Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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4. Complete the interview about difficulties in the life and challenges that people use to improve themselves. Choose the correct pronoun.

Int.: We are asking people about their challenges in life. How do you challenge your / yourself?

Antony: I never come to my work on time, so I’m challenging mine / myself to use time better. I made a special schedule. I did it all by myself / me. No one helped it / me! The schedule is very tight, but I am trying to stay on him / it. My colleagues all say that I’m doing well!

Int.: People are telling us how we / they are improving their / theirs lives. How are you improving your / yours?

Jane: I’m afraid of flying, so travel is difficult for me / I. I got help from my / mine friend who uses planes every week for hers / her work. My next flight is in a week and I feel rather confident about her / it.

Int.: What are your / yours challenges?

George: Our / ours is saving money. My wife and I / me want to buy a new flat, so our / we challenge is to spend less money. We / us are challenging us / ourselves to make a strict budget and stick to him / it.
5. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

1. Penny was losing, but she didn’t give in / at / on. She tried really hard and won the match in the end.

2. When he was young, Tom avoided thinking for / about / to getting a job. He preferred to have fun!

3. You really should make / do / go an effort to meet people and go out more.

4. One of the ways to deal over / with / at problems at school is to discuss your concerns with a teacher.

5. Amy will never get a job if she just waits for / at / over somebody to give her one.

6. Listen to the advice of older people. It’s the best way of making / having / doing the right choices in life.

7. If you can’t find the job you want, show / be / have patient and wait until the right opportunity comes along.

8. Strong-minded people lift / prove / rise to challenges in life.
6. Complete the sentences with AND, BUT, or OR.

Marco manages his time well and / or avoids stress.

He gets up early but / and makes breakfast.

In the mornings, Marco drives to work but / or takes the bus.

He likes to drive, or / but sometimes there is too much traffic.

When it rains, he takes both a raincoat and / but an umbrella.

He eats lunch at 12:00 or / and 12:30 every day.

He buys his lunch at work with cash but / or a credit card.

He likes his boss, and / or his boss likes him.

He likes his job, or / but his co-worker does not.

Mark works one day each weekend. He works on Saturday or / and Sunday.

On his day off from work, Mark relaxes with his wife but / and enjoys the time at home.
7. People manage stress in different ways. Write sentences with the correct form of the verb in Present Simple. Use adverbs of frequency in the correct position.

1. Mario / do yoga / in the morning / always.

2. Helen / listen to / music / sometimes.

3. Lisa / exercise / at the gym / often.

4. Helen / relax / in the evening / usually.

5. Lisa and Mario / go to bed late / never.
8. a) Read the text about Nick. Define the structure of each numbered sentence using Subject, Predicate, Direct Object and Indirect Object.

Nick wanted to go to college, but he didn’t have any money. So he asked his teacher Mrs. Lewis to help him.

Mrs. Lewis gave Nick some good advice.

Mrs. Lewis gave Nick the names of 5 scholarship organizations.

Mrs. Lewis gave Nick a letter of recommendation.

Nick sent the application to the scholarship organizations.

A few weeks later Nick told Mrs. Lewis the good news.

Three of the 5 organizations offered a scholarship to Nick.

Nick chose one organization, and it sent a check to his college.

Today, Nick is a successful computer technician. He overcame a great challenge with help from Mrs. Lewis.
b) Now rewrite each numbered sentence so to change its structure to Direct Object – Preposition – Indirect Object:

Mrs. Lewis gave some good advice to Nick.
9. When people pass tests they get very nervous. Complete the sentences about this challenge.

1. Studies show that students who do not sleep well / good do poor / poorly on tests.

2. Try to get a good / well night’s sleep before a test.

3. Do not stay up late / lately the night before a test.

4. It is common to feel nervous / nervously before the test, so try to relax.

5. Review everything carefully / careful two nights before a test.

6. The evening before a test, spend your time peaceful / peacefully: listen to music or take a warm bath.

7. On the morning of the test, eat proper / properly.

8. Drink water frequent / frequently throughout the day.

9. Be positive / positively. Tell yourself that you are smart / smartly and well prepared.
10. Watch a video “The Obstacle Is The Way – How To Overcome Life Challenges” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdrGMQGWrY0 and discover 3 lessons to help us overcome the obstacles.

11. a) Take a moment and consider some of your challenges.

How would your life change if you were to take them?

How much time and effort would it require, and how would you change for having attempted them?

Even if you don’t get where you hoped, what will you learn about yourself in the process?

How would you change?
b) Write down your goal. You can write about one of these topics or use your own ideas: finding a job, getting over a fear, deciding to take extra English class. Give your plan a start and a finish date.
c) Tell the group mates about your goal. Stick to your plan.



1. a) Match the words with their meaning:

1) rig

a) a group of workers who do a job for a period of time during the day or night

2) shift

b) the work done for periods of time shorter than the usual hours

3) plumber

c) a person, company, or organization that pays people to work for them

4) part-time job

d) the work done for the usual hours

5) full-time job

e) a kind of apparatus constructed for oil drilling

6) employer

f) a person whose job is to supply and connect or repair water pipes, baths 

b) Fill in the gaps with the words from (a):

1. Are you on the night ________ or the day ________?

2. We need a reference from your former ________.

3. The ________ is coming tomorrow to install the new washing machine.

4. Safety instructions are designed to cope with accidents on oil ________.

5. Wendy is a mother of three and she has found some ________.

6. She went back to her ________ when her youngest child went to school.
2. a) Read the text and find these things in the text:

– three things he does when he isn’t on duty;

– three other jobs that people do on the rig;

– two things he does when he is at home;

– two things that he likes when he is on the job;

– two problems with the job.
Thomas Becker lives in a village near Dusseldorf in Germany. He’s an oil engineer and he works on an oil rig in the North Sea.

Thomas lives on the rig for two weeks and then he has two weeks off. For the first week he is on the day shift from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. In the second week, he changes to the night shift. When he isn’t on duty, he always sleeps a lot. He usually goes to the gym too, and he sometimes plays basketball. There is a cinema on the rig, so Thomas normally watches three or four films a week.

About 430 people work on the rig. It’s like a small village with all sorts of workers – cleaners, engineers, plumbers, electricians, chefs, secretaries, computer engineers, nurses, and so on. After two weeks, Thomas leaves the rig and goes home. “We have a small farm, so there are always things to do”, he says. He likes fishing, and in the winter he often goes skiing.

Thomas likes his job. The money is very good and he enjoys the time at home, but there are problems.” The weather is often bad in the North Sea, so the rig moves a lot,” he says. “I rarely get seasick, but it isn’t very nice when I do. The biggest problem is the shift work. When I change from the day shift to the night shift, I can never sleep. I read a lot then”.
b) Are the statements true or false?

1. Thomas lives in Norway.

2. He goes home every day.

3. He always works on the day shift.

4. A shift is twelve hours.

5. Over 400 people work on the rig.

6. They are all engineers.

7. Thomas works in a shop when he is at home.

8. He doesn’t often get seasick in bad weather.
c) Write ten questions to ask Thomas:

Where do you work? Do you do shift work? …
3. Match (a–f) with the words in bold to get collocations about working activities:

I work in Accident and Emergency in a local hospital.

I work late most nights.

I work for Procter and Son. It’s a big law firm.

I’m working on a project for my class.

I’m doing work experience in a plant at the moment.

I run my own business.

a) a new product / a new film / developing social policy

b) a local paper / an airline / myself / Google

c) a primary school / sales / the marketing department

d) night shifts / hard / very long hours

e) the accounts / some research / a training course / repairs

f) hotel / a restaurant / my own studio / the sales team

4. a) Match the following nouns with the groups of adjectives:

1) job

2) work

3) business

4) employee

5) profession

6) career

a) full-time, part-time, hard, monotonous, boring, manual, seasonal;

b) big, small;

c) well-paid, badly-paid, dirty, dangerous, interesting, challenging;

d) interesting, modern, prestigious;

e) promising, diplomatic, academic;

f) skillful, qualified, industrious, responsible, self-disciplined

b) search for the difference between each of the two words below and use them in your own sentences:

job / work

a part-time job / a full-time job

a temporary job / a permanent job

an employer / an employee

to resign / to retire

qualifications / experience
5. Make the sentences negative and interrogative:

Example: He studies at University.

Does he study at University?

He doesn’t study at University.

1. Thomas lives on the rig for two weeks. 2. They normally do three projects a month. 3. He works late most nights. 4. My friend runs his own business. 5. The biggest problem is the shift work. 6. There is a warehouse in the plant. 7. Max often helps his friend with the projects. 8. He has a 9 to 5 job. 9. Her husband works in the energy plant.
6. Linda is answering questions about her job. Write the questions.

1. What / you / do? ________ What do you do ________?

I’m a graphic designer. I help customers with corporate branding.

2. Who / you / work for? ________?

Green Graphics Ltd.

3. Your office / be / near your home? ________?

Yes, it is. It only takes me 15 minutes to walk to work.

4. How many offices / your company / have? ________?

Three. Our main office is in London and the others are in Scotland.

5. Where / you / work? ________?

I usually work in Glasgow but go to the London office once a month.

6. You / like / your job? ________?

I love it, especially designing logos and other aspects of corporate identity.

7. How often / you / travel? ________?

I don’t travel very much these days, maybe two or three times a year.

8. How many days’ holiday / you / get? ________?

Eighteen, excluding bank holidays.
7. Put in the verbs in Present Simple. Use each verb once.

leave  /  eat  /  start  /  arrive  /  get up  /
watch  /  work  /  brush  /  have  /  like  /
drink  /  go  /  stop

Interviewer: How do you start the day, Jim?

Jim: Well, I ______ at six o’clock. I get washed and dressed, and I ______ breakfast at seven o’clock. After breakfast, I ______ my teeth. I ______ to work at eight.

Interviewer: When do you get to work?

Jim: I usually ______ at my office at about half past eight. First, I ______ a cup of coffee, and then I ______ work at 8.45 a.m.

Interviewer: Where do you work?

Jim: I ______ in a bank. I am a computer operator. I ______ my job. It’s very interesting.

Interviewer: When do you eat lunch?

Jim: I ______ work and I have lunch at one o’clock. I ______ a cup of tea at half past three.

Interviewer: When do you finish work?

Jim: I ______ the office at six o’clock. I eat dinner when I get home. Then I ______ TV for an hour or two.
8. a) Form the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives:

Example: great – greater – the greatest

Accurate, good, easy, wide, much, fast, bad, high, pure, difficult, important, little, stable, hard, heavy, safe.

b) Form the adjective from the following words by adding the correct suffix:

-ful, -ic, -y, -ant, -al, -able, -ent, -ial, -ive, -ible.

Danger, dirt, magnet, use, industry, rely, origin, expense, excel, experiment, wash, flex, resist, noise, practice, health, harm, renew.

9. Choose comparative forms of the adjectives from the list. You may use them more than once:

better  /  taller  /  newer  /  older  /  more  /  shorter  /  faster  /  slower

Example: They are faster than the old methods.

1. This technology is ______ than that one.

2. They are ______ than older technologies.

3. This engine is ______ than that engine.

4. I am ______ than you are.

5. We plan ______ than they do.

6. These technologies are ______ than those.

7. They work ______ than we do.

8. These engineers are ______ than those.

9. We work ______ than they do.

10. They save ______ money than we do.

11. Our company is ______ than your company.
10. Complete the following sentences with the adjective and adverb in brackets. Use each word once only.

1. The system will shut down ______. There is an ______ temperature control. (automatic / automatically)

2. New calculation methods have made the process much more ______. Quality control now runs more ______. (efficient / efficiently)

3. People are becoming more interested in ______ friendly products. There is a growing interest in ______ issues. (environmental / environmentally)

4. Safety procedures must be ______ followed to avoid accidents. The manager in a coal mine must be ______ about activities underground. (strict / strictly)
11. Read the part of Vicky’s letter to her friend about her new job and choose the correct answer to fill in the gaps.

My new job is great! I like it more / most / much / very better than my old one. The people here are more nice / nicer / nicest / most nice than I expected. Luckily my new boss isn’t as rude as / so / than / that my old boss was. She was the least / less / less and less / so friendly person I’ve ever met. Everyone here is older as I /
as me / than I / than me
. In fact, I’m the youngest person in / from / of the office. But I don’t mind. The good thing about the job is that I get
a bit / less / lot / much more money, although not much more than I did before.