Файл: Учебник Самара Самарский государственный технический университет 2021.docx

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7. Многие студенты оплачивают свое образование.
10. Read the text “Student Mobility” and answer the questions.

1. What is student mobility?

2. Why are such students preferred?

3. What are the advantages of studying abroad?

4. What is the problem with student mobility?

Student mobility is the overseas movement of students, which helps them to improve their employability skills, develop international networks, broaden their cultural outlook, learn in a different environment and gain a new perspective. National governments support the idea of international education and recognize the benefits that their students get while studying overseas. Students who graduate with internationally relevant degrees are required by industries, companies and other enterprises in their own countries. They help their countries to compete internationally. Therefore, those students are preferred employees everywhere and employers indicate that an overseas study experience is becoming more and more important. Fortunately, all the credits earned at overseas universities are accepted in transfer by universities back home.

There are many student-exchange programs, which are a vehicle for those young people who are keen to experience education abroad. These programs do not just provide opportunities to take courses in other institutions, but also to experience how these courses are taught elsewhere. If the exchange program is in an overseas institution, students get the benefit of experiencing life in a different country, living in a different culture or among several cultures, learning a foreign language.

For those who are interested in this option, funding may be the only problem, as many exchange programs generally require that the exchange students pay their own way to and from the overseas institution. The expenses can come up to a large sum including the prices of return air tickets, travel, and room and board.

11. Imagine that you are going to study abroad. Tell about your future journey.

1. What are my objectives and reasons for wanting to study overseas?

2. What are my academic and career goals?

3. How will I finance 6 months or a year overseas?

4. When will be the best time to go abroad?

5. What are my outside interests? (Student Governments; sport competitions; Volunteer Activities (rebuilding homes, planting trees, etc.); Multicultural Activities; plays; musicals; dance concerts; singing groups; Religious organizations; Media organizations)

6. What sort of accommodation do I want to live in? (Family homestays; university halls of residence; independent hostels; private rented accommodation)

7. What are my language skills? (My English is fluent and accurate; I can speak English with some confidence; I have a good basic ability to communicate and understand; I can communicate in a very basic way; I have never studied English)
12. In each of the following sentences there is a mistake. Find it and correct it.

1. She told me that she is an apprentice with the construction company.

2. The tutor told we that exams measured a small part of a person’s abilities.

3. The dean asked me what science subjects I have chosen.

4. She asked me if I want to attend this conference.

5. My friend advised me don’t take a gap year.

6. He told me he has had practice in a big plant.

7. The interviewer wondered if my English is fluent.

8. The employer assured my work experience will earn me credits.

9. He asked me how had technology improved the educational system.
13. Report these quotes. Use the words: explained, said, assured, warned, announced, told, mentioned.

1. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” (Benjamin Franklin)

2. “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” (Malcolm X)

3. “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” (Albert Einstein)

4. “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” (Jim Rohn)

5. “Wisdom…. comes not from age, but from education and learning.” (Anton Chekhov)

6. “The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth” (Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus)

7. “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” (Henry Ford)

8. “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” (Alvin Toffler)
14. Watch a video “Apprenticeship: Building Your Career” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU6jEK7coc0 and answer the questions.

1. Why is an apprenticeship also called ‘earn as you learn’?

2. What do apprentices learn in the classrooms?

3. How long does it take to complete an apprenticeship?

4. What are the reasons to choose the apprenticeship path?

5. Who can be an apprentice?
15. Make a report on your university referring to its website and highlight the following points: mission statement, departments, degrees, ratings, etc.

1. Connect with the topic.

  • What department do you study at?

  • Who helped you to make a choice?

  • What subjects do you study?

  • What subjects are you good at?

  • What personal traits are required for your future job?

  • What are the career opportunities for the graduates of your department?

2. Match the words with their meaning:

1) top-rated

a) the skills and abilities that allow you to be employed

2) to benefit

b) considered to be the best or among the best

3) requirement

c) requiring great effort and determination

4) advantage

d) the temporary posting of someone in a workplace to enable them to gain work experience

5) challenging

e) something that you need or that is demanded

6) processing

f) to perform or carry out a duty or task

7) failure

g) the carrying out of operations on data, especially by a computer, to retrieve, transform, or classify information

8) employability

h) to receive an advantage; profit

9) placement

i) nonperformance of something required or expected

10) to fulfill

j) a way in which one thing is better than another

3. Fill in the gaps using the words from Ex. 2.

1. The accident was caused by engine ________.

2. All the conditions ________ in the experiment.

3. Both countries ________ from the treaty.

4. He was good at solving ________ problems.

5. Our company is one of the 10 ________ companies in the region.

6. The department I work in deals with the ________ of data.

7. If you are unemployed you should consult a job ________ expert.

8. Before entering the university study the entrance ________.

9. The university tries to provide ________ for its graduates.

10. This system has one great ________ over other ones.

4. Read the information from the university prospectus and compare it with your own university. Make a list of university subjects.

Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London is one of the largest and most advanced departments in mechanical engineering in the UK. We were the top-rated Department of Mechanical Engineering in the recent Research Assessment Exercise 2008, held by the UK Government.

Mechanical engineering continues to play a key role in developing, operating and manufacturing new machines, devices and processes to benefit mankind. Mechanical engineers apply their creative imagination and professional skills to combine both theory and practice in a variety of situations. For this, they need an in-depth understanding of scientific principles and engineering processes. They also need to be able to develop solutions to real-life problems in the face of conflicting requirements. Mechanical engineers in the commercial world combine technical and management skills to retain the competitive advantage for their companies.

The overall mission of the Department is to deliver world-class scholarship, education and research in Mechanical Engineering, with particular regard to their application in industry, healthcare and commerce.

Mechanical engineering study is an excellent springboard for careers not only in engineering, but also in many other challenging fields. There is a lively and consistent demand for our graduates from a broad spectrum of industrial, government and commercial organizations.

First and second years.

During these years, a careful mix of lectures, practicals and case studies develops your understanding in: mechanical engineering (engineering design, mechanics, modelling and mathematics); professional skills (teamwork, communication and management); and materials (the properties, selection, processing, failure and protection of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites). These are related to industries such as aerospace, automotive, sports, and power generation.

At the end of your second year, a ten-week, paid industrial placement allows you to put these skills into practice; eligible students can choose the special programme, which involves a six-month industrial project in the fourth year.

Third and fourth years.

The third year advances your understanding of mechanical engineering whilst you gain specialist knowledge in areas of materials, such as aerospace, sports and biomaterials, that interest you most. You also take part in an individual research project or a multidisciplinary project.

Year in industry.

We help and encourage you to gain work experience in an engineering firm. Industrial experience increases your employability, helps you to choose your career path and increases your motivation to succeed in your chosen profession. This could be a placement between your second and third years, a single semester of the fourth-year project, a summer vacation job, or a gap year between school and university.

Career opportunities.

Our many close industrial links mean that your employment prospects are excellent. On graduation you will have the specialist knowledge, understanding and transferable skills needed to fulfill a challenging and rewarding career in any industry making or using materials; such as, for example, Rolls-Royce, Jaguar Cars, GSK and Corus.
5. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Факультет машиностроения; одни из лучших; играть важную роль в раз­витии; соединить теорию и практику; находить решения проблем в жизненных ситуациях; приносить пользу компании; давать стипендию; применение в про­мышленности; превосходный старт для дальнейшей карьеры; выпускник; недавний; человечество; технический процесс; что касается (относительно); работа в команде; иметь отношение; производство энергии; осуществлять (приводить в жизнь); поощрять (одобрять).
6. a) Match the words to get word combinations:

1) industrial

a) experience

2) key

b) skills

3) management

c) path

4) consistent

d) links

5) case

e) knowledge

6) industrial

f) demand

7) gain

g) placement

8) work

h) role

9) increase

i) study

10) career

j) employability

b) Fill in the gaps using the words from (a) and answer the questions.

1. What ________ students’ employability?

2. Does your university have ________ links with regional enterprises?

3. Who influenced your career ________?

4. What professions are always in ________ demand in the modern society?

5. Why is it necessary for students to analyze case ________?

6. Are ________ skills necessary for all specialties?

7. Which companies can students get industrial ________?

8. Does mechanical engineering play a key ________ in industry?

9. What spheres should you ________ knowledge to get a well-paid job?

10. Where can students gain work ________?
7. Are the statements True or False?

  1. The Department of Mechanical Engineering was the top-rated the previous year.

  2. Nowadays Mechanical Engineering surrenders the top position.

  3. Mechanical engineers need management skills.

  4. Mechanical engineering study deal only with engineering.

  5. There is a consistent demand for mechanical engineering graduates.

  6. During the first and second years of study, students have a mix of lectures, practicals and case studies.

  7. Students are not paid for industrial training.

  8. The department doesn’t encourage students to gain work experience.

  9. The department has a lot of links with employers.

  10. On graduation students don’t have challenging employment opportunities.

8. Answer the questions using the information from the text.

1. Why is the Department of Mechanical Engineering so popular?

2. Does mechanical engineering play an important role in industry?

3. What do mechanical engineers do?

4. Is it necessary for engineers to be skillful?

5. Which subjects do you study? Are there any subjects you would like to drop?

6. Is your course practical? Do you like this way of working?

7. How are you assessed? Do you think this is fair?
9. Match each engineering branch with one of the processes:

1. Automotive engineering


a) construction of buildings and infrastructure ranging from skyscrapers and schools to roads and water mains.

2. Civil engineering


b) the best ways to use electrical power in numerous products, work with electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The primary duties of this profession include designing, developing, testing and overlooking the production or installation of electrical equipment, components and systems.

3. Information technology engineering


c) environmental problems and finds solutions to issues that affect the environment.

4. Electrical engineering

deals with

d) software engineering, hardware engineering, integration of hardware and software or validation and verification of hardware and software components.

5. Mechanical engineering


e) generators, turbines, refrigeration equipment, engines, industrial gear, elevators

6. Environmental engineering


f) cars and automobile systems, works on all physical aspects of the car, developing new technologies, improving fuel efficiency and generally making cars safer and more profitable, finds cost-effective materials for building products and identifies ways of improving fuel-system performance.

7. Hydroelectric engineering


g) and maintains the mechanical technology at hydroelectric plants and oversees the overall performance on the plant.

8. Defense engineering


h) technology that is used to ensure national security and maintain the stability of governments and nations throughout the world.

10. a) Match the verbs with prepositions: