Файл: Л.К. Чадина Словообразование (английский язык).pdf

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Добавлен: 30.05.2024

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Упр. 1. В каждом ряду найдите глаголы.

1.standard, standardize, atom, atomic, atomize;

2.solid, solidify, solidity, solidarity;

3.long, lengthen, length, sick, sicken, chicken;

4.demonstrative, demonstration, demonstrate, demonstrator;

5.accumulate, accumulation, accumulator.

Упр. 2. Переведите глаголы, помня, что часто «-ize» соответствует «-изировать», «-изовать».

Centralize, agonize, economize, characterize, collectivize, organize, apologize, hypnotize, memorize, materialize; militarize, philosophize, sterilize, systematize, theorize, unionize, normalize, revolutionize; monopolize; modernize; computerize; ionize; activize, normalize.

Упр. 3. Переведите с помощью «-ize».

1.материализовать (material – материальный)

2.обращать в христианство (Christian – христианский)

3.употреблять американизмы (American – американский)

4.удобрять (fertile – плодородный)

5 .опошлять, делать вульгарным (vulgar – вульгарный)

6.покрывать металлом (metal – металл)

7.терроризировать (terror – террор)

8.готовить к зиме, приспосабливать к зимним условиям (winter – зима)

Упр. 4. Переведите глаголы с суффиксом «-ate».

Capitulate, circulate, complicate, compensate, concentrate, cultivate, demonstrate, emigrate, articulate, evacuate, expropriate, formulate, gesticulate, imitate, liquidate.

Упр. 5. Переведите глаголы с суф. «-i(fy)», «-en». Каким русским суф. они часто соответствуют?

A.to gasify, to falsify, to simplify, to electrify, to modify, to beautify, to satisfy; to technify; to identify;

B.thick – thicken, red – redden, dark (тёмный) – darken, hard (твёрдый) – harden, threat (угроза) – threaten, sick (больной) – sicken, deaf (глухой)

– deafen, wide – widen, weak (слабый) – weaken; sad-sadden.



Упр. 6. Переведите словосочетания.

To nominate the President; to compensate the costs (затраты); to qualify for a title; to deepen canals; to dislocate the machine parts; to materialize hopes (надежды); to equalize the score (счёт) of the match; to sympathize with smb; to antagonize smb; to sharpen (sharp – острый) a knife; to illustrate the book; to radiate heat; to electrify villages; to terrify smb; to ratify the treaty (договор); to cockneyfy pronunciation (произношение); to blacken one’s reputation.

Упр. 7. Переведите.

1.emigrate – emigration –emigrant – emigratory;

2.vulgar – vulgarian –vulgarism – vulgarity – vulgarize;

3.colonial – colonialism – colonist – colonize – colonization – colonizer;

4.act – active – activity – activize – activizor;

5.accumulate – accumulator – accumulation – accumulative;

6.ion – ionic – ionize – ionizable – ionizator;

7.class – classic – classicism – classless – classify – classification – classifier;

8.equal – equalize – equalizer – equalization – equality – equally;

9.local – locality – locate – locally – localize;

10.pure /чистый/ - purify –purifier – purification – purificatory

Упр. 8. Выберите правильный перевод слов.

1.усложнять – complicate, complication

2.оркестровать, инструментовать – orchestra, orchestrate, orchestrial

3.имитировать, подражать – imitation, imitate imitative

4.фабриковать, подделывать – fabricant, fabrication, fabricate

5.увеличивать – magnificent, magnifier, magnify

6.ратифицировать, утверждать – ratify, ratification

7.газифицировать – gasification, gasify

8.ухудшить – worsen, worse

9.освежать – fresh, fresher, freshen

10.прославлять – glory, glorious, glorify

11.электрифицировать сельские районы – electrify rural areas; gasification of rural areas.

12. фальсифицировать, искажать - falsifier, falsified, falsificator, falsifiable, falsify.



ПРЕФИКСЫ (приставки) а)приставки, имеющие отрицательные значения






Happy – unhappy



Cчастливый – несчастливый





// ---

Direct – indirect

Прямой – непрямой, косвенный






// ---

Legal – illegal

Легальный – нелегальный






// ---

Possible – impossible

Возможный – невозможный






// ---

Regular – irregular

Регулярный – нерегулярный






// ---

To mobilize – to demobilize

Мобилизировать – демобилизировать






// ---

To like – to dislike

Любить – не любить






// ---

Metal – non-metal

Металл – неметалл






Cyclon – anticyclon



Циклон – антициклон

Упр. 1. Выберите слова с отрицательными приставками.

1.demoralize, dead, democratic, debility, denationalize, destructive;

2.industry, inhuman, inglorious, inactive, Indian, invite;

3.imbalance, immobility, imperfect, imitation, improbable;

4.uncle, unable, uncultured, under, unknown, unclean;

5.disqualification, dispeople, dispute, dissatisfy, disk.

Упр. 2. Переведите.

Unpleasant, illogical, to degas, to deforest, to depopulate, irrational, to undo, unanswerable, unasked, indescribable, irregular, irrational, non-stop, noneffective, non-aggression, incoordination, incorrect, to disagree, to discolour, to decentralize, to debus, uncontrollable, uneducated, unemployed; nonthing; non-party member; to mistrust; misbehaviour; unladylike behaviour; uneatable fruit, my likes and dislikes, to qualify – to disqualify.



Упр. 3. Переведите пары слов.

Centre – decentralize; move – immovable; possible – impossibility; agree – disagreement; to believe (верить) – disbeliever; religion – irreligious; human

– inhumanity; communicate – incommunicative; literacy (грамотность) – illiteracy; compensate – decompensation; safe-unsafe; an inconstant lover; incomparable beauty; inseparable friends.

Упр.4. Переведите предложения.

1.Everybody saw Tom's shoeless feet and capless head.

2.He is a very unpleasant sort of fellow.

3.The room was untidy after my brother left.

4.Many stars are invisible without a telescope.

5.The explorers were indifferent to the dangers and discomforts of the expedition.

6.It is untrue to suggest that home cooking is necessary.

7.It is not unusual for men of 50 or 60 to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take more time than younger men but they probably climb with less waste of effort and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.

Упр. 5. Переведите.

Mark Twain at the Opera.

Once a rich man invited Mark Twain, the famous American writer and humorist to the opera. During the performance (perform – исполнять) the rich man’s wife talked so much and so loudly that it was impossible for Mark Twain to listen to the opera. Towards the end of the performance she turned to Mark Twain and said: “Oh, my dear Mr. Twain, I want you to be with us again next Friday night. I’m sure you’ll like it – the opera will be ‘Carmen’”. “Thank you very much”, said M. Twain politely (polite – вежливый). “That will be fine. I never heard you in ‘Carmen.’’

+ + +

Once at a dinner party I was sitting next to Mrs. Smith, an unsmiling lady in a black dress. She was busy eating. I tried but unsuccessfully /success – успех/ to make conversation, but she always answered “No”. She seemed to dislike my attempt (попытка) to make her talk. In dispair (в отчаянии) I asked her, if she was enjoying dinner. “Young man”, she answered, “If you talked less we would both enjoy our dinner.”



ПРЕФИКСЫ (приставки) б) с разными значениями








Повторение дейст-

To tell – to retell


вия «пере-», «ещё

рассказывать – пересказывать





Неправильно, плохо,

To understand – to misunderstand



понимать – неправильно понять



Production – overproduction


«сверх-», «пере-»

Производство – перепроизводство



To line – to underline



проводить черту – подчеркивать


«ниже-», «недо-»,

production – underproduction



производство – недопроизводство


Совместное дейст-

To operate – to cooperate


вие «со-»

работать – сотрудничать


«меж-», «между-»,

national – international


«взаимо-», «интер-»

национальный – интернациональ-





Положение ниже ч-л

Surface – subsurface



Поверхностный – лежащий под


Более мелкое под-




Station – substation



Станция – подстанция


Выше чего-либо

Natural – supernatural


«пере-», «над-», «су-

Естественный – сверхъестествен-


пер-», «сверх-»



«до-», «перед-»

war – prewar



война – довоенный


«после-», «по-»

war – postwar



война – послевоенный


«анти-», «противо-»

Social – antisocial



Социальный – антисоциальный



Revolution – counterrevolution



Революция – контрреволюция



President- ex-president



Президент - бывший президент



Упр. 1. Переведите.

To lead – to mislead; to pronounce (произносить) – to mispronounce; tropical – subtropical; to dose – to overdose – to underdose; to load – to overload

to underload; to use – to reuse – to misuse – usage – user; graduate (выпускник) – postgraduate – undergraduate; to exist (существовать) – existence

coexist – coexistence; to operate – operator – cooperate – cooperator – cooperation – non-cooperation; to own (владеть) – owner – ownership – coowner – coownership; education – coeducation; group – subgroup; to unite

to reunite; title – subtitle; commission – subcommission; fascist – antifascist; war – antiwar; attack – counterattack; standard – substandard – standardize; miner- ex-miner; action – interaction – counteraction; prehistoric; prerevolutionary – postrevolutionary; to visit – to revisit; president – copresident; anti-A-bomb report; to organize – organization – organizer – coorganizer – reorganize – reorganization; nation – national – nationalize – denationalize – denationalization; to calculate – to miscalculate – calculator – calculation – miscalculation; to protect – protector – protection – protective; to divide – division – subdivision – subdivide.

Упр. 2. Подберите русский перевод к словам.

A.1. to do; 2. to redo; 3. to overdo; 4. to underdo.

а) переусердствовать, «переборщить»; пережарить б) переделывать, делать заново в) недожарить, недопечь г ) делать

B.1. to heat; 2. to overheat; 3. to reheat 4. to underheat; 5. heating.

а) нагреть вторично

г) перегреть

б) нагревание

д) нагреть

в) недостаточно нагреть


С. 1. production; 2. reproduction; 3. overproduction; 4. underproduction;

5. producer





в) производитель

д) производство;



г) воспроизводство


Упр. 3. Переведите пары слов и запомните способы выражения отрицания, противоположности.

Useful – useless; possible – impossible; equal - unequal; fortune – misfortune; fortunately – unfortunately; to mobilize – to demobilize; cooperation –



non-cooperation; to like – to dislike; able – unable – disable; rational – irrational; natural – unnatural; matter – antimatter; balance – counterbalance; underpay – overpay; helpful – helpless.

Упр. 4. Переведите шутку.

-You were late this morning, Brown.

-Yes, sir, I’m sorry, I overslept.

-Good gracious! (Господи!) It’s unbelievable! Do you sleep at home too?

Упр. 5. Обзорное.

1.The term “supersonic” is being used in connection with the speed greater than that of sound (звук).

2.The first ultrasonic generators being commercially employed (использованы) were produced in the early 1930s in Germany.

3.Americans are coffee-drinkers and Englishmen are tea-drinkers.

4.Tsiolkovsky is the founder of theoretical austronautics.

5.The setting-up (set up –устанавливать) of orbital stations is an important component of the space program and a new trend in cosmonautics. Each station can replace a large number of automatic sputniks used for meteorological observations, communications, geophysical experimenting and study of interplanetary space.

6.Before the appearance of radar it was impossible to detect and locate invisible objects.

7.The slide-rule (логарифм. линейка) developed at about 1600 was widely used to make computations.

8.I am overtired (tired – усталый). Let’s have a break.

9.Some home computers are underused.

10.The vegetables are all pre-packed, potatoes washed and cellophanewrapped.

11. In every science you learn quickly that everything is inter-related and in- ter-dependent.

12.How does the neutron interact with the proton? 13.Perhaps Gorky didn’t know everything, or had been misinformed. Anyway he submitted (подчиняться,покоряться) to misinformation. Collectivization including the barbaric process of dispossessing the kulaks, looked perfectly idylic under his (Gorky’s) pen.

14.I simply have no time for unhappy thoughts.