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60 www.coe-rexecode.fr/public/analyses-et-perspectives/documentedetra-vail/ 25. P. 27.

61 Ibid.

62 www.news.afya-fresh.com/2012/01/davos-l’Afrique

63 The Boston Consulting Group. Focus. The African Challengers. Boston 2010. P.5.

64 Forbs. May 2011.

65 Ping Jean. La place de l’Afrique dans les relations internationals aujourd’hui. Intervention à l’Ecole Normale Supéieure de Paris. 24 mars 2011. African Union Commission.

66 Официальный сайт Президента РФ – http://news/kremlin.ru/ref-notes/1450

67 Полное согласие – все «за», частичное – один и более «против», полное несогласие – все «против» – inEuropean Parliament. Policy Department. The EU Foreign Policy towards BRICS and other emerging powers” .2011. (www.europarl.europa.eu/studies).

68 Полное согласие – все «за».

69 Частичное – один и более «против».

70 Полное несогласие – все «против».

71 Урнов А. Африка и ООН. М., 2011. С. 181-190.

72 http://news.kremlin.ru/ref-notes/1450. Этеквинская декларация. 27 марта 2013 г. Пункт 20.

73 www.un.org/news/fr-press/docs/2011/cs10200.doc.htm

74 Этеквинская декларация V саммита БРИКС. 27 марта 2013 г. –http://news.kremlin.ru/ref-notes/1450.

75 Подробнее на стр.

76 Ibidem.

77 Спенс М. Следующая конвергенция. Будущее экономического роста в мире, живущем на разных скоростях. М., 2013. С. 302.

78 Совместное заявление глав государств и правительств саммита БРИК в Бразилии. 16 апреля 2010 г. Сайт МИД РФ, 16.04.2010 – www.mid.ru

79 Делийская декларация саммита БРИКС в Нью-Дели (Индия, 29 марта 2012 г.). Пункт 12.

80 Там же. Пункт 9.

81 http://news.kremlin.ru/ref-notes/1450

82 Ibid.

83 Kimeni M. and Lewis Z. The BRICS and the New Scramble for Africa. The Brooking Institution, Foresight Africa: The Continent Greatest Challenges and Opportunities for 2011 – www.mediaFiles_reports_2011-01_africa_economy_agi_rimeni_lewis{1}pdf..

84 Сантисо Хавьер. Страны БРИК устремили свой взор на Африку // El Pais (Испания). 15.03.2010 – http://www.inosmi.ru/world/20100315/158 621069.html

85 China says booming trade with Africa is transforming continent.// Shanghai Daily com. 22 Dec. 2011.

86 India, Africa trade to touch $70 bn.by 2015. Anand Sharma.// The Economist Times, May 20, 2011

87 Brazil’s Economic Engagement with Africa. The African Development Bank Group Chief Economist Complex. //Africa Economic Brief, Vol. 2, Issue 5, 11 May 2011.

88 African Development Bank – African Union. The BRICS in North Africa. Addis-Ababa. 2011. P. 6.

89 Gaunt J. Building BRICs in Africa.// Macroscope. 23.11.2010. http://blogs/reuter.com?macroscope.2010/11/23/building-brics-in-africa

90 Подсчитано автором на основе публикаций Африканского банка развития, ЮНКТАД, Экономической комиссии ООН для Африки, МВФ.

91 Wais Ahmad. Accords sino-africains. Paris, 2011. P. 9-10, 17. www.infoguerre.fr/fichiers./ Accords sino-africains.

92 Anand Sharma to lead Indian side for India-Africa Trade Ministers. 18 Vay 2011. New Dehli. Government of India. Ministry jf Commerce and Industry. Department of Commerce http://commerce.ric.in/Press/Release/ pressrelease.

93 Anand Sharma to lead Indian side for India-Africa Trade Ministers. 18 Vay 2011. New Dehli. Government of India. Ministry jf Commerce and Industry. Department of Commerce – http://commerce.ric.in/Press/Release/ pressrelease.

94 Degan Axelle. Op.cit. P. 9-10.

95 Ibid.

96 Studia Diplomatica. Vol. LXIII, N 2. York University. Canada. 2010. P. 28.

97 IMF Working Paper 11/178. Wash. July 2011.

98 Brazil’s Economic Engagement with Africa. The African Development Bank Group Chief Economist Complex. //Africa Economic Brief, Vol.2, Issue 5, 11 May 2011.

99 Экономическое возрождение России. Периодическое научное издание. М. 2008. № 3. С. 11– 13.

100 Таблица №4. С.99 настоящей монографии.

101 news.kremlin.ru/transcripts/17759. Этеквинская декларация V саммита БРИКС. http://news.kremlin.ru/ref-notes/1450

102 ?????????????

103 IMF Working Paper 12/74. Wash. July 2012. P. 13.

104 The Independent Foreign Policy period lasted from 1961 until 1964, when a military regime was installed in Brazil. In the “Independent Foreign Policy” period, Brazil expanded relations with new partners, including countries in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.

105 Netto Andrei. A África será minha prioridade, diz Graziano. // Estado de São Paulo. January 4, 2012.

106 A similar strategy of obtaining political support from African nations has been employed by Japan, who is also interested in obtaining a permanent seat in the Council. One can also point out that China has sought political support from African nations to isolate Taiwan and to avoid condemnation within UN bodies such as the Human Rights Council.

107 This figure includes embassies that had been closed in previous administrations, such as the embassy in Kinshasa, closed in 1997 and reopened in 2004.

108 Fellet João. Brasil tem 5ª maior presença diplomática na África. BBC News Brasil October 17.2001 – http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/noticias/ 2011/10/111017_diplomacia_africa_br_jf.shtml (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

109 Garcia Marco Aurélio. PT negociará ALCA // Correio Braziliense. 25 October 2002 , p 19.

110 Law 10693 was sanctioned by the president on January 9, 2003 and can be located at: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/2003/L10.639.htm (last accessed on 4 January, 2012)

111 Foreque Flávia. Novos postos viram mico no Itamaraty // Folha de São Paulo. 18 August 2012.

112 Leali Francisco. Perdão pelo que fizemos // O Globo. April 15, 2005.

113 http://www.aids.gov.br/noticia/lula-perdoa-divida-do-gabao (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

114 Official information on the Summit can be found at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website: http://www.itamaraty.gov.br/temas/ mecanismos-inter-regionais/cupula-america-do-sul-paises-arabes-aspa (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

115 Official information on the Summit can be found at the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website: http://www.itamaraty.gov.br/temas/mecanismos-inter-regionais/cupula-america-do-sul-2013-africa-asa ( last accessed on 28 January 2013).

116 For information on Brazil’s relations with the African Union see: http://www.itamaraty.gov.br/temas/mecanismos-inter-regionais/uniao-africana (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

117 As president of Brazil, Lula visited 29 African states in 12 trips to the continent during his two mandates ( Stolte, 2012, p. 2).

118 http://g1.globo.com/politica/noticia/2011/06/dilma-nomeia-lula-para-chefiar-missao-do-governo-brasileiro-na-africa.html (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

119 Initial indications of the pre-salt reserves are dated back to 2005, the first extraction took place in 2008.

120 Versions of the Brazilian National Defense Strategy in English, French and Spanish can be found at the official website of the Brazilian Ministry of Defense: http://www.defesa.gov.br/projetosweb/estrategia/ (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

121 Rittner Daniel. Governo usará embaixadas em ofensiva commercial // Valor Econômico/ November 15, 2011.

122 Leopoldo Ricardo. BNDES vai apoiar negócios com a África // Estado de São Paulo. 17 November, 2011

123 Brazil was a member since 2010 and left the Security Council in the end of 2011.

124 Oliveira Eliane e Godoy Fernanda. Brasil pede negociação na União Africana // O Globo. 8 April, 2011.

125 DAC refers to the Development Assistance Commitee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

126 The Brazilian government only produced its first mapping of Brazil´s development cooperation in 2010, covering the 2005-2009 period. The report was produced by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA).

127 Brazil’s foreign aid program: speak softly and carry a blank cheque // The Economist. 15 July 2010.

128 Zafalon Mauro. Nove países de candidatam a ter programa Mais Alimentos // Folha de São Paulo. 19 November, 2011.

129 Further information on the project can be found in English at ABC´s website: http://www.abc.gov.br/projetos/Cotton4I.asp (last accessed on January 4, 2012).

130 The university’s website with information in Portuguese can be found at: http://www.unilab.edu.br/ (last accessed on January 4, 2012).

131 The 2011 Summit that was supposed to take place in Lima, Peru but was postponed because of the Arab Spring.

132 http://candidoneto.blogspot.com.br/2011/02/africa-os-negocios-brasilei-ros-na-libia.html (last acсessed on 1 August 2012).

133 http://clippingmp.planejamento.gov.br/cadastros/noticias/2011/9/17/ brasil-reconhece-novo-governo-da-libia ( accessed on 1 August 2012).

134 Ribeiro Fabiana et al. Itamaraty aguarda para resgatar brasileiros // O Globo, 22 February 2011.

135 Antunes Claudia. Brasil envia equipe para limpar minas líbias. // Folha de São Paulo. 26 November 2011.

136 Brasil aposta no futebol para refazer a imagem no país. // Folha de São Paulo. 7 July 2012.

137 During his two mandates as President of Brazil, Lula visited Mozambique 3 times and the Mozambican head of state visited Brazil 3 times, between 2003 and 2010.( Almeida & Kraychete, 2012, p. 10).

138 http://www.opais.co.mz/index.php/politica/63-politica/208-ministro-da-defesa-do-brasil-em-mocambique.html

139 http://www.opais.co.mz/index.php/politica/63-politica/219-brasil-ajuda-a-criar-unidade-de-operacoes-de-paz.html (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

140 http://www6.senado.gov.br/mate-pdf/87463.pdf (last accessed on 19 August 2012).

141 Ana Claudia Fonseca. A força moral derrota a bajulação // Veja, 14 July. 2010.

142 http://www.itamaraty.gov.br/sala-de-imprensa/notas-a-imprensa/atos-assinados-por-ocasiao-da-visita-do-presidente-luiz-inacio-lula-da-silva-a-guine-equatorial-malabo-4-e-5-de-julho-de-2010/print-nota ( last accessed on 19 August 2012).

143 The full text of the agreement is available at: http://www.senado.gov. br/atividade/Materia/getPDF.asp?t=38510&tp=1 (last accessed on 19 August 2012).

144 See: http://www.soleis.com.br/D7103.htm (last accessed on 19 August 2012).

145 Isabel Fleck. Organizações criticam Brasil sobre prêmio. Folha de São Paulo, 7 March, 2012.

146 According to Amnesty International, the Brazilian state oil company, Petrobrás, is operating in the country since 2006 and Brazil began to extract natural gas in the country since 2009. In 2010, President Lula visited the country and signed several agreements. See: Jamil Chade “ Brasil apoia prêmio da ONU patrocinado por ditador” Estado de São Paulo, 7 March, 2012.

147 See the editorial at Estado de São Paulo against the inclusion of Equatorial Guinea as a member of CLPL at: “Viagem à África imaginária” Estado de São Paulo, 4 July, 2010.

148 See: Pablo Uchoa “Amorim defende relação com Guiné Equatorial: 'Negócios são negócios” BBC News, 5 July, 2010. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/portuguese/noticias/2010/07/ 100705_ amorim_guine_pu_aw.shtml (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

149 Mexico only has 7 embassies in the African continent, located in Algeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, Nigeria, Morocco and Egypt. Argentina has a total of 9 embassies in the continent, in Algeria, Angola, Egypt, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa and Tunisia. Of the three Latin American nations, Cuba is the state with the broadest number of representations, inherited from the country’s policy during the Cold War period, with a total of 30 embassies: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Bostwana, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Zambia . Venezuela, which has indirectly challenged Brazil’s regional leadership in South America, has a total of 9 embassies in Africa: Algeria, Angola, Egypt, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa and Tunisia. Venezuela tends to prioritize relations with African nations that are also members of the Organization of Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC).

150 The most important regional integration initiative in South America, especially in the Southern Cone of the region, was the creation of Mercosur in 1991, however, the establishment of Mercosur was only possible due to the close collaboration that was initiated between Brazil and Argentina almost a decade before, while both nations were still under military regimes.

151 Mercosur refers to the Southern Common Market, created in 1991 and that includes Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay as founding members and other South American states as associated states. Venezuela has become a full-member and Paraguay is currently suspended from the bloc.

152 These figures were obtained from UN statistics updated until December 2012 and available at: http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/contributors/2012/ Dec12_3.pdf (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

153 Since December 2007, Brazil is chairing the Guinea-Bissau configuration at the UN Peacebuilding Commission. In addition, Brazil provides training to the country’s security forces as well as electoral assistance. There is a major concern on the part of the international community that criminal groups, especially drug traffickers, are benefiting from the weakness of state institutions in the country to use Guinea Bissau as a base for drug trafficking between Latin America and Europe. See: http://www.unodc. org/documents/publications/Perspectives-May08-WEB.pdf (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

154 The figures are provided by the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Brazil and refer to the year 2011. See: http://www.acnur.org/t3/fileadmin/scripts/doc.php?file=t3/fileadmin/Documentos/portugues/Estatisticas/Dados_sobre_refugio_no_Brasil_-_Abril_2011a (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

155 China is Brazil’s largest trading partner and Brazil is China’s largest trading partner in the Southern Hemisphere.

156 Angola is China’s largest trading partner in the African continent and one of China’s top suppliers of oil.

157 See the official website of the Forum for additional information: http://www.forumchinaplp.org.mo/en/aboutus.php (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

158 For additional information see: http://tcdc2.undp.org/IBSA/about/ about.htm (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

159 The China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite Program (CBERS), established in 1988, made the announcement in 2007 during a meeting of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). See: http://www.earthobservations.org/ documents/pressreleases/pr_0711_cape_town_cbers.pdf (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

160 The statement of support can be found in the official website of the Brazilian Landless Movement: http://www.mst.org.br/content/mst-manifesta-solidariedade-aos-camponeses-sul-africanos (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

161 http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/bbc/1027964-em-ato-raro-diplomatas-questionam-itamaraty-sobre-morte-de-colega.shtml (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

162 For further information in Portuguese see: http://g1.globo.com/mundo/ noticia/2011/10/tanzania-prende-7-piratas-apos-ataque-navio-da-petrobras. Html (last accessed on 28 January 2013).

163 SIPRI Yearbook 2012.

164 The African Development Bank Group. African Economic Brief. Volume 2. Issue 7. 11 May. 2011. P.3.

165 UNCTAD. World Investment Report 2011, 2012.

166 Заявление официальных представителей Лукойла – http://forexaw.com/

news/ecvonomyPF/…/157361_Лукойл_закрепляет позиции_в_Африке; http://rt.com/business/news/lukoil-west-africa-projects-775/

167 По заявлениям представителей Северстали. Электрон. Ресурс: leport.ru/portal/news/260090 – http://severstal-stroitsya-v-afrike-Kanade. html; www.ugmk.info/digest/severstal-v-afriku.html

168 Заявление управляющего директора Ренова, курирующего проекты в Африке В. Кремера – www/finmarket.ru/z/nws/interview.asp?id=3022377

169 USGS. 2010 Minerals Yearbook. South Africa.

170 http://www.trubagaz.ru\issue-of-the-day\gaz-v-Afrike

171 USGS: Geological Survey; Russian Féderation 2010-2012.

172 Cambridge Energy Research Associates – http://www.$’smoney.ru/ article.shtml?2008/03/17/5151

173 www.pravda.ru/world/restofworld/africa/18-10-2012/1131759-africa_ debt-o/

174 Доклад Минфина РФ об участии России в содействии международному развитию в 2011 г. 16 мая 2012 г. – http://www.hse.ru/org/news/ 52861851.html; www.minfin.ru/common/img/unloaded/lybrary/2012/05/ presentation.mg.2012-oi pd

175 Директор Департамента международных финансовых отношений Минфина России А.Бокарев о результататх вклада РФ в содействие международному развитию. 2011 www/minfin/ru/ru.

176 Там же

177 Там же.

178 Там же.

179 See “Dr. Manmohan Singh’s Statement” in First India-Africa Summit, http://intellibriefs.blogspot.com/2008/04/first-india-africa-summit-dr-man-mohan.html (May, 2011).

180 G.O.I, Ministry of Commerce. Focus Africa Program: a Program for Enhancing India’s Trade with the African Region – http://www.pdexcil.org/news/53N0204/focus1.htm

181 Collected from Ministry of Commerce website.

182 Ibid.

183 Sanusha Naidu. India’s African Relations: Playing Catch up with the Dragon, http://www.international.ucla.edu/media/files/84.pdf

184 The Exim Bank, Indo-African Business November-January 2009, Mumbai.

185 Exim Bank Research Brief, 2004 & “India signs $50m loan, offers $75m more to Zambia (Third Lead)”, http://www.thaindian.com/ newsportal/business/india-signs-50m-loan-offers-75m-more-to-zambia-third-lead_100299978.html

186 DGFT, Direction of India’s Trade, Various issues.

187 Harry G. Broadman. Africa Silk Route: China and India New Economic Frontier, The World Bank, 2006. P. 86.

188 Africa Union, Second Africa-India Forum Summit 2011. Addis Ababa Declaration, http://www.au.int/en/summit/africaindia/news/second-africa-india-forum-summit-2011-addis-ababa-declaration

189 Ibid.

190 Details of Tata group’s holding in Africa can be found in http://www.tataafrica.com/our_sectors/index.htm

191 Indian Investors eyeing Ethiopian agriculture http://articles.economic times.indiatimes.com/2011-08-29/news/29941168_1_ethiopian-agriculture-addis-ababa-indian-investors.

192 See Embassy of India, Khartoum, http://www.indembsdn.com/eng /india_sdn_partners.html

193 Dabur sets up new manufacturing unit in Nigeria. The Economic Times – http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/News-By-Industry/Cons-Products/FMCG/Dabur-sets-up-new-manufacturing-unit-in-Nigeria/article-show/2556862.cms, (November, 2007)

194 DNA. Tata Steel, Sasol Synfuels in Rs 45,000 crore Orissa plan – http://www.dnaindia.com/money/report_tata-steel-sasol-synfuels-in-rs-45000-crore-orissa-plan_1336762( January 20, 2010).

195 Indian firm develops key Zambian copper mine. http://metalspla-ce.com/news/articles/5752/indian-firm-develops-key-zambian-copper-mine/ (June, 2006)

196 Teach a Man to Make Drugs: Pharmaceutical Companies Invest in African Generic Drug Plant. http://www.good.is/post/cipla-makes-generic-aids-drugs-in-africa/ (February, 2011)

197 New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD). http://aros.trustafrica.org/index.php/New_Partnership_for_Africa%E2%80%99s_Development_(NEPAD).

198 Rafeeat Aliyu. Chinese and Indian Investment in Africa’s Telecom Secto”, 16 September 2011 – http://www.consultancyafrica.com/index.php? Option=com_content&view=article&id=847

199 See Reports of African Development Bank.

200 India to support sub-Saharan Africa in capacity building. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-16630858.html (November 24, 2004).

201 ITEC was launched in 1964 as a bilateral assistance programme of the Government of India. Under it and its corollary SCAAP (a program of assistance meant for Commonwealth Countries in Africa), about 155 countries in Africa, Asia, East Europe, and Latin America are invited to share in the Indian Developmental experience acquired over five decades of existence as a free Nation. India spends about RS.500 million annually on ITEC activities.

202 See Indian Prime Minister speech in India-Africa Summit. http://intellibriefs.blogspot.com/2008/04/first-india-africa-summit-dr-manmohan.html (May, 2011).

203 RITES, IRCON to rebuild and Run Mozambique Railway System. The Financial Express. http://www.financialexpress.com/news/ritesircon-to-rebuild-and-run-mozambique-rail-system/114724, (2009)

204 Ibid.

205 Global Economics Paper 134, 2005.

206 Andrew F. Cooper, “The Logic of the B()ICSAM Model for G8 Reform”, CIGI Policy Brief No.1. Waterloo Ontario: Centre for International Convernqnde Innovation, 2007.

207 “CIVITS Replace BRICs as Growth Hotspots”The Wall Street Journal, September 29, 2010.

208 According to M. Ayhan Kose and Eswar S. Trasad, there are 23 Emerging Market Economies. See M. Ayhan Kose and Eswar S. Trasad, Emerging Markets: Resilience and Growthamid Global Turmoil, The Brookings Institution, 2010.

209 Lester C. Thurow, Head to Head: The Coming Economic Battle among Japan, Europe and Aamerica, William Morrow Company Inc., 1992.

210Think Again: BRICS”,

211Concept Paper for the ANC’s 3rd International Solidarity Conference”, Tshwana City Hall, South Africa, 26-28 October, 2012, p.3.

212 Lin Yueqin, ed., Annual Report on BRICS Development (2012), Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2012.

213 Ibid., p.10.

214 Xue Rongjiu.On Goods Trade’s Features and Cooperation Vision among the BRICS Countries. // Intertrade. July. 2012. No.367. Рp.4-8.

215 Lin Yueqin, ed., Annual Report on BRICS’ Social-Economic Development (2011), Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2011, p.18.

216 Biswas| Aparajita. Growing Trade Relations of BRICS with Low Income Countries: Special Reference to the Role of India and China in Africa’s Development Paradigm // International Politics Quaterly. Vol. 3. 2012.

217 Lin Yueqin, ed.. Annual Report on BRICS Development 2012. Р.11.

218 Xue Rongjiu, “On Goods Trade’s Features and Cooperation Vision among the “BRICS” Countries”, Intertrade, July, 2012 (No.367), p.7.

219 For example, the U.S. Congress Millenium Challenge Corperation set up a conditionality including 17 requirements for the reciepient countries. I once told my American colleagues that if a country can adhere to the 17 requirements, it would not need aid any more.

220 Biswas Aparajita. Growing Trade Relations of BRICS with Low Income Countries: Special Reference to the Role of India and China in Africa’s Development Paradigm. // International Politics Quaterly, Vol. 3, 2012.

221 Sule Ahmed. BRICS can build common currency // China Daily. April 8, 2011.

222 Douglas Gibson, African Union needs South African leadership,” Business Day (Johannesburg), 31 July 2012, p. 10.

223 Ibid.

224 FidelCastro, Speech delivered by His Excellency Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Council of State and of the Ministers of the Republic of Cuba, to the South African Parliament, in Cape Town, September 4, 1998, page 3 of 6.

225 Kgalema Motlanthe, Address by Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe at the Annual Ruth Memorial Lecture, School of Journalism, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 18 August 2011, p. 6.

226 Pallo Jordan, “A space for Africa to define its future,” ThisDay (Johannesburg), 19 March 2004, p. 11.

227 Aziz Pahad, “Message from the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aziz Pahad,” Department of Foreign Affairs Strategic Plan, Pretoria: Department of Foreign Affairs, 2004, p. 9.