Файл: Л.К. Чадина Словообразование (английский язык).pdf

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15.Richard was naturally likable and I liked him a lot.

16.It took only about 50 years for movies to go from the silent to the unspeakable.

17.“One of the disadvantages of wine is that it makes a man mistake words for thoughts.” (Samuel Johnson)

18.To misunderstand smb. intentionally; to be misinformed about smth;to miscarry a letter; misleading information; to misspell a word.

Упр.6. Переведите тексты.

Alfred Nobel – a Man of Contrast.

Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist, was a man of contrasts. He was a son of a bankrupt but became a millionaire, a scientists with love of literature, an industrialist who was an idealist too. A lover of mankind he never had a wife or family to love him, a patriotic son of his native land he died alone in a foreign country. During his useful life he often felt he was useless. He invented new explosive, dynamite, to improve (усовершен.) peacetime industries of mining and road building, but saw it used to kill people. World famous for his works he was never personally well-known, for he avoided (избегал) publicity.

He was born in Stockholm in 1833 but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842. His father made a lot of money but went bankrupt soon after. The family returned to Sweden in 1859 where Alfred rejoined (join – присоединиться) them in 1863. He had never been to school or university but had studied privately and by time he was twenty was a skillful chemist and good linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. Like his father Alfred was imaginative (imaginate – воображать) and inventive, but he had better luck (удача) in business. He was quick to see industrial openings for his scientific inventions and build up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. Indeed his greatness lay in his ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist with qualities of a forward-looking industrialist.

But Nobel’s main concern (забота) was never with making money or making scientific discoveries. Seldom happy he was always searching for (искал) a meaning (mean –значить) to life. His greatest wish was to see an end to wars and to see peace between nations and he spent much time and money working for his cause (дело) until his death in Italy in 1896. His fa- mous will (завещание) in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideals.



Russians in America.

Russians in America are too scattered (разбросаны) or have lost their feeling of national oneness. During the cold war years it was disadvantageous (advantage – выгода) to advertize their nationality in the USA, so Russians sought (стремились) to assimilate as soon as possible to become Americans, to transform from Nikolais and Yekaterinas to Nicks and Kates. And the four waves (волны) of Russian immigration – the noble (благородная) postrevolutionary, the mixed postwar, the stagnation (застойные) times “Jewishdissident” (еврей) and the current “economic” ones – eye one another with suspicion (подозрение).

from “Moscow News”. No. 22, 1992

What Animals Helped to Settle (заселить) North America.

Many animals in North America were very important as food and clothing for native Indians and also for first settlers. But probably the most important was the American beaver (бобёр).

When early settlers came to America there were a lot of beavers in New England and eastern Canada. The settlers established trade with Indians and beavers served as money.

Although the fur (мех) of the beaver was the most important part of the animal, other parts of the body were also used. The flesh (мясо) was eaten by many people and the tail (хвост) was considered a special delicacy. Castoreum which is widely used in medicine comes from beaver glands (железы).

The beaver was at one time widely distributed (распространен) in Europe and in some parts of Asia but it is now rather rare (редкий) and those who live there do not build dams. Some biologists say this may be because men mercilessly (mercy – жалость) hunted them. However in our country, as well as in some regions of Norway and Sweden, beavers are protected and dam-building exists.

+ + +

The Bible says that Mary had trouble (трудность) finding shelter (кров) on the night Jesus was born. So on Christmas Eve (сочельник), some people light candles (свечи) in the window. Candles symbolize welcome to cold and tired.

КОНВЕРСИЯ При конверсии существующее слово без изменения графической фор-

мы и звучания образует новое слово, относящееся к другой части речи.

help – to help

yellow – to yellow

poor – the poor





помощь – помогать желтый – желтить, желтеть бедный – бедные люди Показателем части речи могут быть артикли, предлоги, частицы,

окончания и порядок слов. Сравните:

1.ups and downs (существительное)

подъёмы и спуски; превратности судьбы, взлёты и падения

2.Two trees fell down in the gale. (наречие)

Два дерева упали в бурю.

3.The stream ran down the hill. (предлог)

Ручей стекал под гору.

4.Let us meet at the down platform. (прилагательное)

Давайте встретимся на перроне для поездов, идущих из города.

5.The workman downed his mug of ale. (глагол)

Работник выпил кружку пива.

Упр. 1. Переведите.

A clean blackboard – to clean the blackboard; bright colours – the leaves on the trees began to colour; green trees – to green smth – a picture in greens and blues; dry air – to dry the clothes by the fire; a better room – to better his work; a calm weather – a mother calmed her baby; an old man – we respect the old; a rich man – the rich must help the poor; to see the unexpected; to accept the inevitable; a girl’ s face – to face the garden; the best forward - to look forward – to forward a scheme.

Упр. 2. Определите часть речи у подчеркнутых слов, переведите.

1. I don’t know how to word it. 2. John has no say in this matter. 3. He is the best student. It is the best I can do for you. 4. I air my room every morning. I open my window and let in fresh air. 5. Here is a need to organize general election. Several candidates for a post is a must. A system is needed where the will of the voter will be the supreme and only decisive factor. 6. The ship sails today. Ship the sails today. 7. There is a clock that marks time with an accuracy of one second per 300 years. He gets only good and excellent marks at the examinations. 8.In summer I like to take part in walking tours. He toured France last autumn. The ballet was on tour in America. 9. The US Congressmen tour secret Russian bases. I base myself on official data. 10. Why don't we crack open another bottle of champagne? They have a machine for bottling wine. 11. The girls in silk trousers bicycled home down the street. My bicycle was made in Russia. 12. No whys. You must do it at once. 13. He is always in the thick of things.



Упр. 3. Переведите шутки с помощью словаря.

1.«What is the difference between a tree and an airplane?» «One sheds its leaves and the other leaves its sheds.»

2.«Are you training for a race?»

«No, I'm racing for a train»

3. Ups and Downs.

A large hotel in New York needed a dishwasher (dish – посуда). A man came in who was interested in the job and the manager took him.

The new dishwasher set to work. He had already washed several dozens plates when the manager came up to him and said:

“Don’t sigh /вздыхать/ my good fellow! I who am speaking to you be as a dishwasher, and look at me now! Hotel manager! That’s how things happen in America!”

But sighing even more deeply than before, the dishwasher answered.

“And I who am speaking to you began as a hotel manager. And look at me now! Dishwasher! That’s also how things happen in America!”


use [ju:s] – использование

to use [ju:z] - пользоваться

house [haus] – дом

to house [hauz] – помещать, вмещать

teeth [ti:θ] - зубы

to teeth

[ti: δ] - прорезываться (о зубах)

eхcuse [iks kjus] – извинение to

eхcuse [iks kju:z] – извинять


increase – увеличение

to increase – увеличивать

decrease – уменьшение

to decrease – уменьшать

import – импорт

to import – импортировать

eхport – экспорт

to export – экспортировать

suspect – подозреваемый to suspect – подозревать

perfect – совершенный

to perfect -


transport – транспорт

to transport

- транспортировать

mankind – мужской пол

mankind – человечество

object – предмет, вещь

to object – возражать

subject – тема; субъект to subject – подчинять; представлять perfume – аромат, духи to perfume – душить духами

present – подарок;

to present – представлять; дарить






СОКРАЩЕНИЯ. Сокращения бывают трёх типов:

1.буквенные (инициальные) аббревиатуры: USA – the United States of America

UN – United Nations (ООН; Организация Объединенных Наций) NATO–North Atlantic Treaty Organization (НАТО; Североатлантиче-

ский договор)

JV – Joint Venture (СП – cовместное предприятие)

The UK - the United Kingdom - (Соединенное Королевство)

CIA – Central Intelligence Agency (ЦРУ; Центральное Разведыватель-

ное Управление)

FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation (ФБР; Федеральное Бюро Расследований)

BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation (Британская телерадиовеща-

тельная корпорация)

VCR –Videocassette Recorder (видеомагнитофон) a.m. –(Latin) “ante meridiem” до полудня

p.m. –“post meridiem” – после полудня

2.аббревиатура одного слова и полное другое слово:

А-bomb = atomic bomb (атомная бомба) V-Day = Victory Day (День Победы)

А-level = Advanced level (продвинутый уровень) O-level = Ordinary level (обычный уровень)

3.усечения а) в начале слова

phone – telephone; shades = sunshades (очки от солнца); ply = apply (применять); Pool = Liverpool (г. Ливерпуль)

б) в середине слова

ma’am = madam – госпожа; maths = mathematics

в) в конце слова exam – examination; lab – laboratory;

gym = gymnastics (гимнастика),gymnasium (гимнастический зал); pub = public house (пивная, трактир);

cab = cabriolet (такси), саbbage (капуста); fan = fanatic (энтузиаст, болельщик); doc = doctor (доктор);



coop = cooperative(кооператив);

ad = advertisement (реклама, объявление);

vet = veteran (ветеран); veterinarian (ветеринар);

г) (смешанный тип или усечения с двух концов)

Frisco – San Francisco; fridge – refrigerator; Liz = Elizabeth

Упр.1. Переведите со словарем, обращая внимание на усеченные слова.

1)The play was one of the best that has appeared either on BBC or commercial television, despite the intrusion of the ads.

2)Every tenant has his personal fridge in the kitchen and a TV set in his room.

3)His father sent him to prep school.

4)He worked in the City and on “Change”.

5)As well as being the smog season, winter is also a party season.

6)A cine-camera worth $750 was stolen while a BBC television unit was filming in Smithfield Market.

7)Even the hippos have a certain gross charm in “No Room for Wild Animals” filmed in Africa.

8)Lads demobbed recently told me their first wish was to get back to work.

9)“Come and sit down in this comfy chair”, she cried dragging her big chair up to the fire.

3.телескопизмы (слияние полной основы одного слова с усеченной основой другого либо слияние усеченных основ).

slanguage = slang + language Interpol = International Police smog = smoke + fog brunch = breakfast + lunch heliport = helicopter + airport

СЛОВОСЛОЖЕНИЕ Значение производного слова может быть описано:

1. как сумма составляющих значений

classroom – классная комната, bedroom – спальня;

2. только одно слово сохраняет своё значение a blackboard – доска (не обязательно черная),

a chatterbox – болтун (т.е. человек, а не коробка), a lazy-bones – ленивый человек

a honeymoon –медовый месяц.



3. новое значение совсем не соответствует значениям компонентов a tallboy – высокий комод,

a wallflower – девушка, которую не приглашают танцевать, a man-of-war – военный корабль.

a merry-go-round –карусель

a ladybird – божья коровка (насекомое)

Упр.1. Переведите.

A.moonlight, bookshop, tabletalk, dogshow, dogowner, brainwork, folkdance, furcap, silver-fox, teargas, sunrise, sundown, sun-hat, sunflower, forget-me-not, snowstorm, thunderstorm, glasswork, flower-bed, bedtime, holiday-maker, voltmeter, tea-drinker, gift-giver, backbencher, two-wheeler, hair-dresser, space-traveller, baby-sitter, sleep-talker, liedetector, money-saver.

B.An earth-to-Mars space-ship; in the third-from-bottom position; another film in the “Japan-is-charming” cycle; a wall-to-wall carpeted room; my first made-to-order suit; to reject the pie-in-the-sky offer of the management; his would-be mother-in-law; to have a heart-to-heart talk; a life-or-death question; the cat-and-mouse play; to have that I-don’t- care-anything look; “Don’t you my-dear me”, she said. “Don’t be an old stay-at-home”. Periodical medical check-ups.

Упр.2. Найдите в правой колонке существительное, соответствующее его определению в левой колонке.

1. a standing passenger on train or bus who holds

a.. shop-walker

on to a strap to steady himself;

b. pea-souper


one employed in a large shop to supervise assistants;

c. strap-hanger


a thick yellow fog;

d. sky scraper


a word or phrase difficult to say quickly or correctly;

e. good-looker


one who can fascinate an audience

f. tonque-twister


a bus with seats on top;



a very tall building;

h. eye-opener


one who takes part in a sit-down strike;

i. sit-downer


a handsome person


Упр.3 а) Переведите словосочетания с составными прилагательными. A paper-white face; a sky-blue car; an apple-red cheeks; steel-grey eyes; rust-proof metal; water-proof material; silk-soft hair; knee-high boots; lifelong history.



б) сделайте словосочетания с составными прилагательными.

hair that is as brown as honey; water as cold as stone; man as deaf as stone; a vest that is proof agaist bullets; wood as hard as iron; a conference that continues through a week (long); a son who is one year old.

в) переведите предложения.

1) The sun was blood-red behind the thin trees some distance off. 2) The scooter was secured by the thief-proof device. 3) His face whisky-red, was handsome. 4)Her eyes were soft, cat-green. 5) Crime in Detroit had arisen alarmingly in recent years and now even suburban Birmingham – once considered crime-free had armed robberies. 6) He stood knee-deep in the water. 7) A million-strong strike of railmen, gas and electricity workers is much spoken about. 8) The night was dark and wild; the clouds black, black, inkblack. 9) He was dog-tired after a hard day’s work. 10) Joly did imitations of Roberta’s hyperladylike mannerism while they ate.

Упр.4. Переведите словосочетания с составными определениями.

a) an apple-eating boy; a watch-making plant; a cloud-touching mountain; horse-loving people; a pain-killing medicine; a food-producing factory; a road-building firm; potato-growing regions; law-abiding citizens; a keywinding clock; back-breaking work; school-leaving age; labour-saving and money-saving improvements; money-making movie stars; coffee drinking women; house-selling business; traffic-directing policemen; news-hunting journalists.

b)tobacco-stained fingers; a coffee-stained blouse;a tear-stained face; a li- noleum-covered floor; a carpet-covered floor; university-trained engineers; a hand-written note;a tailor-made suit; well-cut clothes; lamp-lit pavements; wind-blown leaves; a dog-bitten boy; a lion-hearted man; a chicken hearted man; a bull necked man; newly-elected Parliament; a well-fed baby; ill-bred children; weather-bitten face;a hen-pecked husband; lamp-lit streets; windblown leaves. Some professions are disgracefully low-paid.Believed to be

the longest-married couple, Mr. John Downham, 96, and his wife, Mary,97, celebrated their 84th wedding anniversary yesterday.

c)сделайте словосочетания с составными определениями и переведите. covered with clouds sky; painted by hand walls; a fed with milk kitten; a

shaded with trees bench; a made by machine vase; made by man shoes;



calculated by a computer programme; filled with water bottle; educated at Harvard.

Упр.5. Переведите шутку.

A librarian said to a man asking for a thriller: ”I can recommend you this book. It is a hair-raising story”.

“No use to me” (ко мне это не относится), said the reader. «I'm baldheaded».

Упр.6. Подберите перевод к сложным английским словам.



а) родственники со стороны супруга(и)


heavy weight

б) всезнайка



в) соня



г) массовое увольнение



д) автомат



е) совершенно слепой



ж) тяжеловес



з) мнимый



и) умение, знание дела



к) мастер на все руки


crow’s feet

л) бездельник



м) морщинки в уголках глаз



н) игра в прятки



о) рассеянность


1.Подберите к суффиксу или приставке в левом столбике его значение из первого столбика:

1.–er/-or а) образует прилагательное со значением «лишен-



ный чего-то», «без».



б) образует существительное, обозначающее назва-



ние наук



в) придает прилагательному отрицательное значение






г) образует существительное, обозначающее про-



фессию, принадлежность к партии, учению



д) образует существительное со значением лица или



орудия действия