Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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12. a) Watch a video “Process Engineer: Job Profile” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMKn0h9CxaA and answer the following questions:

1. In what sphere does he work?

2. How does he describe his job?

3. What is his career path?

4. What does he enjoy in his job?

5. Would he change anything?

6. What advice does he give?
b) Interview one of your relatives about his / her job and write a similar job profile.

1. a) Match the words with their meaning:

1) vehicle

a) a machine that produces electrical power

2) to manufacture

b) to have someone work or do a job for you and pay them for it

3) generator

c) a machine, usually with wheels and an engine, used for transporting people or goods on land

4) to employ

d) a system of working in which people work a set number of hours within a fixed period of time, but can change the time they start or finish work

5) component

e) to produce goods in large numbers, usually in a factory using machines

6) flexi-time

f) a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger

b) Fill in the gaps with the words from (a):

1. The emergency ________ are designed to cope with power cuts.

2. Good communication is an important ________ of any relationship.

3. Road ________ include cars, buses, and trucks.

4. Can’t we ________ someone as an assistant to help with all this paperwork?

5. 25 % of the employees work ________.

6. He works for a company that ________ car parts.
2. a) Read the text about a large multinational company and highlight advantages and disadvantages of working there.

I work for a large multinational company PAK Group. The company has been in business for 50 years. The main area of PAK Group’s business is motor vehicles. We manufacture components for our car production plants in Europe. We also export to Eastern Europe and the Far East. PAK headquarters are located in Dublin. There are about 20 production and warehousing facilities in more than 20 countries.

I am the Project Manager in a motor vehicle division in Poland. So I have to make sure our projects run smoothly. We specialize in medium-sized generators but we are hoping to diversify into larger models next year. Our Polish company employs about 80 people. I’m in charge of three Project Engineers. They take care of after-sales service.

In our division people work in teams. There are about four to six people in each team. I’m training to be a team leader now. Each team member is responsible for the quality of the goods we produce. They are multi-skilled so they can rotate jobs. They have a three-shift system – that’s three eight-hour shifts each weekday.

I do a forty-hour week. I’m on flexi-time. My work usually starts at 8 a.m. and finishes at 4.30 p.m. and I have half an hour for lunch. But I can start earlier or later if I want. Sometimes we work overtime and we’re paid double-time if we work at weekends.
b) Read the text again and complete the sentences with the prepositions.

We produce components ________ the car industry.

There are ________ 200 people in our company.

He is ________ charge of about twenty-six assembly workers.

Who takes care ________ after-sales service?

They are responsible ________ financial side of business.

We specialize ________ top-of-the-range cars.

He doesn’t work fixed hours. He is ________ flexi-time.

The company has been ________ business ________ 20 years.
3. Match the following descriptions with one of the jobs below. Use the dictionary if necessary.

production planner  /  electronic engineer  /  joiner mechanic  /  fitter /

machine operator /  inspector  /  welder  /  electrician  /  lab technician

Example: Someone who works with wood: joiner

1. Someone who works in a laboratory: ……

2. Someone who works with a machine in a production line: ……

3. Someone who puts together, adjust or installs machinery or equipment: ……

4. Someone who works with electrical equipment: ……

5. Someone who joins metal together, usually using heat: ……

6. Someone who repairs and maintains engines, especially car engines: ……

7. Someone who checks the quality of work or goods: ……

8. Someone who schedules the order of production runs: ……

9. Someone who works with things like computers, radios, etc.: ……
4. Read each quote. Decide who can say it.


grocery buyer

computer technician

horse trainer

science teacher

book salesperson

English teacher

police officer



book illustrator

bank teller

dog trainer




1. “I’d better get this field plowed before the rains come.”

2. “Sir, you were going 10 mph over the limit. May I see your license?”

3. “Would you like to deposit this into your checking or savings account?”

4. “There will be a quiz on Friday covering the chapter on weather.”

5. “The problem is that the power cord from the monitor is not working.”

6. “We’re having a sale on mysteries. May I help you find a title or author?”

7. “This breed is especially good with young children in the house.”
5. Give the correct form of the verb in Present Continuous:

1. They ______ (test) an engine for a new model this week.

2. Our company ______ (use) a lot of modern technologies nowadays.

3. At present we ______ (try) to improve our collection system.

4. Currently, our plant ______ (produce) components for a car industry.

5. The supervisor ______ (check) the delivery now.

6. At present we ______ (use) plastic packaging.

7. They ______ (install) solar panels on the roof.

8. Engineers have found the leak in the fuel tank, and now they ______ (repair) it.
6. Choose the correct form of the verb – Present Simple or Present Continuous:

A:So, Nick, what do you do / are you doing?

N: I’m an architect.

A: Do you work / Are you working alone, or with a team?

N:I run / am running my own office with a partner.

A:Oh, I see / am seeing. And do you work / are you working long hours?

N:Sometimes, yes. Right now, we’re busy, so we work / are working 10–12 hours a day. But it’s not always like that.

A:What do you work / are you working on at the moment? Anything interesting?

N: Yes, we design / are designing a sports and leisure center.

A: Do you ever get / Are you ever getting stressed out?

N:Very rarely. I don’t work / am not working alone, so we share / are sharing the worry!
7. a) Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous:

These days I ______ (not take) good care of myself. Most of the time I ______ (eat) healthy food and I ______ (exercise), but currently I ______ (not live) a healthy lifestyle. I ______ (work) at a big company. During the holidays the office ______ (get) very busy. Usually I ______ (not work) overtime, but this holiday season I ______ (work) 16 hours every day. I ______ (make) more money, but I ______ (not get) enough sleep because I ______ (work) so much. I always ______ (feel) tired these days. Usually I ______ (enjoy) this time of the year, but I ______ (not like) it this year. I ______ (look forward) to the end of the holiday season.

b) Use this paragraph to help you write about a change in habits or routines that you are experiencing these days. Use these sentence starters to help you:

Usually I __________, but these days __________.

Most of the time I __________, but right now __________.
8. At work Mark is talking to Alan in the corridor. Complete their conversation with Present Continuous or Present Simple of the verbs.

Mark: Are you looking (you / look) for someone?

Alan: Yes, ________ (I / need) to speak to Neil. He isn’t in his office.

Mark: ________ (he / talk) to the boss at the moment. ________ (I / think) ________ (they / discuss) money.

Alan: Oh, right. And what about you? ________ (you / look) for someone too?

Mark: Yes, Linda. ________ (you / know) where she is?

Alan: Oh, she isn’t here today. She only ________ (work) four days a week. ________ (she / not / work) on Fridays. She’ll be here on Monday.

Mark: Thank you. ________ (you / know) a lot about Linda.

Alan: Well, most days ________ (I / give) her a lift, or ________ (she / give) me one. ________ (she / live) quite close to me. ________ (it / save) petrol.

Mark: Yes, of course. Good idea. Yes, ________ (I / agree). Well, ________ (I / waste) my time here then. I’ll get back to my computer.
9. Fill in the gaps with yet, recently, how long, never, since, just, so far, ever, already, for.

1. ________ have you been in business?

2. I have ________ been on business trip abroad.

3. He has ________ had a holiday this year.

4. This place has changed ________ our last visit.

5. The manager’s not in. He’s ________ left.

6. Have you spoken to a PR specialist ________?

7. They have exported very good machines ________ two years.

8. Have you ________ tried finding a job in a multinational company?

9. How many applicants have you talked to ________?

10. We haven’t left the office ________.

10. Put the verb into the correct form (Present Continuous, Present Simple, Present Perfect):


It ________ (be) time since my last visit to you. I ________ (still, work) at NBS and the company ________ (do well). This is very fortunate as many of my friends ________ (lose) their jobs. Our savings ________ (take) a disastrous dive because of the economy. I ________ (know) the situation everywhere is difficult and I ________ (be) happy I still have a job. My friend Robbie and his wife Amy ________ (now, live) in Virginia. Robbie ________ (finish) studying business course. He ________ (run) a small business in partnership with another woman. He and Amy ________ (look) for a full-time job, though, as they ________ (lose) money also. As I say, many people ________ (have) a hard time now.
11. Cross out the incorrect words or phrases in each sentence.

1. I’ve already / yet / just met him. He seems like a nice person.

2. I’m not looking at any of my emails this week / at the moment / all the time. I’m on holiday.

3. We already / always / usually have a good time when we get together.

4. I haven’t seen him online for a long time / lately / at the moment.

5. I chat on Skype with my friends who are abroad every week / now / all the time.

6. Because of my new job, I’m meeting a lot of new people every time / these days / nowadays.
12. Look at the job advertisements from a newspaper and fill in the gaps with words from the list.

guests / included / license / photo / calm / speech / vet /

experience / friendly / required

DRIVING INSTRUCTOR wanted. Part-time job. Must have clean (1) ________, be patient and (2) ________. Flexible hours. £27.50 an hour. Tel: 0302-463-274.

COFFEE SHOP ASSISTANT / BARISTA needed with (3) ________ in working with barista coffee machines and food preparation. Ideal Candidate must be polite, professional and (4) ________ with customers, clients and colleagues. £8 an hour. Tel: 0305-663-294.

ASSISTANT to (5) ________. Full time day shift position, some weekends. Animal care experience of both dogs and cats is (6) ________. Cox and Brown: 23745.

An opportunity to become a TELEVISION NEWS-READER. The successful person must have clear (7) ________ and an attractive appearance. Apply and send your (8) ________ to Nexstar Media Group Inc.

PORTER wanted in town centre hotel to join our team looking after (9) ________. Uniform and meals (10) ________. Weekend / shift work. Full training will be provided. £8.13 an hour. Apply to Odney Hotel.
13. a) Think of any job you like. Make notes in your copybook and mention the following:

  • areas of work (IT, engineering, law, tourism, accountancy, education, healthcare, marketing, financial services, customer services, advertising, social care, agriculture, etc.)

  • place of work (indoors / outdoors, in the office, at University, at a factory, at a hotel, at a studio, etc.)

  • type of work / job (full-time, part-time, temporary, permanent)

  • nature of work (human contacts, a lot of paperwork, team work, solving problems, travelling a lot, dealing with customs, etc.)

  • pay (salary, well-paid, holiday pay, sick pay, income tax, etc.)

  • working hours (nine-to-five job, flexi-time, shift work, work overtime)

  • problems at work (boss or colleagues)

  • adjectives describing your job (tiring, well-paid, rewarding, stressful, etc.)

b) Write 8 questions about your partner’s possible job.
c) Interview your partner about the job he / she likes.
1. a) Match the words with their meaning:

1) management

a) the fact that something is not available or that there is not enough of it

2) lack

b) doing too much work

3) overwork

c) to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim, especially after a lot of work or effort

4) to ignore

d) the control and organization of something, esp. a business and its employees

5) to achieve

e) to arrange in order of importance so that you can deal with the most important things before the others

6) to prioritize

f) to give no attention to something or someone

b) Fill in the gaps with the words from (a):

1. They __________ our warnings.

2. The company has suffered from several years of bad __________.

3. He has already _______ his main ambition in life – to become wealthy.

4. Her headaches are likely caused by _________.

5. You have to ________ in this job because you can’t do everything.

6. His answer demonstrated a complete _____ of understanding of the question.
2. a) Read the text and title each paragraph:

1. _________________ It seems that there is never enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? The answer lies in good time management. Time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities. Good time management enables an individual to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and leads to career success.

2. _________________ One of the biggest problems that most people have, isn’t just in how they can get enough done in such a demanding world, but also how they maintain some balance without feeling too overworked. This isn’t just about achieving and going after goals around the clock. This is also about quality of life.

3. _________________ If you lack balance in your life, you’re going to feel stressed out. Even if you’re able to effectively juggle your responsibilities, without proper balance you’re going to eventually reach your breaking point. So, it’s important to not only follow a system that will help you get things done, but also prioritize personal and family time. Don’t forget to do things like take a walk in the park or just sit and listen to your favorite music with headphones on, or paint a picture, go on a date night and so on. That’s more important than you can think.

4. _________________ And when you do that, you achieve some balance. Life is short. So don’t ignore those things while you reach for your bigger goals.