Файл: Преподаватели секции английского языка Грамматика для общения (английский язык).pdf

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h. If he


(be) taller, he

(can) be a policeman, but he's too






II 1. Is your country run as you would like it? Complete the sentence matching a line from column A with a line from column B.

Aa. If I were Minister of the Environment,

b.If I were Minister of Defense,

c.If I were Minister of Trade,

d.If I were in charge of the Home Office,

e.If I were Minister of Finance,

B1 I'd ban the import of foreign cars.

2I'd increase tax on people with very high incomes.

3I'd stop factories letting harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

4I'd bring back the death penalty.

5I'd build up conventional weapons and get rid of nuclear weapons.

III. What changes would you make if you were Minister of various departments (Trade, Finance, Education)? What would be the results of these changes?

Example: If I were in charge of the Home Office, I'd reduce the number of prisoners, because if there were fewer prisoners, we would 't need so many prisons.

IV. Match the two halves of these sentences.





If I pass my driving test,

a. will you pay for the meal?


You’ll learn English more

b. we find somewhere to live.


easily if



Will you give her these

c. you study a little every day.


flowers when



If they don’t give him the job,

d. you don’t water them.


I’ll marry you as soon as

e. we’ll send them to you.


Your plants won’t grow well if

f. I’ll buy a car.


As soon as we get the tickets,

g. I don’t know what he’ll do.


If I buy the Champaign

h. you see her?

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense with will or the Present Simple.


a.If you__________ (eat) another cake, you___________ (be) sick.

b.You_________ (fail) your exam if you_____________ (not study) hard.

c.What_______ you________ (do) if you ____________ (fail)?

d.Our children and grandchildren__________ (suffer) if we__________ (not look after) our planet.

e.I______(do) my homework as soon as this program_______ (finish).

f.When she______ (read) my letter, she_______understand my problem.

g.Where______ he_______ (stay) when he________ (go) to New York?

h.They______ (give) her the message as soon as she__________ (arrive).

VI. Match the two halves of these sentences.


If can’t get a flight home, …

a. you’d better hurry up.


If it’s 11 a.m. in London, …

b. it’s 8 p.m. in Tokyo.


If you haven’t got anything

c. you must have a typhoid


to declare, …




If you’re travelling from London

d. there are no hovercraft flights.



to New York, …




If the sea is rough, …

e. we’ll refund your travel



If you have to be there by ten, …



f. she won’t be able to change it.



If you haven’t met before, …

g. she’ll be on the next one.



If she wasn’t on that flight, …

h. go through the green door.



If you keep the receipts, …

i. he’ll be here in half an hour.


If they’ve caught the 2.30 from

j. put your watch back five hours.



London, …



If she bought a discount ticket, …

k. I’ll have to stay overnight.


If she wasn’t on that flight, …

l. how will you recognize him




at the airport?

VII. You are going on a very important business trip. What will you do if

Example: If I miss my flight, I’ll catch the next one.

a.you miss your flight?

b.you lose your luggage?

c.your partner can’t speak Russian and English?

d.your partner invites you to lunch?

e.your partner’s price is too high?

f.your partner offers you a bribe?


VIII. What would you do in the following situations? Say why?

1.If you were offered two jobs, one which was very interesting but badly paid, and one which was boring but well paid, which one would you except?

2.If you won $ 5,000, would you give any of it away? How much would you spend and how much would you save?

3.If you found a wallet in the street with $1,ooo in it, and the name of the person who had lost it, what would you do?

4.What would you do, if you saw someone shoplifting, for example, stealing food from the supermarket?

5.If you saw a fight in the street what would you do?

6.If a close friend said ‘If anyone asks, tell them I spent the whole evening with you’, - what would you do?

7.If you were a millionaire, what would you do?

IX. The following sentences express some of Jack Higgin’s regrets (сожаление) about his past and present life. Rewrite them using I wish.

Example: I listened to other people’s advice.

I wish I hadn’t listened to other people’s advice.

1.My parent helped me to get a safe job.

2.I didn’t try to become a professional actor.

3.I wasn’t encouraged (поощрять) to be a writer.

4.I had to do a National Service.

5.I’m a workaholic.

6.I find life disappointing (разочаровывать).

7.I don’t have any hobbies.

X.* For each situation write one sentence with I wish and one sentence with should/shouldn’t have + V3.

Example: I’ve got no job and no qualifications.

I wish I had a job. I should have worked harder at school.

a.And I crashed the car last night.

b.I’ve got to the court next week because I forgot to pay a parking fine.

c.My wife has left me.

d.I had a terrible headache this morning.

e.And I’m late for work.


XI. Put the verbs into the correct tense. Use Past Simple or would.

a.If I __________(live) in the country, I __________(have) a dog.

b.If I __________(have) a lot of money, I___________ (not work).

c.I _________(go) to the party if I ______________(not be) so busy.

d.What _______ you (do) if someone____ (give) you a million pounds?

e.If I __________ (be) you, I _____________ (look) for another job.

f.If she _________ (work) harder, she________(pass) her exams successfully.

XII. Combine sentences using a Second Conditional.


A.I’m not rich. I don’t live in a big house.

If I were rich, I’d live in a big house.

B.I’m not rich. I don’t live in a big house.

If I were rich, I’d live in a big house.


1.He eats a lot of sweets. He’s fat.

2.She smokes forty cigarettes a day. She coughs a lot.

3.He doesn’t understand Portuguese. He won’t work in Brazil.

4.They don’t have a garden. They don’t grow vegetables.

5.I don’t have a bout. I won’t sail around the world.

6.He doesn’t know English grammar. He won’t write the test successfully.


1.He works in the evening. He has no time to play with his children.

2.She buys a lot of clothes. She has no money.

3.I haven’t got a car. I can’t give you a lift.

4.I go to bed late. In the morning I’m tired.

5.She hasn’t got a watch. She’s always late.

6.He goes in for sports. He’s always in high spirit and energetic.

XIII. Complete the following sentences using might.

Example: Take your umbrella because…(rain).

Take your umbrella because it might rain.

a.She’s not sure what to do when she leaves university.

(have a holiday/look for a job).

b.They don’t know where to have a holiday. … (Spain/stay at home).

c.Write my telephone number in your book …. (forget it).


d.I’ll try to arrive at 8.00, but …(be late) if the traffic is bad.

e.I’m going to Paris for a meeting next week…(stay the night/come back the same day). It depends how long the meeting goes on.

XIV. Dreams and reality.

A. Read the text about Laura and fill in the gaps using the Present Simple or the Second Conditional.

Example: Laura lives (live) in a big city but if she lived (live) in the country, she would have (have) a dog.

Laura (a)_____(share) a flat with three other girls, but it (b)____(be) possible, she (c)_____(live) on her own. If she (d)_____(live) in the country, she

(e)_____(buy) a little cottage, and she (f)_____(grow) her own flowers and vegetables. In town, she (g)_____(travel) by Underground and (h)_____

(go) shopping in big department stores, but she (i)_____(not like) this at all. If she (j)______ (be) in the country, she (k)______(ride) her bike, and she (l)

______(buy) things in the little village shop. She (m)_____(love) walking, and often (n)_____(go) for a walk in town, but the streets are noisy. In the country, she (o)______(walk) across the fields with her dog.

B. Answer the questions about Laura. Use short answers. Example: If Laura lived in the country, would she live on her own?

Yes, she would.

a.Would she live in a flat?

b.Would she have a dog?

c.Would she go shopping?

d.Would she ride her bike?

d. Would she grow vegetables?

XV. Match the two halves of these sentences.


If we offered you the job, ...

a. we won't fall behind schedule.


If I need any help, …

b. we'll offer him the job.


If his references are OK, ...

c. I'll show you round the factory.


If you don't like the terms and

d. I might get promoted.


conditions, …







If the printer breaks down, ...


we call maintenance.


If you have time, ...


when would you be able to start?


If I have a beer at lunch time, ...


he'd be much nicer to work with.


If you meet the deadlines ...


I'll contact you.


If he stopped complaining all the


don't sign the contract.


time, ...



If I spoke better English, ...


I feel sleepy all afternoon.