedagogics, phonetics, hydraulics.





socialism, patriotism, realism, fanatism, Marxism, vulgarism, baby-

ism, mysticism, scepticism, to fight against alchogolism and hooliganism; to view the situation with optimism.

Упр. 6. Подберите пары антонимов.

A.collectivism, materialism, rightism, atheism, abstractivism, communism, conservatism, humanism, revolutionism.

B.idealism, leftism, individualism, realism, capitalism, religionism, barbarism, progressivism, evolutionism.

Упр.7. Обзорное.

A teenager; young fifteeners and sixteeners; the majority of students and lecturers; a London double-decker; a well-wisher; coal cutting; a coal cutter; to know many proverbs and sayings; heroism of Russian soldiers; the policy of militarism and separatism.

1. Students of the faculty of Economics study statistics, management, marketing, engineering, computers and others.

2.I am a home-lover, but she is a cinema-goer.

3.The problem of housing shortage (short – недостаточный) is great in our country.

4.The lecturer spoke about the coal mining in Kuzbass, the importance of usage of new mining equipment, good ventilation and water drainage.

5.Economists pay our attention to the problem of housing shortage and shortage of jobs in the country.

6.State workers, farmers and cooperators, land and factory owners have equal rights in our country.

7.My house is empty since you left. I miss(скучать) the togetherness.

8.Domestic refrigerators were developed in 1920s. But the mechanical refrigeration dates back to the time of the American civil war, just about 100 years ago. The first ice-making machines used ammonia as a refrigerant.

9.In 1920s air-conditioning for comfort was first used in “Movie Palaces” (or cinemas) in the United States. Air-conditioners are widely used nowadays.

Упр. 8. Переведите шутку.

At a Cafe.

Man: Waiter (официант), what’s the meaning of the dead fly (муха) in my soup?

Waiter: I don’t know, sir. I’m not a fortune-teller






Значение суффикса




Имеющий признак,

Nation – national






Нация – национальный




// ---


To differ – different




Различаться – различный








// ---


beauty – beautiful




красота – красивый









// ---


hero – heroic




герой – героический









// ---


to act – active




действовать – активный,деятельный









// ---


fame –famous




известность – известный









// ---


rain – rainy




дождь – дождливый








Имеющий качество

сomfort – comfortable



(после глаголов- с от-

комфорт – комфортабельный



тенком пассивности)

to eat – eatable






есть – съедобный



Отсутствие качества

water – waterless



или признака («без-»)

вода – безводный

Упр. 1. Переведите пары слов.


1. ornament – ornamental

7. importance – important

2. natural – nature


8. storm – stormy

3. continent – continental

9. read – readable

4. constructive – construct

10. see – seeable

5. atom – atomic


11. wonderful – wonder

6. Arab – Arabic


12. meaning (значение) – meaningful





13. courage (мужество) – courageous,

Упр. 2. Переведите, помня о значении суффиксов «less», «-ful».

A.1. a childless family; fatherless sons;2. a cloudless sky (cloud – облако) cloudy sky; 3.a hairless man (hair – волосы) a hairy man; 4. a sleepless night; a dreamless sleep; 5. a windowless tent 6. a smokeless fire (fire –



костер); a smoky fire; 7. homeless people; 8. guiltless people (guilt – вина); a guilty man; 9. a heartless man; hearty greetings.

B.1. help – helpful – helpless 2. colour – colourful – colourless 3. power (сила, власть) – powerful – powerless 4. fruit плод – fruitful – fruitless

5. truth правда – truthful – truthless 6. care (забота) – careful – careless 7. harm (вред) – harmful – harmless; 8. Use – user - usage – useful – useless – usefulness – uselessness.

Упр. 3. Переведите.

1. industrial and economic progress 2. drinkable water 3. snowy winter 4. positive and negative results 5. a dependent country 6. a marriageable man 7. progressive methods 8. pardonable words 9. technical problems 10. the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans; 11. stainless steel.

12. honour – честь

an honourable man

13. adventure – приключение

an adventurous story

14. luck – удача

a lucky boy

15. peace – мир

peaceful policy; peace-lover; peace-maker

16. mountain – гора

a mountainous country

17. wind – ветер

a windy day; a windless day

18. hope – надежда hopeless future; hopeful future;


hopelessness; hopefulness

19. to rely – доверять

a reliable partner

20. to destruct – разрушать

destructive actions

21. danger – опасность

a dangerous situation

Упр. 4. Переведите.

1. science – scientist – scientific; 2. victory – victor – victorious; 3. chemistry – chemist – chemical; 4. to mix – mixer; 5. profit (выгода) – profitable; 6. to divide (делить) – division – divisor – divisible – divisibility; 7. time – timer.

Упр. 5. Переведите текст.

The First Lady of Jazz.

Black American singer Ella Fitzgerald was born in Virginia in 1918. Her family later moved to New York and there she decided to try to become a performer (to perform – исполнять). Her first performance, at the age of 16, was in a song and dance contest (состязание, конкурс) at the Apollo Theatre



in Harlem. Ella was expected to dance, but in her fright (испуг) she began to sing and won the first prize.

Soon Ella Fitzgerald became an international star famous (fame – известность) and popular in many countries. She never learnt to sing, but the pitch of her voice (высота её голоса) was so correct that musicians tuned (настраивать) their instruments by it. The natural ease with which she sang, her musicianship, her beautiful voice and her special art (искусство) of interpre- tation made her the First Lady of Jazz.



Значение суффикса



образ действия

usual – usually


(как? каким образом?)

oбычный – обычно


Направление (куда?)

east – eastward(s)



восток – на восток

Упр. 1. Переведите пары слов.

industrial – industrially; positive – positively; negative – negatively; south – southwards; friend – friendly; final – finally; day – daily; month – monthly; up – upwards; back – backwards; first – firstly; practical – practically; useless – uselessly; free – freely; probable – probably.

1.Building from top downwards and from bottom upwards has been accepted as a new method of construction.

2.Though he slept soundly, he awoke instantly, like a cat, and he awoke eagerly, glad that 5 hours of unconciousness were gone.

Упр. 2. Вставьте наречия.

Модель: We had a nice rest in the country. We rested nicely in the country.

1.His translation is correct again. He always translates … .

2.She is very quick. She works … .

3.Jack is an excellent sportsman. He plays football … .

4.She often writes letters to her dear parents. She loves her parents … .

5.Your explanation is very nice. You always explain difficult things … .

6.They have different ideas about it. They always think quite … .



Упр. 3. Переведите предложения, помня, что слова на «-ly» отвечают на вопросы «как?», «каким образом?» и могут переводиться целой группой слов.

Модель: Shock velocity can be measured electronically or optically.

Скорость распространения удара можно измерить электронным или оптическим способом.

1. Uranus is the first planet to be discovered telescopically. 2. He was a mechanically talented boy. 3. They will do it knowingly and willingly. 4. Politically and militarily the Common Market is organically linked with NATO. 5. I comforted her wordlessly. 6. President made his nationally-televized speech. 7. This ice may melt (таять) locally from time to time. 8. He was famous locally as a gardener. 9. Some children may be slow to develop academically. 10. … constitutionally elected (elect – избирать) … . 11. Basically, she must be a good person. 12. Russia is reportedly (report – сообщить) building a new society. 13. … to be observed (observe – наблюдать) microscopically. 14. The individual can live healthily, if not always happily or morally. 15. Electronics is becoming increasingly important in production. 16. There was a motherly old lady in the corridor.

Упр. 4. Назовите номера слов, являющихся:

а) наречиями, б) существительными, в) прилагательными

1. onward 2. responsibility 3. responsible 4. entirely 5. humidity 6. annually 7. westward 8. gaseous 9. coolness 10. silently 11. addition 12. additional 13. additionally 14. economic 15. economically 16. economist

Упр. 5. Переведите.

Care (забота) – careful – carefully – careless – carelessly; to differ – different – differently – difference; to continue (продолжать (-ся)) – continuation

– continuous; nature – natural – naturally – naturalism – naturalist; equal – equality – equalizer – equalization; to direct (направлять, руководить) – director – directorship – direction.

Упр. 6. Переведите.

A River that Flows /течёт/ Backward /назад./

Have you ever heard of a river that flows backward? You will find it in America. Years ago the Chicago river flowed north into Lake Michigan. But when the town of Chicago began to grow and more drinking water was needed for its inhabitants (inhabit – населять), engineers altered (изменили) the whole structure of the river so that fresh water would then flow from the



lake into the river. The result is that nowadays the Chicago river flows south towards the Gulf (залив) of Mexico

+ + +

Do you know that salt consists of two poisons (яды), the metal, sodium, and the gas, chlorine. But when they are chemically combined you can eat them safely (safe – безопасный).

+ + +

Stranger: How old are you, sonny?

Boy: That’s hard to say, sir. According to my latest school tests, I have a psychological age of 11 and a moral age of 10. Anatomically I’m 7; mentally I’m 9. But I suppose you refer to my chronological age. That’s 8 – but everybody passes it by (не обращать внимание) nowadays.

The Englishman’s Garden.

The English like growing flowers. It is a useful occupation. In winter the most romantic thing for some people is to look at the brightly coloured pictures of beautiful summer flowers. Even people who have never seriously tried to speak any foreign language carefully (careзабота) learn the Latin names of the flowers.If you want to please an English person, be very polite (вежливый) about his garden. He will probably tell you about his garden. So you listen and say: “How interesting!”.

The English gardens are internationally famous. Many big gardens are very beautiful and they are open to the public.

Таблица 5



Значение суффикса






Сообщать, передавать









Length – lengthen


Длина – удлинять









Glory – glorify


Слава – прославлять









Crystal – crystallize


Кристалл – кристаллизировать