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11.Lucy ___ two boyfriends. They ____ called Sam and Alec, and they

____ both very handsome.

12.An elephant _____ big ears and a long nose (called a trunk).

VIII. Translate from Russian into English.

1.Ему придется работать вместо (instead of) меня.

2.Она должна решить очень сложную задачу.

3.Что мы будем делать?

4.У нее есть телефон в квартире?

5.У нас очень много друзей.

6.Каждый вечер она принимает душ.

7.Обычно мы проводили весело время на выходных.

8.Мы вынуждены уйти с вечеринки, у нас ребенок дома.

9.Ей следует повторить правило, чтобы хорошо выполнить тест. 10. Я должен был начать работу на прошлой неделe, но передумал.

IX.* Use the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets.

1.“There _____ money in my pocket,” I said to the porter (is, are). 2. I now my hair _____ beautiful, everybody says so (is, are). 3. These white swine

_____ not live (does, do). 4. ______ this watch _____ a special favorite with Mr. Pickwick, having been carried about _______for a great number of years than we feel called upon to state, at present (was, were). 5. The deer _____

ravaging the man’s fields (was, were). 6. Money _____so scarce that it could fairly be said not to exist at all (was, were). 7. I was here before the gates

_____ opened, but I was afraid to come straight to you (was, were). 8. The papers _____ dull, the news ______ local and state, and the war news ____ all old (was, were). 9. At Capracotta, he had told me, there _____ trout in the stream below the town (was, were). 10. Her hair _____ loose and half-falling, and she wore a nurse’s dress (was, were). 11. The nurse’s wages _____ good (was, were).


I. Read the information about Training Centre facilities, then complete the conversations. Use these words: there is, it is, there are, they are.


Fax machines

Room L352 and L379 (1 in each room)

Resource Centre (2)


Room L321 (1 model ZX 94 and 2 model ZX 994s)

Overhead Projectors

Additional projectors available in Resource Centre

Coffee machine

Ground floor lobby


fax machines?


Yes, _________________





Q: Where _______________?




A: _________one in Room L352 and



two in the Resource Centre.

Q: ______________ a coffee machine?

A: Yes,




in the ground floor lobby.

Q: Where _____________ ZX 994 projectors?

A:______________in Room 321.

Q_____________a ZX 94 projector?

A:Yes,___________________________ .

II. Read the information about the Monte Carlo Convention Centre. Meeting Rooms

Congress Hall: seating f or 1,100

Exhibition space 1,800m2, 100 stands

4 Meeting rooms seating for 70-180


Within walking distance of the centre are 6 hotels of the highest international standard with all major facilities.


Simultaneous translation in 9 languages

Press Room


Telephone Fax, and Telex facilities

Secretarial offices

Organizer’s office

Lobby bar for coffee breaks or receptions

Winter Garden "Troparium"

Close to 2 car parks


Complete these questions using

Is there ...? or Are there …?



a translation service?



a press room?



telephone, fax, and telex facilities?



secretarial services?



anywhere to go during coffee breaks?


How many meeting rooms




7.__________________plenty of parking space?

B Now match the above questions to these replies.

aYes, there are secretarial offices in the complex.

bThere are five. The largest holds 1,100 people.

cYes, there's a lobby bar.

dYes, there are two car parks nearby.

eYes, there's a special room for journalists.

fYes. There are good telecommunication facilities.

gYes, there is, in 9 languages.


I. Translate the sentences paying attention to modal verbs.

1.I’m not sure whether I can lend you any money. I may not have enough.

2.She must get very bored in her job. She does the same thing every day.

3.I don’t know when they’ll be here. They could arrive in time.

4.The phone is ringing. It might be Tim.

5.I promise I’ll be on time. I mustn’t be late.


6.They haven’t lived here for very long. They can’t know many people.

7.Take an umbrella with you when you go out. It might rain later.

8.I must get up early tomorrow. There are a lot of things I want to do.

9.She spoke in a very low voice, I couldn’t understand what she said. 10.We were completely free. We could do what we wanted.

II. Translate the sentences paying attention to the equivalents of the modal verbs.

1.We were able to persuade them.

2.Ann was allowed to go to the party in the evening.

3.You look tired. You should go to bed.

4.My eyesight isn’t very good. I have to wear glasses for reading.

5.He is to help us. He is a good specialist.

6.You will be able to see him on Friday.

7.They were allowed to take this money.

8.You should have come. Why didn’t you?

9.We’ve got plenty of time. We needn’t hurry.

10.Must I translate these papers? – No, you needn’t.

III. Fill in the blanks using can (could) and its equivalent be able to into the correct tense..

Example: She… help you. She can help you.

1.He is a very clever man. He ... speak five languages.

2.I looked everywhere for the book but I ... find it.

3.They didn’t want to come with us at first but we ... persuade them.

4.She had hurt her leg and ... walk very well.

5.She wasn’t at home when I phoned but I ... contact her at her office.

6.I looked very carefully and I ... see a figure in the distance.

7.Don’t worry. He ... join us soon.

8.I had forgotten to bring my camera so I ... take any photographs.

9.I ... come today. I’ ll come tomorrow.

10.'' Are you in a hurry?'' ''No, I've got plenty of time. I ... wait.''

IV. Complete the sentences using may (might) or to be allowed to.

Example: You… take my dictionary. You may take my dictionary.

1. He ... not smoke here.


2. ... I ask you a question? - Yes, you ... .

3.She ... be at her office.

4.You ... use the computer in an hour.

5.It ... be true. I think so.

6.We ... read these papers later.

7.She ... work there last year.

8.Yesterday we ... copy some files.

9.I ... pass this exam today.

10.He ... live in their flat.

V. Fill in the blanks. Put must, should, to be to, to have to into the correct tense.

1.We ... work hard if we want to enter the University.

2.Our experiment ... be finished today.

3.He ... to stay at the office in the evening, he was very busy.

4.If you are ill, you ... consult a doctor.

5.I will have an exam tomorrow. I ... study tonight.

6.Drivers ... stop when they see the red light.

7.She ... to return at 6.

8.You ... find my documents.

9.He ... test the engine.

10.You ... think it over.

VI. Translate the following sentences.

1.Every student has to pass many exams twice an academic year.

2.What is done cannot be undone.

3.You shouldn't interrupt her. She is working now.

4.I must go at once, but you needn't.

5.He had to wait at the station.

6.That fellow must be made of steel. He's never tired.

7.She is to enter the University next year.

8.He will be able to speak English soon.

9.The students were allowed to use dictionaries at the translation test.

10.Could you answer my question?


VII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using modal verbs and their equivalents.

1.Ты должен много работать.

2.Ей следует остаться здесь.

3.Он умеет чертить.

4.Мы можем войти в зал.

5.Они должны прийти в 3.

6.Вам разрешат использовать этот материал.

7.Не могли бы вы закрыть дверь?

8.Ей пришлось продать квартиру.

9.Он сможет помочь вам.

10.Придется ли вам сдавать экзамен еще раз?

VIII.* Put an appropriate verb of obligation in its correct form into each gap. The verbs are must, have to, had to, have had to, should.

The forms are positive, negative, and gerund.

a. I really do think you



get your hair cut.

b. Careful, darling. You




with matches. They're too dan-





c. My wife suddenly became ill in the middle of the night and

I __________

call the doctor.














d. I'm overweight. The doctor said I


eat too many

sweets or potatoes.














e. I like Saturdays because I







get up early.

g. It's my mother's birthday next week. I




remember to


her a present and a card. No one likes



week at















f. You



come with me if you don't want to. I don't mind

going on my own. You stay here if you like.






g. I

have a really bad memory for phone numbers. I





them up in the book every time.







h. When I was at school we









wear a uniform.

Everybody hated it.














i. You




touch electrical appliances if you've got wet

hands. You could kill yourself.


j. She has a private income. She


never ___________ do

one day's work in the whole of her life.



I. Translate into Russian paying attention to Participle I.

1.Everybody looked at the dancing girl. 2. The little woman standing at the window is my grand-mother. 3. The man playing the piano is Kate’s uncle. 4. Entering the room, she turned on the light. 5. Coming to the theatre, she saw that the performance had already begun. 6. Looking out of the window, he saw his mother watering the flowers. 7. Hearing the sounds of music we stopped. 8. She went into the room, leaving the door open.

II. Substitute the subordinate attributive clauses with Participial constructions.

Example : The girl who is walking in the yard now is my daughter. The girl walking in the yard is my daughter.

1. All the people who live in this house are students. 2. The woman who is speaking now is our secretary. 3. The apparatus that stands on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite new. 4. The young man who helps the professor in his experiments studies at an evening school. 5. People who take books from the library must return them in time. 6. There are many pupils in our class who take part in all kinds of extra-curricular activities.

III. Use Participial constructions with When instead of subordinate clauses of time.

Example: When you are learning to speak a foreign language. You must have much practice. When learning to speak a foreign language, you must have much practice.

1. When you speak English, pay attention to the order of words. 2. Be careful when you are crossing a street. 3. When you are leaving the room, don’t forget to switch off the light. 4. When you begin to work with the dictionary, don’t forget my instructions. 5. When they were travelling in Central Africa, the explorers met many wild animals. 6. When you attention to the articles.


IV. Translate the sentences with Participle II into Russian.

Past Participle = Participle II = V3

broken – сломанный, разбитый; written – написанный

1. My sister likes boiled eggs. 2. We stopped before a shut door. 3. They saw overturned tables and chairs. 4. This is a church built many years ago. 5. The books written by Dickens give us a realistic picture of the 19th century. 6. The coat bought last year is too small for me. 7. Nobody saw the things kept in that box.

V.Translate the sentences from English into Russian paying attention to Participle I, II.

Participle I (ing –form)

Participle I (V3 form)

talking – берущий, беря

taken – взятый

doing – делающий, делая

done – сделанный

1.a / A fish taken out of the water cannot live.

b / A person taking a sun-bath must be very careful. c / Taking a dictionary, he began to translate the text.

2.a / A line seen through this crystal looks double.

b / A teacher seeing a mistake in a student’s dictation always corrects it. c / Seeing clouds of smoke over the house, the girl cried: “Fire ! Fire !”

VI. Choose a necessary form.

1.a / The girl writing / written on the blackboard is our best pupil. b / Everything writing / written here is quite right.

2.a / The house surrounding / surrounded by tall trees is very beautiful. b / The wall surrounding / surrounded the house was very high.

3.a / The book writing / written by this scientist is very interesting.

b / Translate the words writing / written on the blackboard.

VII. Complete the sentences using Participle I Indefinite Active or Participle I Perfect Active.

Present Participle

Perfect Participle

buying – покупая

having bought - купив