Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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Добавлен: 25.10.2023

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Hi Matt!

OK – you asked for it! Here is a normal day with my family.

My mom and dad get up at 6.30, and mom makes breakfast for us all. My brother Tom and I get up at 7.00. We’re lucky, because the bus stops right outside our door! Our university day starts at half past eight, and we eat lunch too – at 12 o’clock. Lessons finish at half past three, but we don’t usually get home until 5.00, because Tom and I stay at University to do sport and music after the lessons. Dad leaves for work at 7.30 (he’s a dentist), and he gets home at 6.00. My mom doesn’t work. We all eat dinner together at about half past seven. Then we do homework, play computer games or surf the Internet until bedtime (10.00). We don’t watch much TV in our house.

So that’s it – pretty boring, huh?

Sharon :)

b) Are the sentences true or false?

1. Matt is from the USA.

2. Sharon’s mum works in a plant.

3. Matt’s parents leave the house in the morning at the same time.

4. The bus stops right outside Sharon’s door.

5. Matt gets up at 7.00.

6. Matt studies at University.

7. Sharon and her brother Tom watch much TV.
3. Read Matt’s letter to Sharon again and complete the table with the correct times.


Matt ‘s mum

Matt ‘s dad

Get up

Leave the house

Get home

Have dinner

Go to bed

4. Write sentences in Present Simple.

Example: I / get up / 7 a.m.

I get up at 7 a.m.

1. My mum / work / a plant.

2. You / not know / anything about life in the UK.

3. My mum / get up / before 6.00.

4. She / leave the house / 6.45. 

5. The rest of us / get up / 7.00. 

6. We / leave the house / 8.15. 

7. Dad / drive / to the centre of town.

8. I / walk / with my sisters to the bus stop.

9. University / start / 9.00. 

10. Classes / finish / 3.30. 
5. a) Look through Sharon’s email to Matt again and find:

– 4 things which are similar in their daily routines.

– 2 things which are different in their daily routines.
b) How is life in the UK and the USA different or similar to life in your country? Discuss with the class.
6. a) Look at the chart showing how Rachel spends each hour of her time in a typical week. Discuss the questions.

Does Rachel work, or is she a student?

What does she like doing most in her free time?

Is Rachel sporty, or more of a “couch potato” – always sitting in front of the TV?

Does she have any hobbies?

How is her lifestyle similar to and different from yours?
b) Draw a chart similar to Rachel’s. Include the activities in Rachel’s chart and any other hobbies or activities that you do. What do you like or dislike about your typical week? How would you like it to be different?
7. Look at Maggie’s diary. Work with a partner. Ask Maggie about her job.


A: When’s the conference?

B: It’s on Monday.

A: What time?

B:It’s at 1.30 p.m.


1.30–3.30 p.m.



5.30 p.m.

dance class


9.00 a.m.

appointment at the doctor’s


11.00 a.m.

interview for a new job


3.30 p.m.

marketing meeting


9.00 p.m.

Jack’s party


1.40 p.m.

tennis with Tom

8. Ask your friend about:

– what time he / she gets up;

– if he / she does morning exercises;

– if he / she has a shower;

– who makes breakfast for him / her;

– what time he / she leaves home;

– if he / she listens to music on the way home;

– what he / she does in the evening.
9. a) Work with a partner. Take in turns to ask each other the questions and to write down your partner’s answers.

Habits Questionnaire

Do you:

Yes, always

Yes, usually

Yes, often

Yes, sometimes

No, not usually

No, not very often

No, hardly ever

No, never

get bored when you are alone?

go abroad for your holidays?

watch TV in the evening?

go skiing in the winter?

have a boiled egg for breakfast?

feel nervous when you fly?

go to bed early?

get up before 7 o’clock?

go out at weekends?

remember your dreams?

plan for the future?

wake up without an alarm clock?

feel nervous when you meet new people?

have lunch at home?

surf the internet before you go to University?

borrow books from the library?

go shopping for food more than twice a week?

drink coffee in the evening?

go jogging?

b) When you have finished, write down six things about your partner,

e.g. Max usually goes skiing in the winter. He never remembers his dreams.

10. Watch a video “A Day in the Life: Oxford Student” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbr1DcGhLqQ and answer the questions:

1. What course does Paul study at?

2. What does he say about tutors?

3. Where did they start the journal?

4. How do students spend their free time at Oxford?
11. Write about a typical student’s day in Russia on the basis of the video.

1. a) Match the words with their meaning:

1) challenge

a) to be unable to do something or do not succeed in doing it

2) choice

b) to deal with, have responsibility for, or be in charge of

3) to fail

c) something new and difficult which requires great effort

4) to handle

d) someone or something that you choose from a range of things

5) volunteer

e) something given in exchange for a useful idea, good behavior, excellent work, etc.

6) reward

f) someone who does work without being paid for it

b) Fill in the gaps with the words from (a):

1. I’d prefer not to work but I don’t have much ________.

2. I’ve promised to finish the task by Friday, but it’s going to be quite a ________.

3. There’s a ________ for whoever finishes first.

4. I thought he ________ the situation very well.

5. She moved to London in the hope of finding work as a model, but ________.

6. He emphasized that all the people taking part in the research were ________.
2. a) What challenges do you face in your life? Read the article about ways people challenge themselves. What are some reasons to challenge ourselves every day?

We all face challenges in our lives. Sometimes they are small, other times they are big. For example, people lose their jobs, or they have health problems. Each day we have a choice on how we handle them. Sometimes we are proud, other times we fail. These challenges are difficult for all of us. However, if you challenge yourself, even when your life is going well, you can be ready to handle difficult situations in the future. You will be more confident and creative.

Challenging yourself means trying new things. These things will help you, but they may also be hard or scary. People have their own needs and goals. Some prefer smaller challenges, and others aren’t satisfied until they climb the highest mountain. Here are some examples:

Alison wants to be more fit. To challenge herself, she takes an exercise class.

Dan wants to improve his performance at work. He challenges himself by volunteering to do difficult tasks that no one else wants to do.

Mari is afraid to speak in public, so she challenges herself by taking a public speaking class.

Ken wants to improve his critical thinking skills. He now reads articles with opinions that are different from his.

Challenges are what change us and help us improve. If you want to learn something new, it is, by definition a challenge. The reward is how the new information helps you change and become better.
b) Answer the questions:

1. According to the text, what are some reasons to challenge yourself?

2. How does challenging yourself help you when you have real problem?

3. If you want to challenge yourself, what are some steps to follow?

3. Complete the sentences with the information from the text. Pay attention to adjective + preposition phrases.

1. Sometimes we are proud of … .

2. Some people aren’t satisfied with … .

3. Some people are confident in … .

4. Mari is afraid of … .

5. He now reads articles with opinions that are different from … .

6. These challenges are difficult for … .