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31Halper, Daniel. Syria as the Achilles Heel of Iran. Feb 3, 2012. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http:// www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/syria-achilles-heel-iran_620893.html (дата обращения 14.02.2012).

32Quinn, Andrew. Syria raises specter of proxy conflict for U.S., Russia.// Reuters, Feb 7, 2012. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/08/us-syria-usa-proxy-idUSTRE-8162FH20120208 (дата обращения 14.02.2012).

33Доклад доступен по адресу: http://www.columbia.edu/~hauben/Report_of_Arab_League_Observer_ Mission.pdf

34WikiLeaked: Ex-Blackwater 'helps regime change' in Syria.// RT,21 March, 2012. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://rt.com/news/stratfor-syria-regime-change-063/ (дата обращения 22.03.2012).

35Amin, Samir. The Arab revolutions: A year after.// Pambazuka, 2012-03-14, [Электронный ресурс] URL:http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/80745 (дата обращения 05.04.2012).

36Choharis P., Gavrilis J. Counterinsurgency 3.0 //Parameters. Spring 2010. P. 38

37Pernin C., Nichiporuk B., Stahl D. Unfolding the Future of Long War: Motivations, Prospects and Impli­cations for U.S. Army. Santa Monica. RAND Corp. 2008.

38Савин Леонид. Турецкий референдум и суфийский ислам made in U.S. Фонд стратегической культуры. 19.09.2010 [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://www.fondsk.ru/news/2010/09/19/tureckij-referen-dum-i-sufijskij-islam-made-in-us.html (дата обращения 25.04.2012).

39Хомский Н. Классовая война. — М.: Праксис, 2003. С. 170.

40Amin, Samir. The Arab revolutions: A year after.// Pambazuka, 2012-03-14, [Электронный ресурс] URL:http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/80745 (дата обращения 05.04.2012).

41 Amin, Samir. The Arab revolutions: A year after.// Pambazuka, 2012-03-14, [Электронный ресурс] URL:http://pambazuka.org/en/category/features/80745 (дата обращения 05.04.2012).

42Савин Леонид. Ястребы —за глобальную демократию.//Фонд стратегической культуры, 19.11.2011. [Электронный ресурс] http://www.fondsk.ru/news/2011/11/19/jastreby-za-globalnuju-demokra-tiu.html (дата обращения 05.04.2012).

43Pernin C., Nichiporuk B., Stahl D. Unfolding the Future of Long War: Motivations, Prospects and Impli­cations for U.S. Army. Santa Monica. RAND Corp. 2008.

44 Petras, James. The Washington "Moderate Islam" Alliance: Containing Rebellion Defending Empire. Finis Mundi Press. Dec. 2011. [Электронный ресурс] URL:

http://finismundijournal.blogspot.com/2011/12/washington-moderate-islam-alliance.html (дата обращения


45McSweeney B. Security, Identity and Interests. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. — P. 104.

46McSweeney B. Security, Identity and Interests. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. — P. 110.

47Schouten P. Theory Talk #35: Barry Buzan on International Society, Securitization, and an English School Map of the World // Theory Talks, 2009. — P. 8.

48 Schouten P. Theory Talk #35: Barry Buzan on International Society, Securitization, and an English School Map of the World // Theory Talks, 2009. — P. 3.

49Schouten P. Theory Talk #35: Barry Buzan on International Society, Securitization, and an English School Map of the World // Theory Talks, 2009. — P. 1.

50Albert M., Buzan B. Functional differentiation and sectors: between Sociology and International Rela­tions / Paper presented at the Sixth Pan-European International Relations Conference, Turin, 2007.

51Griffiths M., Roach S.C., Solomon M.S. Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations (Second Edition). London and New York: Routlege, 2009. — PP. 211-213.

52Ibid. PP. 211-213, 220-226.

53Buzan B. People, States and Fear: he National Security Problem in International Relations. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1983. — P. 9.

54 Buzan B., Waever O., Wilde de J. Security: a new framework for analysis. London: Lynne Rienner Pub­lishers, 1998. — P. 36.

55Ibid. PP. 23-24.

56Ibid. P. 25.

57 Austin J.L. (1962) How to do Things with words? Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962. — PP.14-15.

58Buzan B., Waever O., Wilde de J. Security: a new framework for analysis. London: Lynne Rienner Pub­lishers, 1998. — P. 31-32.

59Ibid. P. 36.

60 Buzan B. People, States and Fear: The National Security Problem in International Relations. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1983. — PP. 75-83.

61 Ibid. P. 38.

62Ibid. P. 24.

63Ibid. P. 26.

64Ibid. P. 31.

65Ibid. P. 25.

66Ibid. P. 29.

67Buzan B., Waever O., Wilde de J. Security: a new framework for analysis. London: Lynne Rienner Pub­lishers, 1998. — P. 28.

68Interview with Barry Buzan, Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics / Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada http://www.international.gc.ca

69Buzan B. The 'War on Terrorism' as the new 'macro-securitisation'? //Oslo Worshop, 2006. — PP. 1-2.

70Ibid. PP. 2-5.

71Buzan B. New Patterns of Global Security in the Twenty-First Century // International Affairs, 1991. — Vol. 67. — № 3. — P. 435.

72Buzan B. The 'War on Terrorism' as the new 'macro-securitisation'? // Oslo Worshop, 2006. — P. 6.

73Clinton B. The speech before the UN General Assembly, 27 September 1993.

74Bush G. W. The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, Washington D.C., White House, September 2002. — P. 5.

75Buzan B. he 'War on Terrorism' as the new 'macro-securitisation'? // Oslo Worshop, 2006. — PP. 2-7.

76Ibid. P. 8.

77A Secure Europe in a Better World: European Security Strategy (2003) / Official website of the European

Union. — PP 3-5.

78Internal Security Strategy for the European Union: Towards a European Security Model (Draft, 2010) / Oicial website of the European Union — PP 3-5.

79Buzan B. he 'War on Terrorism' as the new 'macro-securitisation'? // Oslo Worshop, 2006. — P 9.

80Chirac J. History: September 11, 2001 / he Patriotic Resource.

81 Blair T. History: September 11, 2001 / The Patriotic Resource.

82Buzan B. The 'War on Terrorism' as the new 'macro-securitisation'? // Oslo Worshop, 2006. — PP. 11-19.

83Дугин А.Г. Геополитика постмодерна. М.: Амфора, 2007. — С. 292.

84Buzan B. he 'War on Terrorism' as the new 'macro-securitisation'? // Oslo Worshop, 2006. — P. 20.

85 Buzan B. A Leader Without Followers? The United States in World Politics after Bush // The Global Policy Institute Policy Paper, 2007. — № 2. — PP. 5-6.

86Buzan B. The 'War on Terrorism' as the new 'macro-securitisation'? // Oslo Worshop, 2006. — P. 21.

87Schouten P. Theory Talk #35: Barry Buzan on International Society, Securitization, and an English School Map of the World // Theory Talks, 2009. — P. 7; Buzan B. A Leader Without Followers? The United States in World Politics after Bush // The Global Policy Institute Policy Paper, 2007. — № 2. — P. 5.

88Ibid. PP. 7-8.

89 Энгдаль У Нужно устроить кошмар Киссинджеру и Бжезинскому / Информационно-аналитический портал Геополитика; Энгдаль У Выступление Уильяма Энгдаля на факультете социологии МГУ / Информационно-аналитический портал Геополитика.

90Report to Congress. Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China 2011 / U.S. Department of Defense.

91Engdahl F. E. NATO's War on Libya is Directed against China: AFRICOM and the Threat to China's National Energy Security / Global Research, 2011.

92Engdahl F. E. Creative Destruction: Libya in Washington's Greater Middle East Project Part II / Global Research, 2011; Engdahl F. E. Humanitarian Neo-colonialism: Framing Libya and Reframing War Creative Destruction Part III / Global Research, 2011.

93Engdahl F. E. Global Warming gets the Cold Freeze Global warming hoax exposed by record global cold / Global Research, 2008; Engdahl F. E. Global Warming or Global Freezing: is the ice really melting? /Global Research, September 24, 2009.

94The Cryosphere Today / University of Illinois. http://arctic.atmos.uiuc.edu/cryosphere/

95Buzan B. A Leader Without Followers? The United States in World Politics after Bush // The Global Policy Institute Policy Paper, 2007. — № 2. — P. 8.

96Hughes B. Political Violence and Democracy: Do Societal Identity Threats Matter? The Security and Politics of Identity / Australasian Political Studies Association Conference University of Adelaide, 2004. — PP. 16, 19, 21.

97Balzacq T. The Three Faces of Securitization: Political Agency, Audience and Context // European Jour­nal of International Relations, 2005. — Vol. 11. — № 2. — P. 175.

98 McDonald M. Securitization and the Construction of Security // European Journal of International Relations, 2008. — Vol. 14. — № 4. — PP. 14-15.

99Ibid. PP. 9-11.

100McSweeney B. Security, Identity and Interests. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. — PP.


101Ibid. P. 81. McDonald M. Securitization and the Construction of Security // European Journal of Inter­national Relations, 2008. — Vol. 14. — № 4. — P. 2.

102 Waever O. Ideologies of Stabilization Stabilization of Ideologies: Reading German Social Democrats /

PhD thesis, 1997.

103McDonald M. Securitization and the Construction of Security // European Journal of International Relations, 2008. — Vol. 14. — № 4. — PP. 4-5.

104Cox R. Social Forces, States, and World Orders: Beyond International Relations // Millennium, 1981. — Vol. 10. — №2. — P. 128.

105 Schouten P. Theory Talk #35: Barry Buzan on International Society, Securitization, and an English School Map of the World // Theory Talks, 2009. — P. 2.